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Beautiful Home Renovations
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25.01.2022 IF YOURE BUILDING OR RENOVATING NOW OR SOON - PLEASE FEEL FREE TO SAVE THIS POST Whats something you cant see that will cost you tonnes of money & can cause a stand still on you starting your build? Its your neighbours! - well not so much them (Im sure theyre lovely!) but it IS whats just over your fence.... Here are some tips to save & when building & renovating near boundaries. Always get a feature survey done of your property before you start anything. I use @vision_sc This way youll know your exact level heights - plus your designer/ builder needs it and its a must for council approvals Have a little look over your fences - are the levels different? Is there existing retaining? are the fences ok? Like in this photo does your neighbour have something attached to the fence - so if you have to replace the fence it this also needs replacing? Pool fencing regulations - you will need to comply with the minimum fence height of 1800mm high - this could mean all new fencing or a non-climbable addition. Installing a Pool - where you locate it comes down to a few things but whether the land adjacent is higher or lower can really impact the cost. Higher - youll most likely undermine surrounding structures so a retention solution will be needed such as retaining, chemical injection so allow for these in your overall budget Lower - if the neighbouring levels are lower you can sometimes use the pool walls as retaining - 2 birds one stone!! meaning you can get closer to boundaries at not much extra cost - ask your designer to check regulations & get the engineers to provide a detail to suit. Lastly & importantly, chat to your neighbours ASAP letting them know your plans - getting them involved early means you can discuss any fencing changes. Plus, any paperwork required for council is signed with ease. I hope these tips have been helpful, if you have any stories/questions about buildings/ boundaries please feel free to share below @ Perth, Western Australia See more
25.01.2022 Completely transform your home in just 3 hours. I have 2 new packages available for interior and exterior spaces where I design options to re-flow your spaces, create a budget and write a works timeline. See BOOKINGS for packages, DM for more details.
25.01.2022 Gorgeous place to hang on a 40 degree day
24.01.2022 HOME Theyre moving in!!! This is such an exciting day for my clients. Bringing all of their treasures home to a new space. Its been such a beautiful journey designing & recreating this familys home. A massive thankyou to @flinders.dolan for being the most amazing client and trusting me with your project ... at #beautifulhomeonflinders by me, styling by @beautifulhome_renovations & @jessicacolvindesign
24.01.2022 Beautiful backyard & pool area design - Its great to being able to see exactly what your space will look like before beginning on site
24.01.2022 Hey beauties! in case we have met yet, Im Sal & heres 3 things you might not know about me I can cartwheel off the Jetty at @hillarysboatharbour Aussie Hip Hop is way up on my list of tune loves Kickboxing will always be in my heart #favesportofalltime ... Bonus fact I can hit a mean backwards shot on the pool table Hit me up with your talents, I would LOVE to hear them xx . . . . . #gettoknowme #salssillyfacts #perthdesigner #exteriordesignperth #landscapedesign #landscapedesignperth #perthrenovations #designinspiration #perthrenovation #perthrenovations #buildingperth #perthmumsinbusiness #interiordesignperth #perthinteriordesign #perthrenovations #designinspiration #perthrenovation #perthrenovations
