BayCISS in Hampton East, Victoria | Non-profit organisation
Locality: Hampton East, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 9555 9910
Address: 12 Katoomba Street 3188 Hampton East, VIC, Australia
Likes: 254
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25.01.2022 Ever wondered exactly what Emergency Relief is? Community, Information and Support agencies provide Emergency Relief (ER) to people in need. There are many of ER and this kind of support is available to any person, regardless of background or visa status. Help may be given with food or paying for things like groceries and bills. Many agencies also provide follow-up support through information, referrals and advocacy. Watch the video to find out more! If you are in need of help, you can find your local agency here: You can also check out: #BecauseWeHelp #WhatIsEmergencyRelief
24.01.2022 Do yourself a favour and watch this episode of 'You can't ask that' from the ABC where eight Australians talk to us about their public housing situation.
24.01.2022 More Random Acts of Kindness!! With so much negativity around at the moment, we are extremely humbled to receive so much from so many to distribute to so many others! Community working for and helping out community. We love what we do. And love that we get to work with so many others to do what we do! A special call out to all our friends from Freemasons Community Relief; Rotary Club of Sandringham; Devola's of Brighton; Hampton Fruit Market; Moorabbin Fruit & Vegetable Ma...rket; Aldi Supermarkets and Bakers Delight! You are all amazing human beings and we are happy to partner with you all during these times! Thank you! #rotaryclub #devolas #hamptonfruit #moorabbinfruitandveg #aldi #bakersdelight #freemasons #Bayside #baysidecitycouncil #cityofkingston #caulfieldgs
23.01.2022 If you are feeling troubled or isolated due to the coronavirus, you can phone one of these help lines.
23.01.2022 National Volunteer Week starts next week! With restrictions currently in place, we are disappointed that we are unable to celebrate this in the traditional way! We will however, be making sure we recognise and acknowledge the outstanding work of our volunteers - simply because they are absolutely AMAZING!!! Starts Monday...
23.01.2022 We are here to help! Give us a call any weekday between 10am - 2pm and one of wonderful volunteers will assist you! Thanks to our community and Bayside City Council for your ongoing support during these unprecedented times
23.01.2022 We might be having a little break but our garden just keeps on giving! Some fresh items available today
22.01.2022 Lovely way to finish another big week and outstanding year! Thanks to all for coming along and helping us to say goodbye to 2020! What a year! What a team! What a community!
22.01.2022 As we are unable to thank you all personally, please accept this as our thanks for all you do! See if you can identify some of our champion volunteers... #volunteer #nationalvolunteerweek #NVW2020 #cisvic #bayside #community #bayciss #castlefieldcommunitycentre #waveforvolunteers
21.01.2022 Give us a ring if you need a hand!
20.01.2022 Random acts of kindness! Thank you young man!!! This note, along with six boxes of donated items were left at our front door last night! Someone will certainly have a great day thanks to your generosity #covid19 #donations #community #bayside #bayciss #cisvic
20.01.2022 Calling all essential workers during COVID-19: health & social workers emergency responders people working in food stores, public transport, pharmacies, fun...eral parlours people who are providing support to vulnerable family members or members of their community The Basic Psychosocial Skills: A Guide for COVID-19 Responders is for you. It provides practical advice for taking care of your own mental well-being, communicating with empathy, and helping people suffering from stress or severe distress. Case studies and tips to remember are included throughout. This guide was developed by the Inter-Agency Standing Committees Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Reference Group.
19.01.2022 "We must have an equal, accessible education system for all" - Denise Budge, Knox Infolink Centre Manager We couldn't agree more! Check out our fundraiser to h...elp bridge the digital divide: If you are unable to donate, please spread the word. Unaffordable #SchoolCosts aren't going to go away. In a few months time when the impact of Covid-19 becomes even more apparent, families who are already struggling are going to be hit with all these costs and issues again.
19.01.2022 Just dropped a pile of kids books off to the BayCISS Street Library #community
19.01.2022 What is Emergency Relief (ER)? What do our agencies do? We're bringing this video out of our archives to help explain. The statistics mentioned in the video are... not up to date, so here are some current ones: 3.24 million people (13.6% of the population or over one in eight) are estimated to be living below the poverty line, after taking account of their housing costs. Over 116,000 Australians were homeless on last census night Over a third of people in sole parent families in which the main earner is female live in poverty (37%) compared with 18% in sole parent families in which the main earner is male. For children in sole parent families, 44% now live below the poverty line. The Foodbank Hunger Report 2019 revealed that one in five Australians have experienced food insecurity at some point in the last 12 months. This means that for 21% of Australias population, there has been at least one time in the last year when they didnt have enough food for themselves or their family and could not afford to buy more food.
