Bb's custom vintage caravans in Port Adelaide, South Australia | Local business
Bb's custom vintage caravans
Locality: Port Adelaide, South Australia
Phone: +61 416 630 476
Address: 23 tapleys Hill road hendon 5014 Port Adelaide, SA, Australia
Likes: 8938
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25.01.2022 UPDATE: Lyla, BB's Boutique Vintage Caravan completed and for sale early 2021. Today Lyla's pendant arrived from London. Made from linen and rattan, this gorgeous pendant will proudly hang above the dining table. #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs ... . . . . . #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bbs #lylathevintagecaravan #vintagecaravan #adventure #ourportadelaide #sagreat #bespoke #glamping #tinyhouse #wonderlust #getaway #boutique #upcycle See more
24.01.2022 1969, 13'6, viscount Ambassador This gorgeous van has been delivered to it's family ready for adventure! BB's did an extensive conversion with this van: the exterior repainted. Interior restoration, including cupboard fronts. Interior repainted and redesigned .Ducted reverse cycle air conditioning etc .. ... We're inlove with this van! Stylist Annalisa collaborated with the owner to bring her beachy dream into a reality! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . . . . . #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bbsboutiquevuntagecaravans #bbs #viscount #vintagecaravans #bespoke #bespokedesign #bespokeaustralia #roadtrip #sagreat #ourportadelaide #wedocaravans #customwork #tinyhomes #getaway #wonderlust #glamping #dreamsdocometrue See more
24.01.2022 One of our boutique vintage caravan's Billie Holiday, is on the front cover of today's Adelaide The Advertiser newspaper! What a great photo! Billie's family, Jackie and Dean are performing an orchestra shool show called, ARE WE THERE YET? We hope the show goes really well. Check the story out! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs... . . . . . #wedocaravans #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bespoke #bespokeaustralia #roadtrip #customwork #tinyhomes #vintage #theadvertiser #Adelaide #AdelaideAdvertiser The Advertiser #vintagecaravan #caravanrenovation See more
23.01.2022 Tonight, we are creating the 1969 Viscount Ambassador's Album in the photo section. So enjoy another look at the latest completed BB's Boutique vintage caravan! And remember you can always visit the albums in the photos section. #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs .... . . . . #bbs #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bespoke #bespokeaustralia #bespokedesign #vintagecaravanreno #caravanreno #tinyhomes #getaway #travelaustralia #roadtrip #sagreat #ourportadelaide #travelsa #roadtripaustralia #wonderlust #glamping #dreamsdocometrue See more
21.01.2022 Throw back to one of BB's Boutique Caravans.. Charlie the Vintage Caravan's photoshoot in 2015. Love the canned ham shape! Do you have fun photographing your vintage caravan? #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . .... . . #bbs #tiny #tinyhomes #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #charliethevintagecaravan #getaway #travelaustralia #roadtrip #sagrea#tinyvintagecaravan #ourportadelaide #wedocaravans #travelsa #transformations See more
21.01.2022 **A very special opportunity!** This 1953 Bedford Bus BB's fondly named Berty; approx 20' is for SALE AT A BARGAIN!! $15K!! If you saw last nights post, you know how amazing a conversion on a vintage/retro bus can be. ... For commercial or private, mobile or static, this gorgeous 1953 Berty the Bedford bus is a wonderful opportunity to make a dream come true! Just look at it's shape, and its emptied out ready for a conversion. Check out our last post on the page to see some of the possibilities! We can fit it out for you and we can deliver. #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs The specs: *Approx 20' long *no registration * breaks need attention, hand brake works *drives beautifully *emptied out ready for conversion . . . . . #bbs #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #originalvintagecaravans #wonderlust #vintage #bespoke #customwork #caravans #vintagebuses #trailors #vintagetrucks #vintagevans #foodtrucks #mobilebusiness #tinyhomes #travelaustralia #roadtrip #sagreat #ourportadelaide #wedocaravans
20.01.2022 BB's visited Robe just before the Lockdown. Get out there and see your own backyard, wherever you are in Australia. It's bound to suprise and delight you! Brandon and Stylist Annalisa infront of the fabulous Me and Miss Jones boutique. Check it out on instagram! @meandmissjones.robe #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . .... . . . #bbs #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #sagreat #ourportadelaide #wedocaravans #customwork #bespoke #bespokedesign #bespokeaustralia #roadtrip #getaway #weekendgetaways #australia #supportlocal See more
19.01.2022 What destination awaits you and your vintage caravan? #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs #natashalowe . .... . . . #bbs #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #bbshybridvintagecaravans #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bespoke #customwork #caravans #vintagecaravans #tinyhomes #getaway #travelaustralia #roadtrip #sagreat #ourportadelaide #travelsa #roadtripaustralia #wonderlust #glamping #dreamsdocometrue See more
