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Bella Bakes Cakes in Ferntree Gully, Victoria | Wedding planning service

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Bella Bakes Cakes

Locality: Ferntree Gully, Victoria

Phone: 0413 087 299

Address: By Appointment Only 3156 Ferntree Gully, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Happy 8th Birthday my sweet little Annie-belle Our junior Potterheads are always gushing over my HP cakes so yesterday was finally Annie's turn (I believe Eli is expecting one too for his next birthday ) I predict 2021 will see a few more wizard worthy creations haha #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #potterhead... #harrypotter #hp #hpfandom #wizardingworldofharrypotter #hogwarts #happeebirthdae #magic #fanfavorite #littlewizards See more

25.01.2022 Check out this amazing set up by Action Events Theming featuring a Cuban cigar cake by yours truly Looks like it would have been a super fun party!!

25.01.2022 B L E S S H E R H E A R T is what I thought when sweet Jayde asked for an Angel themed cake for her birthday earlier this year I truly thought she would ask for another unicorn cake (I've already made 3 )... #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #notanotherunicorncake #angel #angelcake #bless #blessherheart #sweetheart #love #instalove #instaangel #instacake

24.01.2022 Oh man this one was from ages ago but since we have a bit of a theme happening tonight with the #oldschooltvshows let's finish with this #tmnt cake for a true #80skid lol! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #kidscakes #pizzatime #goninjagoninjago #cowabungadude #tmnt #whatsoldisnewagain #turtlepower #teenagemutantninjaturtles #mychildhood

24.01.2022 O. M. G Not sure what to say right now haha! I'm actually just blown away! Nominations are out and it's time to vote for Cake Angel of the year and guess who is on that list Congratulations to ALL the nominees ... Cake Angels has been such an amazing organisation to be a part of these past few years and to be on this list with these gorgeous people and so many wonderful friends has just made my year haha! Thank you thank you thank you to whoever nominated me I'd so love for you all to vote just follow the link...

24.01.2022 Well after what can only be described as an insane April and a rare 20 minutes before school pickup I thought I would share this lovely cake I made a few weeks back for Taylah's 21st I applied a different technique this time with the buttercream and loved it so much it featured on one of my buttercream cakes at the Valley Loves fair last weekend Hope you had an amazing night Taylah! Gorgeous blooms from @edward_and.i... #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #buttercream #soperfect #prettyinpink #delish #celebrate #florals #cakegoals

23.01.2022 Happy 1st Birthday to sweet little Elle I made this gorgeous little narwhal cake a couple of weeks ago for the occasion encrusted with colourful starfish, coral and shells, it was so adorable #bella_bakes_cakes #narwhal #sopretty #soperfect #socute #girlycake #mystical #magical #gorgeous #instacake #toosweettoeat #adorable #melbournecakes

23.01.2022 Happy 40th Birthday Damien! I was so thrilled when Damien's lovely wife approached me to do a Back To The Future cake so much so I (once again) broke my no more cars rule to tick this off my bucket list (I shy away from cars because they are so hard and technical and the perfectionist in me takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r hahaha!) BUT!... I have literally always wanted to make a DeLorean lol! I actually couldn't be more pleased with the result and from the gorgeous message I received thi...s afternoon it was a huge hit all round! . . Will share more detailed photos tomorrow . . #bella_bakes_cakes #bttf #futureboy #greatscott #challengeaccepted #mcfly #nobodycallsmechicken #121gigawatts #88milesperhour #wedontneedroads #geekout #bucketlist #yesitscake #instacake #cakeart #fondtastic #proudaspunch #yesiwatchedallthemovieswhileworkinglol See more

22.01.2022 Can't wait until restrictions on gatherings ease up a bit and people start coming back to me again! In the meantime here's a cutie for a cutie from earlier this year before 'road map' was part of our everyday vocab lol! Hope today brings some good news! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #rememberingthegoodolddays #2020 #fingerscrossed #cutecakes #instacake #t-rex #stomplikeadinosaur #roarlikeadinosaur #letmehearyouroar #dinosaur #dinosaurcake

22.01.2022 Spring is here and fingers crossed us Melbournians will be able to get out and enjoy the sunshine soon too! Hope you have all been keeping well over the last few months, I know it's been a struggle in this house and term 3 is one I'd like to forget lol! I have had one or two little cakes here and there too keep me a little creative but I've spent much of my (non teaching) time working on my shiny new website! Finally! From now on I'll be directing all new enquir...ies through the contact form on my website Here's a little cake I made a couple of weeks ago that I think just oozes sunshine and happiness #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #acdn #melbournecakes #bringonthesunshine #betterdaysarecoming #springhassprung #getmeouttahere

