Bayside Chiropractic Cronulla in Cronulla Beach, New South Wales, Australia | Massage therapist
Bayside Chiropractic Cronulla
Locality: Cronulla Beach, New South Wales, Australia
Phone: +61 2 9523 9940
Address: suite 209 / 30 Kingsway, Cronulla 2230 Cronulla Beach, NSW, Australia
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25.01.2022 Ever wondered what your core muscles are exactly? Let us help you out. Your core muscles include a wide range of muscles in your mid-section or trunk, including: Transverse Abdominus (TA)... Diaphragm Pelvic floor Obliques Erector Spinae Multifidus Plus many more. Theres much more to your core than a six pack! Now we know why core exercises are so important! #chiro #chiropractic #core #coremuscles #corestability
25.01.2022 Each year NAIDOC week celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, NAIDOC week celebrations have been officially postponed this year. That doesnt mean we cant read or talk about it though! Celebrate NAIDOC week in 2020 by learning about Australias indigenous culture. Visit to find out more! #naidocweek
25.01.2022 Christmas time is a chance for many to unwind and recharge for the year ahead. It is also a time of great temptation, with shops and stores filled with tasty treats. And they’re always on sale too! Throw in a bunch of social gatherings, alcohol, late nights and lazing in the armchair with a constant full belly, and you’ve got a recipe for becoming run down, and fast. And who wants to see in the New Year with a nasty cold?! If you’re keen to stay healthy this festive period, but want to indulge a bit also (totally allowed), then read on for some handy tips to keep the balance just right over the silly season. Check out our tips
24.01.2022 Why wouldn’t the skeleton cross the road? because he didn’t have any guts! Happy Halloween to you all! Who’s dressing up this year? Let us know your dress up choice below ... #chiropractic #chiro #halloween
24.01.2022 American writer Mark Twain is famous for this quote: The secret of getting ahead is getting started. Perfect inspiration for a Monday morning. What has been on your to-do list for a while? Exercise? Cleaning out your wardrobe? Or maybe its getting that niggle seen to by your trusted chiro ? Comment below with the item that has been on your to-do list for the longest and lets get them all done this week!... #chiro #chiropractic #motivationalmonday
23.01.2022 The only silly question is the question not asked! If you have questions or just simply want to know more about Chiropractic, weve answered some of our most frequently asked questions on our website. Check it out here
23.01.2022 Think you might be hypermobile? Some of us have more movement in our joints than the average Joe. People with excessively mobile joints may have hypermobility syndrome - a connective tissue disorder that is passed down through the family tree. People with this condition may experience pain as their muscles try to compensate and stabilise very mobile joints. Speak to us today if you have any concerns Does anyone have elbows like this girl? #chiropractic #chiro #hypermobility
23.01.2022 Did you know that some chiropractors specialise in treating animals?! No we arent vets, but animals sometimes need rehabilitation from injury too and chiropractic care is a popular choice! Somehow we think it may be a little easier when patient and chiro speak the same language, but we are tempted by the cute pups. Who wouldnt be?! #chiro #chiropractic #animalchiropractic
23.01.2022 Ketosis is when the body uses fat rather than carbohydrates to provide energy for the body. The body can reach this state by following a low-carb or high-fat/ketogenic diet. Ketogenic diets are widely used as weight loss diets. But if youre planning on changing your diet, always speak to a health professional first to make sure its the right fit for you. Who has tried keto before? What was your experience? #chiro #chiropractic #ketosis #ketogenicdiet #keto
23.01.2022 This fantastic local charity are bringing authentic festive cheer this Christmas. 100% of funds received go to Levi's Project helping kids with brain cancer. Collect yourself on the below dates, or order for delivery at
23.01.2022 Osteochondritis Dissecans (OCD) is a joint condition where due to a lack of blood flow, the bone underneath the cartilage that lines the joint, dies. The cartilage and underlying bone can then break off inside the joint leading to pain and restriction of movement. This condition is most common in children and adolescents and regularly affects the knee. Does your child have knee pain that won’t go away? Call us today! #chiro #chiropractic #osteocondritisdissecans #OCD
