Be China Ready in Sydney | Entrepreneur
Be China Ready
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24.01.2022 EPISODE 4 Pt1 - A CASE STUDY OF DAIGOU HUB In this video I break down what makes AuMakes Daigou Hub so special and what Ive taken out of what theyre doing and how it applies to my business and yours too! In the next episode we look beyond Daigou Hub at what Daigou Hub represents and how itll affect the retail market in Australia, specifically retailers that market to the Chinese market.... Special thanks to Andrew Lee for bring his writing skills to the table and turning my gibberish into English
24.01.2022 EPISODE 4 PART 2 - A RANT ON DAIGOU HUB AND WHAT IT REPRESENTS ABOUT THE FUTURE OF RETAIL #O2O #omnichannel #b2b #export #exporttochina #rant #BCR In this episode we delve beyond Daigou Hub and really get into why its important because one retailer isnt going to revolutionise the retail landscape but what happens if its the beginning of a new (not really were just behind) model of retail? Do you think theyll be the only business utilising this model? MORE IMPORTANTLY is ...your business READY for this new way of marketing to China or will you ignore and leave it in the too hard pile? Credit - Writer: Andrew Lee
24.01.2022 #asialinkbusiness #resource #free #research #export Asialink Business is a private global organisation that helps businesses connect, specifically in the Asian space. Theyve just released more starter packs for businesses looking to export to Asian countries. It also comes as an app for your convenience. Worth checking out!
23.01.2022 Attention Brandowners. WHERE TO START YOUR EXPORT TO CHINA JOURNEY! We share our experiences and learnings from 18 years in a business selling specifically to the Chinese market!
22.01.2022 #backatyourrequest #regularvideos #export #bechinaready We're back at your requests! Sharing new videos about the exporting to China and Asia space! Stay tuned for regular videos to support your exporting venture!
22.01.2022 EPISODE 4 Pt1 - A CASE STUDY OF DAIGOU HUB In this video I break down what makes AuMake's Daigou Hub so special and what I've taken out of what they're doing and how it applies to my business and yours too! In the next episode we look beyond Daigou Hub at what Daigou Hub represents and how it'll affect the retail market in Australia, specifically retailers that market to the Chinese market.... Special thanks to Andrew Lee for bring his writing skills to the table and turning my gibberish into English
21.01.2022 More business heavyweights. Great insights.
21.01.2022 CHINESE NEW YEAR IS HERE! Make CNY a 2nd XMAS for your business!! Is XMAS the busiest time of the year for your business? Me too but the busy season hasnt ended, its still going and Im completely out of stock! Watch this 1st video about Chinese New Year and see how it can be a 2ND XMAS for your business as well!!
20.01.2022 #austrade #opportunity #exportopportunity #export101 #howtoexport #starthere #austraderocks If youre just starting your export journey, or even if youre already on it like us, you need to visit Austrades website, keep in touch with Austrade, be a member of Austrade. The benefits are amazing and a lot of their resources are free! The support and resources they have provided me when I started my export journey into a new market has been amazing, I cant tell you guys how man...y leads they have sent me. Now, I dont know about you guys but I have in the past paid tens of thousands for B2B leads through private organisations in foregin countries, its very expensive and for a fraction of the costs you can get something similar through Austrades network. Obviously, different networks, different results but as a start place, I always speak to Austrade. But the main benefit of doing this lead generation exercise through Austrade is integrity. I know that the Austrade team just want to help. Help my businesses. Whereas a private organisation, I dont know what their motivation is beyond the fee Ive paid for their services. Just because Ive paid a large amount doesnt mean they are 100% on my side. Whereas with Austrade, its not even a question being a Government organisation. They check and vet every potential partner before they even pass their details to you. They may or may not be the right partner but at least the info Ive received has been verified. And Austrade is nearly everywhere so whichever market you wish export to, theyve probably got people on the ground with up to date information ready, waiting to share with you. See more
20.01.2022 #networking #australiachinafutureforum Getting into the China market involves more than having a great Australian product. Like most places in the world, it can be who you know versus what you know that can be the breakthrough. Events such as these are a great platform for connecting with people who can help your business in China or connect you with someone who can. ... I have been struggling to get a meeting with the purchasing manager of a national chain for over 2 years. A few weeks ago I had a meeting with the GM of new business for the chain thanks to a referral from someone that knew him well. You never know who someone knows until you get to know them. So if youre serious about the Chinese market start adding these kind of events to your calendar.
