Bega Valley Shire Council | Government organisation
Bega Valley Shire Council
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23.01.2022 CONTRIBUTE TO YOUR WAR MEMORIAL'S HISTORY The Australian War Memorial ‘s Places of Pride initiative records the location and gathers images of every war memorial in Australia. Memorials conceived and erected across Australia after the First World War, were pivotal in allowing communities and families to grieve and pay their respects.... They provided a way for towns to express their loss through remembrance and became a focal point for civic pride in the courage, loyalty and the sacrifice of their local servicemen and women. This sentiment continues to this day with memorials across Australia bearing testament to conflicts and peacekeeping operations from the Boer War to Afghanistan. As we pause to reflect this Remembrance Day, we also have the opportunity to contribute stories of local commemoration to help build the National Register of War Memorials. Follow the link below. #PlacesofPride #RemembranceDay #LestWeForget #WeRememberThem
23.01.2022 NEW RED CROSS BUSHFIRE GRANT There’s a new grant available for those who have already received Red Cross bushfire relief. The Additional Support Grant is available for those who have a low income (receiving government financial assistance such as a pensioner, disability or health care card) and are still experiencing financial hardship.... Applications for this grant close . If you haven't received a grant from the Red Cross, there are a number of bushfire recovery grants available. They include: Emergency and Re-establishment Grants for people whose primary place of residence was destroyed a Repair Grant for home owner-occupiers whose homes need repairs to make them safe again an Injury Grant for people who were hospitalised as a result of physical injuries or mental wellbeing issues caused by the bushfires. Apply for a Australian Red Cross bushfire recovery grant before . Learn more and apply at
23.01.2022 TALK TO US ABOUT A FLOOD WARNING SYSTEM Council is taking the next step in the Bega and Brogo Rivers Floodplain Risk Management process, asking the community for input on the design of a proposed flood warning system. Water engineers, Cardno, have been engaged by Council to undertake a feasibility study for a Total Flood Warning System (TFWS) which will help residents of Bemboka, Wolumla, Candelo, Bega, Tarraganda, Kalaru, Tathra, Mogareeka and the surrounding areas prepare f...or and respond to future floods. Cardno is currently working with Council through the community consultation phase of the project, which includes an online survey (open until 10 January 2021) at and COVIDSafe drop-in information sessions in three locations. Session 1: Monday 7 December - 3.30pm 6.00pm, Club Bega Session 2: Tuesday 8 December - 3.30 - 6.00pm, Candelo Hall Session 3: Wednesday 9 December - 3.30pm - 5.30pm, Tathra Hall Registrations are not required for the information sessions, however the number of people in each venue at any one time will be managed in a COVIDSafe manner. Full story -
22.01.2022 COMMUNITY GRANTS WRITING WEBINAR Wednesday 11 November 2020 - 10:00am ADST Have you got a great idea for building the resilience or supporting the mental health recovery of your community?... Red Cross is hosting a Zoom webinar focusing on the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery (BLER) Fund, to help you put in the strongest application possible. Please send any questions through to [email protected] Register here:
22.01.2022 BEGA VALLEY FUNDING FINDER - ONLINE DEMONSTRATION In March this year Bega Valley Shire Council was the 50th Council in Australia to sign-up to a new one-stop-shop for grant funding to help local businesses, community groups and Council access a pool of billions of dollars in funding opportunities nationwide. Presently, the Bega Valley Funding Finder contains information on over 1,100 federal, state and local grants worth a combined $217 billion dollars!!!... Join April Merrick, Bega Valley Shire Council’s Grant Management Officer, on Friday (4 December) at 10am for a 45 minute online demonstration of the Funding Finder providing an opportunity for you to learn how to navigate and get the most of out of this very valuable tool. Register at To find out more about the Funding Finder, visit
22.01.2022 NAIDOC WEEK - 8 to 15 November Celebrating the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. NAIDOC is celebrated not only in Indigenous communities, but by Australians from all walks of life.... The theme this year - Always Was, Always Will Be - recognises that First Nations people have occupied and cared for this continent for over 65,000 years. There are some wonderful local events and activities in libraries, galleries and onlineit is a time to share and learn.
