Belgrave and Tecoma Township Group | Community organisation
Belgrave and Tecoma Township Group
Phone: +61 418 332 449
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25.01.2022 LATEST UPDATE - SUNDAY 30 AUGUST 2020 - 11.30am BOILED WATER ADVISORY NOTIFICATION HAS BEEN LIFTED FOR SOUTH EAST WATER CUSTOMERS South East Water, after consul...tation with the Department of Health and Human Services and Melbourne Water, advises customers that the Boil Water Advisory issued on 28 August 2020 is now lifted for all South East Water customers affected by this issue. Water quality testing has confirmed that the water supply in these suburbs is safe to drink: Belgrave Belgrave Heights Belgrave south Boronia Ferntree Gully Knoxfield Lysterfield Selby Tecoma The Basin Tremont Upper Ferntree Gully Upwey It is recommended that customers flush internal taps for two minutes to draw fresh water into their internal plumbing.
24.01.2022 With people working from home now more than ever, this is a timely reminder we need more than 3 metres to pass our vehicles down the street safely. Next time you park your vehicle on the street please take a minute to look and ask yourself, is that more than 3 metres?
24.01.2022 Sorry folks. Stay safe.
23.01.2022 Is #Selby within your 5km bubble?
22.01.2022 Its been a tough year for us all, and we are looking forward to coming out of our stage 4 restrictions soon. We have been overwhelmed with both the genorisity ...of our community and the demands on our meals and support. With the help of our community we have just ticked over 15,000 meals that we have distributed since restrictions commenced in March. Thank you all for your great support. We will continue to support our community and especially those who need an extra hand up in these tough times. Remember, we are all in this together.
22.01.2022 This weatherboard house on Glenfern Road, Ferntree Gully, (near the Ferny Creek) was built in the 1870s. This building was a home, and was later also a general for Elias Ellingson. This business was called the "Junction Store". Elias was born in Norway about 1841, and arrived in Victoria about 1862. In 1865, he married Mary Jane OBrien at Sandridge. Mary died at Scoresby on 5th December 1881, aged 46. Elias died at Scoresby on 1st March 1883. A Magisterial Inquiry was held into the cause of his death by A.W. Rodd J.P. This Inquiry concluded that Elias died of "pure exhaustion brought on by habitual intemperance and accelerated by diarrhoea". Elias and Mary are both buried together at St Kilda Cemetery. Researched by Glen Turnbull See more
21.01.2022 Hello lovely community In view of Dan Andrew’s announcement today - Numbers at outdoor pools increasing Recreational swimming will return... Please bear with me as I wait to hear directly from my governing bodies for full direction Summer is looking bright
21.01.2022 Some of you might know that this is the AFLs annual round recognising and celebrating indigenous players and culture and is named in honour of Sir Doug Nicholl...s. Sir Doug Nicholls , who epitomised the spirit of reconciliation, played 54 games for Fitzroy and was a brilliant all-round athlete. In this 1960s pic , Sir Doug Nicholls is at Bill Onus`s Aboriginal Enterprises shop in Belgrave just down from the Micawber Tavern .
20.01.2022 We have an abundance of different varieties of bread and fruit at Food is Free Tecoma today and some lovely home cooked meals made by our wonderful volunteers. ... Please come and take some to share. On the deck of Tecoma Uniting Church, 1566 Burwood Hwy, Tecoma. All very welcome and you can travel more than 5 kms for food if there is no where else similar closer to you. See more
19.01.2022 Be Kind Check In As part of Councils role in supporting you during COVID-19, we would like to capture your input and experiences of COVID-19 as part of a regular check in with you.
19.01.2022 Burrinja - Have your say about re-opening
18.01.2022 Cr. Thomas Dobson J.P. was born at Sunderland, Durham, England, on 13th February 1840. He arrived in Victoria with his parents and siblings in 1854. Thomas quic...kly went to Ferntree Gully, and became involved in the timber trade. He selected 223 acres of land at Scoresby, which he named as Rushdale. Thomas Dobson resided there from 1878 until his death in 1915. This brick homestead had an iron roof and wide verandahs on two sides. Thomas was elected to the Ferntree Gully Shire Council from 1889 until 1913, including Shire President in 1896/97 and in 1911/12. Thomas had married Emily Harriet Street at St Stephens Mount Waverley on 7th September 1868. The couple had ten children. Thomas died at Rushdale Scoresby on 20th January 1915, aged 74. His wife Emily had died at Rushdale on 31st December 1912. The couple are buried at Ferntree Gully Cemetery. See more
18.01.2022 Clusters of characters on spoons have been putting smiles on the faces of residents across the Yarra Ranges recently. Spoonville is one of the latest Covid-19 crazes that is gaining popularity across the world. It sees the creation of spoon characters that are then placed in clusters across towns.
