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Beck Health & Nutrition in Collaroy Beach, New South Wales, Australia | Nutritionist

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Beck Health & Nutrition

Locality: Collaroy Beach, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 2 8279 3035

Address: PO Box 122 2097 Collaroy Beach, NSW, Australia


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25.01.2022 Who would have thought I would turn into an expert on drinking and hangovers this December? Thanks for having me in studio this morning Mieke Buchan and Rob Duc...kworth Talking Lifestyle to chat about the "best" drink choices to minimise a hangover. I should probably follow my own advice... maybe. Happy New Year! Link to podcast at: See more

25.01.2022 More food products are being marketed as containing extra protein, but is this actually healthy? Check out my interview from tonight's episode of A Current Affair to find out more.

23.01.2022 Check out my Daily Mail 2020 diet trends article online today

23.01.2022 Just 7 weeks until I present @filexconvention at the ICC Sydney! I will be presenting Happy Meals: The New Science of Nutrition & Mental Health on Friday 1st May. Hope to see you there! Grab your ticket and more info at #FILEX2020 FILEX Convention

23.01.2022 Online Grocery Deliveries - I spoke to TODAY (Channel 9) this morning to uncover some of the advantages and pitfalls.

22.01.2022 Thrilled to be presenting at FILEX again (May 1-3 2020 International Convention Centre Sydney). I will be presenting "Happy Meals: The New Science of Brain & Mental Health". If you are attending, please come and say hi! To register please go to: #FILEX2020

20.01.2022 One of the clearest and most pragmatic public health nutrition discussions I've heard for a while. The George Institute for Global Health and Dr.Dariush Mozaffarian discuss global food manufacture and policy in response to COVID-19.

19.01.2022 Fascinating area of research. Expert nutrition comments by Kristen Beck

18.01.2022 Thanks Daily Telegraph (Sydney) and Herald Sun (Melbourne) for my interview in today's edition (Monday 4th May). The Volumetrics Diet remains one of the better approaches to weight loss as it focuses on fresh fruits and vegetables (always good) and lean protein (to keep you feeling full). However while the diet might have been based on cutting edge science when it was published in 1999, there is now convincing research to show that a 30g serving of nuts is actually protective against weight gain. See full article below #nutrition #wellness #weightloss #healthyeating #healthylifestyle #volumetricsdiet

17.01.2022 Thrilled to be a part of this amazing line up of presenters at the upcoming ExPRO 2020 Virtual Circuit Breaker Online Summit 28-29 May 2020.

17.01.2022 Upcoming Webinar: WHAT EVIDENCE SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IN THE THE REVISION OF THE AUSTRALIAN DIETARY GUIDELINES? Presented by the Sydney Group of the Nutrition Society of Australia together with the Charles Perkins Centre at the University of Sydney Date: November 25, 2020 at 3.00-5.00 pm... Cost: Free The development of the dietary guidelines usually begins with a review of the available evidence to answer specific questions designed to summarise the evidence underlying food, diet and health relationships. However the focus of these reviews are very narrow and tend to address the relationship between single nutrients or food groups and health outcomes rather than issues around consumer behaviours and preferences or social determinants of eating. With the imminent revision of the Australian Dietary Guidelines, the expert panel will consider what issues should be included in the evidence review that will underlie this revision. To register please go to: Expert Panel: #nutrition #health #university #healthcare

14.01.2022 Ever crave Vegemite when youre hungover ? Me too. I spoke to Today Tonight (Channel 7) about why this may not be as silly as it sounds. In fact, Vegemite was named as the Number 1 Hangover Cure in a recent international poll. Alcohol acts as a diuretic (makes you wee more). So when youre hungover you are both dehydrated and lacking B-group vitamins (which are water-soluble and are flushed out in urine). The saltiness of Vegemite triggers your thirst mechanism, encouraging you to rehydrate and the yeast extract is a rich source of B vitamins. Make sure youre Vegemite toast is whole grain and ideally team it up with some healthy fats (like avocado).

14.01.2022 Consumer Group CHOICE is recommending tighter stipulations on food advertising to children (which of course I think is an excellent idea). I spoke to Channel 10 news yesterday about how easily discretionary (i.e. foods with no nutritional value) creep into our childrens diets and displace healthier core foods. #childhoodobesity #chilhoodobesityawareness #nutritionist #medianutritionist #junkfoodadvertisingshouldbebanned #junkfoodadvertising

14.01.2022 Quick screen shot from my Today Show (Channel 9) segment this morning comparing No Name Vs. Branded packaged foods. Interestingly Woolworths home brands tended to contain less added sugars and salts than the branded or Coles or Aldi homebrand foods. Link to full video is on media page of website at

