Beckenham Early Learning Centre in Perth, Western Australia | Childcare service
Beckenham Early Learning Centre
Locality: Perth, Western Australia
Phone: +61 8 9458 8138
Address: 135 Ladywell Street 6107 Perth, WA, Australia
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25.01.2022 Last week, our toddler friends participated in an outdoor physical activity which we believed that’s very important to develop children physical skills. Toddlers collected the plastic pebbles with their arms, hands and fingers from the table and transferred into the basket. They were using their gross motor skills, fine motor skills, eye hand coordination skills during this experience. Also they showed their confidence in this activity as they have challenged themselves by collecting as much as pebbles they can.
25.01.2022 Today babies had a happy Friday making a good end to the week by participating in physical activities outside. We blew bubbles around the garden which babies enjoying running around catching and made an obstacle course with cardboard boxes which babies climbed into and sat inside. This developed gross motor skills by providing experience which encourage the use of the larger muscles in the body and expelling energy. Babies were expressing their emotions through laughing and smiling and interacting with each other.
25.01.2022 Messy Sensory Play Sensory play for babies is extremely important for their growth and development encouraging them to use their imagination and other skills required for learning. Throughout the past few weeks in the babies room we have been exploring our sensory skills through meaningful messy sensory play experiences involving citrus fruits and water, colourful paint, bubbles and confetti and Pom Pom ice. Babies have actively participated in these experiences and explore...d them in different learning environments in both indoor and outdoor spaces to stimulate their mind allowing them to imagine and explore all their five senses to look, touch, smell, taste and hear. Babies used their imagination to discover the experience and their surroundings throughout the experience which then encouraged babies to use and further develop their fine motor skills to pincer grip and palm grasp, eye hand coordination and language both verbal and non verbal communication as babies expressed their feelings throughout these experiences. See more
24.01.2022 Celebrating childrens birthdays is important to the child and their families. Its a special occasion that focuses on the individual child and to celebrate the day they were born. Here are some of the heart warming pictures of our toddlers Birthday celebrations that we organised for their special day. We cant get enough of their twinkling eyes and the brightest smiles when they see their birthday cake and being surrounded by their lovely friends ready to celebrate the most important day of the year.
24.01.2022 On Friday Toddlers were engaged in a Science experiment, they pumped soap and purple paint into a container, then observed the colour change. We also discovered the paint changed the colour of the water underneath. The bubbles did not change colour. Science helps children to develop life skills, communication, organisation and focus. We will continue with our science experience.
24.01.2022 Happy Fathers Day! Toddlers participated in various hands on Fathers Day activities last week to prepare gifts and cards for their beloved father. All of them used colours of their choices to paint the gifts and said my daddy likes this colour , its for my daddy as they curiously took part in all experiences. Happy Fathers Day to all fathers out there.
24.01.2022 Happy friendship day Last week we celebrated friendship day in toddler room by making a card for our friends. We also wished our friends happy friends day as we exchanged cards and big hugs. We know that friendship is important during the early years because this is the time they learn about the give and take of relationships. By sharing experiences, feelings, and interacting with one another, children learn how to meet the social needs of others and of their own.
24.01.2022 This week Kindy friends have been apart of celebrating Harmony week through many activities. Friends learnt about diversity by embracing that we are all different in many ways but we are the same through using different colours in art activities, making hands and creating hand prints to display on our front window. Friends were involved in creating hearts using their index finger and were also engaged in making play dough using the colours red and yellow to create the colour orange to represent the harmony colour, this experience was then followed through by enjoying a play with the play dough cutters, where children build towards their sensory development and fine motor skills.
23.01.2022 Planting green beans In the babies room we have decided to do a science experiment and grow some green beans. Today we began the growing process by pouring water into a recycled plastic bottle that we cut a hole in the middle of and babies put the green bean seeds into ready for them to shoot sprouts in the next few weeks. This experience will be good for babies to further develop their cognitive skills to watch the bean sprouts shoot and understanding the growing process. Over the next few weeks we will continue to check each day how our bean sprouts have grown and regularly water them to keep them healthy and alive. We will communicate to babies throughout the process to develop their language and group participation.
23.01.2022 On Wednesday morning, our Kindy friends were involved in making delicious tuna sandwiches as an afternoon tea snack. To start off, children helped to combine mayonnaise and tuna together and spread it onto bread where they then placed their own sandwiches onto a platter tray ready to eat for later. This experience promoted children’s fine motor skills, eye hand coordination and further independence as children participate in making their food with their friends and educators. As our Kindy friends made the snacks we discussed what were healthy choices and what they like to eat, this is an extension on our learning of occasional foods and everyday foods.
