Be Brave Counselling in Bundaberg, Queensland | Counsellor
Be Brave Counselling
Locality: Bundaberg, Queensland
Phone: +61 488 198 502
Address: 10 City Vue Terrace 4670 Bundaberg, QLD, Australia
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25.01.2022 To my beautiful ladies, I would like to inform you that over the next few weeks, Be Brave Counselling will be joining with Active Mums Personal Training Studio as one business. I have been running Active Mums fitness for nearly 9 years now. I started it as a way to move out of my post-natal depression. Personal training is a mentally focused business that has a masculine energy to it, counselling is a heart focused and has a feminine energy to it. ... So to find a beautiful balance for myself, I am not choosing head or heart. Instead I have decided to drop down into my womb. Here I can nurture & support. I can honor both energies as they combine into one. This is the birth of the 'BRAVE Collective'. Pre-Natal, Antental, Postnatal Fitness & Counselling. I will encourage woman to be brave with their hearts, strong with their desires and gentle with their minds. I will be merging my Active Mums Page into my new business page. This Be Brave Counselling Page will no longer be in use for my posts. Soon I will be adding a new logo, putting together a new web page and finally making some cosmetic changes to the studio to match the new business. How exciting! The butterfly is ready to break out of it's cocoon... be patient. BRAVE Collective... Coming Soon!
22.01.2022 So many beautiful butterflies were created over the weekend by families at the SANDS remembrance walk. It was really heart warming to watch each family come together to create there own "Message is the Wind". These artworks were created from the tracing of each family members hand. Then each colour represented each family members personality. A message was written on the back full of hope, dreams, memories and love for the little ones who have died. ... Jo Lamond Xx
18.01.2022 How do you get out of depression? You decide too. You make the choice to not act and feel that way anymore. So you take action. You get out of bed, you get dressed and you reach out for support. Private counselling helps you to shine a light on the thoughts that are keeping you depressed. Psychologist use CBT for people with depression, I prefer to focus more on ACT as it moves the person forward. It teaches you to unhook from your thoughts, so they no longer have control ...over you. Getting active creates flow in your body. Depression likes you to be still, so fight it with movement. It also releases endorphins, a hormone that helps you to feel good. The more of this you can get, the less you brain can feel negative. Lifting weights can make you feel powerful and in control. The most important thing to remember is that you are on your side. Depression strips you of this. It makes you think that you can do nothing about it. You will feel like this forever. But it is wrong. You are worthy, you just have to show yourself that you are worthy. No one else is going to do it for you. You have to take action yourself. You have to make the choice yourself. If your ready to unhook from your thoughts and to move your body out of that dark hole you have been in, reach out. Jo Lamond Xx
16.01.2022 With every act of self-care your authentic self gets stronger, and the critical, fearful mind gets weaker. Every act of self-care is a powerful declaration: I am on my side, I am on my side.
15.01.2022 Realizing you have a choice is really powerful. You choose what you put on in the morning. You choose what you have for breakfast. You choose what music you listen to in the car on the way to work.... These are easy choices. What about choosing the priorities for the day? Choosing if you workout or not? If you stop by at a friends house or head straight home after work? These choices now have a little more weight to them. What about the choice of buying a house, getting married or breaking up with someone? These are heavy choices, they have a huge impact on your life. but either way you have a choice. All of the above are external choices. Things outside of you. Did you know that you have a choice on all your internal experiences too? You choose the thoughts you attach too ( in ACT we called this "Hooked" on a thought) or you can choose to let them float by and do nothing about them (In ACT we call this "Unhooked" on a thought) When you learn to "unhook" from a thought it no longer controls you. Every circumstance in your life is neutral. It is only when you attach a thought to the situation that emotions / feeling start to come up about it. Your brain then searching it files for everything you ever stored to remind you why you feel the way you do about the thought you have attached too. To break the cycle we must learn to unhook from the thoughts that take us away from our values and goals. As a new thought comes up a simple question you can ask yourself is "Is this thought helpful?". If the answer is yes, feel free to keep it. If the answer is no, then we can use a range of detachment exercises to allow that thought to pass on. Keen to learn more? Be brave and reach out. Jo Lamond
11.01.2022 Post-Natal Depression - Fight it with movement! I was diagnosed with PND 6 weeks after having Sofia. Depression loves to keep you isolated at home. To beat depression, you have to do the one thing it doesn't want you to do.... Move! Focus on meeting every humans basic needs for you and your baby. Healthy food, sun / fresh air, water, rest and connection. Create a routine with your new little one. Follow the same routine everyday. In that routine make sure you both get some ...sun on your skin everyday. Eat as healthy as you can, drink lots of water and connect other people everyday. If you can't sleep when the baby sleeps that is OK. Instead take some down time to yourself. Forget about the housework. You are more important right now. Once you got the basics down then add movement. Plan a morning or afternoon stroller walk with your little one. Head to the park for an afternoon play. I use to take Sofia to the shopping centre every afternoon at 3pm for an hour. I would just walk up and down the strip with a coffee in hand. What ever you do, start moving. It's the only way you can beat depression. If you are struggling, be brave and reach out. I am now offering one on one counselling sessions to pre-natal, antenatal and postnatal mums. I am here to support you, Jo Lamond Xx