18.01.2022 You may remember Lyla the Hillendale, a BB's Boutique Vintage Caravan from earlier this year. She had to be put on hold due to the Covid19. But in the first half of next year, this charming old lady will be completed and for sale. We can't wait to show you the results! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . . .... . . #lylathevintagecaravan #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bbs #vintagecaravans #customwork #bespoke #bespokeaustralia #roadtrip #tinyhomes #getaway #travelaustralia #glamping #mobilehome #sagreat #ourportadelaide See more
16.01.2022 ** IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT** BB's will now stop taking custom work bookings untill February 2021. We have been put behind by the year that is Covid 2020 and need to catch up on major custom work for current clients who have been amazingly patient and understanding throughout this year. We will be able to resume booking in client work when February arrives. We have some awesome work to complete and we can't wait for you to see the final results! You have seen these two latest... vintage caravan results, which we just love. Now look forward to a few more vintage caravan custom projects, of which we will post sneak peaks along the way. We know you'll love the final results! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . . . . . #bbs #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #customwork #bespoke #bespokedesign #sagreat #ourportadelaide #travelsa #roadtripaustralia #wonderlust #glamping #mobilebusiness #tinyhomes #mobilebusinesscaravans #events #cafe See more
16.01.2022 #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs pinterest . . .... . . #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #bbshybridcaravans #bbscustomvintagecaravans #fashionshootswithvintagecararans #bbs #tinyhomes #getaway #travelaustralia #roadtrip #sagreat #ourportadelaide #wedocaravans #customwork #bespoke #bespokedesign #customwork #caravans #vintagecaravans #mobilebar #wonderlust #glamping #dreamsdocometrue See more
15.01.2022 We're back on Monday!! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . . .... . . #bbs #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bbscustomvintagecaravans #vintagecaravan #bbsgarage #wedocaravans #customwork #caravans #vintagecaravans #tinyhomes #mobilebusiness #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #sagreat #ourportadelaide See more
14.01.2022 New announcement Please email your CV, please do not message the page. ** cabinate making experience is essential. #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs ... . . . . #bbs #nowemploying #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bespoke#customwork See more
13.01.2022 Which interior makes you go mmmmm? Give a like on an anterior or two and lets see which one's are most popular! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs pinterest . .... . . . BB's #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bespoke #bespokedesign #bespokeaustralia #wedocaravans #travelsa #transformations #ourportadelaide #caravanlovers #sagreat #caravaning #vintagecaravans #retrocaravans See more
12.01.2022 Thankyou John for thinking of BB's. This lovely man came passed and gave us a vintage caravan book from 1962. He said he watches what we do and wanted to give this book to us. What a lovely thought! Brandon is like a lil' kid when it comes to vintage/retro caravan items. Loves collecting pieces, so thankyou again John. You made Brandon feel special! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs .... . . . . #bbs #kindness #vintage #retro #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #caravanreno #caravans #vintagecaravans #tinyhomes #mobilebusiness #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #sagreat #ourportadelaide #happy #vintagebooks See more
12.01.2022 Whens your next girls road trip? #girlsweekend #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . .... . . . #bbs #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bbshybridcaravans #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #getaway #travelaustralia #roadtrip #sagreat #roadtripsouthaustralia #wonderlust #glamping #mobilebusiness #tinyhomes #vintage #bespoke #bespokedesign #ourportadelaide #ladiesweekend #besties See more
10.01.2022 Great inspo! Great to see people out there being creative! Love this bunk set up. #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . .... . . . #bbs #vintagecaravans #tinyhomes #mobilebusiness #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #sagreat #caravaning #caravanbunks #bespoke #bespokedesign #bespokeaustralia #roadtrip #ourportadelaide #caravanlovers #travelsa #roadtripaustralia See more