22.01.2022 Happy 40th Birthday Pippa! I hope you had a fantastic night last night I loved making this pretty cake for you! I always love girly cakes! Thank you @kellyscaketoppers for the fast turnaround on the topper always exceptional service! . . #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #sopretty #soperfect #girlycake #rufflesandfrills #sugarflowers #cakestagram #melbournecakes #cakesofinstagram #delish #helloforty

21.01.2022 Happy 2nd Birthday to little Jack Hope you had an amazing day! Was so lovely to see you and your family again I delivered this cutie a couple of weeks ago to the @rchmelbourne on behalf of @cakeangelsau #bella_bakes_cakes #cakeangels #rchmelbourne #heartkids #heartkidsaustralia #toottoot #2birthday #cakesofinstagram #childrenscakes #makingmemories #melbournecakes

21.01.2022 Hope all you Mummas out there have had a sweet morning and an even sweeter afternoon to come! Happy Mothers Day

20.01.2022 Then a few weeks later I made another haha! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #picoftheday #soperfect #mightymorphinpowerrangers #mmpr #green #greenranger #gogopowerrangers #kidscakes #kidscakesmelbourne #happydance

20.01.2022 I hope everyone had a great Australia Day weekend I did think this was a fitting cake to share over the weekend but we had a few wonderful days with mates camping in the bush, relaxing and recharging (with no internet service haha) for the busy year ahead. . . . On a personal note, the last 18 months or so, we as a family have had what you could describe as bit of a 'rough trot' but we have come through it stronger, grateful and ready for what the future brings. My ...own health is finally under control and my mojo is definitely back with it While I was still making the odd cake in 2018, these last couple of months off has done me the world of good. I am taking orders again for 2019 and beyond, but I am only committing to 2-3 cakes a week from this point forward. So all that being said, bring on 2019! I'm looking forward to getting creative again and working with you all to make your special occasions just that little bit sweeter with a cake from me xx Bella #bella_bakes_cakes #aussie #australiaday #straya #lovethiscountry #instacake

20.01.2022 All set up and ready to go! If you're planning your big day this is the place to be! Pop past and say hello

20.01.2022 Happy 6th Birthday Taine! I hope you had a wonderful party over the weekend I was so excited when Taine's lovely mum contacted me about doing this Lion Guard theme! While I don't know the show well I have always been a big fan of The Lion King and in all these years I can not believe I've not had the pleasure of making a cake in this theme lol! Well now I have Ombre buttercream style with fondant details finished off with the cutest little set of toy figures Taine was one very happy little customer! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #socute #kidscakes #childhood #makingcakes #makingmemories #happybirthday #lovemyjob

18.01.2022 T A K I N G O R D E R S Never have I appreciated my kids teachers more than I have these last few months Do you have special teacher you'd love to thank? ... 10 minis $12 (bagged) 25 minis $25 (boxed) 50 minis $45 (boxed) All orders come with a gift tag 'You are Amazing' or 'Best Teacher Ever' Orders close Thursday 8th October 5pm Sunday 11th afternoon delivery Free within 10km of Ferntree Gully (small fee outside of this area) *colours may vary slightly #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #teacher #teacherappreciation #teachersareawesome #weloveourteachers #thanksalatte #backtoschool #nomorehomeschool #whoopwhoop #happydance #celebrate #mummashadenough #cookies #instacookie #cookietime

17.01.2022 BAKE SALE NOW ON! Prices listed on last page! Only limited numbers are available so don't delay! . I will have cupcakes available too but still working on the designs. Will share those tomorrow. .... Cakes are just examples of some I have done I will share more tomorrow . #bella_bakes_cakes #christmasbaking #christmasiscoming #jinglebells #naughtyandnice #sweets #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #gingerbreadhouse #yummy #lollies See more

17.01.2022 So humbled right now to be named as one of the 3 finalists for the Cake Angel of the year award! While making special cakes for these gorgeous kids is not about the accolades gee it would be nice to win Thanks to everyone who sent a vote my way already I'd love it so much if you could vote one last time for the win!