10.01.2022 Monkey see, monkey do. Everything you do, I do too. If you emotionally eat when you are stress, then I will learn to do that too. ... If you yell and scream when stressed, then I will learn to do that too. If you run away when things get tough, then I will learn to do that too. Even if you tell me to love my body, but you body shame yourself; I will do what you do, not what you say. To help our children, we need to first help ourselves. If you can learn to manage your stress, allow your emotions and to embrace who you are; they are going to follow in your footsteps. By focusing on you, you change your children. Be brave & reach out, Jo Lamond Xx
10.01.2022 We hold onto the past and we wrap ourselves in the future. No wonder why we feel so heavy and restricted in our everyday lives. We are doing this to ourselves. We are choosing to think this way. How do we break the cycle? The first step is to get present. Here in this very moment. We need to get out of our head and back into our heart. Every day our mind is trying to distract us with thoughts and images. If one doesn't work, it will try another. Kinda like Facebook, they ...are trying to grab your attention. Learning to unhook, defuse and become aware of what your brain is doing can help break this cycle. We can then use our awareness to make choices based on our values and not past beliefs and experiences. If you would like to learn more about ACT therapy and how it might be able to help you, be brave and reach out. Jo Lamond Xx
09.01.2022 I got to meet the beautiful Jodie Bemet on Wednesday. She is the owner of Green Apple Health and Nutrition Jodie specialises in: -Overall health and wellbeing issues -Weight management... -Digestive Health issues -Mental health issues -Child Health issues Do jump over and check her page. Your nutrition has a huge impact on your mood.
08.01.2022 I want you to know that I see you struggling to make sense of this brand new creature you're now responsible for. These beautiful and squirmy babies seem to operate on their own terms. Much of your day is now spent trying to crack the code to determine just what need must be met at that exact moment only to find that they don't know what they want. To you, the mum who is struggling, please know that you are not a bad mum. As long as you're managing the basic necessities (lik...e food, water, and shelter), you're pretty much a rock star in my book. Go gently my lovely lady, Jo Lamond Xx
06.01.2022 The experience of trying to get pregnant can be all-consuming. If you have been trying to fall pregnant, but unsuccessfully, it is natural to feel frustrated and disappointed when you realise that you have not conceived at each cycle and it’s not happening. You may also, quite understandably, feel angry, jealous or resentful of others around you particularly towards those who seem to be able to become pregnant more quickly, effortlessly or accidentally. Allow yourself to fe...el whatever you’re feeling, and remember that deep sadness and grief is valid. Try to view your emotions as temporary states that will come and go. Remember it’s OK not to put yourself in situations that trigger your pain. This may mean sending a gift instead of going to a baby shower, or waiting to visit a new friend’s second or third baby until you’re feeling up to it. It’s OK to put your needs and feelings first. Find people you can confide in. Connect with others going through the same journey via Facebook groups or online forums. You’re not alone even if it might feel that way sometimes. Don’t be afraid, be brave and reach out if your feelings are overwhelming or if you feel as though it taking its toll on your relationship. Jo Lamond Xx
06.01.2022 STOP is a great little acronym to use to get control of your inner world again. Stand still, sit or lay down Take 5 breath Observe your surroundings and internal experiences.... Proceed with compassion This is the super simple version. During a session we would break each letter down even further into smaller subsections. We also would pinpoint what are the warning signs that appear prior to a situation where you may have to apply STOP. (fidgeting, a raises voice, starting to clean, grunting, swearing ect) If you are ready to understand and manage your inner world better, be brave and reach out. Jo Lamond Xx
01.01.2022 The natural process of letting go (menstruation) that the womb does, is so suppressed that is not honored, cared for or nourished anymore. We are taught to pug it up, we are taught to hide it. Just like our emotions. This results in the suppression of the natural letting go properties in the womb. When we re-learn how to honor ourselves and to go with the flow of our cycle and emotions, we then have the wisdom to release stored emotions. Some ways stored emotions can effect... your menstrual cycle: Missing periods - Super busy and stressed out or some sort of shock the body has gone through. Heavy bleeding - fatigue, just giving and not taking care of yourself. Infections - Resentment, When you don't say what your feeling. Cramping - Something that you can't get past. Do you have any of the above? Have you thought about your relationship with your womb? When we repair our relationship with our womb, we repair the relationship we have with ourselves. I would love to talk with you more about this. Be brave and reach out. Jo Lamond Xx
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