Belinda Chapman in East Brisbane, Queensland | Personal coach
Belinda Chapman
Locality: East Brisbane, Queensland
Phone: +61 437 990 427
Address: Overend Street 4169 East Brisbane, QLD, Australia
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23.01.2022 Everyone has a story to tell, and doesn't your heart reach out and connect with someone who has been vulnerable enough to share their story of struggle? Particularly if their journey tells of the highs and lows - the Injustice even - of their struggles with infertility. Our next Compassionate TTC Community Power of Story event is coming up this January 2021 with a panel of two courageous and inspiring women, Jennifer Robertson and Bettina Rae (who also now support the fertili...ty community), sharing their fertility journey. Their stories are varied and will inspire you with their strength and knowledge. They will share their highs and lows and I will also be asking them some powerful questions to really understand how they handled some of the tough mental and emotional challenges of the journey. I'm so excited to be sharing this beautiful and powerful event with you. This is an event not to be missed! It's on Wednesday 13 January at 7:00 pm AEST. The best way to ensure you don't miss this event is to register in advance and add the event to your calendar - to do this, click this link below: This wonderful community offers a space for those who have experienced infertility to come together, share fertility stories and insights as well as inspire one another to live a full and joyful life. So this is also the perfect opportunity to get to know other members of the group and create meaningful connections. I’m genuinely looking forward to learning more about you, supporting you on your journey and seeing you on-line at our next event. With Kindness Belinda
23.01.2022 My Remember December Gratitude Practice has still been going strong over on my personal Facebook profile but I really wanted to share what I am grateful for today. Today I am grateful for: 1. Christmas Eve and having presents under the tree - it's certainly beginning to (finally!) look a lot like Christmas here at our house!! 2. Exactly where I am and everything in my life that's helped me to arrive at this point. More to come on that New Year's Eve but the reflectio...ns have well and truly begun - particularly because I've been seeing too many unsuccessful IVF cycle announcements in the fertility forums this past few days and it highlights just how lucky I am. There were too many years where I too was looking down the barrel of yet another roller coaster ride of IVF. Whether I was angry that I hadn't fallen pregnant yet within the first 6 months of trying or frustrated that I hadn't fallen pregnant like everyone else did on their honeymoon or utterly confused at the sheer failure of my very first IVF round (circa 2009 when no eggs fertilised) or recovering from another laporoscopy to treat Endometriosis (I had my fourth lap on 22 Dec 2010 after a year of failed transfers and two chemical pregnancies...) or whether I was recovering from the chemical pregnancy loss from our last embryo of our 4th round of IVF (Dec 2013) or I was progressing into artificial menopause to shut down Adenomyosis (Dec 2015) in preparation for our 6th & final round of IVF, Christmas certainly didn't have the same cheeriness as it does now. I see you if this is where you're currently at. And I am eternally grateful for everything I have. 3. Camping prep!! Only a few more sleeps until I'm back on my spiritual home of Nth Stradbroke Island setting up for a few days of beachfront living in bliss.
22.01.2022 It's less than one week to go now until the Compassionate TTC Community's inaugural event! Join us online next Wednesday 16/9 night 7-8:30pm (Zoom link below). This is your opportunity to share what would you find valuable for future events and what topics interest you. I appreciate how scary it is to speak up at these events so there is absolutely no pressure to speak, put your video or part-take if you're not ready. Your presence is always appreciated in whatever form that... takes. You can send your comments to me privately or add them to the chat in Zoom on the night. One thing is for certain for future events - there will always be an experience (either from me or a carefully selected, caring practitioner) to help you float off to bed! I look forward to your presence at our event! With kindness Belinda xo
15.01.2022 It's International Women's Day 2021. What does this mean for you? What are you celebrating? For me, I'm proudly celebrating the body of work I have created for Women to empower them to feel supported, nurtured, heard, and advocated for.... I'm so passionate about women's voices being heard. Through the community I have created - my Compassionate TTC Community - I host monthly events and fortnightly interviews which give women an opportunity to share their story and be healed in the process, to hear from experts in women's health and fertility, and to hear from women who have also been on their fertility or women's health journey. It's my mission to reduce the shame and taboo surrounding Infertility and Women's Health Issues. That's the legacy I wish to leave for future generations of Women. Happy International Women's Day 2021. #iwd2021 #internationalwomensday #womenempowerment #womensupportingwomen #womenshealthmatters #women #infertilitysupport #womenswellness #bekindatoyourself #brisbanesmallbusiness #resilience #respect
