Elsa Mitchell | Businesses
Elsa Mitchell
Phone: (610) 904-5599
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25.01.2022 This is legit how excited I am to be launching a podcast! See when I write a blog I can quadruple check it, send it to Kristy for her to check and be super certain that I havent said anything too crazy or offensive. My podcast most certainly wont be that filtered! ... So whilst my intention is to bring to life the stories of women living in the hidden corners of Australia, killing it in business (secret Aussie legends I call them), I cant promise to not put my foot in my mouth as I dish up plenty of my own opinions and experiences. Look. Out. World. Whos pumped? See more
25.01.2022 It won't be for everyone but here goes.... Name of my soon to launch podcast: 'Bossy Bitch' (sorry mum). So seems only fitting I change the Facebook group to match.... Come meet my friends...... join the gang! https://www.facebook.com/groups/bossyb/
25.01.2022 Well this is a post I never thought would happen. If youve followed our story so far you will know that my business partner and bestie @kristylmorton began her cancer battle in November last year. Whilst I think its only fair I allow Kirsty to tell her story I will say this as our stories inter twine..... Before cancer Kirsty was the website / SEO geek in the B Directory equation. And she was bloody good at it. But after having her life shoved in her face as she likes to put it, Kirsty has vowed that she will never do SEO or website stuff as a job again. (Lets be honest, Ive been telling her that shit is boring for years). I think its also fair to say that when you cure an incurable cancer in just 4 months.. clearly life has a bigger plan for you. So while its up to Kristy to share her next big move, this does mean we are parting ways professionally. Dont ever go into business with a friend is what I wouldve said to anyone 5 years ago, and probably still would. Kristy and I were the exception to the rule and our relationship in and out of our business has been very special and will continue to be so. Breaking up has been sad for both of us but were trusting the path laid before us, with confidence that we will both thrive as individuals. So even though my accountant told me it was a bit weird I am taking the reigns and B Directory will become Elsa Mitchell going forward. (I mean, if its good enough for Madonna right?) I will pursue my love of business mentoring and continue to travel and teach all things business growth, both in person and online. Not to mention my podcast will be launching very soon. Kristy will show up from time to time, and this isnt the end but the start of two new very exciting chapters. Thank you from both of us to everyone who supported us so far and will continue to do so. The relationships we have formed have been everything to us. Elsa Mitchell xx See more
24.01.2022 If someone presents me with a soap box.... I will climb on! I am super pumped to be speaking at the Niche Networking event at @flourishcentreperth this Thursday. Ill be talking about the basic foundations required to grow a successful business and how you can benefit from a business mentor. ... Ill also be drinking tea and getting to know some new faces. Hopefully one of them will be yours . See more
24.01.2022 I'm sorry Kristy. I know you said I should take S#!t out of the title but come on...... if the shoe fits! The best thing about all this... time to get back to doing what I love.... writing blogs! https://bit.ly/34FFagd
24.01.2022 For the first time in 13 years of owning my own business Ive had a staff member leave and aggressively attempt to steal MY clients. (Yep, the ones I worked so freakin hard for). Not saying its the first time someone left and clients followed them, it happens in todays world with social media etc but the first time Ive had several clients present me with messages of blatant, unsolicited efforts to coerce them into crossing over to th...e dark side. Once upon a time this would have deeply hurt me. I would have stressed and I would have been outraged! But heres what I now know: (cos Im all grown up) First and foremost if Covid 19 cant break me, nothing can. Im an awesome boss. Always have been, always will be. You cant please everyone (you are not a pizza) this will happen even if your Richard Branson. ALL of my other staff are loyal, ride or die legends, I will not let the actions of one define the lot. (Or me). Love your clients and they will love you. Yes some will no doubt follow her and thats ok! But my years of looking after our community and placing importance on good ol fashioned customer service comes back to me in times like this. Thank you loyal clients . Workplace contracts are important! Staff is and always will be the most challenging part of owning a business. But it can also be the most rewarding. Whats your experience? DM me your inquiries if youre struggling with staff and need help. See more
23.01.2022 I call her.... the outback influencer! Just kidding (sort of), her name is Camille Camp also known as @cattlemans_daughter and today I chatted with her on my podcast about how she uses social media to bring to life the stories of her family's life on Kalyeeda station AND provide a voice and support system for women living in remote areas. Living remotely means limited access to health providers and personal support and I think its bloody inspiring that Camille use...s her platform to share her personal challenges and endorse the businesses that support her. Sometimes social media can seem like a necessary evil but theres a lot of beauty in it too. Thank you Camille for sharing the beauty behind life on a cattle station and the gift of connections social media provides by giving a voice to those in remote communities. I know youre frothing to hear our chat but youll have to wait. Podcast is launching soon #cantwait See more
22.01.2022 Well it sure has been a minute since I did a workshop in real life - in person! I feel a bit excited this is happening. So yep, I've got an Instagram AND a Facebook workshop booked in and no doubt since I've been out of action for a while there will be a stampede to buy tickets so be careful.... I don't want to set the expectations TOO high, usually I like to UNDER promise and over deliver but you should know, my workshops aren't boring. Nope - it's almost like a stand up comedy act meets social media training. Is that big noting myself??? Oh well. Oh and since Covid 19 has been kind to my business I'm doing these workshops HALF THE PRICE! Pay it forward and all that or 'feathering my nest' as my Nanna used to say. https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/114236231644 https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/114238989894
