Friends of the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby | Businesses
Friends of the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby
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25.01.2022 During these tough times we must remember to support our local community. Why don't you see what is happening in Kangaroo Valley ? The home of the Brush-Tailed Rock-Wallabies #localccommunity #befriendrockwallaby #wildlifeofaustralia #supportingthecommunity #helpushelpthem
24.01.2022 Something important to stay vigilant about as the weather warms up.
23.01.2022 Magic my what a bushy tail you have. Just enjoying the afternoon sun #brushtailedrockwallaby #kangaroovalley #helpushelpthem #wildlifeofaustralia
22.01.2022 It is going to be a busy month. Look at all these fantastic days that are coming up on the conservation calendar in October! #wildlifeconservation #brushtailedrockwallaby #befriendrockwallaby #savingourspecies #conservationcalendar
22.01.2022 YinYang is so precious With our ongoing work we cannot wait to see the new generation of joeys coming through later in the year. It is always such a delight and makes our work worthwhile. Please consider supporting us by ensuring you are a member. It is easy to sign up and only costs $15 per year. We will keep you in the know of all the things going on via a quarterly e-newsletter. #savingourspecies #befriendrockwallaby #wildlifeofaustralia #preciousyoung #helpushelpthem
21.01.2022 Something important everyone should watch as we head into another summer season. #bushfiresnsw #abcwildaustralia #befriendrockwallaby #brushtailedrockwallaby #wildlifeofaustralia #kangaroovalley
20.01.2022 It is set to be a great weekend at the Wollongong Makers Market. Why not tag along and visit us on Sunday 29th November at the Illawarra Sports Stadium in Berkeley. #makersmarket #befriendrockwallaby #helpushelpthem #befriendrockwallaby #wildlifeofaustralia #wildlifeconservation #communityeducation
20.01.2022 Landcare week is coming up this week 3-9th August. Why not see what you can do for your local environment?
20.01.2022 Cheeky Gingernut just poking his head up to say hello #SavingOurSpecies #brushtailedrockwallaby #befriendrockwallaby #kangaroovalley #cheekymacropods #funnyanimals
20.01.2022 Need ideas for Christmas? Why not consider adopting a brush-tailed rock-wallaby for someone who would love to know they are doing something to help an endangered species! #christmasideas #almosttime #kangaroovalley #brushtailedrockwallaby #savingourspecies #helpushelpthem
19.01.2022 Another good news story. Great to hear an Australian company working with Landcare to get trees back into the natural environment which will benefit our native wildlife #landcare #befriendrockwallaby #plantingtrees #goinggreen #brushtailedrockwallabies #australianwildlife
19.01.2022 Its great to see vegetation regrowth at our Creek Colony after the devastating fires we had in January of 2020. It is thanks to generous donors that we have been able to continue to feed the brush-tailed rock-wallabies throughout this time and we look forward to their habitat being fully restored as more rain comes throughout Spring #springtime #winterrains #forestregeneration #brushtailedrockwallaby #nswfires #befriendrockwallaby #kangaroovalley
17.01.2022 Want to catch up on all the things that the Friends have been up to over the past 12 months? Not a member yet? That's fine, you can catch up on our previous newsletters by heading to our website. As a financial member ($15 per year) you help us continue our work to protect the beloved brush-tailed rock-wallabies of Kangaroo Valley and you'll always be the first to receive newsletters as they are released throughout the year. Why don't you get on it?... #brushtailedrockwallaby #wildlifeofAustralia #friendsoftheBTRW #befriendrockwallaby #savingourspecies #endangeredspecies #wildlifeaction #wildlifenewsletters Newsletters --->
17.01.2022 Please get your Christmas orders for merchandise or adoption packs in before the 5th of December. Australia Post has stated that to ensure delivery of parcels by Christmas they must be posted by the 12th of December. This gives us ample time to ensure you get the gifts you are after this Christmas. Happy Holidays from the Friends of the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby #brushtailedrockwallaby #wildlifechristmas #kangaroovalley #wildlifeofaustralia #wildlifeconservation #wildlifeadoptionpacks #savingourspecies #helpushelpthem
17.01.2022 A spooky photo for a spooky day. Its Friday the 13th! Our brush-tailed rock-wallabies are so cute and cuddly but it is surprising how much time they spend actively moving around their habitat so late at night. Though do you know why? Its because at this time of the day they generally feel safer from their natural predators (i.e. eagles, snakes). ... However, unfortunately introduced species such as feral cats and European foxes are adept at working at night Help us keep joeys like Raylene's sweet little young at foot safe from these introduced predators. Donations from the community go towards many of the Friends activities including predator control. See our website for more information #brushtailedrockwallabies #naturalbehaviours #australianwildlife #savingourspecies #rockwallabies #introducedpredators #helpushelpthem #befriendrockwallaby