13.01.2022 This morning I joined Nicolette Jane on her Mindful Leaders Align group. I'm always so grateful for any opportunity to share my journey and my passions, and to hear the stories of other peoples' journeys. I encourage you to listen in to hear just how different all our stories are, but how we're connected by the same hope that we will create our dream family. ... Whatever the final outcome is for you, we know that the journey will change you - with the right support and a compassionate community that change can be for the better. With kindness Belinda
13.01.2022 Endometriosis introduced itself to me in 2003. The cramps would literally stop me in my tracks. I am forever grateful that the first doctor I saw in 2004 sent me to an Endo specialist because, going by the stories I have read and heard, my story would have been a damn site different if she hadn't. What followed was my first laparoscopy & formal diagnosis of stage 3 Endo (out of 4 stages) and excision in late 2004. Because I wasn't ready to start a family then I went on the pi...ll for a few years before my, now, husband and I decided it was time... The past 14 years are multiple stories in themselves but to briefly summarise: * I had 4 more laparoscopies * 6 IVF egg pick ups from Nov '09 - Feb' 16, multiple failed FETs, a few chemical pregnancies, years of acupuncture and diet restrictions * MRI to diagnose Adenomyosis in 2015 and subsequent injections to become temporarily menopausal in prep for IVF round # 6 * step down in responsibilities at work to cope with the personal stress of this infertility journey and to pursue a more aligned vocation. But the best part was... We brought 2 beautiful children into our lives, now aged 4 & 9. My story is unique only in the exact steps but I am not alone in experiencing Endo (1 in 10), adeno and infertility (1 in 8). And whilst I was blessed with children, my quality of life has ongoing impacts and there are times when symptoms return. It drives me to nurture others. I remember the pain, I remember the stress and I remember the heartbreak. I can empathise. I care. I see you. March is Endometriosis Awareness Month #infertility #endometriosisawareness #endometriosis #1in10 #endometriosisawarenessmonth #endometriosiswarrior #adenomyosis #adenomyosisawareness #fertility #fertilityawareness #grateful
12.01.2022 What new discovery awaits you...?! xo #selfdevelopment #selfdiscovery #hypnotherapy #coaching #fertility #infertilitysupport #voyage #discover #seek #visualization #bekindatoyourself
12.01.2022 From someone who's been in your shoes (especially the blue hospital booties), I wanted to reach out and say this Christmas that... I see you I hear you I remember feeling this pain I understand your grief... I understand your anger I understand your disappointment I understand your shame I understand your hurt I want to validate your feelings especially if your Christmas hasn't turned out as you hoped. As a community we acknowledge the unmet desires of welcoming your own bub, the unmet wish that you would also be announcing your pregnancy this Christmas or that you would be buying your own child's gifts. As a community we're holding space for you and your pain over the holiday season. We're also creating space for you to enjoy it, and let your hair down. Sending you much love and light this holiday season and wishing you every success in creating the family of your dreams. With Kindness Belinda #infertilitysupport #ivfsupport #ivf #infertility #infertilitysucks #infertilityawareness #infertilityjourney #fertilityjourney #fertility #mentalhealth #emotionalhealth #emotions #youarenotable #love #ttccommunitysupport #ttccommunity #ttcaustralia
11.01.2022 Days 28 - 31 Remember December Gratitude Practice - & a big bit of Gratitude for Year 2020!! Today I am grateful for: 1. Holidays without good phone/ Internet reception = limited screen time which is only for the essentials (ie checking when the next storm rolling in ) 2. A family who loves camping as much as I do. Most of the happiest memories from my childhood were from our camping holidays. And we certainly haven't omitted any excitement from this trip! ... 3. Our 8 yr tent surviving the storms so far! It got a little hairy this morning with us each holding a pole against the wind from inside the tent, with intermittent shouts of "quick move the bed/bag/pillow etc, there's rain coming in!" 4. My gut instinct that it was time for a new tent! 5. My handsome, handyman of a husband. 6. Knowing I'm one of the lucky ones this year. Not only did I purposefully pursue my passion but I have allowed it to reach a level of success that has enabled me to step away from a career that no longer fit. I know how rare this is and I have met many people who desire this so I am extremely grateful that I found my 'Why', 'What' and then created the 'How'. 7. Common Humanity. What does this mean? It means that when I make a mistake, when I hurt, when I suffer, when I feel insecure, when I feel the need to belong, I know I'm not alone. We ALL feel this way at one or another and I certainly have my moments. I am honoured to support others when they're having their moment. 8. North Stradbroke Island. This place is downright special. On our first night camping on the beach I saw a shooting star the minute I walked out from putting the kids to sleep. I stood in grateful silence, grounding myself on her beautiful earth, discharged into her soil so she could alchemise the negative energy and thanked her for her energy, spirit and gifts. She gifted me with another shooting star as I retreated into the tent for sleep. Good Bye 2020 you've certainly brought a solid dose of challenges but from these challenges have risen amazing strength and insight to create incredible changes. Bring on 2021. I'm ready and waiting, holding space for whatever she has in store for me. Xo
