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Beauties Feeling Fabulous in Labrador | Charitable organisation

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Beauties Feeling Fabulous

Locality: Labrador

Phone: +61 409 727 888

Address: 57 Billington St 4215 Labrador, QLD, Australia


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25.01.2022 Hi Ladies, I wrote this blog post awhile back when I was in treatment and I thought, those of you that are having problems with your hair because of treatment may like to look at getting old school again. Hope you are all well and self isolating and looking after yourselves. I think of you every day. Much Love xx Chrissy Keepence

25.01.2022 "So, we need funding, we need research and they need hope." Six women have candidly shared their gut-wrenching and inspirational ovarian cancer journeys in a po...werful video by 10 daily to ensure their voices are heard after Pink Meets Teal founder, Jill Emberson, was farewelled in Newcastle yesterday.

25.01.2022 I am no longer waiting for a special occasion; I burn the best candles on ordinary days. I am no longer waiting for the house to be clean; I fill it with people... who understand that even dust is Sacred. I am no longer waiting for everyone to understand me; It’s just not their task I am no longer waiting for the perfect children; my children have their own names that burn as brightly as any star. I am no longer waiting for the other shoe to drop; It already did, and I survived. I am no longer waiting for the time to be right; the time is always now. I am no longer waiting for the mate who will complete me; I am grateful to be so warmly, tenderly held. I am no longer waiting for a quiet moment; my heart can be stilled whenever it is called. I am no longer waiting for the world to be at peace; I unclench my grasp and breathe peace in and out. I am no longer waiting to do something great; being awake to carry my grain of sand is enough. I am no longer waiting to be recognized; I know that I dance in a holy circle. I am no longer waiting for Forgiveness. I believe, I Believe. Mary Anne Perrone by Philippe Vogelenzang Photography

24.01.2022 Hi Ladies, there has been some confusion with registering your interest in attending these pamper days. If you would like to attend you must email or call me to register so as I can have confirmation and manage numbers etc. Clicking going on the FB page unfortunately doesn't get taken as a booking as we have found in the past a lot click going or interested just to keep the event in their feed as a reminder but not necessarily confirming they are coming etc hence why the only way to confirm and book is to email me or call me. Thanks for understanding.. Cheers, and e look forward to seeing all those registered nt he 24th for some much needed pampering. If you miss this one don't despair, our next one is on 11 September. Much Love, Chrissy Email: [email protected] Mob: 0409727888

20.01.2022 When I’m not wearing my General Manager of Rivermead Estate Hat or my The Lindy Charm School Hat doing Vintage Makeovers, Workshops or Fashion Parades, or my Dance Teacher Hat with our dance school SWING On In (yes I have many hats... but... who doesn’t love hats) ... I wear this very special Hat and run this beautiful charity called Beauties Feeling Fabulous - BFF in memory of our Mum and Sister. BFF offers free pamper days with women with cancer and also makes comfort ponchos for women with cancer going into surgery.. we had our first session for the year yesterday and wanted to share with you all. We don’t have an insta page but you can check us out of FB:beautiesfeelingfabulous This day could not be the success it is without the generous hearts of our volunteer sewers, burlesque dancer, massage and beauty therapists, hairdressers, MUAH artists, nail techs, huggers and listeners! @designe’screativehairdressing Frigg Cafe & Catering Amanda Beech @aleshiamarie_bespokeskinandspa The French Beauty Academy Paige Adele Langley Yoko Ikeda Sharon von Bibra @paulacopely Lena Marlene Kristyn Boulton

20.01.2022 A Big Shout out to Cr. Ryan Bayldon-Lumsden Division 7 City of Gold Coast who will be providing Catering num nums for our Cancer Warrior Ladies coming to the next Beauties Feeling Fabulous Pamper Day on Friday 27 November 2020 at Labrador Community Centre

19.01.2022 Hi Ladies, if you or anyone you know needs a wedge pillow or bootie ring pillow, I have one of each to donate to someone. Pics below.

18.01.2022 Thank you to our fabulous supporters and volunteers who made this day yesterday so perfect for 25 cancer warriors @kristynBoulton @friggcafe @lenamarlene... @paigeadellangley @amandabeech Krystal and Rhonda from @thefrenchbeautyacademy @yokoikeda @aleshianarie_bespokeskinandspa @design’screativehairdressing @sharonvonbibra See more

15.01.2022 Thank you to our amazing Pamper Team for all your beautiful love, for giving your time and energy to our Cancer Warrior women who we invite in to enjoy some guilt free self care, catch up and meet new friends and share stories of their experiences which ultimately helps in so many ways, to listen, to hear, to give, to receive, to touch or to touch.. Such a special day and we could not do it with out you .. So, Thanks to: @Paulacopely - Hair The French Beauty Academy for Mas...sage, Hair and Nails @Paige Adele Langley for all that you do @Monique Galvin - Massage @Elena Doia Panos - Reiki @Yoko Ikeda - Massage Flowers by Adam's Garden Florist @Sandra Johnston - Mandela Johanka unková - Photos Next BFF Pamper Day is Friday 27 November 2020

15.01.2022 I am looking for a caterer (paid) to provide some simple healthy bites for this day. Nothing too substantial but easy to eat, nourishing and yummy - for about 20 women. Please DM me if you know of someone who can assist.

