BEAQ Inc | Non-profit organisation
Phone: 07-3848-2244
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22.01.2022 BEAQ ACCOUNTING CHALLENGE (Please note revised dates) To be held between 10 - 18 September 2020 To register for the Challenge... 1. This challenge consists of 30 multiple choice questions based on Unit 4 Topics 2 and 3 2. Register your students for the 2020 BEAQ Accounting Challenge ( 3. Your school will be invoiced $2.20 (including GST) for each student registered; non-refundable. Want a short preview? Administer this SAMPLE quiz consisting of 6 questions by copying and emailing this link ( to your students. Results of this sample are available to students at the conclusion of this Sample but will not be emailed.
22.01.2022 REMINDER - ACARA REVIEW SURVEY Just one more week to get your feedback in for the Australian Curriculum review via the following link: This is due by the 9th of September, so don't miss out!
18.01.2022 ECOMAN IN 2021 We invite your Year 10, 11 or 12 students to experience an ECOMAN Program in 2021. The name ECOMAN is derived from the words, ECOnomics and MANagement. The program has been provided to Queensland schools since 1995 by the Queensland Private Enterprise Centre (QPEC). QPEC is run by business people on a voluntary basis and supported by many businesses around Queensland. Due to the impact of COVID-19 the fees for 2021 have been significantly reduced to $1000 for... a 2-day program or $1500 for a 3-day program. If your school is interested in participating, please send an email to Bob Kelsey ([email protected]) nominating the best dates, whether you want a 2- or 3-day program, the contact person's name and contact details. Dates will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis. Note: special conditions apply to country programs and to those schools sharing programs.
18.01.2022 ADDENDUM TO NOTICE ON NATIONAL CURRICULUM SURVEY If you are in a State School having issues accessing the document link in the original post, use this link instead:
17.01.2022 UPCOMING QCAA WEBINAR QCAA will be offering webinars for all Senior General syllabuses on ‘External Assessment: Resources, Teaching and Learning’. Teachers and curriculum leaders are encouraged to register:
17.01.2022 With our guest Jackie Charles this session will focus on Unit 4, Topic 3 content and practical support for delivering this content.
17.01.2022 ACCOUNTING COLLEGIAL CATCH-UP #3 A quick reminder that EOIs for this networking opportunity are due this coming Monday. Looking forward to seeing all interested participants at Wednesday's session! Please note: The purpose of BEAQ webinars is to provide support for our members. These forums are hosted by volunteers and aim to provide opportunities to share professional practices in a collegial and positive manner. The views and opinions expressed in the webinars do not necessarily reflect those of all members or the BEAQ Management Committee.
16.01.2022 CALL FOR QCAA EXTERNAL MARKERS The Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) is seeking applications from Queensland teachers to mark external assessment in the new Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) system. External assessment markers will:... contribute to the success of Queensland’s new assessment system get practical insight into senior external assessment marking processes gain CPD points for QCT registration renewal network with like-minded colleagues have the opportunity to earn extra income. The marking period will run from late October to late November 2020. For more information, including how to apply, visit the QCAA website.
15.01.2022 QCAA Year 9 & 10 Webinars QCAA are hosting a series of webinars that support schools to plan and implement quality teaching, learning and assessment programs for students in Years 9 and 10. The aim is to support successful transitions to senior schooling across learning areas. Registrations are still open visit the QCAA website to secure your spot:
15.01.2022 QUEENSLAND PARLIAMENT LEGAL STUDIES FREE WEBINARS Democracy in action: governance and elections in Queensland provides you with the opportunity to enhance your knowledge and understanding of our democratic system of government with topics including elections, the features of our representative democracy, parliament and the legal system. Facilitated by the Queensland Parliamentary Service, Electoral Commission of Queensland and Supreme Court Library Queensland these online pro...fessional development presentations allow you to develop new skills, and discover activities and resources for your classroom including Unit 3: Law, governance and change. 26 August; 8 and 16 September; 7, 14 and 21 October Online via Zoom 4.00 to 5.00pm Free (Places strictly limited)register online: See more
14.01.2022 We have received our first PYOE entry! September 4 is the closing date!
13.01.2022 Looking forward to seeing you at 4pm tomorrow for our fourth Accounting collegial catch-up! Please note: The purpose of BEAQ webinars is to provide support for our members. These forums are hosted by volunteers and aim to provide opportunities to share professional practices in a collegial and positive manner. The views and opinions expressed in the webinars do not necessarily reflect those of all members or the BEAQ Management Committee.
09.01.2022 SURVEY FOR AUSTRALIAN CURRICULUM REVIEW ACARA is in the process of conducting a review of the Australian Curriculum. BEAQ has representation on the HASS reference group at QCAA who are providing advice on:... the Australian Curriculum learning areas and subjects the resources required to support curriculum leaders and teachers to implement the Australian Curriculum the professional learning that can be delivered by the QCAA to support schools to implement the Australian Curriculum. Business Educators’ Australasia (BEA), our national body, is being proactive in ensuring that matters relating directly to Economics and Business and Civics and Citizenship are appropriately represented at a national level. To that end, BEA is requesting data regarding the implementation Curriculum in each state of the Australian and any others matters relating to the curriculum. Consequently, it would be appreciated if you could take a few minutes to answer these survey questions ( so that BEAQ can accurately represent the interests of Economics and Business/Civics and Citizenship education teachers in Queensland. Feedback is required by 9 September 2020 and is very much appreciated. It will assist in providing an accurate representation of the state of play in Queensland. If you have any queries please contact BEAQ President Debbie Perrett ([email protected]).
08.01.2022 ACARA REVIEW BEAQ wishes to extend a huge thank you for the responses received regarding the implementation of the Australian Curriculum, specifically the Economics and Business and Civics and Citizenship curricula. A report has been forwarded to Business Educators’ Australasia Inc detailing how Queensland has implemented the curriculum. Your considered responses assisted enormously to frame this report. BEA will now prepare a submission outlining each of the States’ approaches to the implementation of the Economics and Business and Civics and Citizenship curricula and make recommendations for change based on each of the State’s responses. Again, thank you for your time in responding to the survey and for the thought given to your comments.
07.01.2022 ACCOUNTING COLLEGIAL CATCH-UP #4 Tuesday 28 July from 4.00pm 4.45pm Who can believe it's already term 3?? We hope everyone is safe, well and well-rested!... Less than a week to the fourth instalment of our Accounting chats, where Chantal Carter will be talking about Unit 4 Topic 3. Send your EOIs in ASAP - we look forward to seeing you there!
03.01.2022 See below for information on an upcoming QCAA Business Webinar!
02.01.2022 PYOE ENTRIES The deadline is September 4th - only one more week to get your entries in!
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