Beechworth Chain Gang mountain bike club | Community organisation
Beechworth Chain Gang mountain bike club
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25.01.2022 The Fastline Bikademy still have a few places left in both courses to be held at Beechworth MTB park on Sunday 22 November, details at this link:
25.01.2022 Xmas Social Ride 2020 - more social rides to come in 2021
24.01.2022 The BCG committee have decided to postpone this weekend's Club Family Day at Falls Creek. While the event technically fitted within the current social isolation guidelines, as a community organisation we decided to err on the side of caution in these rather interesting times! We, like everyone, will continue to monitor the recommendations from health and government authorities, but at this stage we expect that Term 2 of our Junior Ride Program will not be running. We encourag...e EVERYONE to keep riding, it's so important for us all to stay healthy and strong (in both body & mind!) when everything else is uncertain. See you out on the trails, stay well!
24.01.2022 If you have lost a Mountain bike helmet and a small first aid kit, I found them beside a track between Beechworth and Eldorado. I assume it has fallen out of a ute. PM me the brand and colour and its yours. If not claimed by Friday I will take it to the police station.
24.01.2022 If you can turn up, head down towards the bottom of secret track and catch up with Shaun.
23.01.2022 Dont be a Hero dig session - THURSDAY 4 pm til dark. Were going to refine the new jumps and also do a little work lower down. It would be great to have anyone who rides DBaHero regularly to help out!
23.01.2022 Great to see some MTB racing starting back up in the region. See details of Alpine Cycling Club’s upcoming events.
22.01.2022 TRAIL WORK CANCELLED today due to weather. Checkout our hoodie post. We cant hang out together at club events at the moment, so were ordering some club hoodies to keep us toasty & full of club spirit Initial orders by Friday PM so we can be sure weve got enough to go ahead - details on our website, link in bio
22.01.2022 Dont forget the DbaH work session tomorrow at 4. The jumps have had heaps of use so there should be a few around to come and help (which well manage with appropriate physical distancing). We will even up the take offs and pack them out a little. Theres also a little bit to do on some of the drops lower down. Its drying out so maybe bring a large water bottle to help pack dirt down (1 or 2 Ltd). Also bring a shovel or rakehoe.
20.01.2022 Check out a couple of events closer to home...
20.01.2022 Thanks to those that turned up yesterday (photo of Mark physically distancing ). Dont be a Hero had a few small improvements so please check the jumps before launching. Have a great weekend.
19.01.2022 Calling all adult beginner riders - BCG has an opportunity to run a BCG-only 3hr beginners skills session with The Fastline Bikademy at Falls Creek on the same day as our Junior Ride Program Ride Day. Sunday Feb 28 10am-1pm Beginner level... Professional coaching from Fastline $90pp including one shuttle uplift to the top of Greenline (private BCG shuttle). If you were already planning to bring your BCG Junior rider/s up for the JRP ride day then this is an excellent way to get some time on the trails yourself. Expressions of interest by commenting here or via email to [email protected] by Sunday Feb 21 please. Fastline is also running a range of other coaching sessions on that day at Falls, including Dirt Divas (women), Dirt Dudes (men), and Dirt Devils (age 9-16). Check Fastline's website for details on those sessions.
18.01.2022 Hi everyone, as we all start to slowly come out of hibernation and enjoy riding with some friends again, we have a couple of important announcements affecting the MTB Park in the next week. 1. Our Don't Be A Hero trail is having work undertaken from Friday 12 June (tomorrow) on the middle section of jumps and will need to be closed (see map) for a week for the work to settle in. The trail will have bunting indicating this but PLEASE be respectful of the closure, be patient an...d we'll all look forward to riding the refreshed trail again hopefully late next week. We'll advise via Facebook when it's reopen as well as taking down the bunting. 2. We're very grateful that Indigo Shire graded our carpark last week and further resurfacing work will be undertaken next Wednesday 17 June. This will require the carpark to be closed between approx 7.30am - 3pm. Again, if you could please avoid the area for that time, perfect chance to ride from home or for out-of-towners to park outside one of the great coffee/ food/ beer establishments in town and ride out to the park so they're in prime position for post-ride refreshments. Thanks for your help with these, it's great to have some action happening again!
17.01.2022 In lieu of being able to run any of our planned events this term, were giving our members a bit of team spirit in the form of some toasty warm club hoodies available to order in kids ($40) & Adults ($50) sizes. Were hoping to have a super fast turn around on the orders to give us more time to enjoy wearing them before it warms up. Details and size charts can be viewed on our website: Indications of order quantities/sizes (to make sure we have enough to go ahead) need to be made via email ([email protected]) before COB this Friday 7 August
17.01.2022 Don’t forget we’re hosting the next round of the Alpine CC Junior MTB race series THIS SATURDAY at Beechworth MTB park! It will be a really fun morning on our home trails. If you haven’t already done so, registrations are still open but there will be no registrations on the day so click below to register online. Under 5s do one lap of pump track.... Under 7 one lap short course. Under 9 two laps short course. (short course) Under 11 & under 13 do one lap of long course. Under 15 and 15+ do two laps of long course. (long course) If you are not riding please come on down to cheer on the riders and/or volunteer your help. First race is at 9.30am.