21.01.2022 Anyone like to have a stab at what Im calling my podcast ?
19.01.2022 Turns out Im a hypocrite! I go around telling everyone doing something is better than nothing , dont wait for it to be perfect or itll never happen. Blah blah blah... But here I am, procrastinating over my podcast, dragging my feet because I want it to be awesome and completely perfect before I launch it. H Y P O C R I T E So fuck it, Im launching this bad boy in the next week.... welcome to Bossy Bitch.... Im going to be exploring all the remote corners of Australia chatting to women who are killing it in business. Uncovering hidden Aussie legends and sharing their stories, tips, triumphs and tribulations. Yee haaa! Insert fist pump here .... See more
19.01.2022 Makes me happy to see my clients able to open their doors again! Cindy has created a very peaceful and tranquil space for anyone looking to undo recent stresses. Good luck to all businesses finally able to operate again this week!
18.01.2022 I'm a little bit obsessed with this wedding planner . People doing innovative shit make me happy. Nat from Iconic Weddings Perth has been super productive during Covid, creating this Facebook group to rally the brides of Perth to offer a supportive and super informative community around all things weddings. Nat is legit like the Maggie Dent of weddings ... If you're planning a wedding, hens, kitchen tea ........ check it out! https://www.facebook.com/groups/2476102709371499/
16.01.2022 I honestly wish I could go around to high schools talking to the youth of today because Id really like to tell them this: 1. It is not appropriate to show up to a job interview in a track suit. No matter what the position is for. You dont need a designer out fit but being well presented and dressing in your Sunday best will go a LONG way. Clean clothes will also make a significant difference. 2. If youre applying for a position on Facebook, I can guarantee... the employer will click on your profile. (This probably happens even if your applying on seek etc). If naked mirror selfies are your thing, maybe keep them on a private setting. 3. Mobile phones need to be turned off and out of sight. It is not interview etiquette to answer a call mid conversation. So, now, ill just sit back and wait for the education department to call me. Teenagers need mentoring too right? See more
16.01.2022 There is no sweeter feeling than when you teach a 'thing' , see it put into action and then be a success. I am a HUGE advocate for blogging for business and this post by the super radiant Taryn Yeates Photography is exactly why. An excellent post that promotes other businesses in her community (being a bloody good human ) whilst providing great value to her readers and driving traffic to her website.... PLUS every person in WA is currently flocking to Broome so perfect timing. Nailed it Taryn.
16.01.2022 Instagram is a RELATIONSHIP building platform - and not in the Tinder kinda way! The best way to tell if your Instagram is working for you is not by how many followers you have, not by how many likes you get but by how many comments / DM's you're getting. Because it's about starting a conversation.... That's how good relationships start and that's how they last. And if you didn't know it already - good relationships are the absolute holy grail in a successful business. Plus spoiler alert - big followings DO NOT = successful business. Learn to love Instagram for your business, how to start a conversations and start seeing results. This workshop is happening THIS THURSDAY.... book your tix ASAP to avoid missing out.
15.01.2022 Omg omg its finally up ! Ive been a bit quiet on the ol FB lately (sorry Facebook dont be mad Ill be back) because Ive been busy busy getting this bad boy up and running. So excited that my podcast is finally up on I tunes - Im not even mad now they rejected me at first .... I know lots of people have already listened on Spotify but if you could pretend to listen again on I tunes - SUBCRIBE to my show and leave a 5 star review on I tunes - I will consider letting you be my best friend. How exciting for you! Thanks to everyone whos been so supportive this week while Ive launched - I am bloody lucky to have so many legend in my life. Legit. Now... go do what I asked. https://podcasts.apple.com//podca/bossy-bitch/id1531432489
15.01.2022 Our lovely client Jane from Green Vase Flowers shared this story with us! Love is love
15.01.2022 Wow what a team of wonderful professional women! Join us @flourishcentreperth for our Niche Networking series of business networking events Starting this Thu...rsday, with Nat from @your_hive 9.30am -11am $30, @ 32 Cedric st Stirling for a fabulous morning of inspiration and information other dates to see @b_directory (july 23rd) @wanderkindenergy (oct 15th) @byom_au (june 25th) @moneyschoolorg @laceyfilipich (aug 27th) @juliaewertnegotiator (july 2nd) to book online go to www.theflourishcentre.com.au presentation meditation morning tea meet and greet group Instagram Follow #love #perthnetworking #funnetworking #businessnetworking #perthnetworking #perthwomeninbusiness #perthwa #perthsmallbusiness #perthentrepreneur #pressforprogress #flourishcentreperth #collaboration See more
