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25.01.2022 Swing progression series. . . Chop and pop! .... . This drill involves hinging at the hip and then powerfully driving back up to a vertical plank by thinking of pushing your feet down into the ground. A good analogy, is to think if jumping without letting your feet leave the ground. . . Make sure at the top position (vertical plank), your knee caps are squeezed up, your glutes are squeezed, abs braced for a punch and you are tall (imagine the crown of your head is being pulled up by a strong and you driving your feet down into the ground). . . Practise your deadlifts first, then once you feel comfortable with the hinge movement, transfer into the chop and pop drill to get a feel for the explosive movement required to propel the kettlebell forwards. . . As always, hit me up with any questions. . . Stay strong See more
24.01.2022 Move to feel good! . . I didn’t sleep well last night and felt really tired. Instead of setting out a big session for myself I decided to try something really achievable, @coachdanjohn ABC or armour building complex with plenty of rest built in. 2 cleans, 1 press and 3 squats. My aim was to improve the well I felt. It worked! .... . I ended up doing several rounds with full recovery between each set. My aim was to finish feeling better than I started. . . You don’t have to always punish yourself! See more
24.01.2022 Getting strong! . . Super proud of these two who have been turning up consistently to our @bestrongphysio classes and have built some great technique and are getting stronger!... . . We never work to absolute exhaustion, instead we work on the foundational movements and use proven strength training principles, rather than fads and fashions. . . The goal is to build people up, empower them and have them leaving better than when they arrived, rather than break them and have them leave feeling like they have a whole host of new issues and faults. See more
23.01.2022 Tips to improve your kettlebell press. . . Pressing overhead is great for shoulder health. But there is a lot of skill to pressing a kettlebell overhead, well. .... . The grip: have the kettlebell sitting low down in your palm so that when you hold it up on your chest in the rack position, your wrist is straight, not bent back (extended) as most people will tend to hold it. Have your thumb roughly facing your collarbone. . . Try to keep your forearm nice and vertical, particularly when it is in rack or bottom position. Aim to press the bell straight up like a piston, at least until it reaches eye level. You can allow your arm to naturally rotate so that it ends up with the inside of your wrist facing forwards at the top (overhead). . . Stay tight and create tension through your whole body for extra stability. Squeeze your gluteals, brace your abs and late for a punch and squeeze your kneecaps up. . . Always leave a rep in the tank unless you are testing. Training to complete fatigue is not sustainable and sets us up for injury. . . Try these tips and keep an eye out for more! Most of all have fun and enjoy your exercise! Feel free to PM me with any training or injury related questions and I will get back to you as soon as I can. . . Geoff from Be Strong Physio. See more
23.01.2022 Trying to limit social exposure and whilst learning new skills and providing for my fam. . . My first ever loaf of sourdough. I have so much learn but I love it! Next time I need to remember the baking paper
23.01.2022 Kettlebell swing - beginner guide . . Learning how to hip hinge. .... . As mentioned in my previous video, the kettlebell swing is a hinge rather than a squat. . . The hip hinge is designed to load the posterior chain muscles(glutes, hamstrings). It involves pushing the hips down and back, leaving the shins reasonably vertical and the knees do NOT transfer forward. . . To help, try using something to physically block your knees. Then sit down and back as far as you can. You should end up with your shoulders above your hips, and hips above knees. Keep your chest up. You should feel your glutes and hamstrings tighten up. This is a hip hinge. . . To practise, perform a kettlebell deadlift as instructed in the video. Keep the weight comfortable and do not take your effort above 5/10 as you are learning the movement, not looking to build strength at this stage. . . Stay tuned for the next progression and feel free to DM me with any questions. See more
22.01.2022 When pain holds you back from exercising, it can be FRUSTRATING! . . I’m so proud of these guys who are working hard to defeat their pain and get strong. They are not relying on anyone to fix them anymore and instead are following the guidance of our physio Geoff and getting strong and enjoying the process. .... . Our strength and rehab classes are suitable for all fitness levels and ages, all you need is a commitment to taking an active role in your recovery (and a sense of humour helps ). See more
21.01.2022 Having fun & getting strong. . . That’s what our little community is all about. Supportive, friendly and effective small group classes. .... . We will be offering more classes in the new year. If you are ready to put the frustration of pain behind you, get stronger and move better, these classes are for you. See more
20.01.2022 I LOVE kettlebells! . . I’m really enjoying seeing the rise of kettlebells as everyone is having to workout from home. I truly believe they are the most versatile and effective training tool there is available, especially for home and outdoor workouts. .... . They are so much more effective and obviously safer with proper technique. Unfortunately most people’s experience with kettlebells is picking them up and swinging them, possibly with a trainer who has done a weekend course. . . If you want to learn to use these tool effectively and safely, please feel free to reach out and I am more than happy to help out online or point you in the direction of another Strongfirst coach. See more
19.01.2022 Example of the hairstyle swing. . . The kettlebell swing is a powerful expression of the hips. ... It is NOT: 1) A squat. 2) A front raise. 3) A slow movement. It’s a hip hinge and uses maximal power to drive the bell up to chest level. Think of jumping as far as you can, but without allowing your feet to leave the ground. You should not need to lift with the arms. They merely continue the momentum created by your hips after the rest of your body stops in an upright plank.