17.01.2022 MTB orienteering is on in Chiltern next Sunday. There are course options to suit all levels, and navigation is straight forward if you haven't tried orienteering before. All the details are here:
17.01.2022 Getting close! Hope to see the Beechworth kids out there having a ride. Registration details at
15.01.2022 We saw this great guide doing the rounds but it had some spelling mistakes, so have fixed it up & added a little Beechworth granite #staywell #seeyouonthetrails words: unknown; : Scott Hartvigsen Photography; : 'El Presidente'
15.01.2022 Anyone got a chainsaw handy this arvo? On mojo just below the bottom of the jumps track.
15.01.2022 Call out for help - we are having an impromptu working bee at the MTB park on Tuesday at 5pm. It will be a bit of spring cleaning. Whippersnipping and pruning the shrubs that are leaning over the trails. Maybe a little digging if there is enough moisture. If you have tools bring them with you. Short notice but the weather looks ok before it warms up again. Meeting at the shelter near the MTB park car park.
13.01.2022 Weve reshaped the jumps on Dont be a Hero which will ride heaps better when they settle in. They are very soft after the rain so please stay off for now. The longer we stay off the better they will be. Feel free to have a look and even help out by compacting the landings if you are there. Please be careful if youre looking as the sides are very soft. They are bigger and longer and built to be ridden when they are hard and dry. Clearing them will be difficult until the trai...l dries out after winter. Also be careful where the Short Course Downhill joins as there was work at that intersection too. Maybe well have a working bee and can have a chat about the design on Friday arvo- let us know in the comments if youre keen. Thanks to Mike, Rob and Pat for their work this weekend See more
11.01.2022 Looking for some new jerseys for Christmas? Our BCG Club Store is now open until next Monday 16 November, with orders expected to be delivered by the 18th of December. The designs (various trail & XC/road styles) remain the same as previous orders, but the fabric has been updated/ improved so should last even longer than they always have! Sizing info & details can be found on Champion Systems' main site:
11.01.2022 Thanks to Ronnie Elliot of @beechworthexcavations for some nice neat work removing some dangerous trees. Trails are open but watch out for changed surfaces due to the machine. If anyone has a shovel they could tidy up the hole in More Mojo at the Green loop. Beechworth Excavations
10.01.2022 The trails are still riding well despite all the rain this week Weve made it easier for you to register before riding by adding the QR code for registering to our main trail head sign as well as on the first trail signage post #helpuskeeptheparkopen #itsforoursanity
10.01.2022 Reminder - last chance to have your say... It would be great if BCG members and friends could take some time to review the draft and provide feedback to council. Now’s the time to have your say. The aim of the Ride It, Walk It, Indigo Plan is to provide a strategic framework to guide Indigo Shire Council on cycling, walking and horse riding opportunities such as paths / trails, infrastructure, events, programs and services for the next 10 years....
10.01.2022 Carpark at Beechworth MTB park is closed tomorrow Wed 17 June for works. Ride out from town or park up the road somewhere
10.01.2022 The Trail Stomping Continues this Friday from 3.30pm! We will go and have a look and scratch around the new jumps again this Friday afternoon. We can tidy up the landings and transitions to make them flow nicely. Please let others know. We will also make an assessment if they are going to be firm enough to ride over the weekend.
10.01.2022 Fantastic morning's racing at the Alpine CC Junior Series Beechworth round. The rains held off, the trails were tacky, the sun was out and the kids raced well.
09.01.2022 Carpark works are ongoing at the Beechworth MTB park and the carpark will be closed again on Thursday 18/6.
09.01.2022 Some good tips to help us all keep riding through the pandemic! You might also think about toning down the risk factor and upping the fun factor, the last thing our medicos need at the moment are more patients!
08.01.2022 There have been a few changes to the Chain Gang committee recently. Here are your executive committee members. Feel free to say hello when you see us out on the trails. Special thanks to Jo Hunt and Sally Huguenin for all their efforts as President and Secretary in previous years.