17.01.2022 Bangarra is still doing us proud. Here is her young at foot, Barinya growing up to be a strong agile brush-tailed rock-wallaby Sign up today as a Friend by going to our website and for just $15 you can get quarterly e-newsletters about our work and activities throughout the year #helpushelpthem #wildlifeofaustralia #befriendrockwallaby #jointoday #kangaroovalley #savingourspecies #brushtailedrockwallaby #wildlifeconservation
14.01.2022 Landcare week is a great time to remember all the things the community has done to help the Friends in the past. Here is a photo, throwing back to one of our last habitat clean up days. We are hoping that when restrictions ease in the future we will be able to get back out there with great like-minded members of community to make sure the pristine environment surrounding Kangaroo Valley shines once more #brushtailedrockwallaby #kangaroovalley #communitysupport #environmentdays #landcareweek #throwback #wildlifeofaustralia
12.01.2022 We have exciting news! You can now support us by going to your local 'Return and Earn' station in NSW. Monies raised from all eligible drink containers deposited can be donated directly to the Friends by our very own barcode linked to the Friends of the Brush-Tailed Rock-Wallaby. Save the barcode below to your phone and simply scan before starting the recycling process then once done, the money will simply be sent to the Friends account More information about 'Return and Ea...rn' and locations throughout the state can be found here: #helpushelpthem #befriendrockwallaby #brushtailedrockwallaby #returnandearnNSW #easywaytodonate #helpingtheenvironment #kangaroovalley
12.01.2022 Family gathering are great Remember to enjoy quality moments like these with family just as our brush-tailed rock-wallabies are doing. #befriendrockwallaby #savingourspecies #familymoments #brushtailedrockwallaby #kangaroovalley
11.01.2022 Remember we will be at the Wollongong Makers Market from 8:30am tomorrow. Get in early before the heat sets in and come support the Friends as well as many fantastic vendors with handmade craft and gift ideas for Christmas. Hope to see you there Hooka Creek Road, Berkeley New South Wales 2506
10.01.2022 It is World Animal Day! How are you going to celebrate it? Why not sign a petition or donate to the Friends of the Brush-tailed Rock-wallaby? Big or small, every contribution counts. ... #worldanimalday #kangaroovalley #helpushelpthem #brushtailedrockwallaby #savingourspecies #wildlifeofaustralia
10.01.2022 Yourka and YingYang still going strong Did you know Brush-Tailed Rock-Wallabies are social mammals and often seen in small family groups like this? Like our page to learn more and don't forget to become a financial member @ ... #brushtailedrockwallaby #familygroups #wallabyknowledge #helpushelpthem #jointoday #kangaroovalley #savingourspecies #befriendrockwallaby
09.01.2022 Barinya and Bangarra having some quality mother daughter time. But look at their size difference #brushtailedrockwallaby #befriendrockwallaby #wildlifeconservation #wildlifeofaustralia #savingourspecies #motherdaughterduo
08.01.2022 To all our financial members. Keep an eye out in the coming days for our September newsletter. These past few months might of been a little bit quiet but we still have some things to tell you
07.01.2022 Social media is a great way to spread the message about what we do, but have you ever wanted to know a little bit more about our beautiful brush-tailed rock-wallabies? Then head to our website where there is more information and you can also check out the National Parks and Wildlife Services threatened species page. #brushtailedrockwallabies #befriendrockwallaby #NPWS #threatenedspecies #wildlifeofaustralia #wildlifesocial #kangaroovalley #learnmore
07.01.2022 Some real behind the scenes - two of our resident males at the River Colony having a fight. This can be quite common especially when it comes to territory. #befriendrockwallaby #brushtailedrockwallaby #wildlifeofaustralia #boysbeingboys #wildlifesocial #wildlifemonitoring
07.01.2022 We always love raising awareness about the brush-tailed rock-wallabies within the community. And we love it even more when the new and up coming generation reach out to us. Have questions for an upcoming assignment or a biology study for those doing high school? Feel free to send us an email, we are always happy to help! Our email address is [email protected]... #schooleducation #brushtailedrockwallaby #savingourspecies #helpushelpthem #befriendrockwallaby #communityawareness
06.01.2022 Look at Rocket go, munching away on some Lucerne They sure do like to be cheeky when it comes to a free meal. #brushtailedrockwallaby #cheekysnapshots #wildlifephotography #monitoringcameras #kangaroovalley #savingourspecies #kangaroovalley #wildlifeofaustralia
06.01.2022 #threatenedspeciesday Our brush-tailed rock-wallabies are an important species that needs our help. They are beautiful animals but their fight isn't over. Threatened species day highlights to importance of conservation work in our country
06.01.2022 Fantastic news. If you haven't heard yet, Bilbies have been released Sturt National Park 100 years since they were declared extinct! This will hopefully be a turn around point in our fight against the loss of native Australian wildlife.
