Rebecca Verrier in Acacia Gardens, New South Wales | Arts and entertainment
Rebecca Verrier
Locality: Acacia Gardens, New South Wales
Phone: +61 430 104 539
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23.01.2022 Friday night's private event for Bastille day was epic... bravo, oui oui... encore Katrina & Lucas!! Merci beaucoup, it's a real honour to be your vocalist for more than 10years, thank you beautiful peeps, love sharing the stage with you & the dolls. Loyalty is everything @pelicanosydney La vie en rose @darlingdiamonddolls @TheShowmastersCo ... #DarlingDiamondDolls #theshowmastersco #Dolls #BastilleDay #French #FrenchCabaretvocalist #corporateentertainment #PinUpDolls #Showgirls #martiniglass #Parisian #Showtime #Frenchstyle #Cabaret #CorporateEvents #loyaltyiseverythingtome
21.01.2022 And we're off! A tb to performing with the fierce " Showdolls ", who recently were BRIS Vegas, Melbourne and Sydney bound with me for the f'oscars What a FANTASTIC week of events for the fantastic furniture Christmas corporate parties. ... Never a chore, and boy what an honour to work with the finest.. #TheShowmastersCo #DarlingDiamondDolls #28thnovmondaygigbrisbanecloudland #7thdecdoltonehousesydneygig #workfin #glitzandglamour #dowhatyoulove #turkeyseason #30thnovsouthmelbournegig #fun #travel #fitwoman #brisbaneandmelbourneevents #cabaretshow #christmasparty #sydneyentertainment2017
20.01.2022 @simonpalomares um.. not coping, I got to work with your brother from another mama ...#yaygeorgekapinaris And all credit goes out to my favourite Chico team of course @sambabrazil. #Congratulationsguys Thank you capitaino’s for having me, you have my heart & wow wa wee wow, what a privilege to work with you George @georgekapiniaris .. yasu ... #whatanhonour #2018 #smallworldindeed #standupcomediansrock #brazilliondrummers #didyourearsgoredmichaelandsimon #thankyousambabrazilforhavingme #brazilmeetsgreece #souvalaki #opah #yasu #blessed_friday #theboyfromwogz #latinamotion #latinadancers #comedy #music
18.01.2022 Fête de la Fédération, Happy Bastille day.. #vivalafrancebebe #jeveux #cestsibon #manifique #myfavfrenchjamatm...
16.01.2022 70’s disco show with these divine beauties last night .. yeah baby, love this show..... @miss__dollface @garcialucasss #congrats @tashausmar @mi5h @carlpronti @Carly_tes And my little Miesha, all dolled up with the attempt to join the disco inferno gig prior to me leaving for the gig was nothing but adorable & a glimpse of my future P.s: So GOOD to see you @carly_tes .. truly!... #funtimes #congratsguys #darlingdiamonddollsgig #discoinferno #entertainers #howgoodismusicthough #70sparty #vintage70sfashion #boogiewonderland #burnbabyburn #loverighttherebutthatwigthoughimustloveyoukatty See more
14.01.2022 When you learn, teach. When you get, give. Sometimes in life, you get to work with some profound musicians who get you, and learn to dive into a risqué improv ... dare to take a song to a different off the chart level with you , and allow the audience to experience some very cool, spontaneous, daring and cheeky improvised rhythms .. Oh and did I mention, have a lot of fun along the way...that we did ... Thank you Waitara for having us and thank you so much to the kick arse band for such a memorable night ; Sam, Nick, Loretto, Deb, Anthony, and Tim, I loved every min. You guys rock! Xo #waitara #magpies #dancingontheceiling #livemusic #entertainment #premiere #sydneynightlife #love #dianaross #playingwithheart #lionelritchie #musicians #thankyouforsupportingliveacts
12.01.2022 "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. The hands can't hit what the eyes can't see." Thanks @miss__dollface, love you #fightnightgig #nationalanthemwiththesestunningbeauties #thankyoucapitaino #thursday24thMay #nationalanthem