19.01.2022 #daigou #export #BCR #exportfromaustralia #buildyourmarket #SMEs #brandowners #daigouseries EPISODE ONE - WHY ARE DAIGOUS IMPORTANT TO SMEs Watch EPISODE 1 to understand how the Daigou channel has affected the export market and how brands have been built and crushed by not understanding how important the Daigou channel is for their business.
19.01.2022 Lot of security. Shouldve selected a less mugshot looking photo.
19.01.2022 His excellency PM of Singapore. What an articulate guy!
19.01.2022 #BCRnews #whatyouneedtoknow #chinatrends #daigous #futureofretail #important #O2O #watchthisspace Here is a ASX released document from AuMake and their expansion plan. Click link below to download. FULL DISCLOSURE: Im not promoting AuMake, I have no financial interest except as the owner of 2 brands in the exporting to Asia landscape and I need to know whats happening but my sister did buy some shares in AuMake after their IPO late last year. Its a very interesting case s...tudy because its something you guys can see for yourself domestically as a coming trend in the future. If you read their growth plans, its very much an experience beyond the traditional retail model. You may be aware of the business model O2O - Online to Offline and vice cersa. This is what Aumake is doing. This is what is happening in Europe and Asia. America, not so much or rather, it hasnt reached that point yet. Retailers such as David Jones and Myers are ASPIRING to this. Now you may be thinking why does this matter to us as brandowners? It matters a LOT. There are many channels to distribute and market your brand and product, traditional retail has been trending down for a while. But its evolving and changing. And Im excited about the opportunity this brings to my businesses. Are you excited for your business?
18.01.2022 #daigou #exportstrategy #exporttochina #youngentrepreneur Last week I had the opportunity to meet Stephane from With Integrity Australia Candles at Daigouhub. He wasnt a supplier at the event but hes known to be everywhere and has a real drive for business. This guy grabbed my arm before I could leave and meet my wife for lunch! Love it. Here is his message to fellow brandowners about what you need to do as a brandowner in a market as dynamic as China.
18.01.2022 #ASEAN #ASEANSUMMIT18 #exportasia Ive been accepted to attend the ASEAN SUMMIT SME Conference :D Excited to learn more about the new opportunities and sharing here. ASEAN SUMMIT 2018 is the first time Australia has hosted the event. One of the major agendas is the Business Summit. They will be hosting a SME Conference which is delivered in partnership with the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Australian Industry Group, the Business Council of Australia and the Export Council of Australia
18.01.2022 Conference started. Prime Minister Turnbull and his excellency Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong. Two Prime Ministers for the price of one Conference No fee, I was invited. Bad joke.
18.01.2022 Segment 4. How SMEs can connect with ASEAN markets
17.01.2022 #daigouhub #exporttochina #BCRnews #daigous My first live video at AuMakes Daigou hub was a little blurry but heres something I prepared after. Any questions, dont hesitate to leave a comment.
16.01.2022 At the AuMake Daigou hub GRAND OPENING in Sydney
16.01.2022 Walking to ASEAN Summit for SMEs
16.01.2022 #backatyourrequest #regularvideos #export #bechinaready Were back at your requests! Sharing new videos about the exporting to China and Asia space! Stay tuned for regular videos to support your exporting venture!