16.01.2022 I was going to share a little about my story over the last few years but instead I'll just say thank you to my village who were there for me in my time of stress, anxiety and depression. Opening up is hard, battling alone is harder. There is always a rainbow after the storm and while some days are still hard I know the sunshine will come back again ... #startaconversation #itsokaynottobeokay #ruok

16.01.2022 Ready for some boys cakes! I will never get sick of these superhero themes! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #superhero #classics #allthefavourites #boys #kidscakes #kidscakesmelbourne #instacake #cakestagram #cakesofinstagram #alwaysbebatman

15.01.2022 This was unbelievably my first power ranger's cake! Can't believe it took so long to get a request for one lol! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #redranger #mightymorphinpowerrangers #gogo #90skids #whatsoldisnewagain #red #mmpr

15.01.2022 Over weekend I had the great privilege of creating and gifting this awesome cake to a very special young man on his 18th Birthday on behalf of @cakeangelsau It was such a thrill seeing his reaction upon seeing this life size to scale @playstation cake Harrison I hope you had the most fantastic birthday It was so lovely meeting you and your gorgeous Mum on Friday! . . Swipe to see a close up of the front funnily enough my favourite part of this cake was the tinies...t of details including the usb ports! I know... Small things . . #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #cakeangels #warmandfuzzies #feelgood #lovewhatyoudo #cakelove #3dcakes #yesitscake #happybirthday #gamer #playstation #playstation4 #ps4 #sony #sonyplaystation #ps4fans #fifa18 #dragonballxenoverse #nba2k18 See more

15.01.2022 Some one is expecting Earlier this week I had the great privilege of creating a super exciting cake for a very special reveal I wonder what it will bee ... I'll give you a clue Wishing you both all the happiness in the world xxx #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #whatwillbabybee #excitingnews #babycakes #genderreveal #bucketlist # #socute #cakesofinstagram #instacake #cutestcakeever #love

15.01.2022 I am in love! This week, not only did I get to meet the amazing @chefbennyrivera of @citycakes (OMIGOSH) I took part in his 2 day workshop to learn the secrets behind his original design #flybyland, a cake I instantly feel in love with when I first saw it What an amazing experience! Big thanks to @kylierichardsmr and @cakedecoratingcentral for bringing this class to Melbourne! I had an awesome time xox #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #ACDN #instacake #cakestagram #cakesofinstagram #challengeaccepted #challengecompleted #cheetah #yesthatsacake #gravitydefying #allthosespots #fangirl #cakemates #funtimes #exhausted #lol

15.01.2022 Anyone else having a snoozy Sunday? I'm 2 coffees in and still in my pjs I've always said Koalas and Sloths are my son's spirit animals, perhaps they are mine too haha! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #koalacake #slothcake #spiritanimal #koalaandsloth #theyhavetherightidea #snoozysunday #lazylikeasundaymorning #isitstillmorning #needmorecoffee

14.01.2022 Yes another one Paw Patrol is obviously a bit with our preschool clients lol! I loved combining the classic drip/lolly cake with this theme! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #kidscakesmelbourne #kidscakes #pawpatrolparty #pawpatrolcake #cakelove #dripcake #lollycake #delish

14.01.2022 So two years ago I was lucky enough to be able to take a class with one of my all time favourite cake idols @liz_marek (seriously how was that two years ago lol!!) in which we sculpted these gorgeous fairies Angelina as I named her is still sitting pride of place up on my shelf watching me as I work This coming weekend she will be joined by another (hopefully) fabulous creation as I attend a class with another of my favourite cake idols, the amazingly talented @chefbennyrivera OMG please don't let me fan girl too much #bella_bakes_cakes #acdn #cakedecoratingcentral #challengeaccepted #fangirl #classjunkie #nerveskickingin #cakeswithfriends #justforme #happybirthdaytome #arrgghhh #soexcited

14.01.2022 T H E O N E W H E R E... one of your lobsters turns 30 Happy ISO Birthday Stacy Hope you are having the most brilliant day! Love you so much ... Can't wait until we can all celebrate in person #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #isobirthday #anotherisobirthday #bucketlistcakes #friendstvshow #netflix #chandlerbing #joeytribbiani #monicageller #phoebebuffay #rachelgreen #rossgeller #redross #centralperk #illbethereforyou #pivot #howyoudoin #itsamoopoint #misschanandlerbong #ohmygod #sevensevensevenseven #couldibewearinganymoreclothes #wewereonabreak #joeydoesntsharefood #youremylobster #unagi #princessconsuelabananahammock #crapbag

