BAYSIDE REMEDIAL Health & Wellness Massage in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia | Massage service
BAYSIDE REMEDIAL Health & Wellness Massage
Locality: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Phone: +61 418 371 867
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25.01.2022 I have a question for everyone.... IS BONE FASCIA?? Look forward to your responses
25.01.2022 So many people now engaging in the topic of bone is fascia. This is not a new proposal that should be credited to me simply because I started this conversation the past few years as anatomists of old had already proposed this hypothesis. I asked my mentor and retired orthopedic surgeon (who better to comment on bone and Fascia ?) to write on the topic and people have asked me here in Italy if I would once again share Dr Levins paper. YES is the answer, with much pride. I urge all my friends to please share this paper and let us all work together to create a new way of thinking about and describing living matter. Anatomy is not done and dusted, john: See more
25.01.2022 Good luck to all the Grade 12 students as they start VCE today. Think of your posture as you study
25.01.2022 What can cause the sensation of pins and needles or numbness in the arms at night?
25.01.2022 We are happy to support the Firbank Grammar Bayside Community Fair in the Silent Auction section of the Fair. Be on the lookout and be sure to put down your bid :)
25.01.2022 Made me smile today
24.01.2022 APA Specialist Sports Physiotherapist Alison Lowe has written another great blog on lateral hip pain. This is a tricky issue to manage. Some great info in here!
24.01.2022 Very excited to watch this on the weekend
23.01.2022 The shoulder is an AMAZING joint! It needs a balance of mobility and dynamic muscular stability. Unfortunately, shoulders do get sensitive and p...ainful sometimes and getting to the root cause can be a little tricky. Some interesting thoughts here from Professor Jeremy Lewis, who compares the outcomes of surgery vs a progressive strengthening program in people with atraumatic rotator cuff tears. The results may surprise you
22.01.2022 The following video constitutes part of my proposal that "Bone is fascia". I did not edit the video (thank you to Shane McDermott behind the camera) but I hope Facebook friends will enjoy this very raw footage and please "share". The discussion surrounding the definition of fascia and the fact that the definition does not include bone is not merely one of semantics. The term fascia not including bone is, in my professional opinion, misleading and misleading language has a habit of confusing our thinking while inhibiting alternative views of any given problem. Even if we restrict Fascia to the reserve of ligaments, sheets and aponeuroses, we would still require a universal term to reflect how we are capable of moving. Bone deserves special consideration, as it is vital to the musculoskeletal continuum but also, due to Its embryologic development, is a condensation within the fascia. Bone is starched fascia. The periosteum is not simply the next border or the next thing in sequence (that would be contiguous). Bone is continuous with the bone matrix. The Sharpie's fibers do not merely penetrate into bone, they become the bone matrix. If fascia is a continuum, as described by the IFRC committee, then the ligaments and tendons (by their definition of "fascia") must continue on into the interstices of the bone and the bone matrix and out the other end. The kidney, liver, spleen, and pancreas are enmeshed in fascia but are not themselves fascia. However, the bone as fascia is part of the locomotor system while other organs are evidently not. Bone is undoubtedly the continuum of the muscles, tendons, and ligaments (in series-van der Wal), structurally and physiologically. It is where the compression occurs within our fascial net. A few words on fascia and connective tissue cells as some comments highlight a basic lack of understanding concerning this topic. Many different kinds of cells can be found in connective tissue. The more important cells are the fibroblasts, but also adipocytes and undifferentiated mesenchymal cells. The connective tissue is referred to as adipose tissue if the adipocytes are numerous and organized into lobules. Fibroblasts differentiate into cells responsible for producing several different kinds of connective tissue including chondroblasts, which are responsible for making cartilage, and osteoblasts, which produce bone. Finally, always present in the Connective Tissue are macrophages, mast cells, and transient migrant cells, such as lymphocytes, plasma cells and the white blood cells. The Stopak-Harris Theory provides a clear explanation for the genesis of Ligaments, tendons and Skeletal muscles formed as mechanical effects of traction forces exerted by the cells. Undifferentiated Mesenchymal cells under high compression result in Cartilage while those under Low compression result in Mesenchyme (loose, Areolar matrix). Bone is basically a condensation of FASCIA. Take away the hydroxyapatite and what remains is the fascial component of a strong yet flexible, malleable, shape changing scaffolding we call the skeletal system. Bone is Fascia.
