Beauty & Lash by B | Businesses
Beauty & Lash by B
Phone: +61 421 315 331
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25.01.2022 #lashextensions #lashes #lashesofadelaide #classics #hybrid #volumes #lashesonfleek
22.01.2022 Get your tans booked in now for Christmas and New Years! #adelaidetans #tansofadelaide
22.01.2022 #minetan #spraytan #ultradark #dark #coconut #medium #tansofadelaide #adelaidetan
21.01.2022 Wishing all my beautiful clients a very Happy Easter! I hope you all enjoy this day but be sure to stay safe and keep your 1.5 distance! Miss you all, see you again soon! Love - B xx
20.01.2022 #adelaidelashes #adelaidelashextensions #classiclashes #hybridlashes #volumelashes #lashesofadelaide #adelaide #lashextensions #lashextensionsofadelaide
18.01.2022 Classics practice makes perfect
15.01.2022 #lashextensions #adelaide #adelaidelashes #adelaidelashextensions #classicsetlashes #hybirdlashes #volumelashes #lashesofadelaide
13.01.2022 Tonight I have spent my time educating myself more on COVID - 19. Working in a child care environment and working on my small business I am around many people of all ages. I would like to ensure everyone that all my clients who enter my home have been asked to wash there hands before and after there appointments and to be honest if they have been sick or have had any symptoms that link to the virus. I am around other clients, young children and family members who have very ...serious and severe Heath issues on a daily and they can’t afford to catch this virus. Please if you have been in contact with/have traveled overseas recently please reschedule your appointments or go see your health professional to get check for COVID-19 before booking an appointment. Thank you for listening and please continue to help support your local/small business in this hard time. x #covid_19 #covd19 #cronavirus #adelaide #beauty #lashextensions #tanning #minetan #lashes
12.01.2022 Cheeky tan line snapshot by @aaambberr #minetan #minetanperfectbride #minetancoconut #minetanluxeoil #minetanabsolute #tansofinstagram #tansofadelaide #adelaidetans
12.01.2022 THIS WEEK ONLY $15 spray tans this week only. Book in for a glowing tan for the long weekend. #minetan #tan #tansofadelaide #adelaidetan #medium #dark #minetancoconut #minetandarkash #minetanultradark
10.01.2022 #tansofadelaide #adelaidetans #minetan #beauty #minetancoconut #minetanperfectbride #minetanabsolute #minetanluxe
09.01.2022 #adelaidetans #tansofadelaide #tansofinstagram #minetan #minetancoconut #minetanperfectbride #minetanabsolute #minetanluxe #beauty
09.01.2022 Tans to bring on 2020 #minetan #adelaidetans #tansofadelaide #minetanperfectbride #minetancoconut #minetanluxeoil #minetanultradark
08.01.2022 #tansofadelaide #spraytan #adelaidespraytan #minetan #minetanbodyskin #minetancoconut #minetanperfectbride #minetabsolutex #meduim #dark #ultradark
08.01.2022 Before and after of washing tan off #minetan #coconutwater #minetancoconut #adelaide #adelaidetans #tansofadelaide
07.01.2022 #lashes #lashextensions #adelaidelashes #volumelashes
06.01.2022 Hey lovelies! I am just waiting on two more lash deliveries to come. Once they have arrived I will than start taking bookings for lash extensions! So stay tuned #lashextensions #lashextensionsadelaide #classics #hybrids #volumes
06.01.2022 Lash extensions are now available. I will start taking bookings in the next few weeks.
04.01.2022 #lashextensions #lashes #classiclashes #hybirdlashes #volumelashes #adelaidelashes #adelaidelashesandbeauty #spraytans #minetan
03.01.2022 No filter needed MineTan Medium solution @minetanbodyskin #minetan #medium #dark #ultradark
01.01.2022 No filter needed happy client getting a tan for this weekend. Happy 22nd birthday to you $15 spray tans this week only! Happy long weekend #minetan #tan #spraytan #adelaidetan #ultradark #dark #coconut #medium
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