Bears Fitness & Nutrition | Coach
Bears Fitness & Nutrition
Phone: +61 438 526 647
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25.01.2022 Afternoon guys With rain predicted this arvo Im going to cancel our sunset walk x enjoy the rest of your long weekend
24.01.2022 Ladies and Gentlemen, Who is ready to start working on your Summer body right now. We are excited to announce that we are joining forces with a whole bunch of health coaches to start up a brand new Online Challenge commencing Monday 18th June. So if you are keen to start working on the summer body now, hit us up for some more details so we can help!!!!!
22.01.2022 Fitclub is on!!!! 8.30am Tomorrow See you all there Havent been before- hit us up for details
20.01.2022 What a fantastic session this morning for mothers day....i hope you all enjoyed the workout, the delicious protein balls and had a fantabulous day Looking forward to next sunday for the best day of the week!!!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #morayfieldfitclub #proteinballs #mothersday
20.01.2022 With the rain already set in we are going to have to cancel Fitclub this morning. Sorry gang Make sure to tag your friends
19.01.2022 Get ready for tomorrow, we are still on rain hail or shine!!!! #getexcited
18.01.2022 It seems these days, we are getting more children instead of adults actually turning upto Fitclub. We dont mind that but really sleeping in or choosing the easy option to not come, wont get you to where you need to be. You can really lead by example and help fight this obesity epidemic that is happening in society today. So great job to those that showed up, it was such a glorious day where we had alot of fun, the new cinnamon tea went down a treat and hopefully the arms werent too sore today!!!! #getoffyourarse #morayfieldfitclub #bearsfitnessandnutrition #noexcuses #leadbyexample #useitorloseit
18.01.2022 Throwing it out to you all Tomorrow Im organising 2 walking up Mt Ngungun Sunrise and sunset Open for all Happy Labour Day... Morning : Meet 5.30am Afternoon: Meet 4.30pm At the bottom of the mountain
17.01.2022 Just another typical Sunday at Bears Fitness & Nutrition. Shout out to the Legends who came to fitclub this morning, hope you had a good time and a great workout. Than back to the cave, to prep for the week ahead, have fun in the sun and finished off with a healthy dinner. Fail to prepare or prepare to fail!!!!!... #bearsfitnessandnutrition #bearsleuth #morayfieldfitclub #failtoprepareorpreparetofail
17.01.2022 It was such a beautiful day yesterday, it was such a shame so many of you got scared off by the rain the night before . Thankfully we had 2 new fitclubbers this week so we still got our sweat on. See you all next Sunday, dont forget bring the kids as there is plenty room so they can tire themselves out!!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #morayfieldfitclub #noexcuses #rainhailorshine
17.01.2022 Another fantabulos session today at fitclub. I obviously got videos super quick as the smiles soon turned to exhaustion lol.......your welcome!! Looking forward to catching up with you legends next sunday for some boxing fun. Dont forget if you havent been before, your first time is free!!!! #morayfieldfitclub #bearsfitnessandnutrition #noexcuses #itssuchabeautifulday #themorethemerrier
16.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who voted on our poll in regards to the new fitclub time nd after a strenuous deliberation, we are super excited to see you all at the Brand New Time which is......................9AM!!!!!! i know what your saying and yes its so we too can sleep in that extra 30 mins lol. Dont forgot to bring any boxing stuff you may have as we are boxing tomorrow!!!!!!! #morayfieldfitclub #bearsfitnessandnutrition #boxing #bearmode #noexcuses #9am #leadbyexample #getoffyourarse #fitclub
16.01.2022 Fitclub is on at 830am excuses, if we can get there with 4 kids, you guys certainly can!!!!!!
16.01.2022 Dont forget 9am tomorrow for fitclub. Come and join the gun show!!!!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #morayfieldfitclub #noexcusescauseitssunday
15.01.2022 Who is excited for tomorrow mornings fitclub......only 14 hours, 29 mins and 32 seconds to go. See you all at 830am!!!!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #morayfieldfitclub #firsttimefree #morethemerrier #noexcuses
14.01.2022 What a glorious Sunday Morning Sesh and i even rememebered to take photos this time! Hope to see even more people for a special mothers day edition next sunday!!! #wecrackedthedoublefigures #bearsfitnessandnutrition #allittakesisadecision #noexcuses #morayfieldfitclub #funinthesun
14.01.2022 Who cooks your food? Take 3 mins to watch this video and you will see one of the many reasons why we cook alot of our food from scratch. Why people put this shit in there bodies is beyond me, stop being lazy and put some effort in for a better you!!! P.S. i havent had Mcdonalds in years and that trend will continue!!!! #thisvideomakessomuchsense #bearsfitnessandnutrition #fuckmcdonalds #mmmmmchemicals #knowyourenemy
14.01.2022 Great session today. Hope to see you all next week!!!!!!!!!
13.01.2022 Evening Legends, Sorry to inform you guys in regard to our Sunday Fit club we regretfully are cancelling all sessions for the foreseeable future, due to lack of numbers and that Shannon has started up a brand new venture. We wanted to start our fitclub on a Sunday to gauge if many people would be interested in our help so we could possible start doing more sessions but unfortunately the numbers havent panned out to what we wanted to achieve. We would like to thank everyone ...who has attended as we tried to get it off the ground. However If you are free during the week, then head over to On track Fitness and Health for more details!!!!!