08.01.2022 Are you succeeding in life but not at growing your family? That was me for many years! I was successful in many areas of my life - except this one area that I so desperately wanted to succeed in. Those many years of 'failing' were so lonely, isolating and heartbreaking. As you can appreciate, during this time, my mental and emotional well-being suffered horrendously. Something had to give so I put my mental and emotional well-being first and they became essential self-care e...lements for me. Part of that self-care was having my TTC (trying to conceive) buddies who were there for me when another cycle failed, when I didn't think I could keep going, when I needed guidance and when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Human beings are naturally social beings - we need to know we belong, that someone cares for us and that we are worthy of love. My mission is to create the type of support that I know I needed when I was trying to conceive - I want to see less emotional and mental health impacts from others on this journey. So now I have created a welcoming, compassionate, and hope building community for those who are struggling to have a baby, have already traversed the path or support people on their TTC journey. With this community you will have a room full of TTC buddies ready to hold you up and support you. If you would love to meet your room full of TTC buddies or know someone who needs this right now type 'Compassion' below and I'll send you the link to my first Meet-up Event! With Kindness Belinda
08.01.2022 The Power of Stories... Come and be moved by the Stories of three courageous women. They're generously sharing how they overcame adversity to lead rich, fulfilling lives after infertility - not all with babe in arms.... Online, tonight Thursday 19 Nov at 7:00 pm AEST. Link in the bio to RSVP and register via Zoom. I look forward to meeting you tonight and helping you feel less alone in my Compassionate TTC Community Event. With Kindness Belinda xo #powerofstory #powerofwords #community #infertilitycommunity #inspiration #adversity #overcome #relaxing #ivfsupport #ivfcommunity #infertilityawareness #infertilitysupport #newpossibilities #yourenotalone #compassionate #event
06.01.2022 Hello beautiful people, Do you find yourself getting frustrated with your body when it's not doing what you want it to? Does it often feel out of balance - physically and mentally?! Would you like to prepare your body for conception naturally?... At our event 'Compassionate TTC Community' event next week, on Thursday 15/10 @ 7:30 pm AEST, Hannah Moore from Hannah's Wellness Space will be presenting on Pre-conception care. Hannah is a successful Naturopath, Herbalist, Nutritionist, Kinesiologist, and Emotional Coach with 10 years of clinical experience. She’ll be presenting on how to balance your hormones naturally for pre-conception health. We’ll hear the key steps required for getting ready for pregnancy, including diet, stress, and detoxing. Following Hannah's presentation, Belinda will be leading you through a relaxation process to have you heading off to bed more relaxed than you'll have been in a long time! But before we let you sneak off, you'll have the opportunity to win a Lucky Door Prize! So make sure you're there for your opportunity to win! It’ll be so great to have you join us at the Compassionate TTC Community Event. This wonderful community offers a space for us to come together, share stories and insights as well as inspire one another to live a full and joyful life. Register here for the Zoom meeting link:
06.01.2022 If you've just started following Bekinda to Yourself Therapies then allow me to introduce myself and what I'm passionate about. My journey began back at the start of my 30s as a newlywed, and also a busy team leader. I was struggling, really struggling, to grow my family. No matter what I tried, what I was doing - I just couldn't fall pregnant! So I reached the point where I stopped.... I stopped 'Doing'. I stopped Pushing. I pulled back my grip on control, and was finally able to just let things Flow - the way they were meant to Flow. I finally understood that 'What will be, will be'. So now I help other people to be okay on their fertility journey, and know that they're going to be okay. To have confidence that they're doing everything they possibly can - already. To achieve their dreams. It's my Vision to build the kind of support that I know I needed whilst I was struggling to grow my family both through my Therapy practice (Bekinda to Yourself Therapies) and my Facebook group Compassionate TTC Community. I'm creating the kind of support that means there's less mental health and emotional health issues amongst the Trying to Conceive Community. I also believe it's time to reduce the shame and taboo that is often associated with infertility & Women's health and replace it with Compassion, Kindness and Love. Please reach out to me if this resonates with you in any way - I'd love to meet you and hear your story. With kindness, Belinda Chapman