18.01.2022 Lots of elves visiting to help spread the Christmas cheer!
17.01.2022 Even with stage 4 restrictions, you will NOT be fined for leaving your home to escape family violence. You are allowed to leave your home at any time to escape violence. If you need to leave your home because you are unsafe, the curfew will not apply to you, and if you need to travel further than 5km to be safe, you will not be fined. Help is still available. Contact safe steps Family Violence Response Centre on - 1800 015 188 - [email protected] - or use their webchat function between 9am - 9pm Monday to Friday - In an emergency, call 000.
16.01.2022 In a year that has thrown more curve balls than the World Series, the generosity and compassion we have witnessed this year is unbelievable! Thanks to everyone who contributed to help us bring smiles to so many faces this year!!! You are all amazing!
16.01.2022 Warning - Act of Kindness coming up! How amazing are these guys!!! Yesterday we received an amazing donation to mark the end of Ramadan from MTO Shahmaghsoudi for distribution to our community members as part of their global COVID-19 campaign. We are extremely fortunate to be able to assist so many through the amazing generosity and kindness of their members. #covid19 #community #donations #mtoshahmaghsoudi #bayside #bayciss #castlefield #cisvic #kindness
16.01.2022 Did you know that a NILS loan can help with medical or dental expenses? To find out more, give us a call!
16.01.2022 Never under estimate the difference you made with the lives you touch! Thank you!!! #NVW2020 #waveforvolunteers #bayciss #bayside #volunteeringvictoria #cisvic #community #volunteers
15.01.2022 Our 2020 year has finally come down to this...time to spread some cheer and smiles! Thanks to our amazing community who have contributed to these hampers and gifts for distribution this week - absolutely awesome effort! #baysidemelbourne #communityspirit #communitysupport #cheltenhammentoneunitingchurch #rotaryclubofbeaumaris #rotaryclubofsandringham #rotaryclubofbrighton #centrelink #moorabbinfreshfruitmarket #lionsclubofsandringham #lionsclubofmoorabbin #Freemasons #womensinternationalgroup #stleonards #highettcommunitybank #baysidehockeyclub #baysidecitycouncil #bradrowswellmp #nickstaikosmp #volunteerspirit #woodlandsgolfclub
15.01.2022 Today, we launch the Coronavirus Homeless Crisis Appeal to help support people experiencing homelessness in Victoria. Ivy* had the courage to share her story us in the hope that it will challenge the strong negative social stigma toward homelessness, and to encourage people to step back and think about your fellow human and what they need. This is Ivys story: *Named changed for anonymity. Our Watch safe steps Family Violence Response Centre Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria
15.01.2022 How fantastic are our friends from the Rotary Club of Sandringham currently in the process of assisting with our Christmas Appeal? Christmas is a very special time for us all - let's help make it special for so many more! Thank you! #rotaryclubofsandringham #community #bayciss #baysidecommunity #donationsappreciated #baysidecitycouncil#cityofkingston
14.01.2022 We were very excited to be nominated to participate in this project and hope that more women will represent their community on local council! Great group of past, present and emerging positive role models and leaders! #changingfacesexhibition #bayside #community #bayside #bayciss
12.01.2022 Couldn't agree more! #NVW2020 #waveforvolunteers #cisvic #bayciss #bayside #volunteeringvictoria #loveyourwork
11.01.2022 Time is extremely valuable these days, however our magnificent team of volunteer give up theirs for others every day! At BayCISS we are able to provide ongoing supports to our community members thanks to the many volunteers who donate their time for us. In honour of National Volunteer Week, we have a selection of 'old' photos of some of our volunteers - do you know who they are? #NVW2020 #cisvic #bayside #community #volunteeringvictoria #waveforvolunteers #thankyou #cityofkingston
11.01.2022 Our amazing community have really rallied to assist those in need at this time! We have been inundated with random acts of kindness by way of donations to our agency. If you have recently become unemployed, underemployed or just struggling to make ends meet, give us a call and speak with one of our lovely volunteers to find out how we might be able to help. A big call out to our fabulous community donors - Aldi Supermarkets, Food Bank, Moorabbin Fruit & Vegetable Market, Lucky Star Bakery and all the individuals and neighbours who have visited us with bags of items for distribution. Thank you! #community #baysidecitycouncil #cityofkingston #cisvic #donations #randomactsofkindness #castlefieldcommunitycentre #covid19
11.01.2022 May the Fourth be with you...and our best friends as well! Thanks to our friends from Pets of the Homeless and their generous donors, we are now able to provide food for our furry companions as well. #bayciss #cisvic #cityofkingston #bayside #community #homeless #animalsareourbestfriends #teamwork
10.01.2022 Thanks for visiting and for all your support! We look forward to another strong year working for our local community!