22.01.2022 Busy reading about this and pretty impressed - baby steps in getting there :)
21.01.2022 My colleague and dear friend of 25 years, Bruce Schonfeld, has put together a wonderful film that our entire community will certainly both enjoy, and learn a deal from, entitled "The Secret Life of Fascia," featuring Dr. Robert Schleip, co-founder of the International Fascia Congress. Bruce also brings together the insights of researchers, practitioners and athletes, weaving a story that will both bring you to the edge of your seat, and then get you off of it, you will be so excited to move! I am very proud to have contributed some footage to the film to help tell the story of fascia from the inside out. Bruce is literally the only person I have ever trusted with my footage, that is a testament to his excellence and deep commitment as an educator, as well as my heartfelt belief in him and his project. The link below is to a trailer for the film which is expected to be released in December. I will be with Bruce in Berlin on Nov. 13 for a full screening, and we hope you will join us for a compelling evening of fascia-inspired art, dance, poetry and cinematography. See more
21.01.2022 There’s a growing body of research that points towards the benefits of kinesio taping for pain relief and improved function. In today’s blog we look at the results of one of these studies, and some techniques for taping the trapezius.
21.01.2022 Check out our recent blog post written by Av Kumar. Interesting read and really applicable to our sporty patients!
21.01.2022 Breaking news... WHO pulls support from the EAT-Lancet initiative promoting a global move to a plant-based Garden of Eden diet. The article published in the BM...J yesterday states: "The World Health Organization pulled out of sponsoring a global initiative promoting healthier and sustainable diets across the world after pressure from an Italian official who raised concerns about the impact of the diet on peoples health and livelihoods. "The event - the launch of the EAT-Lancet Commission on Food, Planet, Health in Geneva, Switzerland on 28 March - still went ahead, sponsored by the government of Norway. "WHO dropped its planned sponsorship after Gian Lorenzo Cornado, Italys ambassador and permanent representative of Italy to the international organizations in Geneva, questioned the scientific basis for the diet which is focused on promoting predominantly plant based foods, and excluding foods deemed unhealthy, including meat and other animal based foods. "Cornado warned that a global move to such a diet could lead to the loss of millions of jobs linked to animal husbandry and the production of unhealthy foods, and destroy traditional diets which are part of cultural heritage. "The initiative urging for a centralised control of our dietary choices risked the total elimination of consumers freedom of choice" ... and to me that choice included being allowed to eat animal fats/proteins for our health and questioning the huge push for alternative meats by industry aligned with the EAT-Lancet proposal. We need animals, especially ruminants, to fertilize the soil for the health of our planet. Animal waste products, not industrial chemicals stripping the soil of every living microorganism and leaving depleted of nutrients. Gary says Low Carbers are like mosquitos in the nutrition debate. We wont go away. Not while corporates are profiting from bandaiding sick-care and making Rule-books based on Vested Interests and ideology. Huge thanks to Stewart McLean and the team at In Support of Paleo and Low Carb Living for alerting me to this article and to the tireless efforts of many brave people who challenged the motives of the EAT-Lancet initiative, many of whom are acknowledged in my article here...
