Baulch Services in Montmorency, Victoria, Australia | Kitchen & bathroom contractor
Baulch Services
Locality: Montmorency, Victoria, Australia
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25.01.2022 Hope your Easter was as bright & fun as this beautiful 70s bathroom. Thanks @cin_speak for the wallpaper mag clippings. So much to love about the bold colours, shapes, finishes & styling of the 70s.
25.01.2022 $1 0 0 0 T H A N K Y O U T E A C H E R S C OM P E T I T I O N RYE PRESCHOOL... Congratulations!!! Your most amazing teachers have won $1000!!! Time to party like it 2021 Thanks to the following thoughtful humans for nominating Rye PreSchool to win.... @gerryandel @julieirvine8322 @instasammylee @sairdean @mel_seakins @casey_downie @mattwatts81 Another special thanks to the beautiful Craig, Sharae, Billy (dog) & soon to be member of the family for showing us all around their bathroom & drawing the winners for us. This comletition has been so much fun. As a family with a Preppy, a Kinder kid & a business to keep afloat, this year has thrown us some challenges. We could not have done this without the support of the teachers at our kids school & kinder. Wishing we had a money tree so we could give all those nominated $1000. Metro Melbourne we did it. To all the teachers that helped us get there. THANKYOU. If you'd like to watch the live draw head over to our Facebook page. Live streaming a zoom was above my technical capabilities #stage4outthedoor #thankyouteachers #ryepreschool #schoolsback #bathroomrenovations #qualitymelbournebuilder #skylights #kitchenrenovations #reecebathrooms #yeomansbagnoceramiche #purdysfurniture
25.01.2022 Lots of fun for our talented carpenter today learning how to remove lath & plaster walls at our Ivanhoe project. The walls behind almost a work of art in themselves. So what decade did builders move from the lath & plaster to plasterboard. Over to you...
24.01.2022 So excited to be putting all our planning efforts into getting ready to build our first ever virtually designed project Our amazing design team @gdp_interiordesign dooned there PPE to conduct an on site visit with our clients via Face time just two weeks ago. Millions of photos were captured & measurements taken. Concept sketches hand drawn; mood boards created; client review meetings held virtually; CAD floor plans & elevations in round 2 revisions. Fixed price quota...tion is on it's way... We've prioritised this project as no one is living in this home ATM. This has put the heat on our design process & the @gdp_interiordesign Team are delivering. Our project schedules are being developed in accordance with current COVID-9 building regulations. No more than two trades on site at a time. We can do that This awesome team can do anything. Feeling very grateful for all the wonderful people that make up @baulchservices. We love doing what we do. Adapting to this new world has had its challenges but look what we've achieved so far. The sky is the limit Can't wait to bring these designs to this space for progress pics.
24.01.2022 Waiting for our next support webinar hosted by our totally amazing Business Coach @businessbenchmarkgroup. We could 100% not have navigated through this challenging time without you. So much gratitude. Looking forward to learning from David Buttifant.
24.01.2022 Live vote to select our three finalists today from Paul & Shana's beautiful new bathroom. Thanks to all our amazing sponsors for helping create such a great prize. GDP Interior Design Reece Bathrooms Yeomans Bagno & Ceramiche Dreamcraft Interiors Natural Timber Decor Beacon Lighting About Space Haymes Paint Thanks also to all those that entered. Voting Booth now open until 4pm on Tuesday 5th May. Finalist with the most votes on the Facebook & Instagram post wins ... Vote away
24.01.2022 If you're not doing much at 10am tomorrow & fancy getting your networking on. Log into this for some free business sharing & learning. Because we're never to old to learn new things
24.01.2022 Thanks Houzz for featuring our COVID masterpiece
23.01.2022 B A T H T I M E Would love to be taking some timeout with a good book, a candle & cuppa in this devine bathroom today. Instead I'm strumming my guitar feeling grateful that COVID has given me the time, inclination & motivation to have a go at learning something new. ... @justinguitar thanks for being such a great teacher & thanks @theacousticcentre for finding me the perfect guitar to learn upon Books n bath this afternoon