13.01.2022 When things look so bad for you, sometimes that isnt always the case!!! Check out these little beautys........Herbie Choc Coconut Eggs. ********Recipe in the comments*********
12.01.2022 We here at Bears, hear alot of reasons on why people love to make an excuse why they cant reach their goals. So here is a major tip we use to help us......we meal prep. For a measly few hours, we have our lunch or dinner all sorted for the week as well as numerous snacks that hopefully last us a few weeks (hey Shannon). All these treats have no refined sugars, no hidden nastys, takes no time at all and we know everything we are putting in they are delicious!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #mealprep #delicioustreats #itsnotthathard #noexcuses
11.01.2022 Shout out to the Ladies and all the kidlets who boxed and boxed and boxed until they couldnt move there arms anymore!!! Welcome to the Gunshow fitclubbers. See you all next sunday!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #bearmode #morayfieldfitclub #fitclub #noexcuses #leadbyexample #getoffyourarse #herbalife
11.01.2022 Due to popular demand we are boxing tomorrow morning!!!! Who is coming down????
10.01.2022 Hey gang, We are noticing alot of people are really struggling with ENERGY and when people are tired and struggling, alot of them grab the easy or convenient option to try and help wake them up from their slumber during the day. Some people are starting their day with an iced coffee or fruit juice or an energy drink. Maybe even grabbing a soft drink with lunch. But are you guys aware of how much sugar is in these popular drinks and are your children consuming some of these t...oo! Well knowledge is power and as you can see their is alot of sugar in these drinks. Google daily allowance of sugar australia and you will see how much added sugar you can have and guess what it isnt much!!! That is why we have some great alternatives available for you like our f1 shakes, fat burning energy tea and our nrg (natural raw guarana). Small swaps can make a massive difference, so hit us up for some free samples and you will hear more from us this week on how we can pump up your energy!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #itstimetomakeachange #morayfieldfitclub #sugaristheenemy #itsallaboutnutrition #1tspequals4grams
09.01.2022 Kids are ready to show you some fun new toys coming to Fitclub tomorrow!!! See you at 9am
09.01.2022 So what type of post workout shake do you guys want tomorrow, the gangs all here????? Dont forget we are boxing tomorrow at 9am!!!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #morayfieldfitclub #noexcusesbecauseitssunday #wherewouldyouratherbe #igotthesedeliveredin2days
09.01.2022 Summer bodies are made in winter and we have got of our butts and got our boxing gear back. So come and take your winter frustrations out on a fellow fitclubber!!!! We will also be trying the brand new Cinnamon Tea which tastes like Cinnamon Donuts....i kid you not!!!! See you all at 830am!!!!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #morayfieldfitclub #noexcuses #hitusupforafreesample
09.01.2022 Why would anyone ever drink an energy drink for period........i just dont get it!!!!
08.01.2022 Get excited Fitclub is on in just over an hour See you there
07.01.2022 Thanks to everyone who came down on Sunday morning. There is no better way to set up your week than getting out and about. It was so great to catch up with everyone again and looking forward to Sunday becoming the best day of the week. #bearsfitnessandnutrition #bearsfitclub #moretonbayfitclubs #morayfieldfitclub
07.01.2022 On in the morning gang Come check it out- get your first session FREE
07.01.2022 As you all know our fitclub time is 8:30am Sundays, which over 30 people voted for last time we did a poll. However it must be getting really cold and people are struggling to get out of bed as everyone has gone missing. So we doing another poll to see if a better time would suit, maybe when it may be a tad warmer or you actually like 8:30am but your just lazy ;-P. Get your votes to win a free session!!!!!!!
06.01.2022 Shout out to all the legends who turned up yesterday morning to get there fitclub on.....sorry i didnt get a chance to take any photos as i was having to much fun. See you all next Sunday!!!!!
05.01.2022 Anyone else feeling SUPER satisfied after yesterdays Mothers Day workout??? #thoselungesgotmegood #nobendingdowntoday #soretodaystrongtomorrow
04.01.2022 Keep your votes coming in please!!!!!
02.01.2022 We are Boxing tomorrow, so come and get amongst it!!!!!!! #bearsfitnessandnutrition #bearmode #morayfieldfitclub #noexcusescauseitsunday
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