Beecroft Yoga in Beecroft | Yoga studio
Beecroft Yoga
Locality: Beecroft
Phone: +61 404 042 803
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25.01.2022 Hoping that all the Beecroft Yoga students have a happy and safe long weekend. If youre free on Monday 8th June at 9.15 am, we are Zooming a Gentle Movement and Restorative Class. If youd like to attend click either of the addresses below. [email protected] [email protected]
25.01.2022 Five things I miss about not teaching face to face - 1. Seeing students roll out their mats and settle back ready for the class. Theyve arrived! 2. Looking at their faces in poses - seeing a range of emotions and thoughts. 3. Knowing I can touch (with permission of course) and help students sense into a pose.... 4. Seeing the namaste glow at the end of the class. 5. Being told that the randomly chosen little thing I read out at the end of the class is Spot On. Oh - I should add.tucking students in and making them comfortable in Savasana (relaxation)
25.01.2022 This is worth printing off and having on the fridge door!
24.01.2022 I've been talking about Soft Belly Breathing in class. Here's a few pointers - - Allow your belly to rise with your inhale and fall with your exhale - No pushing of your belly. Think Soft. - Let your mind imagine a soft, relaxed belly. - Repeat the phrase Soft...Belly quietly to yourself.... - Keep bringing your mind back to the words Soft....Belly. I'll tell you more soon. See more
23.01.2022 Can only agree with this one.
23.01.2022 Have a look at our revamped website for Beecroft Yoga. Let us know what youd to have added to the site in the way of articles or information.
22.01.2022 I was listening to a podcast lecture by Judith Hanson Lasater and Lizzie Lasater titled Yoga As A Survival Tool and came across this wondering idea in relation the viewpoints of people we love and care about - when those viewpoints are radically different to ours. It goes - Empathy is understanding, independent of agreement. The thought that we can really hear what someone has to say and be ok that its different to how you think. And leave it there. We dont have to convince them to change their minds.... See more
22.01.2022 Five myths about Yoga 1. Its for women and weirdos. 2. You have to be a pretzel to do yoga. 3. You have to be able to touch your toes.... 4. You have to be able to stand on your head. 5. As long as you say you go to dont actually have to do it! Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash See more
21.01.2022 Look 10 Years Younger How many times have you seen this on the front of a magazine? Too many to count? Ive been listening to a podcast this morning by Tricia... Cusden who founded Look Fabulous Forever - a make up/skin cream brand for older women. A brand that encourages women to look amazing and celebrate their age. And she has inspired me to write to get you thinking about why we have this fascination with looking younger. As if we have somehow failed if we dare to look our ages. Cosmetic companies suggest we can look younger by purchasing their anti-aging cream. Is there a problem with the way we look? Perhaps a more constructive suggestion would be to encourage us to look healthy and vibrant? To have a mind and body that is active and engaged. Dont hide your light because you are considered an older woman. Put on your lipstick and let those laughter lines deepen. Photo by Unsplash See more
21.01.2022 Mid Winter Christmas week and thinking about how our world has changed since last Christmas. Who could have imagined...........even these little elves would be practising social distancing!
20.01.2022 Over the last week, Ive been sharing seven of my favourite books on my personal Facebook page. Its been good to remember some of the great reads. Theres probably many more that Ive forgotten and when prompted would say....Oh Yes that was wonderful too. Here are two of my favourite yoga reads. You wont be surprised that one of them is from Judith Hanson Lasater. The other from Donna Farhi with whom I studied Advanced Yoga Teaching back in 2008. So fortunate to have these wonderful teachers. If youre wanting to read about yoga off the mat, I can recommend both these books.
19.01.2022 Good spot to take a yoga class.
18.01.2022 All set to teach on Zoom this rainy evening. So nice to be able to be with the Beecroft Yoga students while being apart, warm and dry.
18.01.2022 Had a giggle today in yoga class. Some lovely students who I havent seen for a while were telling me that they were doing some yoga practice together during t...he COVID lock down and couldnt remember the names of some of the poses. So instead thought Tiramasu and Taramasalata sounded about right!! They are great gals!! See more
17.01.2022 The mornings are cold and doing a few sun salutations are a great way to get you up and running for the day. Below is a version of sun salutations from my studies with Donna Farhi. Do a few rounds of sun salutes tomorrow morning and let me know how you go.