14.01.2022 Better late than never - Deakin University Vice-Chancellor's Award for Outstanding Achievement.

13.01.2022 My kids are a little bit excited about the leftovers from my story this week on A Current Affair

13.01.2022 Just in case you missed it - heres a pic of my blink and you miss it appearance on A Current Affair on Thursday night talking about the nutritional benefits ...and pitfalls of ready made meals. Choose meals that have plenty of vegetables (ideally ones that you dont routinely eat to improve your dietary variety), high quality proteins (fish, lean meat or legumes), some whole grains (brown rice, whole grain pasta). Also watch out for the fat, sodium and added sugar content of some of the ready-made offerings (hint - low carb can often mean high fat - so check the labels). you know the deal. Link is in media page of website #acurrentaffair #medianutritionist #channel9 #nutritionscience #readymademeals #healthyreadymademeals #eatmorevegetables See more

12.01.2022 OK, so the headline may be a little overdramatic, but head over to today to read my "expert opinion" on why tomato sauce really isn't healthy for you at all (hopefully you already knew that). Biggest problem isn't just the added sugars (around 20%) but also the concentrated fructose and glucose from the tomato puree. The World Health Organization considers these sugars in concentrated form as being just as bad (or worse) than cane sugar, contributing to chronic inflammation in your body and abdominal obesity.

12.01.2022 The Real HAPPY MEALS - Nutrition for Brighter Brains podcast. Awesome to chat to the gorgeous Katrina Cochrane from the Fitness Industry Podcast about nutrition and brain health; adrenal fatigue and anxiety; the calming effect of a healthy gut microbiome; and how eating more vegetables is the first step to a happier brain.

12.01.2022 Here's a quick intro to my new opinion piece in this month's Australian Women's Health Mag. While the study in question launched a media frenzy in the U.K. - with headlines calling for people to "double their intake", our Australian Dietary Guidelines already recommend 5 x 75 gram servings and 2 x 150 gram servings fruit each day (a lot more than current UK recommendations). Bottom line: while more vegetable and fruit is almost always the healthiest option, the same study fou...nd that an average daily intake of 200grams of fruit and vegetables is associated with significant reduction in disease risk. And it doesn't matter if your vegies are raw, cooked, tinned or frozen - just include as many as you can, as often as you can. To read this article in full, or to get clued up about the benefits of greens for your gut health, pick yourself up a copy of the June edition of @womenshealthaus #nutrition #nutritionist #nutritionscience #medianutritionist #eatmoreveg See more

12.01.2022 Here, finally, is some of my nutritional advice that isn't a total downer on the party. Happy New Year!

11.01.2022 Are hemp seeds the new superfood? Better check out my comments in today's article below to find out (spoiler alert - no you don't get high from eating these).

10.01.2022 Setting up for Today Show segment comparing branded vs. no name products from Coles, Aldi and Woolworths.

10.01.2022 Sorry - ultimate kill-joy, but heres an article featuring expert comments from yours truly from todays Daily Telegraph @dailytelegraph about the kilojoule a...nd sugar content of your favourite summer / Christmas drinks. Just remember that alcohol contains a lot of kilojoules (before you even factor in the sugar content). Merry Christmas . #medianutritionist #medianutrition #nutritionexpert #dailytelegraphsydney #alcoholkilojoules @ Beck Health & Nutrition See more

10.01.2022 My favourite place in the whole wide world. Massive thanks to @georginasmithphotography for these pics - they make me happy and Im very glad you didnt drown. Next time I promise well pick a day with smaller waves #underthesea #ocean #oceanlife #duckdive #duckdiving #surfinglife #surfing

10.01.2022 When you do a nutritional assessment of almost 50 ice cream varieties (many which claim to be healthy) and conclude that a chocolate Paddle Pop still contains less calories, is well portioned, doesn’t pretend to be healthy and still tastes awesome .... and no, I don’t get paid by Streets.

09.01.2022 Nutritionist Kristen Beck comments on what to look for when selecting a supermarket ready-made meal.

08.01.2022 Healthiest supermarket soups? I spoke to A Current Affair last night about the best (and worst) nutritional choices. Basic run down: 2 minute noodles aren't good for you (hopefully you already knew that), watch out for sodium (should be less than 600mg per 250-300g serve) plus preservatives and thickeners in canned and pouch soups. Also, check out some of the great fresh options in the fridge section as they tend to contain less sodium and preservatives. Head over to or the media page of the wesbite for links to the full story.

08.01.2022 Tune into A Current Affair @acurrentaffair9 tonight to check out nutritional value or fresh vs frozen fruits and vegetables.