16.01.2022 Platform for brandowners to build brand awareness
16.01.2022 Back with a few extra kgs with new content so you can Be China Ready!
15.01.2022 This is a video I recorded earlier this month. Its not very good and I was wondering what I was feeling at the time to make me want to record and then I realised. In this video I was walking to lunch in Sydney Chinatown after an event and found myself walking through Dixon St. It made me think of how my father made me deliver to all his customers back in the day, driving the van, collecting parking fines and carrying heavy boxes while peppering them with sweat as I run up a...ll the stairs. Nostalgia. Im sure all of my fathers old customers feel nostalgia when they walk down Dixon and Sussex St too. Especially the ones that have closed down. You see, a lot of them were very successful and profitable business owners 15-20 years ago but most of them have disappeared. They saw the Daigou channel when it started, they disregarded it as just Chinese students at nearby universities buying for family at home. But when it became a wave they continued to ignore it. Some did decide to cater to this new demograph but most didnt. Now that the Daigou channel is a tsunami, theyre all gone. Washed away because of one thing. Because of the story about how they used to make money and how it should be. They were too romantic about their business. Being romantic about your business is great because its about recognising your past success and how far youve come. Its just when you take it too far...when the past stops you from seeing whats happening around you, stops you from taking action to prepare for whats to come. That is when being romantic about your business can trap you. But the real reason I posted this video to BCR is not to talk about the past and missed opportunities. Its about sharing how I feel about the opportunities now and the opportunities coming our way. As a brandowner Im always going to celebrate my wins. But Im trying to be aware about when it becomes too romantic as well. Because I choose to ride the current wave and the waves that follow, not fight them. Better businessowners than I have tried and failed. How about you? Tag someone you know looking to expand into the Asia space and as always Be China Ready #nostalgia #chinatown #ridethewave #retailevolution #travelretail #businessromance
15.01.2022 PM Turnbull discussing how important export trade is and how important SMEs (like us!) are to the economy and even world stability.
13.01.2022 #AuMake #DaigouHub #ASX #O2O #omnichannel Here's AuMake's ASX announcement outlining their business plan. Interesting read if you want to know their plan. Remember, this isn't about DaigouHub, it's about what it represents and knowing what could happen in the nearby future. The bubble in Australian retail will be changing.
12.01.2022 #news #supplements #goaussies #firstplace #export #china Watch this video sharing how this affects YOUR BUSINESS! As promised here is the link for the article:
12.01.2022 #daigou #export #BCR #exportfromaustralia #buildyourmarket #SMEs #brandowners Watch our new 5 episode series - DEMYSTIFYING THE DAIGOU CHANNEL! Everything you need to know to explore this growing and sophisticated marketing and distribution channel! Understand why all the large Australian brands have dedicated departments specifically for this channel and how you can leverage it too to build your brand in China!
10.01.2022 Really interesting topics discussed. Look into the ASEAN space guys. Im so excited and you should be too.
10.01.2022 #daigous #KOLs #influencers #exportstrategy #exporttochina #creep I couldnt help but be a creep for you guys and record the KOL (key opinion leader/influencer/Daigou) live streaming products behind me. I think knew. Embarassing but had to share with you all
09.01.2022 #BCR #export #daigou #BCRnews #exporttochina AuMAKES DAIGOU-HUB is DAIGOU HEAVEN! WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW! This video showcasing what theyre doing to transform the Daigou retail space. ... Watch this video as we explain why this is important to your company if youre serious about Being China Ready! For the original video download here:
09.01.2022 #AuMake #DaigouHub #ASX #O2O #omnichannel Heres AuMakes ASX announcement outlining their business plan. Interesting read if you want to know their plan. Remember, this isnt about DaigouHub, its about what it represents and knowing what could happen in the nearby future. The bubble in Australian retail will be changing.
08.01.2022 An indepth walkthrough at AuMake Daigou Hub grand opening earlier this month. Is this the future of travel retail? Is your brand prepared if it is? #daigou #exporttochina #daigouhub #b2b
04.01.2022 #aumake #daigou #exportstrategy I met Anthony, one of the supplier displayed at Daigou Hub. His company is Manuka Doctor, an established British skin care and honey brand with local honey farms. We discussed the amazing opportunities and omnichannel approach to distribution and marketing required in todays market and how great the Asian market is for any business. This is a short snapshot of what Anthony has to say about Daigous and the market.
04.01.2022 Some photos taken at AuMakes DaigouHub. Maybe its time to redefine the Daigou Channel and what it means to your business?
03.01.2022 #daigou #export #BCR #exportfromaustralia #buildyourmarket #SMEs #brandowners #daigouseries #deymstifyingthedaigouchannel EPISODE 3 - THE DAIGOU ECOSYSTEM Theres a big misconception that Daigous are a homogeneous group, you cant be further from the truth. Watch this video and explore the many layers of the Daigou channel, from grass root Daigous looking to generate a small income on the side to Daigous operating 300 Million Dollar operations. Watch this video and expand your businesss horizon.
02.01.2022 Wow business powerhouses.
02.01.2022 GOLDEN WEEK! 6 Million Chinese tourist spent 13 Billion US Dollars during this important Chinese Holiday! Watch this video to learn more and feel free to comment
01.01.2022 SME conference ended. Amazing!
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