23.01.2022 It’s word of the month time! ‘Cholesterol’ is a substance produced by the body and is an important ingredient in creating healthy cells. Be careful though, because too much cholesterol in the body is unhealthy and leads to the formation of waxy plaques that clog up your arteries. This is a recipe for cardiovascular disease and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Are you eating healthy and exercising daily? Ensure you do to keep your levels low and your body healthy! #chiro #chiropractic #wordofthemonth #cholesterol
22.01.2022 Looking to mix things up in the kitchen? Why not try being meat-free for a month? Give your digestive system a well-deserved break from heavy foods and replace meat with fresh fruit, vegetables, beans and legumes. Your intestines will love you for it! If a meat-free month is a bit much, try adding meat-free Mondays to your week instead! Whos in? #chiro #chiropractic #meatfreemonth
22.01.2022 Back braces used in the treatment of scoliosis have advanced in recent years. If you have scoliosis, come and chat to us to find out if its something that might help. Theyre not for everyone, so make sure you receive a professional opinion from your trusty chiro before purchasing or hiring a brace. Contact us on (02) 9523 9940 #chiro #chiropractic #scoliosis #braceforscoliosis
21.01.2022 We love everything to do with the body, and whats better than getting our bodies moving in the great outdoors? Today is World Environment Day 2020. Celebrate with us and do something good for the environment today. How about switching the tele off and going for a stroll, picking up any rubbish on your way? Theres nothing like nature to relieve stress and make you feel alive. To find out more, visit #worldenvironmentday
21.01.2022 Your chiro word of the month is AORTA (ay-or-ta). The aorta is the largest artery in the body. It transports blood from the heart on its journey to the rest of the body, and has numerous off-shoots which transport the blood to far-off regions of the body as well! It runs down the middle of the body from the top of the heart down towards the abdomen. What should be our word of the month next month? List your ideas below! #chiro #chiropractic #aorta #wordofthemonth
21.01.2022 Ever wondered what a spinal tap is? No, we are not referring to the famous heavy metal band! A spinal tap, aka lumbar puncture, is a medical procedure whereby a needle is inserted between two vertebrae in the lower back region to take a sample of the fluid that surrounds the spinal cord and brain. This sample can then be tested to check for infections and other disorders of the nervous system. #chiro #chiropractic #spinaltap #lumbarpuncture
21.01.2022 Have you ever bent forward to pick something up and had a sudden shoot of pain down the back of the leg to the foot? This pain might be caused by Sciatica! Check out this months blog post all about the signs, symptoms and treatment here
20.01.2022 December’s word of the month is Disc. We are of course referring to the discs in our spine (not the CD or DVD type!). The human spine has a total of 23 discs that sit between and connect the vertebral bones. There is one exception There isn’t a disc that sits between the first and second vertebrae in the neck. Now who knew that spine fact? #chiropractic #chiro #wordofthemonth #disc
19.01.2022 Have you asked anyone recently how they are? And really listened to their answer? Every day is a good day to ask this question, but today is R U OK? Day, so why not make it a priority? Many people suffer in silence with depression, and you just never know how deep this goes. Be a friend to someone today and offer an ear and a shoulder. You could make a huge difference to someones life. #ruok #ruokday #mentalhealth
18.01.2022 Thank you to everyone that supported our Gap Free week, with donations to The Smith Family. We raised a total of $520 that will go towards helping disadvantaged Australians to get the most out of their education, so they can create better futures for themselves. Thanks again to everyone who participated and donated. Brett and Jane
18.01.2022 Q. Can I exercise after my chiro treatment session? A. It depends. Sometimes we give you specific exercises to perform, so if we do, make sure you do these! The body always goes through an adjustment period following a treatment, but there is no reason to not exercise following a session with us Unless we have told you not to of course! Remember, movement is medicine. #chiropractic #chiro #exercise
18.01.2022 Today is Remembrance Day. A chance to remember those who have fought and given their lives for their countries during military conflict. Spare a thought for those affected today on this day of rememberance. Lest we forget. #remembranceday #lestweforget
18.01.2022 Did you know that approximately 25% of people with a concussion injury fail to get checked out by a medical expert? Meaning some people are walking around with an undiagnosed brain injury that may require medical attention. Undiagnosed concussion can leave a person suffering from symptoms such as headache and fatigue for months or even years after the injury. Word of advice? Always get checked! Have you had a concussion before? How long did it take you to feel 100% afterwards? #chiro #chiropractic #concussion