10.01.2022 Help is never too far just have to say the word
07.01.2022 There are 1.1 million kids in Australia living in poverty. If the Morrison Government goes through with plans to cut the current rate of income support payments... back to $40 a day, it will push already desperate families closer to the brink. We can’t turn our back on those who are at risk of being left behind. Every child should have a safe secure home and every family should be able to put enough food on the table. Tell your local Member of Parliament that we need a permanent, adequate increase to JobSeeker and other social security payments now. #RaisetheRateforGood #CovertheBasics #EndChildPoverty
06.01.2022 the No Interest Loan Scheme is a wonderful and more effective alternative to pay day lenders! If you are on a low income, live in the Bayside area and need a had with car registration or repairs, we might be just what you're looking for! Give us a call to discuss the No Interest Loan Scheme today. #nils #goodmoney #bayside
06.01.2022 What a privilege it was to be amongst such great company highlighting all the fantastic community projects underway throughout the State! We were honoured to be recognised for our work and those of our many, many partners and collaborators during COVID as we continued to support our community! Thank you to all involved in making this happen and to make it to the final cut makes us all very proud! #baysidecitycouncil #cityofkingston #rotaryclubofsandringham #rotaryclubofbrig...hton #rotaryclubofhampton #rotaryclubofbeaumaris #lionsclubofmoorabbin #lionsclubofsandringham #nickstaikosmp #bradrowswellmp #mordiallocbeaumarisbaptistchurch #cheltenhammentoneunitingchurch #allsoulsanglicanchurch#freemasoncommunityrelief #mto #ramadan #laminexaustralia #hamptonfruitmarket #moorabbinfreshfruitmarket #bakersdelight #woodlandsgolfclub #highettcommunitybank #DHHS #dss #cisvic #baysidehockeyclub #hamptonscouts #mentalhealthvictoria #salvationarmy #pantry5000 #petsofthehomeless #wig #womensinternationalgroup#devolasbrighton #Freemasons #aldisupermarket #baysidecommunityemergencyrelief #businessvictoria #KVB See more
06.01.2022 Registrations are now open for our Tuning in to Kids parenting program! to find out more, give us a call on 9555 9910.
05.01.2022 We really couldn't do it without you! #NVW2020 #waveforvolunteers #bayside #community #volunteeringvictoria #bayciss #castlefieldcommunitycentre #celebrate #volunteers
04.01.2022 And it's not just the humans we are able to look after...Thanks to our partners at Pets of the Homeless, we now have a wonderful selection of goodies for our most loyal companions. We don't want anyone going without so give us a call if you are in the area and need some assistance! #poth #community #donations #covid19 #bayside #cisvic
04.01.2022 Absolutely fantastic effort by all concerned! We love it when community supports community! Thanks everyone
04.01.2022 We love what we do and we'd love you to join us! If you have a few spare hours each week and would like to make a difference to someone's life, contact us today!
03.01.2022 On behalf of our Committee of Management, staff, service users and community - we say a very big THANK YOU to our wonderful volunteers! You are simply the best! Happy National Volunteer Week to all volunteers... #NVW2020 #waveforvolunteers #cisvic #bayciss #bayside #community #volunteeringvictoria #volunteering
03.01.2022 We know times are tough and are here to listen, to help and to support you when you need us. And so many organisations and agencies here to help you during these times. To access help, contact your local council who will find the most appropriate pathway for you! Bayside City Council Helpline: 9599 4444 City of Kingston Helpline: 1300 653 356... Or contact us directly on 9555 9910 for a confidential chat with one of our fabulous volunteers!
02.01.2022 We are very fortunate in our work as we continue to see the very best in people, even when they are at their very worst! And the support we receive from the community to enable us to do our work is outstanding! The members from Woodlands Golf Club recently conducted a food drive for us to ensure we could continue to provide substantial and nutritional food for our service users. Thanks so much to all involved with a special call out to Deb for her enthusiasm, commitment and coordination! #woodlandsgolf #baysidecitycouncil #bayside #community #emergencyrelief #covid #volunteering #donationsappreciated #bayciss #cisvic
02.01.2022 These loans are easy to get, but hard to escape. Sign the petition calling for a stop to predatory lending during the Covid-19 emergency:
