Batesford Highway Action Group | Community
Batesford Highway Action Group
Address: Midland Highway 3213 Batesford, VIC, Australia
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25.01.2022 Update from Batesford Highway Action Group It has been a busy couple of months for the members of the BHAG. In early March a meeting was held with Sarah Henderson MP, Richard Riordan MP and David Hodgett, Deputy Leader of the Opposition/Shadow Minister for Roads & Infrastructure|Ports & Freight. This gave us the opportunity to put our case forward on behalf of the Batesford Community and seek their ongoing assistance. On Wednesday 21st March we held a Community Meeting at t...he Batesford Hotel with approx. 91 people in attendance. It was great to see such good attendance and the support of our community. We met with VicRoads last week and they have completed their assessment of the Batesford Community Bypass option, that was submitted to them in early March. Vic Roads feedback is that this 5th option is 4 times the cost of Option ,1 and 2.5 times the cost of options 2, 3 and 4. BHAG has had very little time to fully assess all of the information as it was given to us very late in the process of business case development, but our initial assessment is that we don’t agree with their analysis. In addition, we are starting to gain media interest, such as another article that is likely to be published in tomorrow’s Geelong Advertiser. We are now awaiting the budget to be released on 1st May, so that we can determine the next steps including a public rally that was discussed at the recent Community meeting. Batesford Highway Action Group [email protected]
22.01.2022 Community Meeting - Wednesday 21st March 2018 A Community Meeting will be held on Wednesday 21st March at 7.30pm in the function room at the Batesford Hotel. The Batesford Highway Action Group will give an update of our engagement to date and the next step in the process.
22.01.2022 Batesford Highway Action Group Progress update - January 2018 As we start 2018, it is timely for the Batesford Highway Action Group (BHAG) to provide all residents with an update of progress. Since the group’s inception in September 2017 after the community meeting to discuss the response to the proposed options to Upgrade the Midland Highway, the group has been actively engaging with stakeholders to ensure the Batesford community needs are being addressed. We have provided a... submission to Vic Roads to reject all 4 Vic Roads options; to request Vic Roads consider the implications to the Batesford community and explore more strategic options. A copy of the submission is available on the Batesford Highway Action Group Facebook page and at the Batesford Hotel. In addition to this, we have been actively engaging with key stakeholders across Local, State and Federal government and other stakeholders such as Transport Companies, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative and The Geelong Historical Society. We are actively engaging with Vic Roads, including inviting them to meetings with the group, and have taken representatives on a tour of our community to ensure they have a clear understanding of the Batesford environment and impacts, not just modelling off a map or satellite images. In the coming weeks we have further meetings booked with Vic Roads and government representatives, including the CEO and Mayor of Golden Plains Shire, local members and a BHAG delegation will be attending parliament to meet with the state shadow transport minister to ensure that the voice of the Batesford Community is heard. As we have more updates and we are aware of next steps, we will keep you informed of updates. If you would like any further information, or would like to engage with the Action Group we also have an email address available [email protected].
20.01.2022 Update from Batesford Highway Action Group - The Vic Roads proposal for a Midland Highway upgrade has not been funded in the Budget release today, 1st May 2018 . This will give us the time and opportunity to work closely with Vic Roads over the next 12 months, to come up with a more viable option that meets the needs of all Batesford Community Members. As a group we will continue to meet on a regular basis and keep our Community informed. We appreciate the support that we have had to date and look forward to the ongoing support of the Batesford Community.
20.01.2022 In response to community interest, please find attached the proposed alternate route put forward to VicRoads by the Batesford Highway Action Group. This alternate proposal was developed in direct response to VicRoads not coming forward with a true bypass for the Batesford Community and to further engage them in meaningful discussions. VicRoads are currently undertaking assessments of the proposed alternate route. The attached proposal addresses the following issues: Min...imise impact on Batesford residents Preservation of existing lifestyle Improved safety outcomes Impact on environmental assets and amenity Cater for expected heavy vehicle growth It should be recognised that BHAG mandate was to object to all 4 options, but with the acceptance that the existing highway requires significant upgrade. BHAG are currently in the process of organising a Community Meeting to provide an update on our engagement and processes that are taking place. Further information to follow.
18.01.2022 Reminder- Community Meeting - Tomorrow night A Community Meeting will be held on Wednesday 21st March at 7.30pm in the function room at the Batesford Hotel. The Batesford Highway Action Group will give an update of our engagement to date and the next step in the process.
16.01.2022 Submission to the Midland Highway upgrade Bannockburn to Geelong planning study Executive Summary The Batesford community objects to the proposed VicRoads Midland Highway upgrade options. On behalf of the community we are making this submission based on these three points: A rejection of all four tabled options,...Continue reading
14.01.2022 Community Meeting - Tonight at 7.30pm in the Function Room at the Batesford Hotel.
12.01.2022 Progress update: The Batesford Highway Action Group (BHAG) lodged a submission with VicRoads objecting to all of the four options proposed (see post 7 October 2017). Since then, BHAG members have met with representatives from VicRoads to again oppose the four options and to express the community’s insistence that a bypass be developed. VicRoads have agreed to respond to the concerns raised by BHAG and to discuss their progress towards finalising their business case. BHAG will... update the Batesford community as more details come to hand. In the meantime, BHAG continues to take action on a number of fronts to ensure that the community’s objections to the VicRoads proposals are heard loud and clear. We encourage all Batesford residents to like the ‘Batesford Highway Action Group’ Facebook page in order to receive updates on BHAG progress. BHAG thank you for your support.
07.01.2022 Geelong Advertiser Friday 9th March 2018
06.01.2022 Progress update: The Batesford Highway Action Group (BHAG) has been busy sending emails with a copy of our submission to all relevant Stakeholders in regards to the Batesford Community’s objection to the 4 options proposed by Vic Roads. Stakeholders have included State and Local Politicians, Golden Plains Shire and City of Greater Geelong, Transport Companies, Corangamite Catchment Management Authority, Wathaurong Aboriginal Cooperative and The Geelong Historical Society. ...We have had positive support to date which is encouraging. We are in communication with VicRoads and they are working through the concerns we have raised and are still in the process of preparing reports. We did have a meeting scheduled with them recently, which unfortunately they were unable to attend at the last minute. Please be assured that The Batesford Highway Action Group (BHAG) comprising of a core group of approx 14 residents are continuing with regular meetings. We encourage all Batesford residents to like the ‘Batesford Highway Action Group’ Facebook page in order to receive updates on BHAG progress. BHAG thank you for your support.
01.01.2022 The BHAG has continued to have regular meetings to strategise the communities opposition to the four proposed options set by VicRoads. Notwithstanding that position as a sole outcome, the community and BHAG concede that a well thought out, deliberate and fit for purpose alternative option should be investigated. With an undertaking to meet the needs of future developments, road corridors, and minimise detriment to the community, environment and amenity of Batesford. The BHAG ...Continue reading