19.01.2022 The kettlebell snatch. . . One of my favourite exercises to give to people for conditioning but also for athletes that need explosive hip drive (most athletes). .... . To drive the bell up overhead without lifting it up with your arms (hardstyle technique) requires a powerful hip drive. Start performing these and you will also find out they are not only fantastic for the glutes and hamstrings, but abs, upper back and biceps! . . Ensure you have a solid one arm swing before trying to perform the snatch and try and seek out some coaching as it’s one skill that requires A LOT of technique work to get it right. See more
18.01.2022 Are deadlifts dangerous? . . Deadlifts are NOT dangerous. In fact less people get injured deadlifting than gardening. Be careful pruning those roses! .... . Deadlifts may have an unfortunate name but it is simply the most efficient way to pick something heavy up from the floor. . . The only thing that is dangerous about doing them (apart from not doing them), is not progressing them sensibly. . . All of the tissues in your body can positively adapt to load including your cartilage in your joints, your discs, your bones, tendons and muscles. This makes your body stronger and more resilient. But you have to do so in an intelligent manner. If you haven’t done them before, reach out to a good coach who can guide you and empower you to be confident with these amazing lifts. . . This was Jasper stopping by to punch out a few spontaneous deadlifts on his way down to #moffatbeach for a swim! See more
17.01.2022 If there was one thing you could do to get an extra 10 active years of life, would you do it? Read Geoff Ford Physio blog post below to find out what you need to do.
17.01.2022 Celebrating the win! . . This is Cathy. She suffered with 10/10 chronic pain for years. She then came to and after 4 months seeing physio Geoff she is now pain-free! We are so excited for Cathy and all that she has achieved. In her first appointment she told Geoff that she dreamt of returning to swimming and work without pain, but thought it would never happen. She is now doing just that! She couldn’t lift her arm over her head, had multiple injections and told she needed surgery. . . Cathy has been an absolute legend and has worked so hard and really taken on everything we have discussed and implemented it into her life. . . She proudly told me that she now walks around at work performing double overhead presses with 2 x 3L bottles of milk! She is a disability support worker and has even got her clients to perform a range of shoulder and lower body exercises. . Cathy’s secret to success: you have to have an open mind about how exercise can get you better. If you think that it won’t work, and you need surgery, then it won’t work and you will need surgery. But if you keep an open mind, and once you start to improve you can then start to feel positive and know it is working. Then you can jump in and give it your all. . . Cathy has jumped in and given it her all. She is stronger and moved better than she has been for years and is over the moon happy! . . Well done Cathy, we are so stoked for you! See more
17.01.2022 Is your therapist empowering you? . . If you are in pain, you need someone who can guide you to feeling better, to improving how you feel physically and mentally. You don’t need to leave an appointment feeling worse because you find out you have a long list of problems which need to be ‘fixed’ by that therapist. .... . Unfortunately this is not the experience of most people in pain. You go to your physio/chiro/GP and they perform an examination. After the examination, you are told you have a whole bunch of issues which are causing your pain such as scoliosis, inactive glutes, disc degeneration, poor posture, one shoulder is lower than the other, your shoulder blade doesn’t work properly etc etc. Most of these ‘issues’ are not causing your pain. In addition, focussing on them will take away from things that will actually help you, and may have a nocebic effect. That is the opposite of a placebo. It can make your pain and condition worse. . . These explanations are an example of reductionist thinking (overly simplistic)- no-one can definitively tell you what the cause of your pain is. We cannot see pain, even on imaging. And what we have discovered is that pain is incredibly complex and cannot be explained purely based on mechanical reasons. Have you ever been injured playing sport, but you don’t notice the pain until after the adrenaline has worn off and you cool down? The injury was always there but you didn’t notice it until later. . . So drawing attention to a whole bunch of problems which can’t be changed and probably don’t cause your pain isn’t helpful. . . Instead look for guidance on what you CAN do and what might need to be put on hold for a while (activity modification). Possibly looking into factors which can contribute to your pain experience such as stress, lack of sleep, fear etc. As much coaching as you need and a clear plan to get back to or start a healthy amount of exercise and develop that healthy habit so you end up better than when your pain started! See more