17.01.2022 A spinal fracture can be a scary thing to experience. Depending on the severity and location in the spinal column, it can have devastating consequences. Cases vary in severity from mild to severe and most breaks occur in the mid or low spine regions. Fractures in the neck region are less common, yet carry the greatest risk for serious consequences. Find out more about spinal fractures in our blog
16.01.2022 Chiro fact! Did you know that the word chiropractic was developed in the late 19th century? The word came from chiro in English, meaning hand, and the Greek word praktikos meaning practical, which came from prattein, meaning do. It means done by hand which couldnt be more fitting to our work #chiro #chiropractor #chiropractic #chiroorigins
15.01.2022 Bye 2020. Bye-bye now Good riddance! Hello 2021! Let’s start this next year off with a bang. Enjoy the celebrations and look after each other out there. #happynewyear #goodbye2020hello2021#newyearseve
14.01.2022 Whiplash occurs when your head is forced backwards and then suddenly forwards in a quick motion. This type of movement is commonly seen in car accidents and can lead to neck pain, stiffness, headache, dizziness and problems with vision. If you think you have a whiplash injury, come and see us right away to ensure you get the best care possible. Has anyone experienced whiplash? #chiro #chiropractic #whiplash
14.01.2022 This August is Tradies National Health Month. TNHM aims to raise awareness for all our tradie workers and the risks they face on a daily basis. Have a friend who is a tradie? Tell them to pop in for a visit! We treat pain, injury and also help with prevention, so we keep tradies healthy and working. Tag your tradie friends below to give them a pat on the back! #chiro #chiropractic #tradienationalhealthmonth #TNHM
13.01.2022 #DidYouKnow that there are four main types of vertebral fracture? These are known as: 1. Compression fractures 2. Burst fractures 3. Flexion-distraction fractures... 4. Fracture-dislocation Who here has fractured a vertebrae? Comment below to let us know what type you had! #chiro #chiropractic #fracture #spine
12.01.2022 Today is World Prematurity Day 2020. Join us as we raise awareness for the millions of premature babies that are born each year. Approximately 1 in 10 babies are born preterm every year, requiring extra support and care. #worldprematurityday #premature
12.01.2022 Anatomy fact: There are 26 bones in the human foot. Thats one for each letter of the alphabet. Crazy huh?! Who knew this fact? If you did, post a below (and well done for putting your best foot forward! ) #chiro #chiropractic #humananatomy #foot
12.01.2022 Need a good neck stretch? Try this: 1. With your head in a neutral position, look as far left or right as possible. 2. When you hit the barrier, using your hand on your cheek, apply a gentle pressure to increase the movement. 3. Feel the stretch on the opposite side of the neck. Hold for 45-60 seconds, relax, and repeat.... Aaaahhh! #chiro #chiropractic #stretch #neckrotationstretch
12.01.2022 Hit your funny bone recently? Not so funny is it?! Did you know that you are actually hitting a nerve when you hit your funny bone, which is why the pain can shoot straight down your forearm and into the hand. Ouch! Anatomy geek alert: Its called the ulnar nerve. When did you last hit your funny bone?... #chiro #chiropractic #funnybone #ulnarnervecompression
11.01.2022 Our shoulder blades (or scapulae) should sit relatively flat against our rib cage. A direct blow to the shoulder, or a funny twist of the shoulder or neck, can injure the nerve to the muscle that keeps the blades in that flat position. As a result, you can be left with a quite debilitating condition known as scapula winging. If you have noticed your scapulas sticking out, give us a call we can help, and hopefully prevent injury or further injury. #chiro #chiropractic #scapulawinging #wingedscapula #shoulderbladewinging
09.01.2022 Holiday periods are a stressful time for some of us. Organising presents, meals, family visits and everything else can be overwhelming. We recommend planning ahead to avoid any excessive stress during the festive period. Remember to look after yourself Take a minute to breathe, exercise, eat well, and sleep lots! Now, let’s see your lists what are your top three organisation priorities for Chrissy? Share them with us below #chiropractic #chiro #stress #relaxation