14.01.2022 OMG sooo many photos I've not got around to sharing I really must catch up! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #kidscakes #pawpatrolparty #pawpatrolcake #cakelove #cakestagram #instacake #cakesofinstagram

14.01.2022 All ready for the @valleyloves wedding fair tomorrow! #carsituation #drivelikeanana #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #yarravalleyweddingcakes #yarravalleyweddings #yarravalleycakes #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #picoftheday #allyouneedislove #valleyloves #valleylovesweddingfair

13.01.2022 So big news! Argh I'm so excited!! People ask me all the time if I run classes. The short answer is I'd love to teach my designs but I simply do not have the room! NOW IS YOUR CHANCE!!! Blow me down I was invited to teach at this year's @cakebakesweets and knowing how much people would love the sweet unicorn cake I shared last night (it's been hugely popular in cakey circles since I shared it a couple of weeks ago) I came up with a similar design specifically for the show! In... this 4 hour class you will learn some watercolour painting techniques, how to piece together a sweet image using templates and create simple edible wafer paper flowers! All for only $160 CAN YOU BELIEVE IT!! And after you can have a wander around the fabulous show and check out all the amazing retailers and talent Seriously always one of my favourite events in the year! To book follow the link and look for me! Can't wait to see you there! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #cakedecoratingcentral #cakeclass #cakebakesweetsshow #unicorncake #watercolourcake #waferpaper #imadethis #youcantoo #workshop

13.01.2022 Happy 9th Birthday Caitlin! Hope you had an amazing day!! A little birdie told me you almost cried when you saw your cake haha It been years since I made my last Tardis so when Caitlin's mum asked for one I jumped at the chance! It's funny revisiting themes you did in your early days and while I loved my original one this does show just how far I've come #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #3dcakes #cakeart #cakeartistry #doctor #doctorwho #tardis #whovian #whovianfandom #bbc #doctorwhofandom #time #fondtastic #instacake #cakeporn #cakegoals

12.01.2022 Happiest of Birthdays to my little mate Josh! His face when he saw this cake was priceless! Was a little nervous getting this one right as it's been a couple of years since my last 3D car but he turned out pretty awesome! #bella_bakes_cakes #kachow #vroomvroom #yesitscake #instacake #awesome #melbournecakes #soperfect #offandracing #95

12.01.2022 Them new shoe feels Found these pretties at @nike @harbourtowngc last week, just HAD to have them and I'm in looove! #nike #fitness #motivate #health #newme #parrots #colouryourlife #happyshoes #theymatchmyhair #wanttomakethemincake #ihaveissues #lmao

10.01.2022 SPECIAL EVENT! BELLA BAKES CAKES CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE Sweet cookie treats... 9pm tonight 16.12.19 Limited stock so get in quick! Prices starting at $5 Prices as listed on each photo To purchase comment sold and the quantity you require under photos. Payment via bank transfer only Collection available all this week

10.01.2022 Congratulations to Jarrod who scored himself a role in @murielsweddingthemusical at @hmt_melb His very proud mum contacted me recently to organise a cake to celebrate his big debut and well I was pretty excited haha! It's always been one of my favourite movies and gosh I hope I get a chance to see the musical! If the reviews are anything to go by its one not to be missed! #bella_bakes_cakes #murielsweddingthemusical #hermajestystheatre #melbournecity #whatsoninmelbourne #youreterriblemuriel #asgoodasdancingqueen #whatacoincidence #youreadorkable #abba #melbournecakes #cakesofinstagram

09.01.2022 Following from my cookie post this morning Cupcakes added! Vanilla Cupcakes with delicious Vanilla Buttercream Box of 4 $20, Box of 6 $28

09.01.2022 I also couldn't resist making some matching HP cookies for my little cookie monster haha #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #potterhead #harrypotter #hp #hpfandom #wizardingworldofharrypotter #hogwarts #happeebirthdae #magic #fanfavorite #littlewizards

09.01.2022 T H R O W B A C K T H U R S D A Y So who else has been watching Cobra Kai? I'm obsessed Also can't believe I'm suddenly team Johnny Definitely have to revisit the Karate Kid movies with my 11 year old son though, too many references went over his head for my liking lol! Especially the Miyagi pearls of wisdom haha! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #cobrakai #cobrakainetflix #netflix #bingewatching #isotimespentwell #80s #classics #karatekid #rippatmorita #mrmiyagi #danielson #waxonwaxoff #teamjohnny #teamdaniel #karate #throwbackthursday