16.01.2022 This is what drives me! . . I am passionate about helping people defeat their pain and truly get strong and healthy. I have experienced what it is like to get pain relief treatment but not address the causes of the pain or injury. It is frustrating and can really impact on your enjoyment of life when pain keeps coming back. It doesn’t have to be that way!! And that is why I do what I do. But behind this is my little family supporting me every step of the way. .... . I love my little family and they are the reason I get out of bed at 4am, why I am driven to build my physio business to support and provide for them. See more
16.01.2022 Christmas with my crew! . . I LOVE Christmas and this time of year! .... . We had such a fun night last night checking out the local Christmas lights in West Caloundra. If you live close by they are definitely worth taking kids to. . . Can’t wait for lots more fun family adventures over Christmas and New Years. . . What are you looking forward to? See more
16.01.2022 Happy Christmas from our family to yours! . . We want to thank you all for your amazing support this past year. When we started a year ago, little did we know what 2020 had in store for us all! We would all agree that it has been a crazy year of highs and lows. For myself and my family, it has been an intense year with our little boy being born during COVID and having to shut our new physio business down for a few months. However, through so much support fro...m our community, we’ve not only survived but we were able to open our clinic in #moffatbeach. It has been an absolute dream come true - a dream we’ve been working towards for the past few years. All we can say is a huge THANK YOU. . . We are looking forward to 2021 and excited to help more locals on the Sunny Coast defeat their pain and get strong for life. See more
16.01.2022 What’s the BEST way to learn to squat? . . By using the Goblet Squat. . .... It teaches you how to develop good squat technique and can also be used for squat mobility and a warm-up. It becomes a great stand alone exercise too, once you start to get up to half your bodyweight or more. Try knocking out 25 high quality reps with half your bodyweight! . . Have a look this snippet of a tutorial I just shot for a client. It can be performed with a kettlebell or dumbbell. Enjoy! See more
15.01.2022 I have had several people come to see me recently who have back pain and have been to visit a healthcare provider who has conducted an X-ray (whether they should have had a scan is for another post). X-ray has shown that they have a scoliosis and they are left thinking that it is the cause of their pain and that they will either have to return to said healthcare provide indefinitely for adjustments/treatment or live in pain for the rest if their life. . . This is terrible ...advice, and can actually ruin someone’s life. It is what is termed a nocebo. This means that it can actually make pain and disability worse. It also creates fear and can mean that the person avoids normal movement and exercise which will help their pain and help them live and long and healthy life. . . If you have been told you have scoliosis, please know that you do NOT always need to be in pain and you can get strong and incredibly fit. Usain Bolt has scoliosis. Lamar Gant is a world record holding power lifter, he has scoliosis. . . It is also most likely that the scoliosis has been there for a large portion of your life in which you did not have pain. It is highly likely that it is not directly causing the pain and you will be able to return to be healthy, fit and pain free. . . If you are in this situation yourself, or know someone who is, find someone who will EMPOWER you to be strong and healthy, rather than make you reliant on them and the healthcare system. See more
15.01.2022 What if you could do more with less? . . Simple and consistent plans tend to outperform the complex and ever changing workouts I see a lot of my clients perform. .... . I love this post by @bretcontreras1 It would be beneficial for a lot of people to stop and think about why they train how they do. Are you training too much, do you include too much variety and could you achieve more with less work? . . Stick to the basic movements of hinge, squat, single leg movements (eg lunges), push, pull and carries and don’t get too caught up with the new sexy exercises on Instagram. You will find you can free up more time, feel better and get stronger! . . After all, as Pavel Tsatsouline from @strongfirst included in his book Simple and Sinister, It is vain to do with more what can be done with less.