20.01.2022 G U E S S W H O ? No stranger to renovations with 15 + years of experience transforming homes. We're wondering how much he paid his references to say all the wonderful things they did about him . If even half is true, we are feeling so lucky to be welcoming him to our team today. Lover of all things sport & Captain of his cricket club, mad Essendon supporter, but we won't hold that against him & cousin to the legendary Mitch Wallis. Secretly the real reason he got the job... . Can you guess the man behind the mask? drum roll please.... It is Brett Barron our new & extraordinarily talented Leading Carpenter. Welcome to the team Brett. We hope you are as excited as we are about joining our team. We are looking forward to getting to know you, learning together & of course creating amazing spaces in people's homes together. . . . . . . #newbeginnings #welcometotheteam #qualitymelbournebuilder #businessbenchmarkgroup #banyulebusiness #bathroomrenovations #kitchenrenovations #renovate #homebuildergrant #design #luxurybathrooms #interiordesign #homerenovation #cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast #positivevibes #reecebathrooms
20.01.2022 We've got everything crossed that this new requirement will pass. But for now we will add face masks to our COVID safe worksite practices. #covidsafe #covidrenovations #safeworksite #designerbathrooms #qualitymelbournebuilder #letsdothistogether
20.01.2022 S C H O O L S B A C K C O M P E T I T I O N We are giving away$1,000to a school, kinder or childcare centre in metro Melbourne to celebrate our teachers. + BONUS$75 @weresttrading voucherprize draw for sharing this competitionto your Instagram stories. Don't forget to tag@baulchservices to go into the draw to win ... HOW TO ENTER: 1.FOLLOWBaulch Services Instagram account. 2. In theCOMMENTSnominate the school, kinder & or childcare (can be multiple) & tell us why you want them to win $1,000. 3.BONUS $75 @weresttrading voucher prize draw for anyone that shares this post on their Instagram stories. Make sure you tag@baulchservices so we can put you into the draw to win. *** UPDATED CONDITIONS BELOW *** Each entry will go into the draw to win. NEW1 You can nominate multiple places in the one entry. You must like our Instagram Page for your entry to go into the draw. Entries close 12pm Sunday 18th October. $1000 draw & $75 voucher both drawn live on Instagram at 3pm, Sunday 18th October. Anyone that shares this post on Instagramwill go into the draw to win our Bonus $75@weresttrading voucher. Make sure you tag us so you go into this draw. This competition is open to anyone wanting to spread lovenegatively (if any) will be deleted
19.01.2022 Concepts for our next Zoom video date. If you're itching to get planning your dream bathroom, kitchen or laundry renovation we're open for business & would love to help.
19.01.2022 Our awsome Carpenter Blake feeling pretty happy about his chicken ceaser salad lunch. Thanks Em Blake's feeling 'so satisfied' his words.
18.01.2022 It's voting time. Our three competition finalists have been drawn. Vote here within comments to help decide which of these bathrooms most needs to win our Designer Bathroom makeover! Massive thanks to all those that entered. Thanks also to all our wonderful suppliers and sponsors for helping us put such a great prize together. Finally thanks Paul & Shana for drawing the finalists live from their beautiful new bathroom that we have the privilege of renovating for them. Voting open until 4PM Tuesday 5th May 2020. Good luck.
18.01.2022 Our first ISO project almost ready to enjoy. To think that we had never used Zoom before this project hit our design team! Wow how life & work has changed for us over the last 4 months. Can't wait to share more pics of this stunning transformation. DESIGNER @gdp_interiordesign @agidesieno ... PHOTOGRAPHER @katehansenphotography BUILDER @baulchservices See more
16.01.2022 H I A A W A R D S F I N A L I S T We are super proud that our very own Megan Baulch is a finalist in the 2020 HIA-CSR Victoria Housing and Kitchen & Bathroom Awards for Business Partner of the Year! This award considers the important work done off site in small to medium residential building businesses. The type of essential work that carries a business forward day by day. ... Megan is a dynamic project manager and always brimming with bright ideas. We wish Megan and all the HIA finalists a great night and lots of luck... *** This HIA event will be streamed live on Friday, 11 December from 5:30pm and you can register to attend here: Alternatively the awards will be on the @hia_vic Facebook page. #gomegsy #baulchservices #businesspartner #hiaawards #hiavic #independantbuildersnetwork #businesspartneraward2020 #qualitymelbournebuilder #designmatters #reecebathrooms #businessbenchmarkgroup #banyulebusiness #bathroomrenovations #kitchenrenovations #renovate #homebuildergrant #design #luxurybathrooms #interiordesign #homerenovation #hia_au #cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast #positivevibes #thankyou
16.01.2022 N I C H E C O L L E C T I O N A bathroom essential with so many finishing options. Needless to say we do love a niche.
16.01.2022 Thank you to all those who have entered our first ever Designer Bathroom competition. Entries have now officially closed & three finalists will be drawn tomorrow. Watch this space to vote on the finalist you want to win.
