Beaudesert Uniting Church in Beaudesert, Queensland | Community organisation
Beaudesert Uniting Church
Locality: Beaudesert, Queensland
Phone: +61 448 404 985
Address: 48 William St 4285 Beaudesert, QLD, Australia
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22.01.2022 Faith brings us to a place where we obtain. By faith, the elders obtained a good report. We receive by faith. God's plan for us is blessing. He paid the price and two thousand years ago those blessings became ours.. For example, salvation was bought for all at Calvery. Is everyone saved? Yes, every person on the planet was saved that day however only those who receive the work of the cross by faith actually experience salvation. That is true for all of God's covenant blessings. Many people only receive salvation from God's hand and fail to receive all His other blessings. Learn how to receive them. You have faith and your faith can grow. Be blessed as you click on the link and join our Sunday broadcast.
18.01.2022 Accepted In The Beloved The reason Jesus told the paralysed man his sins were forgiven him was that was what was stopping his miracle. Jesus had to deal with how hat man saw himself.. He was sin-conscious. He did not believe he was worthy or good enough. Jesus dealt with the biggest problem he had. The healing miracle followed very quickly. God loves you. You are accepted in the Beloved. For the rest of your life, God will be dealing with your maturity, not your acceptability. He loves you now and will meet your every need.
17.01.2022 The Foundational Principles of Our Faith 5/7, Our Baptism Into Christ Hebrews Ch 6 talks about the Doctrine of Baptisms plural. Eph 4:5,6 on the other hand seems to contradict this. There it says "one Lord, one faith, one baptism;... " Paul in Ephesians is speaking of the one universal critical baptism, our baptism into Christ. If you are a believer you are in Christ. How did you get there? You were baptized by The Holy Spirit into Christ Jesus. What a wonderful and beautiful thing this is... There is no condemnation to them that ARE IN CHRIST Jesus. You have been baptized into Christ.
17.01.2022 The Foundational Principles of Our Faith, 4/7 The Doctrine of Baptisms. In this lesson, we explore how the concept of Baptism entered the Christian Faith. We will find out why the writer of Hebrews refers to the Doctrine of Baptisms plural. We will not be contentious but rather curious. Come and explore what the Bible has to say about Baptisms. Be hungry.. Never lose your enthusiasm to explore.
16.01.2022 His Presence Coming into the tangible presence of God is the highest blessing on earth. All through king Saul’s reign the ark of the covenant, where God's presence resided, was neglected. Then David, a man after God's own heart began the process of getting the ark back to Jerusalem. He made mistakes but finally, he got the ark back where it belonged. We too must seek his presence.
15.01.2022 The Foundational Principles of Our Christian Faith 6/10. Water Baptism Baptism in water is our witness to the world that we are dead to our old life and alive in Christ. The baptism is by another believer and they baptize us into water.. In the Bible, we see a pattern.. We see that baptism in water is by immersion and it follows repentance and believing. There are three records in Acts of whole households getting baptized and some have argued that there must have been babies... included in that. That is not specifically stated but what is stated is that those households believed the Gospel and then were baptized.. This teaching is not an argument with people who believe in paedobaptism but it is an observation on what the pattern of Bible Baptism in water looked like. The Bible does not teach that we are not saved if we are not baptized in water however it is a command to all believers to be baptised in water.. This teaching honours and respects those who baptize in a different way. It is not intended to be a legalistic teaching but rather it is an attempt to give an overview of Baptism in water as it is observed in the Bible. See more
14.01.2022 Many church goers are only familiar with the Bible stories they learned when they were children. The writer of Hebrews tells us that once we understand the six basic foundational teachings or doctrines of the New Testament we can then move on to 'adult food." The problem is we have many churchgoers who do not even understand those six basic doctrines and have no idea that there are deeper and more amazing teachings in the Bible. We are examining those six basic foundational doctrines in this series paving the way for us to get into the 'meat' of the Word.
13.01.2022 The Uniting Churches on the Scenic Rim are resuming services this coming Sunday. 8:30 am at Beaudesert and 10:30 am at Canungra.
13.01.2022 The Foundational Principles of Our Christian Faith 2/7. Repentance From Dead Works HEBREWS 6:1lists six basic doctrines upon which we can build our faith. These six the writer says are the ABC's of Christianity. . Repentance from dead works is the first basic doctrine the writer of Hebrews lists. So what is repentance? In actual fact, the Greek word metanoia should not be interpreted as repent. The truth of the Greek word unfolds in a meaning for which we have no single English word. It is a word that reflects the great honour and dignity God gives to the human race. This word describes is the ultimate willful decision. It is outside of emotion, regret, manipulation, and pressure. It is the most beautiful willful act a human can make towards God.
12.01.2022 Even with Jesus in the boat, Satan will try and sink you. Jesus had already said "we are going to the other side" but Satan wanted to take that word and change it. So the storm came. There were two groups on that boat. One slept on a pillow, the other was dominated by terror. Eventually, the disciples woke Jesus and accused Him of not caring. Jesus rebuked the storm and then rebuked His disciples. In as many words He said, "why didn't you deal with it oh you of little faith." This was not a case where they should have prayed. No, in this case, they should have taken authority over the wind and the waves and commanded them to "be still". What amazing power and authority God has vested in believers.
08.01.2022 The Foundational Principles of Our Christian Faith 3/7 Faith Toward God The second doctrine mentioned by the writer of Hebrews in the first two verses of Chapter 6 is "Faith Towards God.." The Greek here shows that this is not Faith in God but Faith Towards God. It speaks of a complete leaning and trust in an active 'reaching out' way. This basic doctrine is a knowledge of how not just to believe in God but to actively trust and lean on Him. It also implies that we cannot lean on ourselves. There is nothing in us that we can lean on. Our good works, our going to church, our refraining from sin, are all futile in terms of earning God's love and favor.
07.01.2022 What did Jesus mean when He said we must believe with the heart? We tend to evaluate everything by logic, facts, and empirical data. That is a God-given ability but it is not how faith works. Faith is believing what God says about a matter in spite of the logic, facts, or empirical data. Our mind does not naturally accept faith. In fact, it is designed to work on what it can see. Faith on the other hand is evidence of things, not seen. It is the way we obtain all that God gave us by grace. This message explains further the difference between a head-based mental assent and a heart-based dependence on God's Word. We dig into what Jesus taught us when He said we need to "not doubt in our heart ".
05.01.2022 Our mind is not born again. It is sometimes called the devil's playground. He has no right to be there but it is our job to kick him out. Our mind can be full of anxiety and doubt, care, and worry, so it needs to be renewed. The Bible teaches us that we are responsible for the care and maintenance of our minds. We have weapons to bring every thought captive. God's plan is for us to have His peace garrison and fortify our mind.
02.01.2022 IMAGINATION Your imagination can bring you into defeat or victory. You can see yourself failing or you can see yourself in the victory God has spoken in His Word. Before the flood, God said the people imagined evil continually. That is something that can happen to all of us but we have control of what we look at. Paul taught us to cast down reasonings and imaginations that exalted themselves against the knowledge of God. On the other hand, we are told to look at the unseen. T...hat is faith. How do we look at the unseen? We use our imagination. 2 Cor 4:18 says, "we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." In your trouble, in your storm, keep your vision on the Word. See yourself in the victory. Our imagination is how we see the unseen. See more
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