21.01.2022 Book in your appointment today
20.01.2022 6 things that happen to your body if you walk every day:
20.01.2022 Invaluable advice
20.01.2022 Hope this helps explains why you need regular massage. Monthly works well.
20.01.2022 Some time ago I invited Dr. Stephen Levin, Orthopedic Surgeon (now retired), to lend his intellectual heft to the discussion Bone is Fascia. I did so because ...this topic is so important. I felt the topic required the insights from a medical expert that has unique anatomy knowledge and specialist surgical experience. Dr. Levin has not failed to deliver a coherent and conclusive series of arguments based on our embryological reality supported by fascia facts peppered with his anti-reductive model of biotensegrity. In my humble opinion Dr. Levins is a voice worth listening to. A copy and paste description of bone from Wikipedia or a reply with the tired old phrase fascia is connective tissue but not all connective tissue is fascia is not the level of conversation I am calling for. Such sound bites endorse the idea that anatomy is done and dusted, that we have had the last word, the only word. I want to encourage all bodywork and movement practitioners, anatomists, surgeons, Pilates instructors, medical specialists, osteopaths, Yoga practitioners, chiropractors, neuromuscular therapists, massage therapists, structural integrators and everyone else to consider the true continuity of our biotensegral form and function. Thank you Dr. Levin for your wisdom, your life experience and your spirit of sharing and thank you for joining the conversation (Please "Share"). john See more
20.01.2022 To keep up to date on the research concerning the world’s first Human Fascial Net Plastination Project which is directed by fascia research scientist Robert Sch...leip, clinical anatomist John Sharkey, professor of anatomy Carla Stecco, and director of anatomy and plastination Vladimir Chereminskiy, the project is taking place at the world-famous Body Worlds Plastinarium in Guben, Germany, here is a link: See more
18.01.2022 space. You need to know about C60 icosahedrons as these form the underlying architecture of the endless tubes in the human form. Come join the... fun and joy of learning the true anatomy of our living form: or See more
18.01.2022 Happy New Year everyone! We are back and taking appointments. Hope to see you soon
18.01.2022 NOTES FROM THE LAB: Interstituim As an over-simplification, we can say that fascia is the living medium that #connects everything to everything in the human b...ody though its architecture is not random and different types of fascia play very specific roles. Some fascia even connects fascia to other fascia. This type of fascia which is less sheet-like in its appearance than the deep fascia, is in all the in-betweens and has recently been called the #Interstitium, but has gone by many names over the decades including the #Perifascia, #Fuzz, #filmyfascia, #MultifibrillarNetwork, #MicrovacuolarSystem, #LooseConnectiveTissue, and is included in the full system of fascia which has been called by names such as the #OrganOfInnerness, #OrganOfForm, #EmbryoInUs, the #MatrixOfTheMeso. Whatever its name, we got to see it in the lab in Guben and here are some images for YOU! It is important to note that these images are of #embalmed #cadavers, so the #textures are drier and less slippery than in living flesh, but the dryness isn’t necessarily a bad thing because it allows us to really see the fibers and helps us to understand the #strength of the #connections. In the first image we see connection of #superficial fascia to #deep fascia of the gastorcnemius as they are being lifted apart. Notice the not-so-distinct #fuzz/ #perifascia/ #interstitium etc connecting the two more distinct layers. In the second image we see a lot of #chaotic looking fibers. This is #not #pathological. Remember, Fascia also provides #stability made possible by fascia connecting fascia to other fascia! In this case the connection is between the deep fascia (the epimysium) of two muscles in the torso. The third image is a great example of the complex nature of fascial connections and shows how in some areas the separate structures cross their borders and join eachother! Here the intermuscular fascial (the epimysium, perimysium and endomysium) join and continue directly into the aponeurotic fascia of the thigh (Fascia Lata). This #architecture creates firm connection from the muscle directly into deep Fascia and not to bone, which sheds new light on the old model of muscle-tendon-bone #force #transmission for generating #movement. No matter what you call it, fascia is the-stuff-of-which-we-are-made and it is deeply #FASCINATING! Photo Credit: #fasciaresearchsociety #fasciaresearchcongress #fasciaplastination #fascia #plastination #plastinarium #guben #germany #interstitium #fuzz #filmyfascia #perifascia #GilHedley #JeanClaudeGuimberteau #CarlaStecco #TomFindley #RobertSchleip #TomMyers #IdaRolf #AndrewTylorStill #JapVanderWal