14.01.2022 $1 0 0 0 T H A N K Y O U T E A C H E R S C OM P E T I T I O N RYE PRESCHOOL... Congratulations!!! Your most amazing teachers have won $1000!!! Time to party like it 2021 Congratulations also to Claire Tice (Natoli). A $75 Were St Trading voucher is coming your way for sharing our competition Thanks to the following thoughtful humans for nominating Rye PreSchool to win.... @gerryandel @julieirvine8322 @instasammylee @sairdean @mel_seakins @casey_downie @mattwatts81 Another special thanks to the beautiful Craig, Sharae, Billy (dog) & soon to be member of the family for showing us all around their bathroom & drawing the winners for us. This comletition has been so much fun. As a family with a Prep, a Kinder & a business to keep afloat, this year has thrown us some challenges. We could not have done this without the support of the teachers at our kids school & kinder. Wishing we had a money tree so we could give all those nominated $1000. Metro Melbourne we did it. To all the teachers that helped us get there. THANKYOU. #stage4outthedoor #thankyouteachers #ryepreschool #schoolsback #bathroomrenovations #qualitymelbournebuilder #skylights #kitchenrenovations #reecebathrooms #yeomansbagnoceramiche #purdysfurniture
13.01.2022 If youre at home feeling the seeds of a new bathroom, kitchen or laundry sowing. Wed love to help. Were offering virtual project designing & planning during this period of isolation. Grab yourself a cuppa, a comfy chair & a quiet space to start dreaming with us here: Pictured our Northcote bathroom concept. Sketch by @gdp_interiordesign
12.01.2022 Black lives matter #blackouttuesday
11.01.2022 H I A A W A R D S F I N A L I S T We are super proud that our very own Megan Baulch is a finalist in the 2020 HIA-CSR Victoria Housing and Kitchen & Bathroom Awards for Business Partner of the Year! This award considers the important work done off site in small to medium residential building businesses. The type of essential work that carries a business forward day by day. ... Megan is a dynamic project manager and always brimming with bright ideas. We wish Megan and all the HIA finalists a great night and lots of luck... *** This HIA event will be streamed live on Friday, 11 December from 5:30pm and you can register to attend here: Alternatively the awards will be on the @hia_vic Facebook page. #gomegsy #baulchservices #businesspartner #hiaawards #hiavic #independantbuildersnetwork #businesspartneraward2020 #qualitymelbournebuilder #designmatters #reecebathrooms #businessbenchmarkgroup #banyulebusiness #bathroomrenovations #kitchenrenovations #renovate #homebuildergrant #design #luxurybathrooms #interiordesign #homerenovation #hia_au #cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast #positivevibes #thankyou
11.01.2022 The cat is out of the bag. Our COVID Masterpiece, designed virtually & 100% built during COVID is now ready to enjoy Check out the full set of pics of this stunning transformation on our website. Massive thanks to @gdp_interiordesign for bravely stepping into the new world of virtual design. You nailed it! Our awesome suppliers. All our super sub contractors & the super super amazing planning & build team at Baulch Services. We did! We did it safely! We are so proud. COVID #2 we are definitely open for business and can't wait to keep the transformations flowing... #virtualdesign #covidsafe #bathroomdesign #qualitymelbournebuilder #kitchendesign #openforbusiness #renovatewithus
11.01.2022 S U N D A Y M O R N I N G D R E A M I N G 7 short years ago we purchased ourselves the worst house in the best street, patiently waiting & dreaming about what to create. Seven short years on we're feeling grateful for our patience & the intimate things we've got to know about our little block of love.... Little things like how the light filters in the windows & around the garden throughout the seasons. How much we love that our big front garden connects us with our community. How much energy is wasted in heating & cooling a home that outside air freely comes through every aspect... This morning we've got our amazing 'Forest House' plans out. Architecturally created by the talented @Scott Allen We're dreaming, we're refining & we're feeling grateful that we have this little home upon which to create something better from. this space. If you love our renovations, we can't wait to show you this transformation in the months to come...