14.01.2022 New studio is nearly ready! . . It’s been a HUGE week doing our own fit out on a new studio and @sunshinecoastkettlebells .... . We are so excited to start welcoming in clients next week. Timetables for yoga and kettlebells will be up shortly but feel free to PM for any questions. . . Thanks to Chris from @maverickstrengthequipment who is an absolute legend making our new rig! He’s a true professional and I couldn’t recommend him more highly! See more
14.01.2022 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN TOLD THIS? . . Brief summary: 1. Kneecap tracking is most likely not causing your pain ... 2. Believing this is the cause can result in poor outcomes 3. Focusing on VMO muscle is not helpful and can take away from exercises that do help 4. Activity/ load management, strength work should be the go to treatment. If you get any pain in and around your kneecap with running jumping and similar activities, you may have been told that your pain is caused by your kneecap not tracking properly. . . This explanation is based upon an old theory that your kneecap gets pulled out of the groove that it’s supposed to track within by muscle imbalances/tightness. Typically people were told to strengthen up the muscle on the inside of their knee (VMO). VMO is not actually a muscle and is just a portion of a muscle. It has not shown to be any weaker than the rest of the thigh muscles (quads). . . This theory is not backed up by scientific evidence and should not be used in clinical practice anymore. It is not only incorrect but has a potential nocebic effect and can create fear and actually increase people’s pain and disability. . . In 2019 a comprehensive clinical practice guideline was published (JOSPT) on patelloffemoral pain (PFP), which reviewed the scientific evidence in this area. The guidelines conclude that the pain is not due to patella tracking issues or VMO weakness. It is most likely linked to overuse/underload, and can also be related to muscle weakness, movement coordination and mobility issues. . . Based on the guidelines, exercise therapy is the critical component of treatment for PFP. Your management should not include dry needling and should not involve only passive modalities such as manual therapy and taping. . . PFP can be a difficult and frustrating condition to deal with, so if you are experiencing pain at the front of your knee ensure you get it checked by an evidence-based practitioner. It is important to have your quadriceps and glute strength accurately measured such as with the #axit by @strengthbynumberstech which we use at
13.01.2022 Rolling out the creases. . . On Sunday we hosted a fantastic course called Pressing Reset by @original_strength and taught by @pierskwan with more than a little help from @crawl_the_world .... . It was an amazing workshop that was more about moving to feel good than a workout. The movement system is based upon the stages of development we go through as we grow from baby to adult (think rocking, rolling and crawling). . . All of the participants had significant improvements in their ranges of motion (flexibility) and everyone felt really good afterwards. We also have a whole bunch of new exercises for our strength and rehab classes! . . See more
13.01.2022 What is balance? . . Balance is a wonderful thing to have when it’s all working nicely. However, people often take it for granted until it’s deteriorated to such an extent that they start to fall over. .... . Balance, like strength, is best if it is challenged and the adage of, ‘use it or lose it’ applies! . . So let’s explore balance in a little more detail. . . Balance refers to our ability to keep the line of gravity (the sum of where gravity is acting on our body) within our base of support (between our feet for example). If the line of gravity goes outside of our base of support, we will tend to lose balance and will either have to catch ourself or fall over. . . There are three major systems in the body regarding the body's equilibrium and thus help us maintain balance. 1. Somatosensory / Proprioceptive System (basically the sensation from your body that feeds back to your brain to say where it is in space). 2. Vestibular System (inner ear canals). 3. Visual System. . . The Central Nervous System (brain) receives feedback about the body’s orientation from these three main sensory systems. Then it uses this information and integrates it to generate corrective, stabilising torque by selectively activating muscles. . . To keep these systems working optimally, it’s important to challenge or train them! . . For example, to increase the work on our proprioceptive and vestibular systems, we can take away our vision by closing our eyes. In addition, if we want to challenge our vestibular system, we can add unstable surfaces which takes the contribution of this system from only 20% on a firm surface, to at least 60%! . . We also need to have sufficient power in the muscles of our limbs and trunk to keep our body erect . . . Like any form of exercise, try and make it fun so that it gets done! See more
12.01.2022 Active recovery. . . I encourage people to keep moving between sets of exercise rather than sitting down and resting. .... . But this post is not about a HACK or TOP 5 ACTIVE RECOVERY EXERCISES. . . Just pick something you can do that won’t be too fatiguing and keeps you moving. If possible, make it fun so you don’t have to force yourself to do it! . . I am enjoying playing on the balance beam between sets. Not only does it keep me moving, but it’s fun and actually helps me to identify when I am ready for my next set (when my balance starts to return to normal). Balance also has a myriad of other benefits is great for muscles that may not be used a lot, such as in your feet and hips!