22.01.2022 SURVEY ON POST BUSHFIRE HEALTH AND WELLBEING The Australian Government is supporting the University of Western Australia to study the impact of the summer bushfires on the resilience and wellbeing of fire and emergency services personnel. People who worked or volunteered in fire and emergency services during the 2019-20 bushfire season are encouraged to take part in a 20-minute survey about your health and wellbeing.... For further info, click on the link below or contact [email protected]
22.01.2022 Rewire is a member of the Bega Valley Business Support Group (BSG) - a coordinated group of business advisors representing local, state, federal government and private organisations. Members are on-the-ground locals working with businesses on a range of recovery and growth business activities. To register your business to access confidential support, contact Tim Whitaker on 0427 402 050 or [email protected] or fill out the form on our BSG webpage:
20.01.2022 COUNCILLORS IN THE COMMUNITY- MERIMBULA AND BEGA Councillors in the Community sessions are for residents wanting to engage with Councillors and senior Council staff in a relaxed and informal setting, about matters important to them. These are COVIDSafe events so bookings are essential. Water and light refreshments will be served.... Merimbula - Club Sapphire (Sapphire Room) on Tuesday 24 November from 5pm to 6.30pm. Bega Valley Commemorative Civic Centre on Thursday 26 November from 5pm to 6.30pm. Book now:
19.01.2022 Great news! Resilience NSW is giving us more time to get applications in for the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund. Let's get those applications in ASAP!
19.01.2022 SERVICES AUSTRALIA MOBILE SERVICE CENTRE COMING TO MERIMBULA Merimbula - Park Street carpark Wednesday 25 November from 9am to 4pm Thursday 26 November from 9am to 3pm.... Merimbula residents can find out about government payments and services for rural families, older Australians, students, job seekers, people with disability, carers, farmers and self-employed people. Information about Department of Veterans’ Affairs programs and support services for veterans and their families will also be available. The NSW Mobile Services Unit will also be attending the 25 November Merimbula visit.
19.01.2022 THE ICING ON THE CAKE! It’s a privilege and an honour for the Port of Eden to be chosen as the ceremonial homeport for the Australian Navy’s lead Supply Class Auxiliary Oiler Replenishment ship, NUSHIP Supply (II). A few interesting facts about NUSHIP Supply:... it is 173.9 metres in length, weighs 19,500 tonnes and travels at 20 knots maximum and carries a helicopter it has a 176-person crew and can embark two helicopters, which takes the crew to 200. it will provide fuel, water, ammunitions, logistical support, and humanitarian and disaster relief Supply’s Commanding Officer, Captain Ben Hissink is a Bega Valley lad who grew up in Tanja. We’ve been told Supply will also showcase our region when it travels overseas by incorporating local produce in official hospitality proceedings. Read more here:
19.01.2022 TEMPORARY CLOSURE OF DJIRRINGANJ PEOPLES WALK, MERIMBULA Council has today moved to temporarily close the Djirringanj Peoples Walk between Rotary Park and Bar Beach as the result of unstable bridge and erosion issues. Signage will be erected as soon as possible.... Take care everyone.