09.01.2022 This month we celebrate World MS Day tomorrow on the 30th of May. Join us in raising awareness for people with Multiple Sclerosis, a neurological condition that leads to scarring of nerve tissue to the central nervous system (i.e. brain and spinal cord). Symptoms are incredibly varied and may include fatigue, pins and needles, numbness, problems with eyesight and memory, and difficulties walking. Lets talk about MS and educate ourselves on the ins and outs. #chiro #chiropractic #MS #multiplesclerosis #worldmsday #msconnections
09.01.2022 Do you have back pain which worsens when you breathe, cough, sneeze or laugh? You may have a rib sprain. It is possible to sprain one of the small rib joints where your rib joins onto the spine. It can be extremely painful. We can have you back to full movement and painless laughing in no time at all! Give us a call today on (02) 9523 9940 #chiro #chiropractic #ribsprain #ribs
08.01.2022 Do you have COVID back? Those of you who have been forced to work at a makeshift desk in the lounge room for the past nine months will know exactly what we are talking about! Back pain caused by poor working conditions due to isolation and a lack of movement is on the rise. Comment below with your WFH desk set up and we’ll give you a few pointers! #chiropractic #chiro #COVIDback #backpain
08.01.2022 Do you suffer from headaches in the mornings after waking up? You might be grinding your teeth in your sleep. Jaw or teeth grinding, known medically as bruxism is a common cause of headaches. Other symptoms include facial pain and the wearing down of teeth over time. Wake from this nightmare and give us a call. We can help! Who here grinds their teeth? Give us a below #chiro #chiropractic #headaches #bruxism #teethgrinding
07.01.2022 Welcome to 2021! Wishing you all a healthy and happy year (it’s got to be better than the last one, right?!). What are your health and fitness goals for this year?... #newyear2021 #newyearnewme #fitnessgoals #healthgoals #newyearresolution
06.01.2022 We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas We wish you a merry Christmas And lots of good food and drink and presents and fun and happiness!... Merry Christmas everyone! #merrychristmas #christmas #xmas
06.01.2022 Back feeling tight? Try this awesome spinal twist yoga pose to give it a gentle stretch: 1. Lie on your back, with knees bent and feet flat to the floor 2. Place your arms out to the side so your body is in the shape of a cross 3. Slowly drop your knees to the floor on one side whilst keeping your shoulder blades flat to the ground 4. Hold for 5 deep breaths, return to the start and repeat on the other side.... #chiro #chiropractic #spinaltwist #yoga
05.01.2022 Osteoarthritis (OA) is a condition that mainly affects the cartilage in our joints. The WHO estimates that approximately 10% of men and nearly 20% of women in the world have symptomatic OA. That is A LOT of people. Who here has struggled or is struggling with stiff, sore joints? Give us a below! #chiro #chiropractic #OA #osteoarthitis
05.01.2022 Interested in becoming a chiropractor? Youll need to study for 4-5 years (depending on which country you study in) and become registered to be able to start making a real change to people in need. What are you waiting for?! #chiro #chiropractic
05.01.2022 Do you have neck pain that moves down the arm to the hand? This months blog post explores Cervical Nerve Root Syndrome which can cause pain in the neck, arm and hands. Check it out here:
05.01.2022 Tight buttock muscles? Try this figure-four stretch: 1. Lie on your back with your knees bent 2. Place your right ankle over your left knee 3. Grab behind your left thigh and pull it towards you... 4. This will stretch your glutes on the right-side 5. Hold for 45-60 seconds, relax and repeat on the opposite side For extra intensity, try this stretch in a seated position (as pictured). #chiro #chiropractic #glutestretch #tightglutes
05.01.2022 Did you know there are six nutrients our bodies must have regularly to stay in tip-top shape? These are: 1. Water 2. Protein 3. Carbohydrates... 4. Fats 5. Vitamins 6. Minerals Do these six nutrients feature in your daily diet? Speak to us if you are concerned about your diet and how to fuel your body correctly. #chiro #chiropractic #nutrition #nutrients
03.01.2022 This year World Continence Week is from 15-22 June. Join us this year to raise awareness for the millions of people around the world who experience urinary or faecal incontinence. Do you suffer from incontinence? Never fear! Many cases of incontinence can be treated! If you leak when you laugh, sneeze, cough or run, come and see us. We can help. #chiro #chiropractic #worldcontinenceweek #incontinence
03.01.2022 The cat/camel (a.k.a cat/cow) stretch is a nice exercise for increasing spine flexibility. Try this: 1. Adopt a four-point kneeling position 2. Look up to the ceiling as you arch your back down to create a dip in your spine and take a big breath in 3. Return to the neutral position... 4. Then drop your head down as you curve your back up to create a hump and exhale 5. Repeat for 2-3 mins, everyday! #chiropractic #chiro #catcamel #flexibility #mobility