22.01.2022 For yesterday’s Outdoor Classroom Day kindy friends acknowledged the event by completing their activities with their Educators in an outdoor environment. From counting the fingers on their hand from one to five, to practising their hand writing using their fine motor skills to write the letter O as the learning letter of the week. Educators also engaged friends with graphs to help children build towards their counting skills using coloured blocks to fill in the graph with confidence and determination.
22.01.2022 We are enjoying book week Have you brought your book in yet.? Dont forget to dress up on Friday
22.01.2022 Kindy friends have been involved in many activities throughout this weeks Dental week. To encourage consistent oral care each day for our friends, they had the opportunity to complete a checklist of brushing teeth every morning and every night with their families at home. Friends have enjoyed reading the story Dr. Rabbit meets Brushalotamus with their Educators everyday and creating dental artwork throughout this week which has helped with informing children of the importance of eating healthy foods and brushing your teeth twice a day. Today, Kindy friends were awarded with a certificate for taking care of their teeth and showing great interest towards learning about this weeks event.
21.01.2022 This week Kindy friends celebrated NAIDOC week by being engaged in activities that acknowledge the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. Children shared their thoughts on the flags at the start of the week where they could learn about the flags meanings and explored the flags through crafting them. Kindy friends enjoyed being able to make NAIDOC biscuits, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flags and learn about the symbols by creating them independently. Children built towards their knowledge and recognition throughout their daily planned activities.
21.01.2022 Sensory In the babies room over the past few weeks, babies have been exploring their sensory skills by participating in many different sensory experiences involving water, glitter, colourful ice, sherbet, nature and many more. Sensory skills are extremely important for children especially babies as it stimulates their mind for a healthy growth and development. Exploring sensory skills further develops cognitive skills to be creative and use imagination skills. Fine motor skills are also strongly supported through using palm grasp and pincer grip and exploring different sensations and textures. When children’s minds are stimulated by new and interesting as well as age appropriate experiences, it allows them to express their feelings verbally and non verbally which promotes language development as well.
20.01.2022 Nature collage Toddlers participated in a very interesting activity using various coloured leaves and flowers to create a beautiful natural collage. Everyone used their fine motor skills whilst using gluing and sticking leaves to paper. Later they initiated their own play by breaking the twigs so we decided to incorporate scissors to cut the leaves. The opening and closing motion of cutting with scissors helps children develop the small muscles in their hands otherwise known as fine motor skills. These muscles are crucial for holding a pencil or crayons and gripping and manipulating objects
20.01.2022 Today our Kindergarten friends enjoyed an outdoor nap to rest their bodies amongst a natural environment. There are many benefits that come from outdoor sleeping such as better physical and emotional development, increased immunity, natural light exposure, reduced stress and fresh air that is great for all of us to receive. Friends settled in very fast during this sleeping arrangement and found comfort in the cool breeze that flowed through the air this afternoon.
19.01.2022 Last week our Kindy friends participated in a self recognising drawing activity. They observed their facial expressions in the mirror and tried to draw it out on the paper. This was able to build a strong sense of self identity for our Kindy friends and encouraged them to admire themselves. During the activity, they used their hand-eye coordination skills,imagination and creativity skills to draw arms, legs on a body in their portrait.
19.01.2022 This week in the babies room we have been making a fish tank using sustainable materials of a recycled tissue box. Babies explored their imagination skills and learning respect for the environment and other living species around them. Babies developed their fine motor skills gluing and pasting and also expressed their emotions through language and communication skills. We displayed the fish tank in our room for babies to enjoy.
18.01.2022 Planets - what is in our Solar System This month our Kindy friends have been learning about our solar system as an ongoing project. This week we learned about Earth. Our kindy friends first watched a fun video on earth to learn about the colours, the size, its position to the other planets and how it rotates. Earth craft was the most fun activity using their creativity and imagination and memory skills from the video. We used paper plates, blue colour and green paper pieces to make our own Earth.
17.01.2022 Science week This week had Kindy friends involved in many experiments which children have interest with exploration and developing their imaginative skills. The activities friends were engaged in have included children using magnetic tools and investigating how they work along with observing the Smarties change the colour of the water. A few other interesting activities were using a homemade magnifying device to explore the insects in the class and using ingredients to create cloud dough along and plastic.