12.01.2022 Warm sunny Saturday mornings and açai bowls at We love our local community #dickybeach #moffatbeach #betweentheflags
12.01.2022 Want to try getting the benefits of loaded carries in your workout? Try working in a variety of carries at the end of your workout to build strength and resiliency. Here I’m finishing off my training with some overhead carries with the 28kg.
12.01.2022 The last physio told me my weak core is causing my back pain . . I hear this statement weekly. However, when I ask the person how the physio measured their core, they invariably look at me with a slightly puzzled look in their eyes and say, They didn’t, they could JUST TELL! .... . Why is this problematic? 1. It creates fear. 2. It can waste time / effort and fail to address the problem. 3. It is often plain wrong! . . A weak core does NOT cause the majority of back pain. This has now been shown by extensive research, beyond reasonable doubt, but Physio’s and other healthcare professionals keep blaming it. . . But why does this matter? Because it can have a nocebic effect (opposite of a placebo) and actually CREATE fear and pain. I had a lovely lady this week say she feels like her back will snap in two if she picks up anything heavy because she has a weak core! This has stopped her from doing any strength work because she thinks it will cause further damage, which has resulted in her not being able to do what she loves for a long time and suffering in pain. . . It can also cause people to waste huge amounts of their valuable time with crappy core exercises (you know the ones), instead of good compound strength work that will actually help them to achieve their goals, with their work, chosen hobbies and passions. . . In addition, next time someone says you have a weak core, ask them to tell you how they know. You cannot accurately determine if someone has a specific weakness without measuring it. Measuring it is not hard and will take all of a few minutes. I always test people that have been told this and most of them have a very strong core. Stop guessing with your health! . . Stay strong folks! See more
11.01.2022 Do you want to address the CAUSE of your recurrent pain or injury? . . It’s normal to feel frustrated by pain and injuries that keep coming back, especially if you have spent a lot of money and time with healthcare practitioners trying to get better only for your pain to return. .... . This is why I use a comprehensive assessment process to accurately measure every movement and muscle to see if you have any weakness, asymmetry, mobility or flexibility issues that are contributing to your pain or injury. I use the elite #axit assessment system by @strengthbynumberstech and the @matassessment to do this. . . I then use these assessments to design your individualised exercise rehab program and ensure it is actually working (ie I can measure if the program is actually working)! . . Please DM with any questions or if you would like to book an assessment, jump on the link in our bio. See more
11.01.2022 Reduce back pain with single leg strength work. . . Adding single leg strength work can be a game changer. Single leg exercises allow you to get your legs stronger for half the load through your back. Having one leg forward and one back also prevents the lower back going into flexion which can reduce back pain. It is also argued that single leg variations are more functional as they replicate real life athletic endeavours such as walking up hills, going up stairs etc. .... . Technically, split squats are not pure single leg exercises but you can ensure you are mostly loading one leg. I have also added them into a complex including some squats and cleans. However if you find they provoke your back pain, there are plenty of other options such as rear foot elevated split squats, single leg squats, single leg deadlift variations, lunges. . . Feel free to shoot me through any questions on single leg training variations. See more
10.01.2022 Have you ever been told your glutes are going to ‘sleep’ because you are sitting a lot? . . This idea is that your glutes don’t ‘turn on’ properly so they test weak. You would be told that you need to ‘activate’ your glutes - they would never be strong unless you learnt to switch them on properly. .... . There is no good evidence nor reasonable explanation for this. In fact, if your glutes were not firing properly, it would mean you either have something like a spinal cord injury or a neurological disease. You would struggle to get up from a chair or walk up stairs! . . Why is this even an issue? . . Some people argue it is a harmless explanation and results in people just doing more glute exercises which is good, right? Wrong! . . Instead of empowering people and encouraging them to improve their health and fitness, it causes people to overly focus on one muscle group, rather than focussing on compound movements involving multiple