08.01.2022 Following on from the free coaching Indi from The Fastline Bikademy (TFB) provided to our JRP coaches last week, Indi has offered to run some more paid sessions on Sunday 8th & 22nd November for anyone interested. The 'Starter' session will be between 9am and 12pm, followed by the 'Confident' session between 2pm & 5pm. The 'Starter' sessions would be great for riders looking to build some confidence on our Beechworth trails, the 'Confident' sessions would be great for anyone... who considers themselves to be a good rider looking to improve specific skills. Participants in both sessions will be able to give Indi a ‘wishlist’ of skills (or obstacles in the MTB park) you’d particularly like to improve on. You can choose to do just one session/ week or both. Each session is capped at 7 riders. All bookings direct through Indi/ The Fastline Bikademy through this link: Any questions should go to Indi via email: [email protected]
08.01.2022 PLEASE NOTE TEMPORARY TRAIL CLOSURES: tomorrow we are sorting out some potentially dangerous trees from 9am for a couple of hours. The Green Loop, Rusty, Laundry and Secret tracks will be CLOSED. Mojo is open but will return to carpark the reverse way on green loop.
07.01.2022 Dont be a Hero is OPEN! The yellow and black tape is gone and the jumps surface seems nice and hard. Theres a shovel on site if you need to do any tidy up of the take offs. Well see how they go and maybe have a working bee in a couple of weeks if we can find some nice weather then. Thanks to all those that helped out, especially Michael Willis and Rob!
07.01.2022 Hi all. Please use this new link for location registration at the Beechworth MTB Park. Hope you have a good weekend.
07.01.2022 Such great news that we can now ride in groups of up to 10 people and welcome regional visitors back to our trails! Please remember to continue respecting the 1.5m social distancing regulations and wear masks when not riding. At this stage we believe we're still required to keep a visitor log so please do use the QR codes at the trail head (& on our website) to register your Beechworth MTB Park ride with COVID Safe. Shuttling with people not from your household is still not a...llowed, but hopefully if we all keep on doing the right thing it won't be long until we can get back to normal riding patterns and welcome Melbourne visitors back to the region too! See you on the trails!
07.01.2022 Better to ride to your 'exercise' than drive...
06.01.2022 There were important changes announced last night which affects our use of Beechworth MTB Park. Recording attendance at Outdoor Physical Recreation sites in Regional Victoria is now mandatory. All riders MUST complete our online attendance form EVERY TIME you ride at Beechworth MTB Park. The Form can be accessed on this link: , and also on the front page of our website.... Signage with a QR code to access this form will be placed shortly on the main sign and first trail marker, so there are no excuses to be riding out there without being pre-registered. This applies to all riders of ANY AGE. Not registering your attendance could result in fines and/or the closure of the MTB Park, and none of us want to see that! Also, don't forget, shuttling with people you don't live with is NOT ALLOWED, you can only ride with one friend you don't live with, you still have to remain 1.5m apart. As with our first adventure in lockdown, the Victorian Government has requested us to exercise at our closest location to home so we'd also ask our regional friends to stay closer to home and not travel to Beechworth at this time to ride. Stay well everyone, the situation isn't ideal but we can do this! ~ the BCG Committee
05.01.2022 Hi all The new work from Friday is holding up nicely. Theres a report of a branch/tree in an awkward spot after one of the jumps on DBaHero. If anyone is heading out a saw would be great to sort it out thanks!
03.01.2022 We had a great working bee Friday arvo. Although 2 days out from the shortest day of the year doesnt give us heaps of time. We did get the new jumps nicely compacted which helped heaps with the rain this morning. Thanks to those that turned up and again to Mike, Rob and Pat for getting them built.
03.01.2022 We have some rain forecast! This should bring some much needed grip to the trails. Its been a little sketchy out there . Also this is a great opportunity to do maintenance on some of the trails. Friday afternoon should be good to move a little dirt around if people are available. 5pm onwards for a working bee and maybe a catch up afterwards.
03.01.2022 Stolen! Keep an eye out, check the images.
01.01.2022 The BCG committee would like to confirm for our members and followers what the current recommendations in Victoria are relating to recreational bike riding. It is NO LONGER LEGAL to ride with any people other than those you live with. (See Section 7 of this document: Shuttles & sharing cars with anyone other than who you live with is a breach of physical distancing guidelines & should not be happening.... No groups of riders (even family/household members) are to congregate at trail heads, trail junctions or car parks. As the Victorian Government has requested us to avoid any unessential travel we'd also ask our regional friends to stay closer to home and not travel to Beechworth at this time to ride. For our local members and cycling community we ask you to please take extra care if you go out on the trails. If you are riding solo make sure someone knows where you are, where youre going and when you expect to be back home. No matter where or who you riding with, please ride well within (or even under!) your comfort zone as a crash right now would not be good for anyone, let alone yourself. Please, lets do the right thing for our own health and safety and that of our wider community by sticking to these recommendations. If we all do the right thing it will hopefully mean we are able to get back to our usual patterns of social rides, skills coaching and general FUN on the trails we love a bit sooner! You can read MTBA's statement here:
01.01.2022 FYI. Please stay tuned for information/ a decision about our planned Club Day at Falls Creek this Sunday.
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