11.01.2022 C O N C E P T P L A N N I N G One of our many projects in design at the moment. Last week the talented design team @gdp_interiordesign meet with our customer in person at their home! What dreams are made of these days ... This mood & concept board is the first step in our design process. Following an in-home design brief our designers get creative about about how to best utilise the room for function & style. This one being no exception. Our customer was drawn to us because of all the colour we love to pop into homes. Can't wait to see what colours are injected into this bathroom in 2021. W A T C H T H I S S P A C E #newbeginnings #brightbathrooms #HIAmember #qualitymelbournebuilder #reecebathroomlife #businessbenchmarkgroup #banyulebusiness #bathroomrenovations #kitchenrenovations #renovate #homebuildergrant #design #luxurybathrooms #interiordesign #homerenovations #lovewhatyoudo
11.01.2022 Site visit today. Great work team. Looking amazing! Designer - GDP Interior Design Builder - Us Cabinet Maker - Dreamcraft Interiors
11.01.2022 Our amazingly talented Designer & Director of GDP Interior Design is having her first ever Art Exhibition. See you all there
11.01.2022 Quote of the night shared at our @resiliencebuilders leadership course. Our tools are having a rest. Time for us to learn how to be the very best versions of ourselves. A beautiful thing indeed Thank you @davidbuttifant, @nickfarr_resilience & for providing us with this opportunity to grow. Loving every minute of it.
10.01.2022 B E F O R E & A F T E R Who doesn't love a before & after? A most amazing laundry transformation for one truly beautiful family. This was the very first project completed in collaboration with @gdp_interiordesign 24 short months ago. Our processes have come along way since this project. Would love the opportunity to do this renovation all over again with you Dee & Michael. Thanks again for entrusting us to transform your bathroom, ensuite & laundry. We hope you still it as much as we do. Read more about this laundry transformation here: Builder : @Baulchservices Designer: GDP Interior Design Photographer: Urban Abode #qualitymelbournebuilder #gdpinteriors #reecebathrooms #laundryrenovations #renovationgrant #designerrenovations
09.01.2022 H O W M U C H W I L L T H I S R E N O $ $ $ Just found this handy little renovation estimator that might help. If you'd prefer to talk to a builder about your dream reno, schedule a time to chat with us here:
09.01.2022 Attention wonderful humans of Melbourne. Would you love a new bathroom? Baulch Services & GDP Interior Design have teamed up with our generous suppliers to bring one lucky winner, a designer bathroom renovation package valued up to $6,000!!! Check out our website for details: HOW TO ENTER: 1. Like the Instagram & or Facebook competition entry promotion and Tag 3+ friends. 2. Share this post. 3. Like the pages of all the wonderful businesses that have put this amazing package together with us: Baulch Services, GDP Interior Design, Reece Bathrooms, Yeomans Bagno & Ceramiche, De Lucia Tile Company, Dreamcraft Interiors, Beacon Lighting, About Space, Haymes Paint Southbank 4. Go to Upload photos of your current bathroom from at least two different angles (question 10) & complete all questions. Thats it. Once these four steps are complete you will be in the running to win. Entries open until 11.59pm Melbourne time on the 30th April 2020. Good Luck
09.01.2022 O P E N F O R B U S I N E S S We could not be more excited to have received tonight's @masterbuildersvic email. We can get back to work at OCCUPIED sites What a year. Won't lie. Our frustration was running deep yesterday. What a difference 24 hours can make.... Thank you to all our customers for your patience & understanding. We cannot wait to bring you're gorgeous renovations to life. Our team, @gdp_interiordesign, sub-contractors & suppliers. No more rescheduling required!!! Wooooohooooooo. Time to get back to what we do best. Massive thanks to our coach . The support, encouragement, confidence & tools you've given us week after week have been invaluable. We 100% would not have got through COVID without you. Bring on 2021!! The sky truly is the limit. Last but not least thank you to our families. Thank you for listening, supporting, caring, cooking, cleaning, home schooling & just being there for us while we poured our energy into Baulch Services. Couldn't do what we do without you all #newbeginnings #thankyou #masterbuilders #hia #qualitymelbournebuilder #reecebathroomlife # #businessbenchmarkgroup #banyulebusiness #bathroomrenovations #kitchenrenovations #renovate #homebuildergrant #design #luxurybathrooms #interiordesign #homerenovation #cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast #positivevibes