09.01.2022 H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #cakedecoratingcentral #melbournecakes #halloween #happyhalloween #trickortreat #boo #spooky #spookyseason #cookiesofinstagram #halloweencookies

08.01.2022 A few weeks ago I made this gorgeous cake for my little friend Jayde who turned 7 last month. This is the 3rd time I've made a unicorn cake for her now so I wanted to do something a little different for her to all the usual unicorn cakes out there I came up with this sweet little design just for her! It was just so pretty! The photo doesn't quite do it justice, it was so shimmery in real life #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #cakedecoratingcentral #watchthisspace #cakebakesweets #excitingnews #sopretty #soperfect #girlycake #omg #pastels #watercolour #waferpaper #cakesofinstagram #unicorncake #ibelieveinunicorns #magical #sweetsformysweet #cakelove

08.01.2022 So many pretties today at Valley Loves

07.01.2022 I met a real life superhero this weekend Oren is from far northern NSW but is spending 5 weeks at @rchmelbourne receiving some pretty intense treatment after being diagnosed with leukaemia in August. Join me in sending him some love on his 13th Birthday Wishing you all the best and hope to hear some good news real soon Thanks to @bakemeupaus for supplying me with cakes for this last minute request on behalf of @cakeangelsau #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #cakeangels #fuckcancer #superhero

07.01.2022 B A B Y F A C E C O O K I E S what a sweet way to share some exciting news! These cookies were given to family and friends to announce a baby on the way but if you swipe you will see they also revealed another surprise #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #acdnmembershare #melbournecakes #cookies #cookiesofinstagram #instacookie #cookiereveal #genderreveal #genderrevealcookies #itsaboy #congratulations #mumtobe #dadtobe #babyontheway #babyboy #sosweet #socute #babycookies #babyshower

06.01.2022 Ok seriously how did I not share this last year I made this for my gorgeous godson for his first birthday and we are about to celebrate his 2nd birthday! I was sooo happy with how it turned out too lol! #ineedasocialmediamanager #lol #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #kidscakesmelbourne #kidscakes #heyduggee #thiswastraumatictocut #sorrybrooke

06.01.2022 P A W F E C T C A K E for a pooch loving friend We love you Rosanna Full disclosure here I cheated a little and skipped the whole baking step instead using a delicious @bakemeupaus Caramel Mud always available at @cakedecoratingcentral ... Also tested out a new product, #overthetopfondant which smells amazing, is absolutely delish and lovely to use! And thanks to my friend Karen @lickthebowlcakesmelbourne for the amazing photo natural born photographer haha! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #bakemeup #cakedecoratingcentral #worldofcake #puppylover #pawfect #poochsmooch #puppycake #toocutetocut #longlunch #piggedout #ateallthethings

06.01.2022 T H R O W B A C K T H U R S D A Y Gorgeous Michael is 7 years old now so it's from quite a while ago it still puts such a smile on my face though Remember all cake enquiries head to my website #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #pawpatrol #pawpatrolcake #pawpatrolparty #pawpatroltothelookout #pawpatroltotherescue #pawpatrolisonaroll #chaseisonthecase #nojobistobig #nopupistoosmall #stillrememberthecatchphrases #lol #throwbackthursday

06.01.2022 If you are looking for a little gift for Mother's Day this Sunday I have some super cute cookie sets available you can order either by private message or by commenting on the photo of that you'd like to order. Need to finalise numbers by Thursday 5pm $20 per set with contactless collection available Saturday, free local delivery to you or direct to mum on Saturday afternoon. Small fee outside this area I will add some cupcakes to this post a little later this afternoon when school is out for the day Enjoy the sunshine! X Cupcakes added! Vanilla Cupcakes with delicious Vanilla Buttercream Box of 4 $20, Box of 6 $28

06.01.2022 In the 23 years I have known my hubby he has never been without a pair of red Chucks so last year for his birthday he got.... #chucks #yesitiscake #obsessed #shoecake #allstars #converse #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #noveltycake