11.01.2022 Hi lovely ladies we need to share this new Special Covid date around. Had to cancel 3 July but now happening on 24 July.. I will organise to print flyers tomorrow and run them around to usual places, if you need some, please let me know and I will drop some off to you. Can't wait to be back offering this lovely service to our women living with cancer and/or in treatment currently. Now to firm up our pamper staff :) xx Chrissy

11.01.2022 Having Cancer is hard.. having cancer through Covid 19 is just another layer of Meh! After having to cancel a couple of Pamper days due to coronavirus, yesterday we finally got to put on this special day again for all those awesome cancer warriors who were well enough to come. These pamper days could not be possible if it wasn’t for the love and generosity and support of our volunteers, those who donate and those who support. Thank you to the following for supporting Beaut...ies Feeling Fabulous - BFF Cr. Ryan Bayldon-Lumsden Division 7 City of Gold Coast and Kristyn Boulton @Adams Garden Florist - flowers @Judi Reid - Arbonne -makeup @Paige Adele Langley and @The French Beauty Academy - nails @Amanda Beech - makeup @Susan Rainbow - Sentsy gifts @Cancer Support Sisters Team Sandra Johnston @Professional Salon Brands Molendinar - gifts Paula Copley - Hairdresser Katie - hand massage @Fossivintageau for our scarves @Delorenzohair for hair care products

10.01.2022 Hi Ladies, Just a quick note to let you know that Beauties Feeling Fabulous - BFF has just received more Ponchos, some summer lighter ones and more of our normal fluffy fleece ones. If you know of any women that are in hospital, in treatment, going in for surgery that might find of of these ponchos helpful then please contact me and we will post one out FOC direct to them. These ponchos are practical but also a great source of comfort. How it came about:... I was the eldest of 3 sisters all BRCA 2 Positive and the first to have a Double Mastectomy, Reconstruction and a Radical Hysterectomy prophylactically. No one can prepare you for the pain and the drains and the drips these major surgeries come with. I felt like the weight of a house was on my chest and I could not lift my arms at all and the thought of trying to and navigating those drains and drips was just too tricky when trying to put on clothes. I needed something that was lightweight, warm and had free access for arms. My Mum, ever practical, cut a hole in a baby’s blanket and made me a poncho. I was warm, cosy and my arms/drips and drains were undisturbed, it was genius! Next, the middle Sister Veronica had the same surgeries and again the Ponchos made such a difference to her during her recovery.

09.01.2022 Sorry to Inform everyone that we have cancelled our next Pamper Day which was to be held on Friday 8th of May in time for Mothers day. This rotten Covid19 is a party pooper for sure but we all need to stay safe and stay home until its all over. I'm sorry for all the lovely ladies who were looking forward to be pampered. Hopefully we can run our July one. Til then, Take Care and God Bless xx Chrissy and the BFF Team...

08.01.2022 COMMUNITY GUARDIAN ANGELS Do you know someone going above and beyond helping others in your community? This Valentine's day Beauties Feeling Fabulous - BFF offering free pampering sessions at Labrador for women with cancer Chrissy and her army of volunteers provide free massages, make up sessions and more.

08.01.2022 Tune in this Monday on Abc 91.7 with Matt Webber to hear a lovely interview we did about BFF Pamper Days and our Ponchos. Cathy Border interviewed myself, Amanda Beech and Cindy Jane .. there were tears, laughter and lots of valuable info. I hope you enjoy it and thanks everyone for the wonderful support.. BFF could not exist without your donations and Volunteering you time.. #earthangels

05.01.2022 Thank you Scentsy Family Consultants and Susan Rainbow for this wonderful donation to BFF you smell divine and the ladies will enjoy them thank you again for your donation you really make a difference.

02.01.2022 Thank you ABC Gold Coast, Matt Webber and @CathyBorder for telling our story and sharing our Charity Beauties Feeling Fabulous - BFF with your audience. Thank Cindy Jane and @Amanda Beech for sharing your story and being so fabulous. So very proud and honoured. Have a listen if you have time and share around to any women you might know that could use some pampering or maybe even a comfort poncho. See more

01.01.2022 So looking forward to delivering another special day of pampering for 25 gorgeous wonder women, cancer warriors doing their thing and turning lemons into lemonade most days and when they can't then we fill their cup for them. I love this charity, not because its my family's legacy but because my sister @Elishaneave craved for a day like this and so did I when going through treatment, My Mum steered this charity and helped it develop and she did it all from heaven can you be...lieve it! :). It's a day to indulge in guilt free offloading of anything you need to offload and guilt free indulgence of pampering that is free and delivered by the most amazing volunteers who donate their time, their love, their services, their shoulders, their ears and their hugs to make a difference in one persons life in one moment. Thats all it takes. Thanks so much to you all and heres to a Covid Safe but bloody unreal day of pampering for you all xx Chrissy Want to help?, got something to donate?: Message us: FB: @beautiesfeelingfabulous or call me: 0409727888

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