17.01.2022 Today I return to the topic of Bone is Fascia. I have prepared a ‘Letter to the Editor’ that I have now sent to the editor of the Journal of Bodywork and Mov...ement Therapies (JBMT-which I strongly recommend to all my Facebook friends!!) and I will notify you when the edition with the letter is in print. In the meantime, I asked my mentor Dr. Stephen Levin, farther of the model Biotensegrity to provide his considered input and qualified opinion on this subject. Keep in mind that Dr. Levin is a retired Orthopedic Surgeon and the person responsible for a complete paradigm shift in the way we view all living structures. The following is an excerpt from a brilliant article and well argued defense of my proposal that bone is fascia and should be define and recognised as such. Enjoy, john What about the bone? Is the bone part of the building’s structural support or just an event within it? To argue that bone (and cartilage and discs as well) is a specialized organ with its parenchyma as its primary role, an event separate from the function of the fascia so it should not be included as a fascia structure, belies the embryologic development of bone and its existence as part of the fascia network, i.e. its functional role. It is not the case that first osteoblasts exist and then the fascia room is built around them, but rather that the room is in the process of construction and the osteoblasts are brought in to plaster the walls. The walls then become part of the load-bearing structure of the fascia building. Bone is ossified fascia that incorporates various parenchyma cells within its interstices. Osteoblasts exist within the interstices of fascia just as muscle cells exist within the interstices of fascia and their very functional existence is dependent on its fascia structural continuum. Osteoblasts and other parenchymal cells reside within the walls of this boney apartment but their residence is not its sole purpose, the walls are there to help hold up the building. Osteoblasts are there to support fascia; fascia is not there to support the parenchyma (the way fascia is used in the kidney or liver). If the room is no longer needed, the osteoblasts are evicted, the plaster is peeled from the walls, and the now non-weight-bearing walls remain as part of the fascial support network but are used in other ways. Other functions such as hemopoiesis may take up temporary residence in the apartment and share some space, but those cells may be structural freeloaders, contributing very little to the building’s structural maintenance. (2) Bone is fascia | Request PDF. Available from:[accessed Aug 22 2018].
16.01.2022 Perfect time to be thinking about that special gift under the tree or that little extra gift in a special person's stocking! PM us if you would like a Gift Voucher this holiday season
16.01.2022 Dear Clients and friends, Due to the Covid 19 pandemic and advice from governing bodies as of Monday 23rd March 2020 1pm Bayside Remedial Massage Therapy will be temporarily closing for business until further notice. NSW and VIC Department of Health, as well as our governing Massage Associations have recommended the shutting down of all non essential businesses and services to further contain the spread of this deadly and rapidly changing virus. ... I have been really struggling with this and putting off making this decision for quite a few days with mixed emotions. After consultation with fellow colleagues and other sole traders/small business, it seems the correct and only decision to take. Please understand this is an extremely difficult and unfortunate decision, both financially and personally. I will review the ever changing situation daily but this situation is likely to last for a few weeks. I will contact you to reschedule your appointment once we know we are able to safely resume business Many thanks and keep safe! Ilonka Xx
15.01.2022 Read about 'Ross River Virus and Joint Pain' by Dr. Andrew Jowett @
14.01.2022 "BioTensegrity is the biology of wholeness" -Julian Marcus Treble, an evolution in the understanding of structural and functional anatomy. We now see that of gravity being a force that compresses our organism and makes us small and bent, it serves as a force that initiates space and strength throughout our structure. "BioTensegrity counters the notion that the skeleton provides a frame for the soft tissues to hang upon, but rather the fascia provides the scaffolding for muscle attachments and force transmission. The myofascial system provides a vast ocean within which the bones float. " " It is a conceptual model that is causing a paradigm shift in biomechanical thinking and changing the way we think about functional anatomy. It is a structural design principle that describes a relationship between every part of an organism and the mechanical system that integrates them into a complete functional form. " Biotensegrity recognizes the structure of the body as a non-linear continuous form that is self-generated, self-organizing, self- stressing, gravity independent, flexible, Omni-directional, load distributing and low energy consuming system. It is the marriage of tension and compression, dancing with continuity, fluidity and stability throughout the body. (Excerpts and paraphrases from Drs. Stephen Levin and John Sharkey) . . Refer to these brillant sites for more information: . . It will also be a wise use of time to digest these excellent podcasts featuring: Dr. Stephen Levin-!ea33d John Sharkey- Joanne Avison- We are truly floating inside our bodies. Special thanks to Stephen Levin and the Diplodocus for helping shift our views about the relationship between hard-matter Newtonian physics and soft-matter biological systems.
