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Beeliar Medical Centre in Beeliar, Western Australia | Medical centre

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Beeliar Medical Centre

Locality: Beeliar, Western Australia

Phone: +61 8 6498 9255

Address: 9/28 Lakefront Avenue 6164 Beeliar, WA, Australia


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25.01.2022 Why regular health checks are important? It is a good idea to visit a doctor regularly, even if you feel healthy. The purpose of these visits is to: check for current or emerging medical problems... assess your risk of future medical issues prompt you to maintain a healthy lifestyle update vaccinations. Health checks are usually incorporated into your routine medical care. Our doctor will often perform these checks when you are visiting for another condition, such as a cold or another problem For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

25.01.2022 Did you know You may be able to use your Medicare card to help pay for your chiropractor, dietitian or midwife If you suffer from a condition that has lasted or is predicted to last, for six months or longer, you may be eligible for Medicare assistance under the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) scheme.... For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

24.01.2022 October 10th-17th is Mental Health Week and is celebrated each year in October kicking off with World Mental Health Day on October 10th This year’s Mental Health Week theme is Strengthening Our Community Live, Learn, Work, Play and we are continuing to aim at increasing mental wellbeing in WA communities Here are 5 tips to help stay mentally healthy:... Reach out and help others See the funny side of life Learn something new Catch up with friends Go for a walk For further assistance or more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

24.01.2022 Got a gut feeling? There is an increasing amount of research showing just how important good gut health is for overall wellbeing. Eat plenty of fibre, and foods with resistant starch like oats and bananas... Eat good bacteria foods like yoghurt with live cultures and fermented foods (sauerkraut, miso, tempeh, and kombucha) Avoid inflammatory foods including highly processed and sugary foods For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

21.01.2022 September 10th is R U OK day Mental health is important for everyone, don’t be afraid to ask someone how they’re feeling or reach out for help If you’re worried about someone and feel professional support is needed, talk to one of our friendly Doctors who would listen to your concerns and guide you in the right direction ... For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

19.01.2022 How do you know if someone is having a stroke? Think F.A.S.T. A stroke is a life-threatening medical condition where the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off, which can result in death. The Stroke Foundation recommends the F.A.S.T. test as an easy way to remember the most common signs of stroke:... Face Check their face. Has their mouth drooped? Arms Can they lift both arms? Speech Is their speech slurred? Do they understand you? Time Time Is critical. If you see any of these signs call 000 straight away

17.01.2022 Beeliar Medical will be having a mole scan clinic on the 4/07/18 Call us on 64989255 to book an appoitment

15.01.2022 Did you know we have onsite pathology? That means you don't have to go anywhere else for your blood tests Book now to see a GP and we offer bulk billing to all patients holding a valid Medicare card. This means no out-of-pocket cost for most general consultations. We are conveniently located at shop 9 / 28 Lake Front Avenue Beeliar, WA 6164... For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

14.01.2022 ***FLU VACCINATION AVAILABLE, Call 64989255 for an appointment or book online:***

14.01.2022 One in six Australians is hearing impaired, deaf or has an ear disorder. Some people are born with a hearing loss and some experience hearing loss with age or is caused by loud noises. Some of the early warning signs are: you can hear but not understand... you find it hard to hear in noisy situations or groups of people you think people mumble you need to turn the TV up louder than others or you don't always hear the doorbell or the phone For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

13.01.2022 MOLE SCANNING this Thursday 28/09/17 at Beeliar Medical Centre. Call 6498 9255 for an appointment.

13.01.2022 We all know skin cancer is primarily caused by exposure to UV radiation, present in sunlight but how do you protect yourself against this? It is very simple The most effective way to prevent skin cancer is to avoid getting too much direct sunlight, particularly during the hottest hours of 10am-5pm Being indoors is obviously maximum protection, but outdoors it is advisable to seek shade (under a tree, or using an umbrella for instance).... If contact with direct sunlight is unavoidable, using a hat and sunscreen (SPF 30+) is highly recommended to help reduce the risk of skin cancer For any suspicious spots talk to our GP for a thorough assessment For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

11.01.2022 October 8 - 14 is Mental Health Week If you are experiencing any issues with mental health, call 6498 9255 for an appointment.