13.01.2022 How well do you take feedback? Im a bit of a hypocrite around this. 1 Firstly in 13 years of employing staff what I know to be certain is the best possible staff are the ones that you can sit down for a chat, discuss whats not working, and for them to take it on board, walk away and make a positive change. #growthmindset 2 I deeply believe that it is crucial to the growth of your business to encourage client feedback. How can you improve on anything if you dont... have the feedback from your clients. If you dont know - you cant fix it right? 3 Since starting my mentoring group this year it has been so rewarding to see my #team go through the process of learning all the key elements that need to be in place to succeed in business. The greatest reward is that they soak up all the feedback and actually go and DO something with it. I call them #doers and they kick goals as result. 4 Personally I have a love hate relationship with feedback. I love learning, am always open to self improvement and new ways of doing things but I do struggle with being told what to do sometimes. I think for me, I appreciate feedback when I ask for it, not when its unsolicited. #hypocrite maybe?? How do you handle feedback?? See more
12.01.2022 To be honest, I can't believe I haven't written this sooner. It felt bloody good to get it off my chest. My advice to handling 'grown up' bullies probably would have involved punching someone in the throat, which I why I turned to my level headed and super wise friend Rowena Hateley from The Flourish Centre for her advice. ... But any other productive tips are most certainly welcome...... https://b-directory.com.au/behind-the-bully-how-to-handle-/
12.01.2022 REMISSION And she will forever be known as Kristy Morton - the woman that mind fucked cancer. #myhero
11.01.2022 Total warrior! And did you know she didn't even bat an eyelid when I shaved her head. I'm the first to admit I'm pretty vain, I would've been a hot mess if it had been me.... Proud of you Kristy Morton! https://www.braveryco.com.au//one-warrior-with-kristy-mort
09.01.2022 Thats right guys, Erin was nothing without me. Her Instagram was a hot mess until she attended my workshop. Just kidding.... but I am not so subtly posting this to say ...hey my workshops are the best.... theres one next week - BOOK IT. ... Slide into my DM for details. (Sounds creepy right?) See more
08.01.2022 If I can touch the life of just one teenager..........I'll know i've made a difference in the world . https://b-directory.com.au/dear-any-teenager-ever-wanting-/
07.01.2022 Anybody else give their kids a makeover today? Tell you what, the past few weeks have been #intense . Well actually if were honest, the past 6 months have been. One of the things that has always been important to me in business, I guess you can call it one of my core #values is looking after your clients. Like REALLY looking after them. ... It kinda goes hand in hand with our no 1 rule for business - be a good human. Ive lived by this for over 12 years and thanks to that Ive seen it come back to me 10 fold during the past few weeks when life has gotten tense. I am so grateful for kind, supportive and all round fucking fabulous staff and clients #thankyou See more
06.01.2022 Give credit where credit is due! These two smiling assassins, also known as my daughters, celebrated their 10th birthday yesterday. Since theres not a lot of travel options we had a staycation at Hyatt Regency Perth... This hotel is an old dog in Perth but it was easy to see they were trying super hard to do their best in what must be an outright shit time for their business. ALL the staff from the lobby to the restaurant to room service (because we did it all) went above and beyond to go the extra mile. There were extras at every step. So props to you Hyatt Regency Perth - youre stepping up and doing a good bloody job! See more
05.01.2022 The final chapter of the story...... Now we write a new book. https://b-directory.com.au/an-open-letter-to-my-ex-busines/
04.01.2022 Im starting to wonder if chemo shrunk my friend . She seems smaller . Ugh we just had the best mini staycation at @mandoonestate Yes you can stay there the night - who knew? And its freakin awesome! We celebrated Kristy curing an incurable cancer in just 4 months (over achiever), we solved many of the worlds great problems, and we laughed and bloody laughed! ... But mostly we talked about how lifes too fuckin short to not do the things you love. How SO many of us (especially me) are literally killing ourselves by piling our plates way too high. And its not worth it. Its not fucking worth it. But we dont make change because its bloody terrifying. Me included, change is hard. And in Kristys words you shouldnt wait till you have your life shoved in your face before you change it. See more
01.01.2022 I really feel for Kununurra and the top end of the Kimberley. While the rest of WA is prospering during this stage of the restrictions (which is AMAZING) our far north is still suffering. Due to completely exorbitant air fares to Kununurra, Western Australia and many tourist attractions being closed, our friends are doing it bloody tough. ... How is it you can fly return to Broome for $400 but Kununurra is $1200 return on a good day? Share to show your support for Kununurra . Love to our friends Kimberleyland Waterfront Holiday Park
01.01.2022 SO I post 2 workshops... one for Instagram and the other for Facebook. Which one gets the most action? Instagram. Every. Single. Time. And I am wondering if it's because you lazy buggers think that sharing from Instagram to Facebook is all you need to do.... Cough up - who's guilty? They are totally different platforms and if you're serious about using them both to grow your business, you need to learn to have a different strategy for each one. Not saying don't come to my Instagram workshop.... saying come to BOTH!!
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