BM Health and Fitness in Coburg North | Sports & fitness instruction
BM Health and Fitness
Locality: Coburg North
Phone: +61 433 354 504
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25.01.2022 Incline DB Bench Press. Very common exercise and great to attack the different muscle fibres in the chest. Teaching Cues: ... Starting cues: Start by squeezing your shoulder blades together. This will stabilise the back and put you in a great starting position. Plant feet into the ground to switch on glutes. Moving Phase: DBs start up top with straight arms. bend arms (from the elbows) and bring DBs down to each shoulder (inside shoulder) Once you have achieved full range of motion, lift DBs back in the same groove as they come down. key point: DBs DONT need to touch up the top as it can cause rounding of the back. As always this will be in the highlights above under Chest Movements. #gym #benchpress #bench
24.01.2022 Barbell Lying Tricep Extensions. There are many different variations of this exercise (on a bench, close grip, wide grip, DBs etc.) Here I am performing it with a barbell lying on the ground. Starting position: Set the bar on the floor... Lying in the floor position yourself so the bar is just behind your head grab the bar with both hands - palms facing the roof Teaching Cues: without moving your elbows, extend the bar up until your arms are straight keep elbows tucked in. Try not to let the elbows flake out return the bar in the same path as it came up (elbows in) Gently touch the ground and repeat (dont bounce the bar off the ground ) As always this video will be in Arms Workouts in the highlights section DM me with any questions. What exercise do you need help with? #triceps #armworkout #exercise
23.01.2022 The Mini Monstars crew are having a huge contest....get involved
23.01.2022 Todays Workout of the day was on the rower. Give it a go Set 1 - 400,100,300,200 Set 2 - 100,300,200,400 Set 3 - 200,400,100,300... Set 4 - 300,200,400,100 *30 sec between distances *60 sec between sets Have fun #bmhealthandfitness
22.01.2022 Couple goals @sirchangalot @ooiegoiee23 #shred #weights #strength
21.01.2022 Little bit of G.P.P (General Physical Preparedness) the other day. This is an awesome variation for the sled. Really targets those hamstrings You NEED to be doing sled work in your program. #athlete #sports #personaltrainer
21.01.2022 One Arm Cable Pulldown: All Videos will be in the highlights. This is a back movement and trains the Lats. Teaching Cues: ... position yourself under the cable At the top of the movement elevate your scapular to achieve tension on the lats. Initiate the movement by retracting the scapular pull down cable to the side of your body. Hold for a second squeeze your lats. Repeat DM me for any questions Enjoy those wings #strengthtraining #weighttraining #weights
21.01.2022 I will be posting video exercises and how to perform them on here. They will also be in the highlights One Arm Row: Coaching cues. 1. Initiate movement by retracting shoulder. 2. Elbow to Hip Pocket. This will maximise the target muscles we are trying to recruit. ... 3. Arms are leavers. 4. Leave Ego at the door. Form over Weight DM me with any questions #hypertrophy #fitness #strengthtraining
20.01.2022 Todays Workout of the Day: 150m Row 6 Burpees with jump over rower Heavy Sled = Tire +60kgs 2 times through ... Record time: X3 sets Enjoy
20.01.2022 Abs workout: If you are trying to increase your 1RM totals you need to have a strong stomach. Teaching cues: lay down with your knees up (if you can lock your feet under something it makes it easier) ... Touch the ball on the ground behind your head as you begin to do a sit up - launch the ball into the wall and continue performing the sit up. catch the ball - and lower yourself down back to the starting position. This really gets the abs working. As always this will be in the highlights under Abs Training: #abs #absworkout #fitness
19.01.2022 #wod Workout 1: 20cal Row 2sleds up and back (5 burpees at each end) (total 20 burpees) 20cal bike ... X3 Record time: Workout 2: 20 Ball Squats - 20kg ball 20cal ski 30sec:10rest:30sec ropes X3 Record time: #bmhealthandfitness
19.01.2022 Some more Jump Training exercises for you to try. All about building that explosive power. This video will be posted in the highlights under Jump Training. Teaching cues: start on your knees drop bum to ankles and explode hips up (land on feet) ... immediately explode(jump) forward as far as you can. repeat. DM me with any questions #jump #power #athlete
18.01.2022 Bulgarian Split Squats. A great exercise for the Legs. Great to help and prevent muscle imbalances Teaching Points: ... Place one leg up on a bench or a box Slowly bend your front knee and squat down until you your opposite knee hits or is just above the ground or you have gone as far as your range of motion will allow you. Try keeping your weight in the mid foot or in the heels. Explode the front leg up Repeat on both legs Helpful tip: Always start with your weakest side when doing any uni lateral exercise. This will be in the highlights under leg exercises. DM me with any training or exercise questions #fitness #gymlife
17.01.2022 Banded mobility. How often do you do mobility work? We would love to hear from you. Perform your mobility work as a stand alone workout or at the end of a session. The bands help you get into deeper positions than you could without them. #mobility #mobilitytraining #yoga