13.01.2022 A wave of new research has been released advising surgery as a last resort for knee pain. In this short six minute #ABCHealthReport episode, Dr Norman Swan talk...s to Victor van de Graffan orthopaedic surgery resident in Amsterdamabout his findings from a new trial comparing surgery and physiotherapy for meniscal tears. While the findings found similar outcomes in both groups, there is an increased risk of complications from undertaking surgeries like knee arthroscopes. #choosephysio for knee rehabilitation See more
13.01.2022 Senator Cory Bernadi, South Australia, writes about Gary's case! He says ... The world has gone completely mad. "That’s a phrase I utter almost every day whe...n confronted by the absurdities, deceptions and idiocy of public advocacy groups and government. "I am going to share one such instance with you today. "Dr Gary Fettke is an orthopaedic surgeon who operates on a lot of diabetics and obese people. As part of his process he advises his patients to cut the sugar and reduce the carbs. "He warns them it is either that or possibly lose a limb under his surgeon’s scalpel. It seems like sensible advice from a medical professional at the front line of dealing with a serious problem. "However, the Dieticians Association of Australia (DAA) didn’t like a mere surgeon giving dietary advice so they complained to the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Association (AHPRA). "Long story short is that at the behest of DAA, AHPRA told the good doctor to stop doing what he was doing. He appealed, they argued for a while and eventually the Doctor received an apology. "However, in a recent media interview, Dr Fettke disclosed how the Dieticians Association has been funded for the past 20 years by the processed food industry. "Little wonder they didn’t appreciate a message contrary to the one they were pushing, even if it came from a reputable surgeon. "Dr Fettke shared details of how a small cabal of food industry CEOs meet a few times a year to plan how they can increase consumption of their products. In the example given, it was those involved in the breakfast cereal industry. "These purveyors of sugar-laden carb-dense processed cereal also happened to fund the DAA to promote the ‘eat cereal’ message. Concerned about the fall in cereal consumption, these food industry executives identified a list of individuals to target in order to strengthen their cause. "Dr Fettke was the only doctor on the cereal makers’ hit-list and it appears the DAA were enlisted to do the dirty work. Hence the complaint to AHPRA seeking to have Dr Fettke silenced. "While justice was eventually done, this entire association calls into question every piece of advice from the DAA. "It is little wonder the public can no longer tell real news from fake news. It seems there isn’t much difference between the two anymore. "The DAA guidelines are used to justify almost every institutional menu from school tuck shops, hospital food, kids lunches through to the ubiquitous food pyramid. "Now it seems they have spent 20 years being funded by the processed food industry to push an anti-dairy, anti-meat message in favour of processed foodstuffs. "Little wonder obesity and diabetes are becoming a health epidemic across the community. "It is just another example of how a once-trusted institution has imploded under the weight of greed and self-interest. "It is little wonder the public can no longer tell real news from fake news. It seems there isn’t much difference between the two anymore. "Perhaps the DAA can blame the Russians everyone else does. "I learned about this sorry tale through a radio interview on Tasmania Talks with Brian Carlton. He interviewed Dr Fettke and you can listen to the interview HERE. #choosehealth #lowcarb #wecantwait #isupportgary
13.01.2022 Interesting video about the success in Denmark using exercise to improve knee osteoarthritis. Worth the 3:54mins to watch! Have an active day.