18.01.2022 COUNCIL IS LOOKING FOR AN ENGINEERING DESIGN COORDINATOR A career at Bega Valley Shire Council will immerse you in rewarding and interesting work. Engineering Design Coordinator - Bega... The Project Development section is looking for a Design Engineering Coordinator on a full-time fixed-term contract until March 2022. You will be required to manage the design team for pre-construction, design and implementation and finalisation of a range of projects. If you are a technical professional with the ability to lead and mentor more junior members of the team, we encourage you to apply. Applications close 9am on 24 November 2020. Details and application form:
18.01.2022 MOBILE RECYCLING CENTRE IN BERMAGUI TOMORROW A free disposal service for problem household waste will be stationed at the Bermagui Waste Transfer Station for a week, from Tuesday 1 December. The repurposed former horse float will let people dispose of small hazardous items - old batteries, paint, gas bottles, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, cooking oils and fluorescent globes and tubes - that can’t go in kerbside bins.... Bermagui Waste Transfer Station is open: Monday: 7.30am to noon - 1pm to 4.30pm Tuesday: 7.30am to noon - 1pm to 4.30pm Wednesday: Closed Thursday: 7.30am to noon - 1pm to 4.30pm Friday: Closed Saturday: 10am to 2.30pm Sunday: 10am to 2.30pm
17.01.2022 SURVEY FOR BUSHFIRE-IMPACTED BUSINESSES The NSW Government wants to hear about your experience as a business owner affected by the summer bushfires via a 6 minute survey - to understand how businesses impacted by the bushfires are recovering, what support you are accessing and where additional assistance is needed. The results will help identify future responses for supporting businesses during a disaster.... The survey will be open until 24 December 2020. Insights from the survey will be released in early 2021. Go to survey:
17.01.2022 COMMUNITY INFORMATION SESSION TOMORROW MERIMBULA LAKE & BACK LAKE DRAFT FLOODPLAIN RISK STUDY & PLAN Wednesday 11 November - 2.30pm - 4.30pm... At Bega Valley Regional Learning Centre, behind the Lakeview Hotel. Council is calling for community input and comment as part of the finalisation of the draft Merimbula Lake and Back Lake Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan. Once finalised, the documents will be presented to Councillors for consideration and endorsement as the Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for the relevant catchments. This is a COVIDSafe event. Registrations are not required, however social distancing requirements limit venue attendance to 20 people at any one time, including staff. The public exhibition period runs from Saturday 31 October through to Sunday 29 November 2020. Register below.
17.01.2022 NEW CARPARK IN AUCKLAND STREET WILL INCREASE CBD PARKING OPTIONS The future parking options of Bega’s CBD will substantially increase when work begins early next year on a carpark facility on the former Plumb Motors site in Auckland Street. The new carpark will provide 51 car spaces, including four accessible spaces. It will also be able to be used for overflow parking for large sporting events at the sportsground next door.... Council is now seeking tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors to develop the carpark facility. Read the full story:
17.01.2022 COMMUNITY CATCH-UP SESSION IN KIAH ON THURSDAY The next Community Catch-up session will be at the Kiah RFS Shed on Thursday 3 December from 2pm to 5pm. No need to book - just come along as you are, and pass the word around.
15.01.2022 LOCAL JOBS PROGRAM - ILLAWARRA SOUTH COAST A Local Jobs Program is being established for the Illawarra South Coast, to help the region recover from the summer bushfires and COVID-19. It involves a Local Jobs and Skills Taskforce supported by working groups, an Interim Jobs Plan and a Local Recovery Fund.... Sounds interesting, right? You can learn more about it in our latest edition of Business News:
15.01.2022 COOLER PLACES IN A WARMER CLIMATE - BEMBOKA Council is providing information and gathering feedback from the Bemboka community about a pilot program aimed at reducing the incidence and severity of heat-related illnesses in the village. Drop in to the Bemboka Hall any time between from 10am to 12noon on Thursday 3 December to have a chat, provide feedback and ask questions.... The Cooler Places in a Warm Climate project focuses on community halls as places of refuge in extreme heat events and raising awareness of the dangers of extreme heat. If you are unable to get to this information session, you can provide feedback through the Have Your Say webpage:
13.01.2022 WORKS TO BEGIN ON LAKE CURALO WALKING TRACK ON TUESDAY Repairs and restoration works will start on Tuesday 17 November, to parts of the Lake Curalo walking track in Eden. This means track closures and limited access during this time.... Orange mesh fencing with construction site signage will be erected at the eastern end of the walking track. Fencing will also be erected at the southern end of the affected trail area, at the Palestine Creek footbridge. The construction fencing will be erected at 7.30am each morning and removed at 4.30pm at the end of the day, to allow public access outside works times. These works will be completed in approximately two weeks, weather permitting.