03.01.2022 Been thinking of seeing a Chiro but havent taken that step yet? Tiger Woods famously said: Ive been going to Chiropractors for as long as I can remember. Its as important to my training as practicing my swing. Come along and find out for yourself!... #chiro #chiropractic #tigerwoods
03.01.2022 Do you have your first chiro appointment coming up and are wondering what to wear? We recommend loose, comfortable clothing that you can easily move around in. A pair of shorts is always handy and please no sports bras ladies as we may need access to your back (normal bras are fine). Got a question before you pop by? Give us a call on (02) 9523 9940 Well see you when you get here! #chiro #chiropractic
02.01.2022 Leg length discrepancies are a very common finding in both child and adult populations. In the majority of cases the difference in lengths is minimal and the body compensates well to allow for this. More severe differences (i.e. differences of 1.1cm or more) can be the cause of significant postural strain and may result in pain and dysfunction in the entire spine, hips and other joints in the lower limb. We are trained to recognise these issues and put them right for you. Ch...iro to the rescue! #chiropractic #chiro #leglengthdiscrepancy
02.01.2022 If you see people walking around wearing a gold ribbon this month, they are wearing it to raise awareness for childhood cancer. Start a conversation today or raise some money for your favourite childhood cancer charity to start making a difference today! #childhoodcancerawarenssmonth #childhoodcancer #cancer
02.01.2022 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (CTS) is caused when the nerve that passes through a small tunnel in your wrist becomes compressed. The nerve shares the tunnel with tendons from muscles in the forearm, and if the tissues around the tendons become inflamed, they can swell causing the space to become smaller,compressing the nerve. If you experience numbness, tingling, burning or pain in the hand or fingers, book an appointment today! You can book on our website or by giving us a call on (02) 9523 9940. How handy is that!? (See what we did there) #chiro #chiropractic #carpaltunnelsyndrome #CTS
02.01.2022 Want to keep your posture in check? Try these 3 helpful tips: 1. Sit tall, stand tall. 2. Avoid sitting down for long periods of time. 3. Ensure you include exercises that target your core/trunk muscles 3-4 times per week.... Who needs help with their posture? After all that time in isolation, I think we ALL do! #chiro #chiropractic #posture
01.01.2022 Finding yourself sitting frequently? Between working at your desk and leisure time spent in front of the TV or games console, it’s easy to do. Try this hip opening exercise to combat tight hips: 1. Lie on your back with feet flat to the floor and knees hip-width apart 2. Flatten your back to the floor by rolling your pelvis backward (imprinted spine) 3. Hold that position whilst you lift your pelvis into the air, creating a straight line between your shoulders and knees, sure not to put excess pressure on the head and neck 4. Hold for 45-60 seconds, relax and repeat Say goodbye to tight hips! #chiro #chiropractic #tighthips #bridgeexercise
01.01.2022 Worried your child has a scoliosis? Some signs a child has a scoliosis include: Uneven shoulders and waistline Uneven shaped rib cage A tilted head... A shifted pelvis to one side If you have any concerns, please book an appointment today on (02) 9523 9940 #chiro #chiropractic #scoliosis
01.01.2022 November is Movember! Raising awareness for men’s health, Movember is putting a spotlight on important issues such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide, with a lighthearted spin! Grow a moustache and raise funds or show your support by hosting an event! How will you do your bit this Movember?
01.01.2022 If this sounds familiar you may want to look into Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome (or TOC) is an umbrella term for a group of disorders where the blood vessels or nerves in the space between the first rib and collarbone (the thoracic outlet) become compressed. Want to learn more? Check out our blog on Thoracic Outlet Syndrome here If you have concerns about Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, speak with us today.
01.01.2022 Dystonia is a movement disorder caused by a problem with the nervous system. A person with dystonia may experience painful, powerful, involuntary muscle contractions that can cause significant disability. If you have dystonia and are looking for help, please call us today to book an appointment. #chiro #chiropractic #dystonia
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