16.01.2022 FREE GIVE AWAY BM Health and Fitness is giving away: 3x PT sessions Weights Program... Nutritional information THERE WILL BE 5 WINNERS Location 77 Bakers Rd, Coburg North, Melbourne To go into the running all you have to do is Like our Page Tag 2 friends Kickstart your summer goals right now Competition finishes July 20th Get tagging
16.01.2022 Reverse Hypers: (Will be in highlights under Back Workouts) Found this exercise from #westsidebarbell about a year and a half ago. Great for alleviating lower back pain ... Also great to build strong lower backs and Glutes Teaching Cues feet in Strap squeeze heels together legs up - head up try hold the weight up as long as you can let the weight take your feet past 90 degrees at the bottom of movement Rotate rep range. #strengthtraining #power #gym #athlete #athletedevelopment
16.01.2022 Progressive Overload Is the ability to increase the demand placed on the musculoskeletal system in order for the body not to accomodate, so that you can continue to gain muscle size, strength and endurance Ways to increase the overload ... 1 increase number of reps you do per 2 increase the number of sets you are doing per exercise 1and2 can be used to workout total volume per exercise 3 increase the weights you are lifting 4 increase training frequency per week (If you train cheat 2x a week, train it 3x a week) 5 record your rest periods in between sets and lower them. Hope this has helped For any Training questions DM me #fitnesstips #progressiveoverload
15.01.2022 Sled Work Exercise #2 Explosive Row Here is another one of the many exercises you can do on the sled. Great for building upper body explosive power... Important point For this exercise to work you need to be aiming to Row the sled in using as much power as possible You will need to play around with the weight to find one that isnt to heavy (not getting that velocity we want) or is way to light (not enough force being produced) #sleds #strengthtraining
14.01.2022 Workout of the Day 4 sets of 20cal row 50 rope doubles ... 10burpee box Jumps (70cm) 150m ski 10 tire flips Time to beat 17mins 40secs Hope you enjoy
13.01.2022 Jump Training. If your looking to develop explosive power you need to be jumping. 40-80jumps a week with different weights, KBs, ankle weights ETC. Ill be posting a range of different jumping videos. All videos will be in the highlights above under Jump Training. Teaching Cues: find a box so your legs are about 90degrees ... slam feet into ground as hard as you can Jump up and aim to jump as high as you can Land Softly Any questions DM me #jump #speed #jumptraining
11.01.2022 The Reverse Hyper My favourite exercise of all time. This exercise has cured peoples lower back problems. 1. It doesnt put any compressing force on the spine. ... 2. This exercise has the ability to rehabilitate and strengthen. 3. It decompresses the spine The Teaching Cues will be in the highlights under Back Workouts. On a side note there is a bit of movement in that machine. Hope it doesnt fall apart whilst Im using it #reversehyper #backworkout #spinaldecompression
10.01.2022 Bootcamp is back tonight: Location 77 Bakers Rd, Coburg North Sessions... Monday - 6:30pm - Boxing Wednesday - 6:30pm - HIIT Saturday - 9:30am - Mayham Session Cost $40 per week Casual $20 per session DM me for any more details. #bootcamp #fitness
09.01.2022 Are you training to meet the goals you have set for yourself? You want a bigger bench? Target the chest, upper back, triceps and abs. Want to jump higher or run faster? You need to be targeting your glutes, hamstrings, explosive power, sled work, etc. ... If you are not achieving your goals, take a step back and assess if your training program is aligning with your goals. #training #goals #goalsetting
09.01.2022 21/8 100 cal row 100 cal ski 100 cal bike ... You are to do 1minute intervals until you have reached the 100cal for that machine. After each minute you are to perform a set of 1 sled run + 65kgs after each minute on the rower 10 ball slams - 25kgs after each minute on the SkiERG 10 push ups after each minute on the power bike Time: 29mins30secs
08.01.2022 #WOD 19/8/19 200m row 1 x sled + 65kgs 5 x Burpees ... 15 x Ring Rows 10 x GHD Sit Ups 10x Ball to box (1m) 35kgs 20cal Power Bike 3min30rest X3 sets Record time after each set See more
07.01.2022 Why you should use bands in your training 1) Accomodating Resistance 2) Overspeed Eccentrics... More Detail 1) Accomodating Resistance Zatsiorsiky defines accommodating resistance as using special means to accommodate resistance throughout the entire range of motion rather than a specific point. Because of some joint angles and the velocity of movement, the force of the movement is less at certain joint angles WESTSIDE BARBELL 2) Over Speed Eccentrics the faster the eccentric phase of an exercise, the more kinetic energy that can be stored in the muscle and subsequently used to increase force, power and speed output during the concentric (muscle shortening) phase. More size and strength gains over the long-term WEIGHTLIFTING WITHOUT LIMITS If you want to improve your training or learn more about Bands DM me #westsidebarbell #speed #strength