muscle groups such as squats or deadlifts. . . Most people are short on time and I have seen people spend their whole workout on activation exercises from their physio, rather than compound exercises which will get multiple muscles strong at the same time and have more positive side effects such as improved bone density. . . It also usually adds to an extensive list of issues that a person often has when they leave a healthcare practitioner. We are generally very good at finding irrelevant faults, which can actually have a negative impact on people and can cause fear and even pain. . . I can test the strength of peoples’ glutes in my clinic and will often find people who have been told that their glutes don’t activate, actually have strong glutes. Even those that test weak usually have been given exercises involving bands or bodyweight with extremely high reps and low intensity that are ineffective at strengthening the glutes - in short, they are not the best exercises to even get their glutes strong. See more
09.01.2022 We are an experienced Telehealth practice and can help you today. . . Are you feeling frustrated because pain or injury is preventing you from exercising or playing with your kids? Now is a challenging time for everyone but there is help at hand (well online actually). To reduce contact and spread of coronavirus, we are offering more online physio appointments .... . . Online or Telehealth involves conducting a physiotherapy consultation via live video using an app such as FaceTime, Zoom or Skype. We then run your program through an phone app so you can contact me anytime, check on your videos exercises and we can keep you accountable! . . What conditions can we treat? . . I have experience with assessing and managing a wide variety of pain and injuries online. This includes shoulder pain, back pain, sciatica, and sporting injuries. . . How it works. . . I will undertake a complete review of your medical history, physical condition, training background, personal goals and perform a physical examination (I will tell you how to do this) and initial testing. . . I will then provide you with an individualised plan to defeat your pain and get you back to doing what you love to do. . . Still not sure if this is for you? Follow the link in our bio for a FREE 15 minute consult. See more
09.01.2022 Being strong enables you to make the most of your life. . . We spent the day yesterday building an planting a new vegetable garden. It involved lots of bending, lifting and digging. But it was fun and our bodies should be able to do things like that. .... . It was so rewarding making something that will benefit our family and help our boys learn to grow their own food. . . I have a lot of people who come to see me because they can’t get out in the garden with their kids because it hurts their back. I love helping people feel good and get strong so that they can do those rewarding activities without having to suffer for days or weeks afterwards. . . If your back pain is preventing you from doing rewarding things with your kids, know that you deserve better and you can get time body strong and feeling good with the right guidance. See more
08.01.2022 We are super excited for our neighbours Peddlar who are opening today at Moffat Beach. If you’re after anything to do with bikes, make sure you drop in and say hello. We love having them in our little health and fitness corner in Moffats.
08.01.2022 Kettlebells Kettlebells are my favourite training tool, hands down. I also love them for Physiotherapy. They are accessible to everyone, they are not prohibitively expensive, they’re versatile and incredibly effective. I have had young and old people and even my amazing client with a prosthetic leg using them. If you come to me for Physiotherapy, chances are you will pick up a kettlebell! No.1 for me though, is that they are FUN! The best exercise is the one that you are ...going to do. So, if you want to learn kettlebells, where should you start? Find a good coach! Ideally a Strongfirst or RKC trained one, as they will know how to coach Russian or Hardstyle technique. These certifications require intense training and an incredibly high standard to pass. This can be contrasted with weekend courses that a lot of PTs have done. They are NOT the same. The primary skill I like to teach people is the kettlebell swing. It’s a fat stripping, athlete builder! Not my words (the great @coachdanjohn ) can take credit for those. They are incredible as a stand alone exercise but they are also the foundation upon which we can learn other skills such as a clean and a snatch. Here is a brief example of a swing. I will post some material over the coming weeks on how to learn the swing. If you’re on the sunny coast or Brisbane, feel free to pop into Moffs and I would be more than happy to help you learn how to safely and effectively use kettlebells (over a coffee). Stay strong!