10.01.2022 Drum roll please!.... The most most popular interior of the selection presented in the last post is the 50's Vintage! That black and white flooring paired with a pastel still wins many hearts. 2nd most popular interior is the ever popular contemporary Boho. The beachy, breezy light field space filled with plants, neutrals and wood. And 3rd place is the classic country vibe... weather it be french provencial or aussie outback, it never goes out of style. #noonedoesitbette...rthanbbs . . . . . . #bbs #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bbshybridcaravans #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #sagreat #ourportadelaide #wedocaravans #customwork #events #weddings #coffee #mobilebusiness #tinyhomes #travelaustralia #roadtrip #bespoke #mrbespoke #brandonthevintagecaravanman See more
09.01.2022 The humble vintage/retro pop up cabana caravans... Here's BB's top pic for reno inspiration... what do you think? pinterest #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . .... . . . . #bbs #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #vretropopupcaravan #popupcaravan #cabanacaravan #caravanrenos #inspiration #holiday #getaway #travelaustralia #roadtrip #sagreat #ourportadelaide #travelsa #roadtripaustralia #wonderlust #glamping #dreamsdocometrue #wedocaravans #customwork See more
08.01.2022 Bespoke work is work that takes skilled minds and hands to get the job done. Sometimes this is in the form of intricate, fussy work such as the leavers on this flamingo van. The Flamingos hatch was in need of repair. The leavers weren't working so they were dismantled and fixed back to operating again. A seemingly small job which was time consuming. A good clean and repaint has brought this hatch back to new again! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . .... . . . #$bbs #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bespoke #customwork #bespokevintagecaravanrepairs #caravanhatch #bondwoodcaravans #sagreat #ourportadelaide #travelsa #roadtripaustralia #tinyhomes #travelaustralia See more
08.01.2022 Just Brian working on a draw bar... #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . . .... . . #bbs #bbsvintagecaravanhospital #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bespoke #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #bondwoodcaravans #drawbar #wedocaravans #customwork #caravans #caravaning #tinyhomes #getaway #travelaustralia #roadtrip #sagreat #ourportadelaide #travelsa #roadtripaustralia See more
07.01.2022 Tonight, we upload another album to the photo section. This is a passed client from 2019. A beautiful Bondwood and aluminium vintage caravan we remodelled as a mobile cafe and wine bar for her. Isn't it gorgeous! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs . .... . . . #bbs #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bespoke #bespokedesign #bespokeaustralia #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #sagreat #ourportadelaide #wedocaravans #customwork #events #weddings #coffee #mobilebusiness #mobilecafe #mobilebar #bar #wine See more
06.01.2022 Something for a bit of a giggle! Brandon doing Gangnam Style.
06.01.2022 BB's has a special opportunity tomorrow night! Make sure you see the post. Want a hint? Vintage Buses! What is not to love? Tonight, we take a look at some vintage buses and some conversions. The opportunity to convert one to a tiny home that is mobile, is so special, don't you agree? They make wonderful air bnb's, event vehicles, spare room, a mobile or permanently stationed business. Take a look at what can be accomplished with these inspiring images! #noonedoesitbetter...thanbbs . . . . . #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bbs #vintagecaravans #tinyhomes #mobilebusiness #vintagebuses #1953 #bedfordbus #buses #restaurant #airbnb #vintagebusconversion #special #awesome #vintagelovers See more
05.01.2022 Hope you're all staying cool for the next few days! It's heating up! Here at BB's HQ this cute van is having a facelift! The front window has been rebuilt. The coupling replaced. The hatch replace. Inside wall areas restored and now the first layer of undercoat is completed! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs ... . . . . #bbs #bbshybridcaravans #bbsmobilebusinesscaravans #wedocaravans #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #roadtrip #vintagecaravans #tinyhomes #getaway #travelaustralia #sagreat #ourportadelaide #wonderlust #glamping #vintage #bespoke #bespokeaustralia #bespokedesign See more
02.01.2022 The 'Before' photos of gorgeous Lyla the Vintage Caravan. Brandon saying 'howdy' to you all! We will continue working on Lyla, BB's first Boutique Vintage Caravan of 2021, in January/Febuary. Colour palette for inside: soft white and soft light grey. She's going to be stunning.... ! #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs .... . . . . .#bbs #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #lylathevintagecaravan #tiny #cosy #tinyhouse #bespoke #feminine #vintagecaravans #vintagecaravanlove #vintage #sagreat #ourportadelaide See more
01.01.2022 From the 60's. #noonedoesitbetterthanbbs pinterest . .... . . . #bbs #bbscustomvintagecaravans #bbsboutiquevintagecaravans #originalvintagecaravans #60's #oldphotos #vintage #bespoke #customwork #tinyhomes #getaway #travelaustralia #roadtrip #sagreat #ourportadelaide #travelsa #roadtripaustralia #wonderlust #glamping #dreamsdocometrue See more
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