16.01.2022 EMERGENCY WARNING - BOIL TAP WATER BEFORE CONSUMPTION Yarra Valley Water has issued a water warning notice for more than 80 Melbourne suburbs. Local suburbs affected - #Kalorama #Monbulk #Montrose #MountDandenong #MountEvelyn #Olinda #Silvan #TheBasin
15.01.2022 Driving Through The Hills 1920s Style. How lucky for us? About 90 years ago Mr Robert Juckert took his movie camera with him on a drive through the hills. This ...clip is from another version posted on youtube by Mr Juckerts grandson, Leo Hogan. The Leo Hogan clip is easy enough to find and heres the link . Leo has added a couple of captions to his grandfathers original film, and these have been removed to help enhance the rhythm of the journey. The clip starts in Olinda with the car heading past Quamby cafe, now The Cuckoo Restaurant. The road twists and turns until we arrive at Sassafras. Sassie looks like a popular spot. Just past the pines trees on the left youll see a low building which was the Sassafras Cabaret, before the makeover later in the 30s. The journey continues towards Ferny Creek, passing what may be the church that was once near the corner of Mt Dandenong Tourist Rd and The Crescent. onwards to the junction of Sherbrooke Rd, Mt D Tourist Rd and One Tree Hill Rd, before swinging in to the Ferny Creek reserve. Hilton and Clarkmont seem like empty roads and where are all the trees? The Ferny Creek reserve hall, then known as the Palais de Danse is on the left. See more
15.01.2022 So much to share at the moment! Please feel free to check in with neighbours and others to see if they need anything as well. If youre struggling food wise,... come on down. But even if youre not, and just need a mental health pick me up, let our community offer you a treat! Together weve got this, folks
14.01.2022 An online music festival is set to raise money for struggling musicians and venues in Belgrave over two days in September.
13.01.2022 Belgrave and Tecoma Township Group has launched a community survey giving local people the chance to identify improvements to the area or projects that Belgrave and Tecoma Township Group can look at going forward, including ideas for fundraising and opportunities for volunteering. It is a short survey, so please take part and forward this link on to anyone you know may be interested in taking part. The survey will run over September.
13.01.2022 Many people who live in the Yarra Ranges are lucky to have a variety of marsupials who live in, or visit, their property. From possums and gliders to the little antechinus and more, we share our lives with many fascinating and unique creatures.Learn which common marsupials live in the Yarra Ranges, what makes them special and what we can each do to help protect them and their habitat.
12.01.2022 Customers in the Belgrave area who are connected to a pressure sewer might notice that the water is draining slowly in your sinks and toilets. If your property on any of the streets listed below and youve noticed this happening, please call our Faults and Emergencies team on 132 812. Arbor Ave, Belgrave Avonside Rd, Belgrave South Bartley Rd, Belgrave Heights Bayview Rd, Belgrave Belgrave-Gembrook Rd, Belgrave Cambridge St, Belgrave South Charles St, Selby Chaundy Rd, Belgrave South Clements Ave, Belgrave Heights Colby Dr, Belgrave Heights Creek Rd, Belgrave Denham Rd, Belgrave Heights Elgin Grove, Belgrave Heights Ferndell Court, Belgrave Heights Glen Harrow Heights Rd, Belgrave Heights Glen Rd, Belgrave Heights Harvey St, Belgrave Heights Hawthorn Rd, Belgrave Heights Heath Rd, Belgrave Heights Heather Grove, Belgrave South Keswick Ave, Belgrave Heights Licence Rd, , Belgrave South Lockwood Rd, Belgrave Heights Mt Morton Rd, Belgrave Heights Orana Court, Belgrave Heights Osbourne Ave, Belgrave Heights Park Dr, Belgrave Heights Ryans Rd, Belgrave Heights The Cresent, Belgrave Heights Vale Rd Verona St, Belgrave Heights Vista Rd, Belgrave Heights.
11.01.2022 Will just leave this here folks. Needless to say we Liminality Celtic Trio and the special guests involved are VERY excited indeed! Booking is online