17.01.2022 Parachute play Our Kindy friends enjoyed outdoor parachute play with colourful balls . They used their fine motor skills and gross motor skills to shake the parachute and balls. They went under the parachute and enjoyed jumping,talking,laughing and most importantly enjoyed outdoor play. This activity helped them to improve their social and teamwork skills.
17.01.2022 Celebrating Tree Day Today in the babies room we celebrated Tree Day! Babies spent the morning out in the garden enjoying the winter sunshine and planting flowers in the garden bed that we picked off the pretty trees. Babies were exploring their surroundings and were able to use their sensory skills to touch and smell throughout this experience. Babies further developed their fine motor skills to pincer grip the stalks from the flowers and place them into the soil. Babies d...eveloped their language while planting as they demonstrated verbal and non verbal communication skills to express their emotions saying look look and smiling at each other. We saw cars go by and people walking past which created a happy environment for the babies to explore and learn within their environment at the same time. Celebrating Tree Day was an opportunity to encourage the children to show respect for the environment by taking part in nature experiences where they gain meaning for what the environment means to us! See more
16.01.2022 Yummy omelet made by toddlers ! Last week the toddlers helped to pick some of the spring onions from the garden that we grew, we used our fine motor skills to hold a pair of scissors with a pincer grip to cut the onion, also helping us develop our cutting skills. We took the onion inside and passed it around . Children discussed how we grow onions for cooking purposes adding flavour to our food. We practiced safe hygiene and washed our hands before we experienced cooking our ...onion. Toddlers helped to crack open eggs into a mixing bowl, counting the eggs as we cracked them, we took turns to mix the egg up. We listened to the pan sizzling and we pour the spring onion egg mixture into the frying pan listening as it cook. We enjoyed tasting our egg omelette and experiencing the flavour of the spring onion throughout the egg, enjoying what we had grown in our garden environment. See more
15.01.2022 Friday!!! Yippee! It’s always fun on Friday. Today our Kindy friends had a great day playing with playdough made by themselves. Kindy children used the proper measurement of flour, oil and warm water. They used their fine -motor skills to hold the cup and whisk to mix them all together by using their hand grip to make the dough. They used their gentle hands to avoid making mess, children were really good at following instruction , maintaining eye-hand co-ordination and the willingness to do better. Messy play gives children chance to improve their sensory skills, vast development/ holistic development. Children get to express their feeling what they want to create from the dough and use heir imaginative mind to do some creativity. Hence, this activity has benefited children in every aspects.
15.01.2022 Bath time Today our Kindy friends showed care and empathy by giving our dolls a bath. They used bath soap to wash the dolls, they then used a towel to dry them and then they puts one clothes on them.
14.01.2022 Why do we celebrate Childrens Book Week? Childrens Book Week happens every year in Australia. It is a time when we celebrate the best Australian childrens literature & the magical characters within their pages. Happy Book Week everyone! Have a beautiful weekend.
13.01.2022 Happy Red Nose Day everyone! Children loved wearing their bright red outfits with their Educators along having their noses painted on with red paint and engaging in Red Nose Day Activity worksheets. Thank you to all families for being involved in this event today.
13.01.2022 Happy St. Patrick’s Day All friends participated in activities in ways to celebrate today’s event and engaged in marching together outside singing along to songs. Friends also explored the colour green and the shamrock to create their hats, using fine motor skills and building towards their creativity and imagination skills.
12.01.2022 Happy Melbourne cup Today we’ve made face masks, hats and dressed up to celebrate Melbourne cup today. We had so much fun!
12.01.2022 This week our babies have been playing with various different dress ups such as making crowns, wearing bunny ears and several costumes. Playing with dress ups have many benefits for a baby’s development. It helps them to practice their creative skills and work on their language skills. It also allows them to make their own choices and practice their sharing skills.
12.01.2022 Last week our babies participated in our Fathers Day event by decorating beautiful gift boxes using paint. They practiced their fine and gross motor skills decorating the gift boxes with handprints.
10.01.2022 As a way for Kindy friends to acknowledge National Flag Day, they have joined together as team to create the Australian, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander flag using their excellent fine motor skills and cooperative skills. Children recognise the flags that are shown nationally and are proud to celebrate todays event and continue to learn about our country about through everyday experiences.