11.01.2022 An excellent blog on 'Slipped Discs' by Physiotherapist Alex Cross: 'Do not define yourself by what your scan result says. A great deal of research is suggestin...g that the first line of management should be conservative. There are always options to getting back to doing what you want to do. If you are experiencing back pain and want to return to a pain-free lifestyle see your physio and get moving!' See more
11.01.2022 Love going to a conference and receiving a quality goodie bag Thank you RedCoral
11.01.2022 Good luck to all of those Melbourne Marathon runners tomorrow! You've been blessed with great weather now stay hydrated
11.01.2022 Now here is a great idea!
10.01.2022 World Exclusive- 1st 3D Printed Model of Deep Fascia of Thigh This fascia research project has taken five years to bring to fruition and I want to express my si...ncere thanks for all the support and encouragement given to me from Paul Fotheringham at 3Dlife prints and Dr. Robert Schleip Fascia Research Society and Dr. Eric Barnhill Charit Universiittsmedizin Berlin and Dr. Gil Mendez, Surgeon, Berlin. Here are some images and time lapse video that help to tell the story of how the worlds first 3D printed model of the fascia profunda of thigh has come to life in all its splendor and detailed accuracy. This original first of its kind teaching model has the potential to change the medical worlds understanding of anatomy. The implications in the science of fascia and fascia research are numerous. I hope you agree that this is one of the most exciting developments in fascia research and will impact many allied medical fields such as pain management including nerve blocks, movement science and much more. Please reference all images as follows: Image Courtesy of Sharkey, J. Clinical Anatomist 2018. I am delighted to share these historical images and I do hope you enjoy these unique teaching models of the deep fascia. Educational organisations interested in having these models and other amazing plastinated specimens displayed at your conference or other events can private message me for more details, john See more
10.01.2022 As a proud member of the editorial board for the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (JBMT) I invite my Facebook friends, whatever your stripe, to taking a yearly subscription with this multidisciplinary journal. JBMT is the publishing sponsor of the IFRC and in every issue we include a section on fascia research. In fact if you take a membership of the ANMPT ( you also get a full years subscription to JBMT. As we move closer to Montreal in 2021 the JBMT is the ideal research publishing journal to keep you informed, up to date and in tune with the most recent fascia developments. See more
10.01.2022 The impact of ice in injury management has been in the headlines lately. Read what the original advocate of the R.I.C.E. protocol has to say on the topic.
10.01.2022 Listen to your gut, it's a lot smarter than you think.
09.01.2022 Made me laugh today, so true!
09.01.2022 How well do you really know your body if it changes every 10 years?
09.01.2022 Such an important message
09.01.2022 Happy Valentines Day everyone
09.01.2022 Following my recent publication in the Journal of bodywork and Movement Therapies (JBMT Volume 23 Number 1 January 2019 ISSN 1360-8592)) concerning the proposal... that bone is fascia I am delighted to see other academics and clinicians agreeing with the proposition and coming out with articles in support of the notion. Thank you to Professor Bruno Bordoni and colleague Maria Marcella Lagana for this excellent additional contribution to the discussion: See more
07.01.2022 Senator Cory Bernadi, South Australia, writes about Garys case! He says ... The world has gone completely mad. "Thats a phrase I utter almost every day whe...n confronted by the absurdities, deceptions and idiocy of public advocacy groups and government. "I am going to share one such instance with you today. "Dr Gary Fettke is an orthopaedic surgeon who operates on a lot of diabetics and obese people. As part of his process he advises his patients to cut the sugar and reduce the carbs. "He warns them it is either that or possibly lose a limb under his surgeons scalpel. It seems like sensible advice from a medical professional at the front line of dealing with a serious problem. "However, the Dieticians Association of Australia (DAA) didnt like a mere surgeon giving dietary advice so they complained to the Australian Health Practitioners Regulatory Association (AHPRA). "Long story short is that at the behest of DAA, AHPRA told the good doctor to stop doing what he was doing. He appealed, they argued for a while and eventually the Doctor received an apology. "However, in a recent media interview, Dr Fettke disclosed how the Dieticians Association has been funded for the past 20 years by the processed food industry. "Little wonder they didnt appreciate a message contrary to the one they were pushing, even if it