12.01.2022 Awww @john1ce Johnny Smirth, Happy Bday my boy ... Thank you for always being more than that magnificent voice to me any time or day, you always know my song in my heart and boy, I will always be honoured for you to SING it back... Loved our ultimate diva show today, congratulations and thank you Camps Creek sporting and bowling club for having us ... #aintnomountainhighenough #thisboycansing #happybdaywhitechocolate #thankyoujohnny #whenyourstudentbecomesyourfriend4life #ampadays #premiereentertainmentthankyou
08.01.2022 To those who came to this Burwood gig and called out .... More, more, one more after our show had finished. Thank you cheeky ones. I was reminded through a fb shared memory, of this particular gig in June this year. And it brought a grin to my face recalling our last min decision, with Liam burrows and I 's decision... to run with an unrehearsed finale song known as ... "Somewhere over the rainbow".... I remember feeling the whole room sooo united by the gift of this well known song & loved every min of being on the edge as we collided into harmonies that had never been shared.. What a trip down memory lane, what a true reminder of how to live in the present moment...and just be. #oneness #unifiedbythegiftofmusic #liamburrowsgoodluckwithtelethonovertheweekend #liveinthemomentonandoffthestage
08.01.2022 In the midst of a long weekend, lies a whole lot of creative showtime fun with these STELLA performers and it’s safe to say, my heart is so fullllll... Hope everyone else had a lovely long weekend! #alwaysnforever #magic #mercibeaucoup #welldoneeveryone #longweekend #mondayreflections #munchkinsvip #gratefulthankfulblessed #gigsgigsgigs #showtime3 #longweekendwithmyfavs #performersarethebestpuresouls #darlingdiamonddolls #showmastersco #studio54
06.01.2022 When your 9 year old FACETIMES you just before showtime, to wish you luck and.... to urgently warn you that a BIG BLOB cat fish that looks like a sumo wrestler can actually eat another fish which is 20 times bigger than its own size with pics to paint a picture. Well you just know, your gunna have a great show ... .. lol! #thankyounoahformakingmelaughgreatvocalwarmup... #noahyoukillmethankyoubuddy #showtimeitsbeenawhileivemissedyou #imcomingout #motownmagic #dianaandlionelttribute #thankfulandblessed #livebandmusicwinning #satgig #gratitudetoliveacts #lovelovelove #howgoodismusic #vocalisttonight #anaturalhighisthebesthighintheworld #surroundedbytalentedmusicians See more
06.01.2022 When you entertain a rocking 80’s crowd to help celebrate a milestone bday like a ROCKSTAR!! And get served with an unpredictable pre-warm up with my little mini Miesha, who wanted to have curlers without the heat of hot rollers... you know in that instant, it’s a gift to be a lady and a gift to entertain A tb to another epic gig with my beautiful entertainers .. Showmasters Co gig, celebrated ACES 50th in complete Rockstar style at the Ivy Penthouse Suites with ...our dazzling Martini Glass Showgirl & our Darling Diamond DOLLS 80’s Rockstar show! Venue- ivy #TheShowmastersCo #DarlingDiamondDolls #Burlesque #Cabaret #Dolls #Showgirls #SydneyEntertainment #SydneyEvents #EventEntertainment #corporateentertainment #showgirl #fitgirl #cabaretshow #fitlife #glitz #glam #eventplanning #PartyTime #eventplanner #50thbirthday #Ivy #ivypenthouse #Martini #MartiniGlassDancer #80sfashion #80srockstar See more
04.01.2022 Hi Big Band Theory Fans - this page will soon transfer to a fan page for our lead vocalist Rebecca Verrier.
03.01.2022 Tb to soulsville final show with my little VIP guest entertainer #someonewashappytogopasthisbedtime #gottaloveimpromtu #helicoptermove #gonoah #proudmamacitamoment #themagicofchildlikefaith
03.01.2022 Friday night jam, what an awesome gig at Newcastle. Hot riffs by Nono on the guitar and shared some cool tunes with my boy.. @john1ce. Thanks boys and thanks club macquarie for having us. ... And MR Johnny Ross... I'm still reminiscing the road trip tunes... " Hamilton who"? #divatunes #tutorialonhamilton #thankspremiere #giglifewithjohnnyandnono #goodtimes #justwhatineeded #musicneverfails
01.01.2022 Morning world, what cha doing...
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