07.01.2022 Workout of the day: Deadlift 100kgs Bench Press 70kgs 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Ball over shoulders ... 20,18,16,14,12,10,8,6,4,2 Record time: When performing this exercise start with the deadlift for 10 reps, the do the bench Press for 10 reps, then do the ball over shoulders 20 reps. Then go Deadlift 9, Bench 9, Ball over Shoulders 18 and so on Have fun #bmhealthandfitness
07.01.2022 Banded hamstrung curl - with a isometric hold. If you want to run faster, jump higher, squat and deadlift heavier. You need to be isolating and training your hamstrings. The hamstrings and the glutes are where we generate our power from when running, jumping and so on. ... So we need to be making them strong through all different stimulus (Knee flexion, Hip extension, ETC.) never let the slack go out of the band try as much as possible to keep your hips on the groun. You can achieve this by squeezing your glutes. keep heels together so that you dont have one leg dominating more then the other squeeze hamstrings during the isometric phase. DM me with any training questions #hamstrings #power #strength
06.01.2022 FREE BOOTCAMP GIVEAWAY Our boot camps are back Dates: 9/7 - 5/8... Location: 77 Bakers Rd, Coburg North 3 sessions available per week Monday night 6:30pm Boxing Wednesday night 6:30pm Conditioning Saturday morning 9:30am Mayhem Cardio To Enter the competition: tag 2 friends (if you win they win aswell) like our page Winners will receive 4 weeks free boot camp Weekly weigh-ins Weights Program for the off days Shane 0433354504 for any questions Good Luck Get tagging
04.01.2022 Today’s Workout of the Day: 150m Row 6 Burpees with jump over rower Heavy Sled = Tire +60kgs 2 times through ... Record time: X3 sets Enjoy
04.01.2022 Sled Work Exercise #1 Explosive sled push Here is one of the many exercises you can do on the sled. Great for building upper body explosive power... Important point For this exercise to work you need to be aiming to push the sled as far as you can each time #sleds #strengthtraining
04.01.2022 Bit of Back work with the sled. Great to build both strength and conditioning. This exercise can hit different muscles depending on the angle of your back and what you want to train. in the video I am standing more upright to perform more of a row movement ... Major muscles worked: Rhomboids Lower Traps Latissimus Doris just to name a few Teaching cues. chest up long smooth strokes one Arm at a time I will put up another video that targets the lats later As always this will be in the highlights package in BACK WORKOUTS #back #strength #pt #personaltrainer
03.01.2022 One Arm Explosive Throws: Teaching Cues take a couple of side to side steps to create momentum The non throwing hand holds the ball underneath ball throw is very similar to throwing a shot-put ball. Tuck elbow in and extend your arm as fast as you can... each rep wants to be max power Keep under 5 reps per set. You want every rep to be as powerful as the last If your sport requires any upper body strength you need to be doing some sort of explosive power training DM me with any of your training questions #power #explosive #athlete
02.01.2022 DB Reverse Flys (on bench) All these videos that I put up will be in the highlights above. This targets the posterior deltoids aswell as the rhomboids and traps. Great for shoulder health and if you have a rounded upper back. Teaching cues. 1 lie down with your chest and stomach touching on the incline bench. 2 arms straight and palms facing each other. ... 3 raises hands away from each other with a slight end in the elbows and squeeze shoulder blades together. 4 lower the weights on the same path as you lifted them. 5 repeat. Start light with high reps to learn the movement pattern. DM me with any questions. #exercise #exercises #exercisetips See more
02.01.2022 Those cardio feels 100m row 100m ski 20cal power bike ... X10 sets 1:1 work/rest ratio This one hurt #bmhealthandfitness
01.01.2022 Working on the lats to help me get into the front rack position and the overhead squat #mobilitylife #bmhealthandfitness
01.01.2022 A simple version of the reverse hyper that you can perform almost anywhere. Sometimes you might not have access to the machines/equipment that you would like. When this happens you need to have modifications to exercise Teaching Cues:... Use a band for added tension. Lay on the bench with your legs dangling off the edge Bend your knees and go as far under your body as you can. As you extend your legs raise your head aswell (Banded) Keep tension on the band by pushing your legs out as you extend (Non Banded) squeeze heels together for maximum tension on the glutes Pause at the top of the movement Repeat High reps for this exercise will work best. DM me with any training questions #reversehyper #weighttraining
01.01.2022 One of my favourite pieces of equipment in the gym. THE SLED So many different exercises you can use with this. ... Over the next week I will post the different exercises you can use with the sled. #sled #workouts
01.01.2022 Bit of release work for the pec and the shoulder (anterior deltoid) if you suck and have terrible range of motion over head give this a try. Hoping to be able to perform an overhead squat pain free and without any problems PS this will hurt ... #bmhealthandfitness
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