05.01.2022 Looking to get your Christmas shopping done early? Well here are some ideas. Don't worry. We have plenty more options available on our website! #brushtailedrockwallaby #gettingreadyforchristmas #befriendrockwallaby #helpushelpthem #showusyoursupport #rockwallabies #kangaroovalley #wildlifeofaustralia #wildlifemerchandise
05.01.2022 Wallaby Adoptees: Keep an eye out on your emails! September update coming soon with all the cute photos you could ever need of your adopted brush-tailed rock-wallabies from Kangaroo Valley #brushtailedrockwallaby #befriendrockwallaby #kangaroovalley #wildlifeadoption
05.01.2022 Jenolan Caves has a new addition to their walking trails. A new brush-tailed rock-wallaby has shown up but he seems a little bit more frozen then most. #jenolancaves #bluemountainsnsw #brushtailedrockwallaby #rockwallabies #befriendrockwallaby #helpushelpthem #wildlifeofaustralia #wildlifeconservation #kangaroovalley #wildlifestatues
04.01.2022 Another feel good story from the team at Rewilding Australia. It is amazing what we can achieve when we put our minds to it as a community. Check out the full story from the ABC below #rewildingoz #rewildingaustralia #nationalparksaustralia #quolls #befriendsrockwallaby #supportingcommunityefforts #goodnewsstory
04.01.2022 Don't forget about all the ways you can 'Help Us Help Them' #brushtailedrockwallaby #befriendrockwallaby #wildlifeofaustralia #helpushelpthem #savingourspecies #threatenedspecies
03.01.2022 We hope that it was time well spent for those who attend the event. Bringing to light the talent of the local community as well as discussing important topics. #newleavesnewlives #kangaroovalley #shoalhaven #befriendrockwallaby #localcommunity #comingtogether #artexhibition #wildaustralia
03.01.2022 This is a big thing that affects a lot of species. Have a read through and please consider signing the petition.
03.01.2022 Pinto and her pouch young having an early morning feed at 3am. No one around to bother them. Fun fact: Our beautiful brush-tailed rock-wallabies are most active at night, making them a nocturnal species. However, they don't mind basking in the early morning or afternoon sunshine when they can. #brushtailedrockwallabies #kangaroovalley #wildlifesocial #befriendrockwallaby #notforprofit #funfacts #australiawildlife #threatenedspecies
02.01.2022 We are looking forward to seeing all of our members at this year's AGM. Notifications have been sent out so please have a look in your inbox for all the details. Not a member? It's never too late to join. Head to our website Photo credit: Susan & John Robertson
01.01.2022 Familiar bonding between mother Yourka and her young at foot YinYang. #brushtailedrockwallabies #rockwallabies #kangaroovalley #sydneyenvironment #savingourspecies #endangeredspecies #wildlifeofaustralia #wildlifevideos #wildlifeconservation
01.01.2022 This is a day we will always remember. We are thankful to everyone's well wishes and donations this time last year. It is what made our work successful in helping protect the BTRW colony in Kangaroo Valley that was affected by the fires. #nswfires #befriendrockwallaby #brushtailedrockwallabies #savingourspecies #wildlifesocial #wildlifeofaustralia #wildlifeconservation
01.01.2022 Some morning sun rays shining down on Pia's young at foot. What a beautiful morning in the River Colony For regular updates from our colonies and the Friends you can join us a member for just $15 in which you will receive quarterly e-newsletters. Head on over to our website #brushtailedrockwallaby #rockwallabies #befriendrockwallaby #kangaroovalley #greatersydneysouthcoast #savingourspecies #earlymornings
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