08.01.2022 Head over to this morning to read my analyis of Coca-Cola's new "adult" cola blended with coffee products. Short version: the caffeine content is surprisingly less than a can of regular coca-cola, but the no sugar claim just means artificial sweeteners, which can actually make you crave more sweet foods.

07.01.2022 Head over to today to read my comments about the annual best and worst diet rankings. This year, the Mediterranean and DASH diets topped the list of best diets (which I'm very happy about), while the KETO and Dukan diets tied for last. Bottom line: diets that are based on fresh vegetables, fruits and whole, fresh foods are always going to be the healthiest and best to stick to in the long term.

07.01.2022 Hop on over to / lifestyle to check out my comments on Nestle UKs launch of a new white chocolate bar Wowsomes. The product uses a new spray-dried (highly-processed) form of "structured sugar" and milk compound that increases the intensity of the sweetness - allowing the manufacturer to use 30 per cent less sugar. While this might sound healthy, there are still a lot of health questions that are yet to be answered including how quickly this new form of sugar... is absorbed by the body (glycemic index), dental health implications (will it cause cavities?) as well as whether the increased intensity of sweetness may actually trigger more cravings for sweet foods. As a general rule reducing sugar is good, but this should ideally be achieved by eating more minimally-processed whole foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables and dairy rather than more highly processed products. See more

07.01.2022 Last week I caught up with the awesome Sam Williams (Australian Fitness Instructor of the Year 2020) from the Fit n Fierce Podcast (I definitely think I'm fit, but I'm not so sure about fierce ) to chat about nutrition trends, dietary quality, food industry changes and trying to adapt to the craziness of 2020. Eumundi Fitness

07.01.2022 Always love to hear from happy learners. Thanks Carolyn!

07.01.2022 Hey there all you fabulously fit ladies out there - heres some new research to make you smile. A new study from the American Academy of Neurology has found that women with a high level of physical fitness are nearly 90 per cent less likely to develop dementia. The Swedish study of 191 women with an average age of 50 undertook an all out exercise cycling test to determine their level of fitness. These women were then followed up over the next 44 years and tested for dementia.... During that time only 5% of the highly fit women developed dementia, compared to 25% of the moderately fit women and 32% of the women with low fitness. Among the women who failed to complete the exercise test due to exhaustion, 45% developed dementia decades later. Further, of the highly fit women who did develop dementia, they developed the disease an average of 11 years later than women who were moderately fit, or at age 90 instead of 79. Limitations of the study is the small sample size and only one measurement of fitness over time (so any changes in fitness werent captured). Journal reference: Hörder et al, 2018. #fitnessmotivation #highintensitytraining #exercisedementia #exercisescience #femalefitness #femalefitnessmotivation See more

06.01.2022 Not only are most sports supplements generally unnecessary, they're sometimes dangerous and can fuel unrealistic expectations of body goals.

05.01.2022 If you woke up with a hangover this morning, you might want to check out my podcast from Sydney and Brisbane's 2GB Sydney Live Program this afternoon with Warren Moore. Happy New Year!

04.01.2022 How cool is the human body?

04.01.2022 While parents of young children are ultimately responsible for their children's dietary intake and activity levels, there are so many factors that make this more challenging than it needs to be. Advertising, long work hours, screen time and access to highly processed, nutritionally-poor foods almost everywhere in a child's environment are just a few areas where government and industry could support mums and dads to manage rates of childhood obesity. Check out my nutrition comments in today's Daily Telegraph.

03.01.2022 Super-excited to be interviewed by Jono from Fitness Education Online / Bootcamp Blueprint podcast talking about how fitness professionals can give confident, business-boosting nutritional advice to clients and still stay within their Scope of Practice. If you want to check it out, I've got the link in the comments section. Big thanks to Jono for summarising my ramblings (I was a little jet-lagged that day).

03.01.2022 Australian consumers are doing their best to avoid added sugars, but food companies still sneak sugars into our foods using ingredients that sound healthy, but are really still just sugar. I spoke with @dailytelegraph last week about how we can best reduce added sugars. Any ingredient that ends in the letters -ose is a sugar, as is honey, rice malt syrup, barley malt syrup, maple syrup, fruit juice and fruit juice concentrate.

01.01.2022 First of all, a massive (but slightly belated) congratulations to @womenshealthaus on their 10th Birthday . This is an awesome mag that I'm always proud to with. Grab yourself a copy of the 10th Birthday Collector's Edition and you'll find an especially super article on meal timing (page 31-33) by @antheaemma including some mind-blowingly insightful nutritional comments by me (ok, I'm definitely overselling it now - but I promise it's really pretty darn interesting). #womenshealthmagazine #womenshealthmag #womenshealth #womenshealthaustralia #nutritionist #media #mealtiming #intermittentfasting #intermittentfasting16hours See more

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