05.01.2022 Infertility, pregnancy loss and PTSD associated with your IVF journey can leave you feeling so alone and isolated. No one quite understands, everyone else seems to fall pregnant so easily and you feel left behind. It's a tough emotional roller coaster! Wouldn't you rather feel like you belong and can just be yourself without having the insecurities that come with infertility and miscarriage...?? Imagine surrounding yourself with a beautiful community who provide nothing but s...upport and are there for you when you need a shoulder or a little positivity. You're always welcome in the Compassionate TTC Community - every single part of you and your history. There is no judgement, there is no comparison, there is no shame. All of you is welcome. One of the most beautiful offerings of this community is the events. The next one is on tomorrow night (Tuesday 15 Dec) here in Brisbane at Spirit Earth Reiki or online via Zoom. More details can be found here: For tomorrow's event I will be joined by the amazing Nicolette Jane - Hivue Healing with Meditation, Oracle cards and Sound Healing. It is going to be so special. I've experienced Nicolette's beautiful, intuitive healing and am so excited for those who join us. We'll also be giving away Christmas gifts with our generous Lucky Door Prizes for those who attend. Make sure you join us so you can enter the Festive Season with Grace and Joy in your heart. I look forward to seeing you there. With Kindness Belinda xo
05.01.2022 #ruokday2020 Today is R U OK? Day. Initiated by Gavin Larkin in 2009, this charity aims to start life-changing conversations towards the prevention of suicide. They want to create a more connected world.... The rates of suicide are scarily high in our society. According to Lifeline, eight (8) Australians die every day by suicide. That’s more than double the road toll. When you're on the fertility journey you will respond to the hardship of not meeting your own, your partner's or society's expectations in different ways to how others also experience infertility. Your partner is unlikely to experience the process in the same way as you are. Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in how the process is affecting you and your body - especially if your partner has been quiet in the background. But don't make assumptions about how they're feeling and coping - ask your partner 'R U OK?' today. You're invited to check in on them whenever you feel concerned that they haven't been themselves. Here are four simple steps to support you to do so: 1. Ask - Be relaxed, open and concerned in your approach. Help them open up by asking questions like "How are you going?" This is about them, not you. If they're not open to talking to you, then gently check in Is there someone else you’d rather talk to? 2. Listen - Take what they say seriously and don't interrupt or rush the conversation. Don’t judge their experiences or reactions but acknowledge that things seem tough for them. 3. Encourage Action - Ask: How would you like me to support you?" and/ or Ask: What’s something you can do for yourself right now? Something that’s enjoyable or relaxing? 4. Check in - Follow up and be there for them. Genuine care and concern can make a real difference. See the comments below for more information and support links. With Kindness Belinda xo
03.01.2022 I'm going live here tomorrow at midday with the beautiful Kirsty from Kirsty Eng Fertility to talk about all things Fertility and Traditional Chinese Medicine. We'll be chatting about the common issues that Kirsty works with and some tips to support your journey. For anyone wondering whether acupuncture is of benefit when you're trying for a baby, I highly recommend you jump in to listen - any questions you want me to ask, please let me know in the comments or via PM beforeh...and! Kirsty Eng is director of Kirsty Eng Fertility, a well-established fertility and pregnancy focused acupuncture clinic in Brisbane. Kirsty’s passion for helping those who are struggling with infertility arose from her own difficult journey. She now has two beautiful children thanks to the wisdom of traditional Chinese medicine. From working in the field of fertility for 16 years, Kirsty has a deep understanding of the many different paths available to couples trying to conceive. She has held the hands of many women on their unique fertility journeys and understands this difficult emotional rollercoaster. Here is her website link for more information: Kirsty has been my acupuncturist since Nov 2009 and has supported me through many IVF cycles and two pregnancies, and now helps me keep my Endo and Adeno under control - so she holds a very special place in my life! I look forward to sharing Kirsty's insights and knowledge with you tomorrow so you can feel more empowered on your TTC journey! With kindness Belinda xo
02.01.2022 When there's a part of you that knows eating good foods is best for your health and fertility, but you're still tempted by the naughty foods, you've got a motivation challenge on your hands! You just want your logical mind to win over and make life easy! But our subconscious knows how much you enjoy the naughty, it thinks that you are 'safer' feeling happy and fun eating naughty foods! ... Ultimately this limiting belief and ones like it could be holding you back from being the healthiest version of you. I recently worked with a client on her limiting beliefs surrounding her eating habits and had phenomenal results. Have a listen below - I'm a bit excited if you couldn't tell...! With Kindness Belinda xo
01.01.2022 Kirsty shares her experience of treating women and couples through Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. There's so much value in this 20 mins to help you be prepared for your fertility journey. I'm so grateful to Kirsty for sharing her time & knowledge with us this morning - & of course for how she helped me on my own fertilty journey! #fertility #acupuncture #ttccommunity #ttcsupport #infertility #IVF
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