16.01.2022 Had a belly laugh this morning. Reading in the New York Times there are 8 cultural dances you can learn at home...... Belly Dancing Salsa Break Dancing Kizomba... (sexy Caribbean dance) Champeta (need to be quick on your feet apparently) Country Line Dancing Bhangara (Bollywood watch out!!) and lastly The Polka Oh the mind boggles! Up and down the hallway alternating between Break Dancing (breaking bones and furniture) and the Polka..... Im off to practise the moves in the photos right now..... Wait to hear reports of hospital visits!!! See more
15.01.2022 Its hard to learn a new swing, or stride or swim stroke! Im practising a new way of swimming and its tricky! To say the least. But practise is what will me there. Up and down the pool and keeping in mind all the things Im meant to be doing. Its reminds me of yoga practice.....keeping me present, focused and engaged. See more
14.01.2022 How are you today? How are you REALLY? The 2020 roller coaster is a handful. One day Im full of purpose and determination, the next Im drained and exhausted. ...Showing up might mean making progress on a project or being there for someone who needs you. It might mean having a cup of tea or marveling at the full moon. It might mean reaching out for support or taking a nap. What does showing up look like for you today?
14.01.2022 At the end of each yoga class I read out a little something from one of my favourite teachers. Its often from Judith Hanson Lasaters book A Year of Living... Your Yoga. Heres one for this week: I am not the general contractor for the Universe. It is easy to try to take over responsibility for more than is ours. Today make a commitment to remember that the choices your loved ones make are theirs.
14.01.2022 From the American poet and activist Maya Angelou - "Ive learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Now theres something to think about!... Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash
13.01.2022 On the theme of Soft Belly Breathing, here's something I've read this week to students from A Year Of Living Your Yoga by Judith Hanson Lasater. Practice is an intention, not a location. Step on your mat today and create a practice intention with a Mantra for Daily Living, such as: I will breathe with awareness, or... I will remain present in my belly. Then carry this intention into the rest of your day. It's nice to remember to come back to your belly. It's grounding.
13.01.2022 Im wanting to teach Warrior II this week and reading this morning more about the pose. Heres what Judith Hanson Lasater writes in her book 30 Essential Yoga Poses : The ethical dilemma of the warrior is explored in the Bhagavad-Gita, a Sanskrit epic that reports the battlefield dialogue between Price Arjuna and the god-man Krisna.....Arjuna is each of us, and his battlefield is a metaphor for our lives. Through asana practic, we can understand his (and our) dilemma. W...arrior II Pose echoes the powerful lunge of the archer and underscores the importance of attention, strength, and courage as we take up asana practice. It challenges us to contain several actions at once: to stretch backward and forward with the arms at the same time and keep the torso still. As we learn to maintain this dynamic balance on the mat, we can explore this state when off the mat. Like Arjuna, we can be present to what is happening in our lives. Through awareness, we can open ourselves to the choice to respond with clarity when in doubt, with courage when fearful, and with appropriate boundaries when indecisive. Photo from Unsplash See more
13.01.2022 Amercian Dirt and The Righteous Mind. Great Reads.
13.01.2022 Join us via Zoom to relax and unwind with gentle yoga on Monday evenings
10.01.2022 Ive just been listening to a lecture about yoga and anxiety. One of the recommendations to alleviate anxiety is to practice equal length breathing (sama vritt...i). Beecroft Yoga students will know that I often teach this breath. You might like to try it sometime. It goes like this: 1. Bring your inhale and your exhale to be roughly the same length (no need to try too hard - the count itself doesnt matter - it can be any number) 2. Take a normal breath - dont count length. Repeat.....for as many rounds as feels comfortable. This helps to take away the shoulds, have tos and the need tos. See more
10.01.2022 Im reading a book on communicating. Communicating - Its easy thing to say - hard thing to do well. Heres what the author considers to be three basics for... creating effective communication - 1. Lead with presence 2. Come from curiosity and care 3. Focus on what matters Gosh - presence, intention and discernment. Thats something to work on!
09.01.2022 Praying It doesn’t have to be the blue iris, it could be weeds in a vacant lot, or a few... small stones; just pay attention, then patch a few words together and don’t try to make them elaborate, this isn’t a contest but the doorway into thanks, and a silence in which another voice may speak. Mary Oliver
09.01.2022 Never underestimate the power of your mind. The quality of your thinking dictates the quality of your life. See the world and yourself through the lens of compassion and hope. Take time to reframe difficulties and respond to them with strength. Let yourself be inspired. If you have to begin again a thousand times, no matter! Every day is a new beginning. Stephanie Dowrick
08.01.2022 Heres a little something from my new page Untwine. Hope onto the page and Like it please if you can. Thanks
08.01.2022 Hello and Happy Monday. The weather is a bit damp but a good opportunity to do some indoor things. Perhaps a few rounds of sun salutes to warm you up this morning. Or take the time to rest in a restorative pose this afternoon. Its a well spent 20 minutes. Use lots of blankets to support your body. Be like a Diva! You deserve it!