13.01.2022 MINOR DELAYS FOR BEGA STREET, TATHRA THIS WEEK Minor traffic delays will be experienced on Bega Street, Tathra in the Lawrence Park and Tathra Fire Station area between 7am and 4pm from Monday 6 November to Wednesday 18 November Temporary lane closures will be in place to allow for the safe removal of some trees impacting the next stage of the Tathra to Kalaru bike track project.... Council apologises for this inconvenience and thanks you for your patience.
11.01.2022 NATIONAL YOUTH WEEK GRANTS OPEN Applications are open for Council’s National Youth Week grants and Seniors Festival grants. National Youth Week grants opened to applicants today, to help contribute to youth-focused free events and activities for next year. National Youth Week is Australia’s largest celebration of young people aged 12 to 25 years.... Not-for-profit and community groups are encouraged to apply for up to $1,000 to work with young people on the planning and delivery of events that celebrate the positive contribution young people bring to our communities. Find out more here: Photo: India Hartley at last year's Four Winds Spring Youth Music Festival. Photo by Sunny Gill.
10.01.2022 COVID-19 CROSS BORDER SPORT FUND OPEN Applications have opened for the COVID-19 Cross Border Sport Fund. It specifically targets NSW border grassroot clubs and associations that have been impacted by COVID-19.... The fund will support NSW-based clubs and associations that are affiliated with a state level sporting organisation or association recognised in another state/territory, that were not eligible to receive funding under the Grassroots Sport Fund. Applications close 5pm AEDT on Tuesday 15 December 2020: Photo: Bega District News
10.01.2022 TATHRA VANDALISM ESCALATES Vandalism of the toilet block at the Joe Caddy Park in Tathra has become a serious issue over the past month. Each weekend and several times during the week, since 11 October, this toilet facility is being vandalised with graffiti, wet toilet paper thrown at walls, stalls and the ceiling, and sanitary bins tipped out.... Yesterday Council staff found street signs pulled out from several locations on Andy Poole Drive and a child’s scooter thrown on top of the shade sail above the playground. Public amenities in the Bega Valley are provided for the use of residents and visitors. Such thoughtless behaviour impacting the community is particularly disappointing. This behaviour is putting public safety at risk and wasting valuable Council time and resources in cleaning and repairs. #TathraStrong The Tathra Tele
09.01.2022 COOLER PLACES IN A WARMER CLIMATE Council is seeking community input to a pilot program aimed at reducing the incidence and severity of heat-related illnesses in three Shire villages Bemboka, Quaama and Wyndham. The project will focus on community halls as places of refuge in extreme heat events and raising awareness of the dangers of extreme heat.... Information sessions will be held in December. For more details visit and to Have Your Say go to Photo: Quaama Hall will feature as part of the Cooler Places in a Warmer Climate pilot program.
08.01.2022 DENTAL FIREAID DONATES $13,000 TO BEGA VALLEY COMMUNITY DISASTER RELIEF FUND More than $13,000 has been donated to the Bega Valley Community Disaster Relief Fund by the organisers of the Dental Fireaid NSW conference. The funds were presented to Bega Valley Shire Mayor, Russell Fitzpatrick and Chair of the Social Justice Advocates of the Sapphire Coast, Mick Brosnan, by Dr David Moffet and Jayne Bandy at Merimbula’s Sapphire Dental Care.... Find out more:
07.01.2022 COUNCIL MEETING WRAP-UP: NOVEMBER 11 Wrapping up this afternoon's Council meeting with Mayor Russell Fitzpatrick and Director Community, Environment and Planning, Alice Howe. On the agenda today: a resolution to apply for the southern-most portion of Imlay Street in Eden to be named a Heritage Conservation Area; agreement on a list of projects to include in a new Council Prospectus; an endorsed list of projects to apply for funding under the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery and phase 2 of the Bushfire Community Recovery and Resilience Fund; and a resolution to enter into a Deed of Agreement with the Rural Fire Service to occupy one of the subdivided parcels of land at the Bega Saleyards. Catch up on the full agenda and relevant reports here -
05.01.2022 VEGETATION MAINTENANCE FOR PAMBULA CYCLEWAY Vegetation maintenance will be carried out to the Pambula cycleway along Pambula Beach Road between 7.30am and 4pm on Wednesday 11 November. The works are part of Council’s hazard reduction program.... Traffic control will be in place along Pambula Beach Road, which may cause slight delays. We appreciate your patience.