09.01.2022 Two weeks ago in the babies room we celebrated Red Nose Day. Our little friends came dressed in red and we all helped raise money for sids research. Throughout the day we planned many activities for our babies to participate in. We did a red dot art and craft and made a paper plate face using a red Pom Pom for a nose. Babies were able to develop their cognitive skills participating in these experiences and understanding that Red Nose Day is important for many reasons. While babies were creating these arts and crafts they developed their fine motor skills using pincer grip to paint, glue and stick. Babies were able to communicate throughout the experiment demonstrating colour recognition to say red which developed language as they used verbal and non verbal communication.
08.01.2022 To raise funds for all the animals in shelters, our Chef & educator Bernie has made cupcakes. Please help us by donating a gold coin & enjoying these scrumptious Double Choc Cupcakes. Hurry, they wont last long!
08.01.2022 In the Babies Room we focus on childrens learning through art and craft. Children express their individual ideas and feelings with art materials such as making collages and unique Aboriginal style hand print. Children viewed their own creations from which theyve learned how to value and appreciate different art. It is a great tool to use to promote childrens learning.
08.01.2022 Caring for our environment, Kindy children planted some potatoes a few months ago, we watered them every day, watched them grow, the children were so excited to pick them today, look how they have grown the children said. Tomorrow our chef Bernadette will cook them for us to eat. Gardening is a great physical development activity, practicing locomotor skills, also body movements. Great social skills
08.01.2022 We can grow garlic! Today Kindy friends were involved in an interesting planting experience where they could use their sensory skills to touch, look and smell the garlic and discuss with one another about their thoughts on the garlic. Kindy friends finalised this experience by helping their Educator to place the garlic into the tub with water and allow the garlic to grow throughout the upcoming weeks.
08.01.2022 We are little scientists! Last week we participated in a very interesting science experiment using vinegar,baking soda and balloon. In a small bottle, turn by turn we poured vinegar and baking soda and put the opening of the balloon over the top of bottle and observed balloon filled with air. Educator Rowena asked what is happening friends? Then everyone shouted Wow! balloon going up Rowena! Everyone was very amazed to see what happened instantly. Science activities provide children with opportunities to develop and practice many different skills and attributes. These include communication skills, collaborative skills, team working and perseverance, as well as analytical, reasoning and problem-solving skills.
07.01.2022 Last week in the babies room, babies participated in a science experiment. We made a sustainable telescope using recycled items. We created the telescope using an empty milk carton and cardboard pieces then used it to observe different kinds of plants from the garden. Babies were able to explore their imagination using the telescope as they were pretending to be scientists. This experience was able to develop their cognitive skills to understand the process of how to use the telescope and the purpose behind it which babies discovered throughout the experience as they were doing so. Language was developed as babies demonstrated verbal and non verbal communication skills expressing their emotions by smiling and saying look look. Babies were even able to identify their observations saying flower.
07.01.2022 Messy play Friday On Friday all of our toddler friends participated in creative messy play. The room was set up with saucers and spoons along with mini patty pans. Shaving foam and glitter was also provided on the tables. Our friends were able to use the play space to explore their imagination and make different creations of their own which developed their cognitive skills. All the children were enjoying themselves and even expressed their ideas through verbal and non verbal communication. Later in the afternoon, our friends burnt off energy using their gross motor skills as we set up tables with targets and colourful balls ready for them to throw and catch. We also set up bubble blowing and puzzles on the mat and our friends enjoyed a relaxing afternoon inside with their friends.
06.01.2022 Earlier this week, we received our beautiful Aboriginal dot painted mat from EMRO Designs for our Kindergarten room. The mat displays artwork as the three rivers from the Currumbin, Tallebudgera Creek and Tweed River. Children enjoyed being involved in a yarning circle with their Educator as they discussed their previous weekend with everyone on the mat. This mat session enabled children to express their home life and listen to one another as they freely discuss their favourite hobbies.
04.01.2022 Come dressed in your best Pyjamas for a movie and activity day. On the 17th July we would appreciate your support dressing in your PJs and giving a GOLD COIN To support the pyjamas foundation who supports children in foster care, to give them a chance to fulfil and reach their life potential.
04.01.2022 This week is book week, can parents let their children choose a favourite book to bring to the centre to read On Friday 28th please come dressed up in your favourite book character.
04.01.2022 This week our babies have been celebrating naidoc week by participating in multiple activities and experience each day throughout the week. We have been making aboriginal coloured rice, painting the flag and making natural playdough creations using the aboriginal colours and freshly picked flowers and leaves from the garden. Babies have been developing their fine motor skills focusing on palm grasp and pincer grip, language skills both verbal and non verbal communication and also cognitive skills as they use the thinking process to imagine, create and use eye hand coordination throughout the activities. Our babies have began to gain an understanding of culture and diversity within their environment and community. This week has helped babies focus on a healthy growth and development.