23.01.2022 Layout & flow of your space really is everything! Creating more useable and accessible space for these owners was at the top of their list. Adding a huge entertaining space for family gatherings, a second area for the kids to play or more family to relax and chat. The gorgeous plunge pool softens the drop between the house, cools the space and adds a beautiful view out the Dining window. This along with 2 other concepts presented the clients are a part of the Exploration & In...spiration Package. The package includes 3D Concepts and a materials mood board. To book a consultation
23.01.2022 How cold & windy is it in Perth this week!? Take me back to last weekend when the sun was happily shining and I was sipping cocktails down at Hillarys Marina . .... . . . #byebyechillyweather #summer #my pool #dreamingoftheSun #pooldesigner #exteriordesign #bluestone & #cladding supplied by @ecooutdoor Pool Design by me See more
21.01.2022 OMG how bloody hot was it in Perth today! #secretlyloveit Hopefully you were close to a POOL a bit like this gorgeous one, a recent design project of mine currently being brought to life by the awesome team @werdlandscapes exposed aggregate & soon to be honed aggregate around the pool and under the Alfresco by @modern_concrete_concepts Swipe for the before photo & the material schedule and planting plan . . .... . . #perthdesigner #exteriordesignperth #landscapedesign #landscapedesignperth #perthrenovations #newbuild #designinspiration #perthrenovation #perthrenovations #buildingperth #difficultsite #siteworks #homebeautiful #beautifulhomerenovations #designperth @ City Beach, Western Australia See more
20.01.2022 One of the biggest compliments you can get is a friend asking you to design their space - I have 2 projects on the go at the moment for friends. This beautiful backyard and a complete re-design of a newly purchased home in the gorgeous area of North Shore, Kallaroo. A couple of walls to knock down and beautiful new Kitchen. Its going to be gorgeous!!!! #sallysatriani #beautifulhomerenovations #PerthDesigner #residentialdesign #renovat...ions #perthrenovations #renovationsperth #kallaroo #padbury #INTERIORDESIGN #interiordesigningideas #interiordesignaustralia #interiordesignperth #interiordesignsorrento #interiordesignWA #interiordesignprojects #designinspo #interiordesignwork #interiordesignerWA #interiordesignhillarys #interiordesigncarine #interiordesignduncraig #interiordesign #interiordesigner #perthrenovation #perthrenovations #perthreno #perthbuilding #perthbuilder See more
18.01.2022 Calacatta Marble you have my heart & my soul ~ I get a beautiful feeling of calm around natural stone . . . .... . #interiordesign #interiordesignperth #perthinteriordesign #perthsoftfurnishings #marblebenchtops #calacattamarble #perthrenovations #designinspiration #perthrenovation #perthrenovations #projectinspiration See more
15.01.2022 Ive got a list as long as my arm today. All the finals for the renovation at #beautifulhomeonflinders. It can be a challenge getting those final items done before moving day, but I think were getting there! by me, of the gorgeous @mon_palmer SGO outdoor shower in Black at #beauthomemenoraproject under the most beautiful mature Mango tree ... #movingindaysaturday #interiordesignperth #projectmanagement #SGOoutdoorshower #blackcladding #renovationsperth #pooldesignperth
14.01.2022 Initial Concept Design for a young family in coastal suburb of Carine @ Carine, Western Australia, Australia
13.01.2022 ALL THE BEAUTIFUL DETAILS Hamptons inspired balustrade designed to meet pool fencing requirements, light grey blue pool sparkling pool, garonne natural stone flooring, crisp new render complimented by the dark green and rusty foliage of the always classic Little Gem Magnolia . .... . . . #hamptonsinspired #pool #cooltones #features #perthhomerenovation #perthrenovations #transformation #magnolia #littlegemmagnolia #renderedhouse #greypool #sparklingpool #poolrenovation #greyrender #whitebalustrade #poolfence #poolfencing #bluewater #perthbuilder See more
13.01.2022 This home is located in Floreat, WA has boasts an eclectic exterior with large scale cor-ten steel planters and mixed of tropical & fruiting trees.