07.01.2022 H A P P Y C U S T O M E R S Nothing is more satisfying to us than happy customers. Last week we handed over our Bundoora Ensuite project to Gulcan, Anthony & family. It was an absolute pleasure getting to know them over the past five weeks while we transformed their ensuite.... At the end of every job we ask customers for feedback to help us to improve how we do what we do. Customers are asked to give us a rating out of five for the following questions: How would you rate your experience using a designer to design your renovation? Owners 5/5 How do you rate your confidence & trust in our team throughout your renovation? Owners 5/5 How do you rate our communications throughout your renovation? Owners 5/5 How do you rate our CARE for your home during your renovation? Owners 5/5 How do you rate the way we solved problems throughout your renovation? Owners 5/5 How to you rate the way we managed changes if and when they occurred? Owners 5/5 How would you rate BuilderTrend as a tool to help communicate & manage your project? Owners 5/5 How do you rate your level of satisfaction with your renovation? Owners 5/5 Do you have any suggestions for ways we can improve our renovation service? - Owners - Keep doing what you do, you are a great team! Did your designs come to life as you had planned & imagined? Owners - ABSOLUTLEY Owners - ‘We are so glad we chose Baulch Services for our ensuite renovation. The fact that the reno had no impact on my surgery recovery is testament to how well everything was organised by you. Thank you for prioritising our project, it was very much appreciated.’ Deepest of gratitude for choosing Baulch Services for your renovation guys. Gulcan I hope your beautiful new ensuite helps bring some joy to your days in recovery. All the best. Love us @ Baulch Services xxx #happycustomers #qualitymelbournebuilder #designmatters #reecebathrooms #businessbenchmarkgroup #banyulebusiness #bathroomrenovations #kitchenrenovations #renovate #homebuildergrant #design #luxurybathrooms #interiordesign #homerenovation #hia_au #cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast #positivevibes #thankyou
07.01.2022 L E A D I N G C A R P E N T E R If you are looking for a role where you will be valued, developed, have fun and be proud of the work you produce we would love to chat Job details here:
06.01.2022 If you're wondering how we're making our job sites as safe as possible during this COVID crisis. Have a read of this feedback just received from one of our current jobs in build. 'We engaged Baulch Services to renovate our en-suite and walk in robe just prior to COVID-19. Thankfully, trades are allowed to operate and Baulch Services were quick to implement procedures to align with COVID-19 recommendations. For example, Baulch services send a daily, morning text message to en...quire about the health of everyone (residents and trades) who will be on site for the day. Adhering to the 1.5 metre social distancing rule by limiting the number of trades and people in the work area at the same time. A hand sanitising station has been set up as you enter our house along with instructions on handwashing and hygiene. Stew or Megan check in with us on a daily basis to see if we're happy, chat about any changes and update us on what's happening for the next day/week ahead. We are extremely happy with the progress so far and cannot wait until it's complete. If you're thinking of renovating, contact Baulch Services for a quote, they are a lovely local family business who are really passionate about their work.' Bree ~ Eltham 2020 Ensuite & Walk in Wardrobe See more
06.01.2022 B R I N G I N G D E S I G N S T O L I F E Starting to take shape. Our Kew East clients are not going to know themselves in their new luxury ensuite. Swipe left for the before & how it is beginning to take shape. Design @gdp_interiordesign... Builder @baulchservices #qualitymelbournebuilder #bathroomrenovations #homebuildergrant #designmatters #gdpinteriors #qualityrenovations #banyulebusiness #keweast #drummondgolfkew #reecebathrooms #yeomansbagnoceramiche #beaconlighting #thelockshop #stegbar
05.01.2022 Sighed our slightly nervous, mostly excited Kew East clients a few moments ago... Late night Zooming again confirming scope, plans & budget details for their dream renovation. They can't believe that on Monday 'it's all happening!' ... Special note to Dan... this is an unoccupied home, we have our COVID SAFE plans ready to go & can't wait to get back on the tools. Please please please don't change your mind Home Renovation Grant project #1 ready to rock & roll . . . . . . . . #qualitymelbournebuilder #bathroomrenovations #homebuildergrant #interiordesign #kitchenrenovations #livingroomrenovations #reecebathrooms #yeomansbagnoceramiche #beaconlighting #designmatters #renovations
05.01.2022 Well almost everything To all the new mums, the learning to be mums, the ever important aunties, mums of teenagers, the wise older mums, the angel in the sky mums & our mums who we can't wait to see again. Happy mothers day.