08.01.2022 You know, being in isolation wasnt all bad. I had lots of time to do the things I always intend to do, but dont make the time. Like 20 minutes in the aftern...oon following a guided relaxation meditation. Beecroft Yoga Students will know I like the Insight Timer App. Its free and meditations are varied in time and content. A great way to spend 20 minutes. See more
07.01.2022 Want something to comfort you in this stormy weather? Kitchari is the way to go - its warm and nourishing and ticks the boxes for healthy comfort food. I tend to turn to this recipe when the weather gets bleak, and can throughly recommend it. Its even better served with some Indian pickle or mango chutney.
07.01.2022 Ive been looking online for photos of people practising yoga and what I see, is not what I know! Same as the covers of yoga magazines and calendars (when we used to have paper calendars!) The models are young (generally), often scantily dressed in lycra and doing strong impressive poses - not often done in many yoga classes. This must be so off-putting to many perspective yoga students. And committed yoga students too, who enjoy aspects of yoga like improving their practices plus the all important rest and relaxation. I remember a wise yoga tutor telling me (years ago) when I complained that I couldnt be a yoga teacher because I couldnt do all the poses. She said.good - youll know how your yoga students feel. Dont be intimidated by how yoga is presented in main stream media. Classes are made up of people like you and I doing yoga practice because they know it helps them live their life more fully. Photo by Pasha Chusovitin on Unsplash See more
07.01.2022 Heres the thought for this week. What my senses tell me is only part of the truth. Scientists tell us that we perceive very little of the reality around us. Today cultivate the understanding that you do not have the whole picture about anything. Breathe in humility, breathe out compassion.... "A Year of Living Your Yoga" Judith Hanson Lasater
06.01.2022 I've come across this that I jotted a few months back - taken from The Daily - New York Times. It's by Ruth Bader Ginsburg (and I hope I have recorded it corre...ctly). "Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks and that means, don't do just for yourself because in the end, it's not going to be fully satisfying. I think you will want to leave the world a little better for your having lived and there's no satisfaction a person can gain from just what people call "turning over a buck" that's equal to the satisfaction that you get from knowing you have made another's life, your community a little better for your effort". See more
05.01.2022 My garden shows you don't have to take the direct path to get to where you want to go.
05.01.2022 Had a giggle this morning in Savasana (relaxation) remembering how often I have ended up thinking about food when Im meant to be relaxing??! How human of me!
04.01.2022 I received an email on Friday 20th November from NSW Government to let me know that Beecroft Yoga needs to register a plan to be COVID-19 Safe and get a QR Code to electronically check in students. Mandatory from Monday 23rd November. It surprises me that it's taken so many months to ask me to do this.....and why I've been given only two days to do it. Anyway.....all worked out and we are now officially COVID-19 Safe.
03.01.2022 Anxiety is Fear that closes us down. Its always about the future. Pranyama (breathing practice) changes your body and your mind and has effects on reducing anxiety. This reduction allows you to be more present. When you are more present, you can make choices that open you up rather than choices that close you down. ... Pranyama lets us have a new way of being. Your Pranyama practice could be sitting quietly and focusing on extending your exhale over the next 6 exhales. See how that feels. See more
03.01.2022 "Listening heals a lot of grief and sadness. Listening to yourself and listening to others. Someone in your life needs to be heard, needs your attention. Today ...take the opportunity to listen to [them] for 10 minutes without planning your reply. And maybe that person is you- From A Year of Living your Yoga, for September 1st, Judith Hanson Lasater See more
01.01.2022 A bit more about soft belly breathing. - Set a timer, start with 5 minutes - you can increase it later - Sit or lie in a quiet spot - You mind will begin to think about all sorts of things - that's what minds do!... - Come back to the phrase Soft.....Belly - time and time again - No judgements - that only makes you agitated As you think about your day today - plan when you are going to do Soft Belly breathing and keep to this wholesome discipline.
01.01.2022 Im a great fan of The School of Life books and often dip into one called Small Pleasures. Here I find things that make me smile because of their simplicity. ...Some of the titles are: Holding Hands with a Small Child, Realising You Both Dislike the Same Popular Person, Being Up Late At Night, The Charm of Cows. Heres a little bit from A Favourite Old Jumper...... Its not one you can now really wear except at home - and maybe even only when you are on your own or have a good excuse - its suddenly very cold; youre a bit poorly; was raining, you have a shower and now you can get wonderfully cosy Its a lovely book to have lying around. The Small Pleasures are just that.....and its nice to think about random things in a new light. See more
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