04.01.2022 This week is SAFE SLEEP WEEK During this week, RED NOSE will provide Australian Parents and Carers with vital sleep recommendations to reduce risk of sudden infant death. Make sure you Are following SAFE SLEEP on Face book, for useful information and tips.... We at Beckenham Early Learning support and follow SAFE SLEEP PRACTICES.
04.01.2022 Educators Day was celebrated with a relaxing massage and delicious macaroons We are so lucky to have such wonderful educators at Beckenham Early Learning, they deserve only the best.
04.01.2022 Last week ,as a part of NAIDOC week, our toddler friends participated in some different Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander activities. They learnt about what colours both of the flags were and made handprints on a map of Australia. They also learnt about what the different symbols and learnt about how the Aboriginal people used boomerangs as a hunting weapon and painted them with the Aboriginal flag colours. Happy NAIDOC week from our Toddler friends!!
03.01.2022 Lets get messy !! Messy play is extremely important for a childs development. It provides children with an exciting tactile and sensory experience that inspires their curiosity, allows them to explore the world around them and enhances their learning, language and creativity. Last week toddler friends participated in a very exciting messy play activity using different coloured paints and colourful balls. Everyone demonstrated excellent participation and enthusiasm throughout the experience whilst rolling balls on the table with paints everywhere. It was amazing to see everyone enjoying and having fun together.
03.01.2022 This week in the Babies room, we introduced the number 1 to our friends. Babies participated in an experience which further developed cognitive skills discovering problem solving of numbers. Babies were able to use their thinking skills to process strategies by looking at the template and attempting to trace the same. This allowed babies to use their imagination skills to create an image from their thoughts and perception. It also developed eye hand coordination as babies used their fine motor skills to pincer grip using their index finger while tracing. Babies expressed their emotions throughout this experience by communicating through smiling and laughing and saying ah to show what they did. This demonstrated verbal and non verbal communication skills.
03.01.2022 School Tree Planet Day Today, friends in the Kindy Room acknowledged this day of celebration by planting spinach and an apple tree into a plant pot which was followed up by watering the garden beds to ensure all plants stay hydrated. As an interesting play, friends were engaged in using their sensory skills to touch, smell and observe leaves as they create a streaking artwork using colours green and brown.
03.01.2022 Recycle Time!! Last week toddler friends were involved in a recycling experience. They made a car using a recycled tissue box and lids. This week they painted the cars that they had made in a variety of colours. All the children took part in this experience, showing their creativity as they painted the different parts of the car.
02.01.2022 Last week friends in toddlers room participated in making a necklace using colourful feathers and wool strings. We had many colourful feathers, glue sticks and wool string as our raw materials to make necklaces and we all showed colour recognition skills to tell what colour feathers we were using also number recognition skills to count the numbers of feathers we used for their necklaces. All of them demonstrated enhanced fine motor skills and excellent hand eye coordination skills while using glue to stick feathers on the circular paper and put string through the hole. All of us wore the necklace we made throughout the day putting a big smile in our faces.
02.01.2022 Happy Educators day ! Yesterday toddlers made badges using stickers for educators to show respect and appreciation and to celebrate national educators day. Toddlers went to each room in the centre and handed the best educator ever badge and the warmest of hugs to all the educators. We all enjoyed being appreciated by our little friends and most importantly the nicest cuddles ever.
02.01.2022 **Holi - Festival of Colours - 29 March 2021** Holi is considered as one of the most revered and celebrated festivals of India. To celebrate "Holi", we are going to have water play with colour and explore the Indian culture with some fun experiences. We invite our little friends come dressed in white to celebrate with us on the 29 of March 2021 (Monday).
02.01.2022 This afternoon we celebrated today’s event Diwali festival! Children brought in their beautiful outfits to wear and danced to Indian music. Happy Diwali all
01.01.2022 Over the past few weeks we have been focusing on fine motor experiences for the Toddler friends such as using scissors, drawing and colouring, sensory messy plays, throwing and catching balls, spraying water using spray bottle, squeezing stress balls and many more. Fine motor skills is the coordination of small muscle movements usually involving small, precise thumb, finger, hand, and wrist movements. By practicing picking up, manipulating, and exercising the small muscles in the palm of the hand we are actually enabling children to gain control and strength while coloring, drawing, cutting, and forming letters or writing when age appropriate.
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