04.01.2022 Our competition winner's plans are almost complete. Can't wait to bring this project to life in August
04.01.2022 As we navigate through these challenging times happy customers help make it all worthwhile. Part 1 complete today. Handing over a beautiful new bathroom, laundry & powder room. Can't wait to get started on the stunning ensuite tomorrow. "Moving in and moving out of main bedroom. Thankyou. You've all been so wonderful....part 1 was smooth sailing (except for covid) you made everything seamless....Thanks again! Hello part 2!" Thanks for your kind words David & Jacqui. We hope... you've enjoyed moving into your new rooms tonight.... Builder @Baulch Services Designer GDP Interior Design Cabinets Dreamcraft Interiors Tiles Yeomans Bagno & Ceramiche Fixtures & Fittings Reece Bathrooms #covidrenovations #qualitybathrooms #bespokebathrooms #designerbathrooms #familybusiness #supportlocal #banyulebusiness
04.01.2022 There's never been a better time to get the renovation you've been dreaming of started! With $25,000 government grants available for renovations or new builds between $150,000 & $750,000. Want to find our more? Complete this quick online form to be taken to our booking system to schedule a free 15min Zoom with our Chief Builder Stewart Grants are means tested singles $125k & couples $200k... Contract start date must be within three months of today Pre renovation home value can't exceed $ 1.5M See more
03.01.2022 S T A G E 4 ~ O U T T H E D O O R $1,000 Teacher Thankyou competition Stage 4 lockdown feels like it is coming to an end. Schools are going back, parks open... numbers are down. ... Melbournians we have all done an incredible job. Teachers you have gone above & beyond With light starting to shine through we feel it is time to have fun & spread some joy. C O M P E T I T I O N T I M E We’re calling it the ... STAGE 4 ` OUT THE DOOR Teacher Party We are giving away $1,000 to a school, kinder or childcare centre in metro Melbourne to celebrate How to enter: 1. Follow Baulch Services Instagram account. 2. In the COMMENTS of the Instragram post write the name of school/kinder/childcare centre you nominate & tell us what you are feeling most grateful for about them. CONDITIONS One entrant per Instagram account. Each entry will then go into the draw to win. You must like our Instagram Page for your entry to go into the draw Share will your friends and family to get as many entries in for your school, kinder or childcare centre as possible. Competition will be drawn live on Sunday 18th October at 3pm. This competition is open to anyone wanting to spread lovenegatively (if any) will be deleted. Entries only accepted from our Instagram post so head on over to to enter.
02.01.2022 A R T I S T F I R S T Three years ago we met. Two years & 364 days ago we met again. How can we could work together was our agenda. To collaboratively design & build spaces of joy & beauty in people's home,?... Two years & 363 days ago we moved into together. Was it at first sight? At the kitchen was her vision board. 'ARTIST FIRST'. Surrounding us in our new work space was stunningly bright, beautiful & detailed pieces if art. Giulianna Del Popolo, Director of GDP Interior Design is not only an incredibly talented Interior Designer whom we feel so honoured to collaborate with. She is first & foremost an 'ARTIST FIRST'. Tonight is opening night of her first art show Ladder Art Space from 6pm. Rocky roads ~ Country to Coast' exhibition. Congratulations Giulianna. You did it!!! We are so excited & happy for you. Cant wait to see all your artwork tonight xxx Reschedule whatever you had planned tonight & get yourself down to this exhibition. We look forward to seeing you there #rockyroads #artistfirst #followyourdreams #newbeginnings #qualitymelbournebuiler #banyulebusiness #bathroomrenovations #kitchenrenovations #renovate #homebuildergrant #design #luxurybathrooms #interiordesign #homerenovation #cultureeatsstrategyforbreakfast #positivevibes
02.01.2022 $ 2 7, 5 0 0 S A V I N G ? There has never been a better time to bring all you internal home renovations dreams to life. Save $25k using the Gov't renovation grant*... + Baulch Services S K Y L I G H T special saving of up to $2.5k In our humble opinion skylights are an essential consideration for all renovations. The natural light they bring to a bathroom, kitchen or living area is a design element you will be forever grateful for. *Renovation grant conditions: Contract must exceed $150k Grants are means tested singles $125k & couples $200k Contract start date must be within six months of 30th Dec Pre renovation home value can't exceed $ 1.5M Schedule a time to find out more today here - On completion of this form you will be directed to our online scheduling system to select a time to discuss your dream renovation. #homebuildergrant #qualitymelbournebuilder #bathroomskylight #designmatters #diamondskylighys #bathroomjoy #lovewhereyoulive
01.01.2022 Life is precious and so easy to take for granted... Sending so much love to all the dads today. Especially those that are no longer with us. @agidesieno, our determined, talented, kind & courageous Associate Designer. We never had the privilege of knowing Damien & can only imagine what an amazing husband, dad, brother, son & friend he was. Thinking of you all today & always xxxx
01.01.2022 I S O Another sunny day in ISO, another wedding Daisy would like to send a special thanks to Dan for extending her honeymoon by two weeks
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