11.01.2022 Beeliar Medical Centre welcomes our new doctor. Dr Win Yu Htwe To book an appointment go to

09.01.2022 Do you know the two types of sun's radiation? Its UVA and UVB and both are dangerous to your skin. UVB rays have shorter wavelengths, which means they have more energy and are more damaging to the top layers of skin cells. Scientists used to think that only UVB rays increased the risk of cancer and premature aging. But more recent research shows that UVA rays are also harmful ... Studies of indoor tanning - which uses mostly UVA rays - have found that it greatly increases the risk of both melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers. So always be sun smart and try avoiding indoor tan where possible For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

09.01.2022 Christmas Opening Hours Monday 23rd December - Open Tuesday 24th December - Open Wednesday 25th December - CLOSED Thursday 26th December - CLOSED... Friday 27th December - Open Saturday 28th December - CLOSED Sunday 29th December - CLOSED Monday 30th December - Open Tuesday 31st December - Open Wednesday 1st January 2020 - CLOSED Thursday 2nd January 2020 - Open Friday 3rd January 2020 - Open Should you require a doctor after hours please call Dial A Doctor on 1300 030 030, or present to your Nearest Emergency Department.


09.01.2022 Get you flu shot today Government Funded for eligible patients and Private Flu vaccines in stock. Private Flu Vaccines are $15.00

08.01.2022 September 10th is R U OK day Mental health is important for everyone, dont be afraid to ask someone how theyre feeling or reach out for help If youre worried about someone and feel professional support is needed, talk to one of our friendly Doctors who would listen to your concerns and guide you in the right direction ... For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

06.01.2022 The Doctors and Staff at Beeliar Medical Centre would like to wish all our patients a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

06.01.2022 Free vaccinations against meningococcal will be provided to certain remote Aboriginal communities in response to an outbreak of the disease in central Australia.

06.01.2022 ***This week we celebrate NAIDOC*** Beeliar Medical Centre offers Health Assessments, Chronic Disease Management, Immunisation, Pregnancy Support and much more.. Please call 6498 9255 for an appointment.

04.01.2022 MOLE SCANNING THIS MONDAY 26TH JUNE AT BEELIAR MEDICAL CENTRE. Call 6498 9255 for an appointment :)

03.01.2022 Hey everyone, some of you might be already aware of the best practices to prevent getting Coronavirus but below are some precautions that may help prevent you from getting it - Clean hands with soap or alcohol-based hand rubs - Cover your nose/mouth with elbow or tissue when coughing/sneezing - Avoid close contact with anyone experiencing fever, respiratory symptoms - Stay home if unwell... - People who have recently returned from travel and are experiencing fever and respiratory symptoms should phone their GP or Emergency Department prior to attendance People who develop a fever and respiratory symptoms who have recently returned from travel or may have had exposure to Coronavirus should phone their GP or Emergency Department prior to attendance. Calling ahead is essential to limit possible human to human virus transfer For more information visit Call Coronavirus helpline for more information 1800 020 080 See more

02.01.2022 If you have put your regular health checks on hold during the pandemic, nows the time to pop back in to see your GP. Pick up the phone and we can talk through the changes we have made to keep everyone safe. #SeeYourGP

02.01.2022 Spring into wellness this season! We're here to help with any health concerns you may have Watch out for allergies such as hay fever and asthma... Make the most of fresh spring produce by trying a healthy new recipe. Spring is the perfect time to fit some extra physical activity into your day. Try a walking challenge with friends, family or workmates. If you are travelling overseas or closer to home, taking steps to look after your health such as being sun smart and taking all the necessary vaccinations For any other health concerns, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

02.01.2022 Sunshine is back, Perth! So slip slop slap and protect yourself from sun damage and cancer: Slip-on sun-protective clothing Slop on SPF 30 or higher, water-resistant sunscreen, 20 minutes before sun exposure and reapply every two hours Slap on a broad-brimmed hat that shades your face, neck and ears... Seek shade Slide on sunglasses Share this with your friends and stay sun smart Visit our state of the art clinic for any suspicious spots and have the skin checked For more information, you can book an appointment with our GP by calling us 6498 9255 or using the link below

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