01.01.2022 Our hours may be reduced, but our service is not! Give us a call today if you require assistance.
01.01.2022 This is not okay!!!
01.01.2022 What does community collaboration look like? During COVID our organisation has been inundated with offers of help - only matched by requests for help! Without the wonderful support of our community, we wouldn't be able to do the work we do, to the level we do. Our community have enabled us to support more people than we have ever done before, with more food items than ever distributed before, more personal items than ever before and with more referrals to other supports ever before! On behalf of our grateful service users, volunteers, staff and our Committee of Management, we thank each and every one of you. Your contribution and assistance to make someone else's day, has not gone unnoticed and is very much appreciated! - Bayside City Council - City of Kingston - Mordialloc/Beaumaris Baptist Church - Cheltenham Mentone Uniting Church - All Souls Uniting Church - Freemasons Community Relief - WIG ladies - Pets of the Homeless - Sandringham Rotary Club - Hampton Rotary Club - Brighton Rotary Club - Beaumaris Rotary Club - MTO Shahmaghsoudi, Melbourne - Laminex Australia - Holy Trinity Church - Woodlands Golf Club - Aldi Supermarkets - Moorabbin Fresh Fruit & Veg Market - Hampton Fruit Market - St Davids Moorabbin - Leighmoor Uniting Church - Moorabbin Lions Club - Mental Health Victoria - Salvation Army - Nick Staikos & staff - Brad Rowswell & staff - Tim Wilson & staff And soooooo many individual community members who have taken the time to buy extra items and drop them off! That's what community collaboration looks like! See more
01.01.2022 Great opportunity to support this organisation supporting many others!
01.01.2022 Our friends from the Laminex site in Cheltenham are awesome! Thank you for your time in collecting pantry items for our food relief program! It's wonderful to have organisations we can call on for help and who rally around to support our community members! #community #donationsappreciated#cisvic #baysidecitycouncil#baysidecommunity #bayciss #castlefield #laminex
01.01.2022 Pooh woke up that morning, and, for reasons that he didn't entirely understand, couldn't stop the tears from coming. He sat there in bed, his little body shakin...g, and he cried, and cried, and cried. Amidst his sobs, the phone rang. It was Piglet. "Oh Piglet," said Pooh, between sobs, in response to his friend's gentle enquiry as to how he was doing. "I just feel so Sad. So, so, Sad, almost like I might not ever be happy again. And I know that I shouldn't be feeling like this. I know there are so many people who have it worse off than me, and so I really have no right to be crying, with my lovely house, and my lovely garden, and the lovely woods all around me. But oh, Piglet: I am just SO Sad." Piglet was silent for a while, as Pooh's ragged sobbing filled the space between them. Then, as the sobs turned to gasps, he said, kindly: "You know, it isn't a competition." "What isn't a competition?" asked a confused sounding Pooh. "Sadness. Fear. Grief," said Piglet. "It's a mistake we often make, all of us. To think that, because there are people who are worse off than us, that that somehow invalidates how we are feeling. But that simply isn't true. You have as much right to feel unhappy as the next person; and, Pooh - and this is the really important bit - you also have just as much right to get the help that you need." "Help? What help?" asked Pooh. "I don't need help, Piglet. "Do I?" Pooh and Piglet talked for a long time, and Piglet suggested to Pooh some people that he might be able to call to talk to, because when you are feeling Sad, one of the most important things is not to let all of the Sad become trapped inside you, but instead to make sure that you have someone who can help you, who can talk through with you how the Sad is making you feeling, and some of the things that might be able to be done to support you with that. What's more, Piglet reminded Pooh that this support is there for absolutely everyone, that there isn't a minimum level of Sad that you have to be feeling before you qualify to speak to someone. Finally, Piglet asked Pooh to open his window and look up at the sky, and Pooh did so. "You see that sky?" Piglet asked his friend. "Do you see the blues and the golds and that big fluffy cloud that looks like a sheep eating a carrot?" Pooh looked, and he could indeed see the blues and the golds and the big fluffy cloud that looked like a sheep eating a carrot. "You and I," continued Piglet, "we are both under that same sky. And so, whenever the Sad comes, I want you to look up at that sky, and know that, however far apart we might be physically...we are also, at the same time, together. Perhaps, more together than we have ever been before." "Do you think this will ever end?" asked Pooh in a small voice. "This too shall pass," confirmed Piglet. "And I promise you, one day, you and I shall once again sit together, close enough to touch, sharing a little smackerel of something...under that blue gold sky." We all need a piglet in our lives. #mentalhealthmatters #bullyingstopsnow #EveryMindMatters #yourimportant #itsoktotalk #everylifemattersinfife #itsoknottobeokay
01.01.2022 If you need a new laptop for school, work, training or online appointments, you may be eligible for the No Interest Loans (NILS) program. NILS is a community-ba...sed initiative that helps people on low incomes (including Centrelink) to buy new laptops, tablets, printers, scanners and desks too. Loans are available up to $1,500 with NO interest, NO fees and NO charges ever so you pay back exactly what you borrowed. To find out more, contact your nearest provider: #NILS
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