05.01.2022 #SHARETHESHORE SOUTH COAST NSW SHOREBIRD RECOVERY From August to March, the beaches of south coast NSW become a haven for threatened beach-nesting birds as they settle in to raise their chicks. It's also one of the busiest times for human visitors, which can put these precious birds at risk.... The simple messages are: always leash your dog walk on the wet sand pay attention to shorebird nesting signs. We live in one of the best parts of the world, let’s work together to keep it that way. Check out this great video on protecting south coast shorebirds:
04.01.2022 LOCAL STUDENTS ARE OUR SHOREBIRD CHAMPIONS We are lucky to have the Bournda Environmental Education Centre in our region. The team at Bournda run creative workshops - Helping our Hoodies - with students from Bega Valley public schools.... The students learn about shorebirds and strategies on how to help them. They also use iPads and iStop motion to make short films. Check out this fabulous effort from Eden Public School students. Keep up the great work!
03.01.2022 COUNCIL IS LOOKING FOR A COOK A career at Bega Valley Shire Council will immerse you in rewarding and interesting work. Cook Eden Early Learning Centre... We are looking for a cook to plan, prepare and provide meals for children attending the Eden Early Learning Centre, including maintaining food expenditure. If you hold a Cert III in Commercial Cookery (SIT30816) or equivalent and have advanced skills in menu planning, food storage, safety, transport, preparation and handling, we encourage you to apply. This is a part-time fixed-term contract position working 25 hours per week. Applications close 9am on 19 November 2020. Details and application form:
03.01.2022 NEED HELP WITH PARTICULAR ASPECTS OF YOUR BUSINESS? The Bega Valley Business Support Group is a coordinated group of local business advisors representing local, state, federal government and private organisations. Members are on-the-ground locals who want to hear about and help with whatever type of support you need in your business. This may include:... business road map identifying your business challenges and needs financial planning cash flow, break even, key performance indicators grants and funding what’s available to help your business compliance support navigating through the red tape strategy support - diversification, pivoting and growth mentoring ongoing support to implement action plans and strategies new business support start-up training, mentoring and micro finance learning workshops, webinars, resources and accredited training health and wellbeing support to keep you healthy in your business. Register your business to access confidential support: Or contact Tim Whitaker on 0427 402 050 or [email protected]
02.01.2022 LEST WE FORGET Remembrance Day commemorates the signing of the peace agreement that ended WWI at 11am on 11 November 1918. It is a time for all to remember and honour the memory of all those the men and women who served, are currently serving and those we have lost to the cause.... Although Remembrance Day events are different this year, Australians are encouraged to pause in their homes, schools or workplaces and remember. Remember to Remember to commit to the marking of this moment with one minute’s silence. One minute of your day to remember the sacrifices of those who have served this country to protect the way of life we all enjoy. #remembertoremember #remembranceday #veteransday
01.01.2022 APPLYING FOR COMPETITIVE GRANTS WEBINAR Thursday 19 November from 1pm to 3pm This webinar session has been designed to avoid wasting time and effort pursuing the wrong opportunity and to increase the chance of success for the right grant opportunity.... It will provide practical know-how on the key factors and steps processes involved in applying for competitive grants raised by various governments. Register here:
01.01.2022 BERMI WATER FILL STATION SHUT-DOWN The Bermagui water fill station will be shut down from Thursday 26 Nov - Thursday 3 Dec while works are carried out to fix the boggy conditions around the base. Our works team will raise the fill station, service the unit and upgrade the driveway area.... Check out this page for addresses of other fill stations around the Shire: Photo shows the recently upgraded Merimbula water fill station.
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