08.01.2022 Our feet are AMAZING! . . Each foot has 33 joints and over 100 muscles/tendons/ligaments. They are designed to mould to suit the shape of the surface they are on, absorb shock as the foot hits the ground and stiffen to provide propulsion off the ground. .... . In addition, a lot of what happens (or doesn’t happen) at the foot and ankle, is due to what our hip muscles are doing. Our hip muscles have a huge influence on our feet and ankles by controlling movement of the the thigh bone (femur). Try taking all your weight off your leg and roll your thigh inwards. See what happens to your foot and ankle! So when you are having foot and ankle issues, it is critical to look at your hip muscles too. . . A lot of the time our feet are not ‘used’ to their full potential. A really great way to start to use our feet is balance exercises. One of my personal favourites is the balance beam. It’s fun and it really gets all your muscles from you feet, to your hips and your trunk (think core) working hard! . . You can easily find something at home or make a simple beam. You can even use a foam roller (it’s probably a better use for it than rolling anyway).
07.01.2022 Loving our new home! . . and @sunshinecoastkettlebells are now located at #moffatbeach .... . We have created our studio to empower people and to guide them through from being in persistent pain to being strong, resilient and not always dependant on healthcare providers to fix them. . . It’s also the perfect space for our kettlebell community to call home and we look forward to hosting events. It all kicks off on November 19 when we host the Sunny Coast’s first ever @strongfirst workshop followed the next day by the @original_strength pressing reset workshop. Jump on the link in our bio for details, PM me or text 0468447740. . . Stay strong! See more
07.01.2022 Loaded carry lightbulb moment! . . When I started to run out if time on a Sunday afternoon and I couldn’t figure out how to fit it all in....playing with my son, mowing the lawn and doing my workout - suddenly it dawned on me, combine the three! .... . It was actually surprisingly tiring! See more
07.01.2022 Ever been told you have sciatica? PLEASE read below... . . Sciatica refers to pain associated with the sciatic nerve that starts in the lower back, and travels down the back of your leg to your foot. .... . Pain is not necessary felt along the whole length of the nerve, and one person’s experience of the pain and disability can be very different from another. However, if it is truly nerve pain, it will tend to be shooting, electrical or lancinating and will be in a thin band. . . Despite popular belief, most of the pain and disability are not truly caused by a pinched nerve or slipped disc. Firstly, discs do not slip. The pain is often associated with inflammation that can be caused by an injury to the disc, often a herniation of the disc material. Only mild compression of your nerve is enough to cause the pain, it does not have to be severely compressed or pinched. . . Sometimes sciatica can also be accompanied by loss of sensation, changes to reflexes and measurable weakness. This is referred to as radiculopathy. This is an indication that the nerve is not able to transmit electrical signals, from the brain and spinal cord, as it normally does. Your muscles essentially lack the electricity they need to contract because of damage to the nerve. . . If you have pain but do not have loss of function of your nerves, it indicates that your nerve is irritated but likely not damaged. If you have severe weakness accompanying your pain it is important to realise that there is indeed some nerve damage but like any other tissue in our body, nerves CAN heal. Most importantly, it is essential to have proper medical assessment and guidance. . . Nerve pain and nerve health are linked to our wider health. To help your nerve heal, advice that applies to other pain or injuries is important. . . Optimise sleep, nutrition and exercise and reduce stress. Try to reduce aggravating the severe pain if possible. Guidance from an appropriate professional can help you do this and can help you to optimise the conditions to allow your body to calm down and heal. Ultimately that is all anyone, save for a surgeon, can do. . . CONTINUED in comment See more
07.01.2022 Turkish get-up technique tip. . . The Turkish get-up is a fantastic exercise for mobility, stability, strength and has to be my all time favourite warm-up. .... . But most people butcher it! Watch this video for some technique tips and feel free to PM me for advice or send over a video of you doing it and I am more than happy to help you out for FREE. Just want to share the love and guidance that others have offered to me. See more
05.01.2022 I want to journey with you. . . I started because I wanted to be able to empower people and ensure that they get strong and feel better. The best way I can do this is to journey with my patients and continually support and help them along the way. The model of a whole appointment of physio with exercises thrown in at the end is broken and does not work effectively. I offer people the chance to train with me in semi-private classes so we can support each other and I can ensure you do what you need to do to get you better and address the causes of your pain.