12.01.2022 White on white with splashes of Magnolia! oh you SO pretty #duncraigprojectno2 Pretty yes, but a heap of planning went into creating this gorgeous "usable" space. Hit the hashtag above to see the unrecognisable "before" photo. Youll be like it was a desert terraced rockery walls and crumbling limestone steps. This site had challenge apon challenge, the power dome, water meter & the sewer inspection manhole all within this perfectly usable space. But knowledge is powe...r right! So beauties start with ordering a feature survey from a company like @vision_sc and get designing! X Sal . . . . . #interiordesign #interiordesignperth #perthrenovation #perthrenovations #perthdesigner #exteriordesignperth #landscapedesign #landscapedesignperth #perthrenovations #designinspiration #perthrenovation #perthrenovations #buildingperth #difficultsite #siteworks #interiordesign #interiordesignperth #perthinteriordesign
12.01.2022 Happy Sunday gorgeous people! . Lace & I spent last night enjoying the Autum Escape package @frasersuitesperth for hers and my besties little ones birthdays . A little bit of luxury and change of scenery does great things for the soul #sameagainnextyear hey @alicia_lishman ... . Kitchen details at the #beatifulhomeonflinders project pic & styling by @jessicacolvindesign & @beautifulhome_renovations . . . . . #interiordesign #kitchenrenovationsPerth #renovationprojectPerth #perthrenovations #whitekitchen #stoneambassador #stonebenchtop #stonebenchtops #perthreno #perthmums #beautifulhomerenovations #perthrenovations #marblelook See more
11.01.2022 Detailing this beauty this weekend #hockingreno #completeredesign #renovationperth
11.01.2022 6 Easy ways to Update your Houses Exterior
10.01.2022 FESTIVE PERFECTION This table setting that slid into my email yesterday @cultiver_goods Wishing you all a beautiful Christmas Eve ... by stylist & photographer @karinekongphotography . . . . . #christmastable #christmastablesetting #festive #festiveseason #beautifultablesetting #simplicity #whitelinen #pendantlights #christmasdecor #christmasdecorating See more
09.01.2022 The brief for this beautiful family of 5s home was to create better flow throughout the home, especially throughout the kitchen and living areas.
08.01.2022 Erhmmm can I get a hell yeah for my Dream Kitchen. @studiomcgee #dreamkitchen #studiomcgee #theycandonowrong #hitsthespot #shakercabinets #blackglasscabinets #perthinteriordesign #perthrenovations
06.01.2022 HEY THERE GORGEOUS! My fave of all faves the Bauhinia Variegata Alba. A beautiful sculptural tree that would suit nearly any space. They grow up to 6m wide & 8m high. Ive planted these in my past two homes and cant wait to plant one in our current home, theyre stunning trees!... #bauhiniaAlba #absolutefavourite #featuretree #perthdesigner #exteriordesign #perthexteriordesign #perthexteriordesigner See more
06.01.2022 Knowing what to do and where to start is exactly what all of my clients say they get stuck on. Feeling like their future project is just too big. Within an hour I always see their faces look completely relieved and that sparkle comes of excitement, direction and a clear vision. My Renovation & Exterior Design Consultations run for approx 90 minutes, theyre jam packed for of value where we discuss design ideas, possible layout changes and budget.... There are a few appointments still available before Christmas if you would like to get planning - see Bookings x Sal
06.01.2022 ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE A designers dream!! A client with amazing taste and as many dreams for their space as I have for it. Considering all the limitations we fit SO much in this Mosman Park backyard.... Working around the mains sewer line which runs diagonally across the backyard we were able to squeeeeeze in a 6x2.5m pool, plus we avoided needing pool fencing by using the sites steep rise at the rear to our advantage. To create clean lines across the backyard whilst also hiding the pool equipment we will be installing custom timber screening which will act as the pool equipment enclosure and the pool gate. A few more photos and videos to come, if you want to see follow #beautifulhomeinmosmanpark . . . . . #perthdesigner #beautifulhomerenovations #sallysatriani #perthexteriordesigner #pooldesign #pooldesigns #pooldesigner #outdoordesign #exteriordesign #gardeninspiration #whiteONwhite #swimmingpool #pool #summer #swimmingpool #swimmingpooltime #swimmingpools #swimmingpoolparty #swimmingpooldesign #swimmingpoolfun #swimmingpooltour #swimmingpoolideas See more