came from a reputable surgeon. "Dr Fettke shared details of how a small cabal of food industry CEOs meet a few times a year to plan how they can increase consumption of their products. In the example given, it was those involved in the breakfast cereal industry. "These purveyors of sugar-laden carb-dense processed cereal also happened to fund the DAA to promote the eat cereal message. Concerned about the fall in cereal consumption, these food industry executives identified a list of individuals to target in order to strengthen their cause. "Dr Fettke was the only doctor on the cereal makers hit-list and it appears the DAA were enlisted to do the dirty work. Hence the complaint to AHPRA seeking to have Dr Fettke silenced. "While justice was eventually done, this entire association calls into question every piece of advice from the DAA. "It is little wonder the public can no longer tell real news from fake news. It seems there isnt much difference between the two anymore. "The DAA guidelines are used to justify almost every institutional menu from school tuck shops, hospital food, kids lunches through to the ubiquitous food pyramid. "Now it seems they have spent 20 years being funded by the processed food industry to push an anti-dairy, anti-meat message in favour of processed foodstuffs. "Little wonder obesity and diabetes are becoming a health epidemic across the community. "It is just another example of how a once-trusted institution has imploded under the weight of greed and self-interest. "It is little wonder the public can no longer tell real news from fake news. It seems there isnt much difference between the two anymore. "Perhaps the DAA can blame the Russians everyone else does. "I learned about this sorry tale through a radio interview on Tasmania Talks with Brian Carlton. He interviewed Dr Fettke and you can listen to the interview HERE. #choosehealth #lowcarb #wecantwait #isupportgary
06.01.2022 An excellent blog on Slipped Discs by Physiotherapist Alex Cross: Do not define yourself by what your scan result says. A great deal of research is suggestin...g that the first line of management should be conservative. There are always options to getting back to doing what you want to do. If you are experiencing back pain and want to return to a pain-free lifestyle see your physio and get moving! See more
06.01.2022 So excited for the capable team! Congratulations!!
05.01.2022 Hope to see you there!
04.01.2022 You might be considering surgery or other intervention to treat your back pain. But less may actually be more for this common problem, and in many instances the best medicine is good old-fashioned movement and exercise.
04.01.2022 Thank you all for your support this year! Wishing you a blessed Christmas and all that is beautiful for 2019. We will be reopening for appointments on Monday 14th of January 2019.
04.01.2022 We are back from holiday
02.01.2022 "Natural foods found in nature tend to contain either carb (e.g. summer or tropical foods) or fat and protein (e.g. winter or foods found closer to the north or... south poles) but not both at the same time. "However, our modern food system is full of cheap products from subsidised agriculture which include added processed fats mixed with starchy refined grain products from wheat and corn that fuel both our fat and glucose metabolism at the same time! "These processed reconstituted ingredients are mixed together and artificially flavoured and sweetened to taste better than nutritious whole foods. "Due to our strong survival instincts, we have no off switch for these modern Frankenfoods. We just keep eating as long as we have access to them, even though they dont provide much in the way of the nutrients we need to thrive." This is a great article by Marty Kendall Optimising Nutrition The message about choosing health comes across loud and clear "Correlation doesnt equal causation, but is going to be a safe bet to avoid foods that contain the ingredients that have exploded in parallel with the obesity epidemic. Refined oils: Soy oil Canola oil Corn oil High fructose corn syrup Refined starches and flours from wheat and corn, especially when combined with processed oils So whats left to eat? Meat Dairy Fish Eggs Fruit Vegetables "Given the expense of obesity-related disease on our economy it would make a lot of sense to me to remove the subsidies from grain products and make nutritious high satiety foods more affordable for the people who desperately need them. "I would love to see an economic analysis of the benefits to farmers who receive subsidies to help them create cheap energy versus the whole of system cost of health care, lost productivity and drugs. "Perhaps this will help to change policy in the future. "Unfortunately, for now, you will need to keep making an investment in your own health."
02.01.2022 Cervical Spine Fact 3 Laptop neck pain hack!
02.01.2022 Enjoyable Saturday afternoon reading!
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