05.01.2022 After shivering through what was apparently Melbourne's coldest June day since 1985 I thought I'd share one of this weekend's cakes that had me dreaming of warm summer days and chilling at the beach Olivia I hope you had an amazing time celebrating your 13th birthday with your friends! Donated with a whole lot of love on behalf of @cakeangelsau #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #cakedecoratingcentral #cakeangels #bringbacksummer #warmdays #kombilove #surfsup #beachdays #summerloving #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #picoftheday #soperfect #sopretty #girlycake #cakelove #cakegoals

05.01.2022 Peeps keep asking me lately what I've been up to short answer is OMG I've been doing ALL of the things Hopefully I can catch you up on happenings soon (cos some of it has been AMAZING) but I simply couldn't finish this weekend without sharing what I did today! Or more important, what these lovely ladies did today @cakebakesweets is done for another year but not before I got to teach my first half day CBSS workshop this afternoon! Everyone did a fabulous job and... hopefully learnt lots! Most importantly we all had fun! So proud of you all! Cakes ALL looked brilliant . . . Thanks to @cakedecoratingcentral and @kylierichardsmr for all your hard work supplying everything and making sure all the workshops ran smoothly love you so much! Also thanks @adrientrevillian for being my right hand today, you are totes the best Now to get some rest before another crazy crazy week #watchthisspace . . . #bella_bakes_cakes #cakebakesweets #cakebakesweetsshowmelbourne #sweetunicorn #melbournecakes #socute #sopretty #ibelieveinunicorns #cakedecoratingcentral #timeforbed #lol See more

05.01.2022 CHRISTMAS BAKE SALE! Doing things a little different this year . Join me on Friday at 5pm on insta and fb!... . Up for grabs will be a very limited number of my very popular large and small Gingerbread houses, cakes and cupcakes, cookies and a couple of other goodies for those last minute gifts . . #bella_bakes_cakes #christmasbaking #christmasiscoming #jinglebells #naughtyandnice #sweets #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #homemade #shopsmallbusiness #bakesale See more

04.01.2022 Noticing a pattern now haha! I love how those shows we loved as kids are still loved by our kids! Transformers this time! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #kidscakesmelbourne #kidscakes #optimusprime #morethanmeetstheeye #transformers #80skids #childhoodfavourite

04.01.2022 What a busy couple of weeks in the kitchen since returning home from our big family Qld holiday! I'll share some photos tomorrow of some cakes that have gone out in the last 2 weeks but in the meantime I'll just leave this here... Thanks to everyone paying their deposits quickly! Remember dates are only confirmed once the deposit has been paid and I can only hold dates for a few days from quote being sent And just to let everyone know that yes I do have credit card fa...cilities YAY! Also a big huge thank you to those patiently waiting on designs and quotes. I am currently working through June enquiries and beyond now. Xx Bel #itsgoodtobebusy #lol #bella_bakes_cakes

03.01.2022 What a week! Last night we celebrated my hubby's 40th Birthday with a big party at home with family and friends I started thinking about his cake about a month ago and was so completely stuck for ideas. I make him a special cake every year and well this one had to be bigger and better so the pressure was on and I was coming up with nada lol! Thank you to my gorgeous friend @cookezbyerin for suggesting a bobble head and setting the challenge lol! Matt is a huge @utahjazz fan... and his favourite player is @joeingles7 so I set about pretending to make an Ingles inspired @popvinyl only to change the details at the last minute making him look like the old boy instead (minus the grey hair ) He thought the whole thing was pretty funny and the cake was a huge hit! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #cakedecoratingcentral #cakestagram #instacake #cakegoals #3dcakes #yesitscake #happybirthday #nba #nbacake #lovethisgame #utahjazz #takenote #jazznation #popvinyl #funkopop #turning40 #overthehill #noveltycakes #gravitycake #challengeaccepted

02.01.2022 Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas! I will be back answering messages and emails very soon! I am taking orders again now life has settled down a bit Bring on 2018! #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #melbournebaker #cakesmelbourne #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake #picoftheday #letitsnow #frostythesnowman #itsthemostwonderfultimeoftheyear #merrychristmas #newyearnewstart

01.01.2022 Sticking with the Paw Patrol cakes, another one I made awhile back that I absolutely loved #bella_bakes_cakes #acdnmember #melbournecakes #pawpatrolparty #pawpatrolcake #kidscakesmelbourne #kidscakes #soperfect #fun #colourful #cakesofinstagram #cakestagram #instacake

01.01.2022 Molly Coppini you know I love you! This is absolutely incredible! I want to be you when I grow up lol! Happy birthday Bella

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