04.01.2022 DESIGN OPTIONS We all like options hey? Seeing a space in a couple of different ways can open your mind to what you might not have imagined before. These two designs meet the same brief but provide two completely different feels. Another reason why I like to design a couple of options is cost, every design will have different associated costs. Pools near the boundaries tend to need special engineering, fences removed etc. If I can avoid this I save you the moolah! W...inning! If you scroll across to the second design youll notice the pool is out of the ground, this allows the pool to be closer to the boundary with help of the added seat in the pool and we should be able to avoid replacing the fences..more wins! I say save the cashola for a gorgeous outdoor setting or some comfy pool lounges not fences that will be screened by plants anyway! . . . . #exteriordesign #sitespecialist #perthdesigner #pooldesign #pooldesigns #pooldesigner #outdoordesign #backyarddesign #yard #forthekids #gardeninspiration #design #whiteonwhite #swimmingpool #pool #perthsummer #swimmingpool #swimmingpooltime #swimmingpools #swimmingpoolparty #swimmingpooldesign #swimmingpoolfun #swimmingpoolideas #swimmingpoolarea #swimmingpoolfeatures #swimmingpoolheaven #patio #alfresco #pergola #swimmingpoolgoals @ Perth, Western Australia See more
04.01.2022 TGIF All the trades out at the #beautifulhomeonflinders project have been going hard, massive changes coming over the next few weeks. If theres anything youd like to know about this project flick me a DM or comment below or if youre just loving the journey let me know. I love hearing from you guys that your following the progress xx Sal ... #interiordesign #interiordesignperth #perthinteriordesign #perthsoftfurnishings #renovationtips #girlbossau #perthrenovations #designinspiration #perthrenovation #perthrenovations #girlboss #womeninbuildingandconstruction #girlswhobuild #dreamjob #perthmums #perthreno #kitchenrenovation #kitchenrenovations #perthprojectmanagement #projectmanagement
03.01.2022 Dream = Reality One of the first items on the clients brief was a single hanging chair, every mumma goddess needs a place to hang and watch her babies play, right?! . .... . . . #hangingchair #perthsbesttrades #perthmumsinbusiness #perthdesigner #perthbossbabes #bossbabe #perthbusinesswomen #perthbusinesschicks #exteriordesignperth #landscapedesign #landscapedesignperth #perthrenovations #designinspiration #perthrenovation #perthrenovations #buildingperth #skillionroof #difficultsite #pooldesign See more
02.01.2022 6 Easy ways to Update your House's Exterior
02.01.2022 Beautiful Menora Its just a shed, but you wouldnt know...its SO pretty! Tile Pool by @selectpools Land & hardscaping & stone walling by @werdlandscapes ... Decking & screens by @jacarandacarpentry Shed & Alfresco by @vecchiohomes Windows by @jasonwindows Fences painted by Design, Project Management & by me @beautifulhome_renovations See more
02.01.2022 Thanks for visiting Beautiful Homes Facebook page. Although we love Facebook - we spend more of our time hanging out and sharing our story on Instagram. Follow us there to keep up to date with our current and upcoming projects. @beautifulhome_renovations
02.01.2022 I find it fascinating watching my kids, their natural skills and things they drawn to. I thought Id share a few things about me from when I was a kid I was obsessed with building, Id drag my Dad to open homes on the weekend. Begging to buy a new house he still lives in the house I was brought up in, Im on house #3 - figures! I bought a book about herbs, I used to flick through the pages dreaming of creating my cottage garden filled with all the ed...ible things my favourite was Borage - it has the cutest little purple edible flower I convinced my Dad to let me knock down our front retaining wall (made from those 80s moss rocks) so I could build a pond down the backyard. Its still there! Was it obvious for you growing up what you were going to BE? or is your career completely different than what youd expect? . . . . . #3thingsaboutme #whenIgrowup #whatiwantobewhenigrowup #kidbuilder #loverofallthingsplants #aboutme #aboutyou See more
01.01.2022 A high-end exterior renovation, adding a shed/ alfresco combination. Beautiful finishes including natural stone flooring, Fijian mahogany decking, Jindera stone cladding. An 8m x 5m glass mosaic tiled pool complete with swimjet for stationary laps. The clients love frangipanis, so we planted mature trees with as many flowers colours possible.
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