11.01.2022 New fruit and veg store in our community.
11.01.2022 The rather gentle chap is William Henry Terry, after whom Terrys Ave in Belgrave is named. His entry in the Australian Dictionary of Biography reads: "William ...Henry Terry (1836-1913), shopkeeper and spiritualist, was born at Islington, London, son of Thomas Charles Terry (d.1876), manager of the Wood Paving Co., and his wife Martha Ann, ne Smith. He came to Melbourne in 1853 with his father, a brother and a sister. In 1855 the family opened a general store at Flemington on the road to the goldfields. Terry and his father were interested in at least four drapery shops around Melbourne between 1859 and 1866, with no marked success. Like his father, who had been a follower of W. J. Fox, Terry was a free-thinking Unitarian. In the late 1850s the Terrys took up spiritualism, and at Berignys and Crookess circles William discovered that he possessed mediumistic skills. When spiritualism burgeoned in Victoria, Terry and his father forsook drapery selling in 1869 for full-time mediumistic work, and early next year William set up in Russell Street, Melbourne, as spiritualist bookseller, medium, trance and magnetic healer, and clairvoyant herbalist. His busy shop became the headquarters of the movement. In September 1870 he launched under direct spiritual injunction the Harbinger of Light, which became the Australasian organ of the faith. Terry edited the Harbinger until his retirement in 1905, and wrote much of its staple of reports of spiritual phenomena and advocacy of vegetarianism and temperance until he sold the paper in 1907. Steadfast, evidently sincere, and mild in public, Terry was an ideal spokesman for his often absurd and embattled co-devotees. Within the movement he was constructive and hard working. He founded the Progressive Lyceum (childrens Sunday school) in 1872 and taught there until 1889. He sponsored tours by celebrated mediums including Dr Slade and Dr Peebles. The Victorian Association of Progressive Spiritualists (later the Victorian Association of Spiritualists), which he helped establish in 1870, depended upon his administrative and financial acumen for its survival. Terry was elected an honorary member of the British National Association of Spiritualists and in March 1880 became an inaugural fellow and councillor of the Theosophical Society in Australia. In 1893-94 he visited the United States of America as representative of the Australian spiritualist movement. Terry had married Martha Robinson on 7 December 1858. The union was unhappy and he finally obtained a judicial separation in 1874, with custody of eight of their nine children. Aged 77, he died at Malvern, Victoria, on 27 October 1913, and was buried in Melbourne cemetery." In Story of the Dandenongs, Helen Coulson added some local context: "William H. Terry, owner of some 18 acres west of the avenue today bearing his name, was a man much esteemed by the community of the 90s. ... early district residents who consulted him freely in the days when the nearest doctor lived at Oakleigh, recall that Terry diagnosed complaints by holding a watch before a patient and interpreting its oscillations. The route used by his patients was a track made by Dickensons cows, from the Old Store, along the course of current Frame Avenue, emerging at the tower house built by the herbalist on the western side of Terrys Hill. A son, also William, conducted a shop at Kallista." I wonder if Terrys tower house was the same place where Belgrave Grammar School headmistress, Miss A. E White, sustained severe head injuries in July 1931, when she was escorting some children over the tower at her Belgrave residence and slipped through the trapdoor.
11.01.2022 Haiku ProjectCouncil Creative Communities team have started a Haiku Project (Haiku is a short poem). Check out the Haiku instruction video from local writer Lia Hill and add your Haiku. A haiku is an elegant form of unrhymed Japanese poetry, consisting of three lines. Create your own haiku to share your experience during COVID-19.
10.01.2022 A man has died after a tree fell and crushed a car in Belgrave earlier tonight. Victoria Police statement: "A man has died after a tree fell on his car in Belgr...ave this evening (27 August). Investigators have been told a car was leaving a shopping centre carpark when a tree fell and crushed the vehicle at the intersection of Terrys Avenue and Ena Road just after 6pm. The 59-year-old Tecoma man suffered life threatening injuries and has since died. Police will prepare a report for the Coroner. Anyone who witnessed the crash or who may have dashcam footage is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000." #7NEWS
10.01.2022 Fame at last! Weve made it to the big time.
08.01.2022 A few weeks ago we shared a photo of the second Terrys Ave Hill Climb. Heres an article describing the 1926 event which sounds like it might have been the first.
08.01.2022 Not sure if tanker is still there
08.01.2022 Share your COVID-19 experience in Still Life
07.01.2022 Id love our local schools to be doing this during lockdown. Virtually no cost or organising (BTTG happy to do this) and social distancing not an issue. Have contacted schools but no responses yet, although I know things must be manic for them just now.
07.01.2022 Help YRC map the ecology of Yarra Ranges Council is asking landowners to help map plants and wildlife on private properties throughout the Yarra Ranges, with as...sessments being run when restrictions ease. This will inform the next Biodiversity Strategic Plan which will map out Councils actions on protecting and enhancing the native environment in Yarra Ranges. See more
06.01.2022 Council calls for regional Victoria classification
05.01.2022 SOWING SEEDS FOR SPRING webinar Wednesday 26 August, 7pm Spring is almost here, and its time to start sowing seeds for Spring vegetables. Sowing from seed is a... great way to grow some different or unusual varieties. Its also a great skill to learn, and will help you save money on seedlings and become a more self-reliant gardener. To join the webinar, registrations are essential at This event is presented as part of the Gardens for Harvest program for residents of Knox and Yarra Ranges Council.
03.01.2022 Also a member of our local Leaders of Lyster group.
01.01.2022 A new local Youth Health Hub is now offering support to young people through phone and video call.
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