05.01.2022 How to modify your training when dealing with pain. . . I always aim to keep people training and don’t ever prescribe just rest! I enjoy keeping people doing what they love to do and the gym is the best place you can be to get better. .... . This is good for people’s mental health as much as physical. It’s also important to remember there are a lot of ways to modify your training to ensure what you are doing is not aggravating your pain or injury. This is a fantastic infographic that shows some of the ways we can modify training from my good friend Daniel at @scope.chiro in Brisbane See more
03.01.2022 At we aim to not only settle your pain, but guide you back to being strong and performing better than you were before. . . Too often people receive quick fix pain relief but their physio doesn’t take them through and address the issues that actually caused their pain. The result is, the pain returns again and again. Each time they get similar treatment - this is the treatment merry-go-round. How do you get out of this frustrating cycle of pain and injury? .... . We are different. We take a holistic look at all the possible contributing factors to your pain journey with you to not only address them, but ensure they don’t come back. . . Do you feel empowered by your physio to defeat your pain and get back to doing what you love? See more
03.01.2022 Your body is unique. So is your life story. Therefore your pain and injury are different to everyone else’s. . . Imagine if someone could test your body and to figure out exactly what is going wrong. .... . We are not all built the same. So how can you improve unless you know exactly what you need? . . Using the latest strength testing technology, I measure every muscle and every movement in the body to create a unique plan, to help you achieve your special goals and defeat your pain. . . Want a personalised approach to health and fitness? Contact me today to book an individualised assessment, link in bio. See more
03.01.2022 Repost from @sunshinecoastkettlebells . . Healthy shoulders.... . . As a physio, I see a lot of people with shoulder pain. Helping people with shoulder pain is something I am really passionate about. The major cause of shoulder pain is not impingement or mobility issues, or even faulty shoulder blades (despite what a lot of people are told). . . Overwhelmingly, shoulder pain is caused by an acute overload on a base of chronic under loading. Whaaaat?! Basically, they are weak! . . So how do you avoid shoulder pain! . . Follow a well structured program to get them strong. The kettlebell overhead or military press is perfect for this. See more
02.01.2022 Happy Mother’s Day to all you amazing mums! . . I am so thankful to my wife Hannah who is the most wonderful mother to our two boys. She is strong and courageous, loving and caring and is the funniest person I know! .... . I love you @hannahjoyford and I have enjoyed celebrating your special day today. Let’s be honest, every day should be Mother’s Day as mum’s really are the best! See more
02.01.2022 We were blessed with another little boy! Meet Huxley Xavier. . . It was a really terrifying birth with a number of complications but in the end mum and little Huxley made it through and I am so thankful. My lovely wife is a real hero and the doctors and midwifes at the Sunshine Coast University Hospital have been truly amazing. .... . Right now the world is a crazy place and lots of people are facing incredible hardships. However it is also a chance to spend time with your family unit (if you can), and appreciate those loved ones in your life and be thankful for what you have. @ Sunshine Coast University Hospital See more
01.01.2022 Are you a personal trainer, S&C coach, physio, Chiro or everyday athlete? . . Are you interested in learning some new assessments and exercises to help your clients or yourself move well and feel good? .... . For the FIRST time on the Sunshine Coast, we are excited to be hosting Pressing RESET Certification from Original Strength (OS). . . Original Strength is a movement restoration system. When a person moves the way they were designed to move, their body functions optimally, for them, given the body they have. . . During this accredited eight-hour course, you will learn the OS system and how to apply it to the lives of any client, patient, student, or yourself. Attendees will learn the three pillars of human movement, the OS Big 5 RESETS and a variety of regressions and progressions to each RESET. Upon completion of the course, attendees may choose to become an OS Certified Professional - Coach by passing an online exam. Typical attendees include licensed Health, Fitness, Education Professionals and everyday athletes of all ages and abilities who want to live life better and gain a solid understanding of the Original Strength System. . . Link in bio
01.01.2022 There is a time to push yourself to the limit, but that should not be EVERY workout. In fact, it should be very infrequent if you want your body to move well, for a long time. . . Day-to-day training sessions should be just that: training. Learning to move well and build a strong, healthy body. I encourage my students and clients to train smart, not train to complete fatigue. Aim to leave your training sessions feeling energised for the rest of the day, not stumbling out trying to keep your pre-workout down. That also ensures you keep working out for the long term rather than burning out and quitting. #bestrongphysio #sunshinecoast
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