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Bellbowrie District Baptist Church

Phone: +61 416 518 701


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24.01.2022 Just to let you know that we are meeting at Moggill School again this Sunday at 9:30 am for our worship service. Peter Springall will bring the message. We have good songs chosen. We will encourage and bless each other in the Lord. The seating arrangements are a bit different at this time, but good. Everyone helped clear away after service last Sunday, which was great. Also, we plan to have the 2021 Creation Calendar available this Sunday; you can take a copy.

23.01.2022 A worthwhile read.

22.01.2022 A worthy read - please take some time to consider the practical steps given and how they can add to your life in the days ahead.

21.01.2022 Some helpful insights for those who desire to get a lot from the Word of God.

20.01.2022 For those questioning the Christian Faith, take a moment to hear what Ravi has to share.

19.01.2022 I ask you to take 15 min's out of your day to listen to this, and take it to heart.

18.01.2022 Here are some of the amazing knitted rugs/blankets completed by the ladies of the CKC group. The rugs are stunning, with reds and greens and other wonderful colours. So, 21 rugs are now ready for delivery to the Children's hospital. We pronounce a blessing on each rug that every child who uses a rug will be blessed, uplifted, and reminded of God's love for them.

17.01.2022 At the grocery store this morning and heard a loud crash and something shattering. Being nosy, I walked towards the sound and saw some people whispering and loo...king back to the end of the next aisle. When I walked down that aisle, I saw an older lady had hit a shelf and many things had fallen to the ground and broke. She was kneeling on the floor embarrassed, frantically trying to clean up. I felt so bad for her, and everyone was just standing there staring at her. So I went and knelt beside her and told her not to worry and started helping her pick up the broken pieces. After about a minute, the store manager came and knelt beside us and said, Leave it, we will clean this up. The lady, totally embarrassed said, I need to pay for all this first. The manager smiled, helped her to her feet and said, No ma’am, we have insurance for this, you do not have to pay anything! If you have read this far, I would like for you to give me a minute. Wherever you are, close your eyes, and imagine God doing the same for you! Collecting the pieces of your broken heart from all the blows life has thrown at you. The bill for your faults, sin and folly has already been paid through the precious blood of Christ. God will heal all your wounds. He wants to gently lift you to your feet again, clean up your mess, and pick up all the broken pieces. He wants to heal you! He wants to take care of your soul! We can have that same insurance and it’s called GRACE! Share if you were blessed. Somebody say amen

17.01.2022 Rise above discouragement. Jesus Christ makes the difference. Church is a good place to connect, learn, and experience His presence. This Sunday, 1 November, we are going to meet again for church at Moggill School at 9:30am. Come along. Be part of the event. Pastor Neil will bring a message on The Regenerating Role of The Holy Spirit. The Bible passage is John 16: 13-16. It is the first Sunday of the month and so we will also celebrate the Lord’s Table. As you come we will have a lovely time together. After the service last Sunday a few of us went to a local Café and had a good time. We would like to build the sense of community in our church and so we would like to visit the café again this Sunday.

17.01.2022 A worthwhile reflection from "He Loves Me: Learning to live in the Fathers affection by Wayne Jacobsen. "God does not often do the things we think His love would compel Him to do for us. He often seems to stand by with indifference while we suffer. How often does He seem to disappoint our most noble expectations? But perception is not necessarily reality. If we define God only in our limited interpretation of our own circumstances, we will never discover who He really is."

16.01.2022 For all those who have been asking - "Yes," we are again meeting at Mogill State School at 9:30 am. Looking forward to seeing you there. Please note: We are also meeting under a COVID Safe Plan, and as such, safety protocols will need to be observed by all those who attend. We would also ask, if you are feeling unwell please stay home and get tested if required. Because we care for you, please go one step further and let us know if you are unwell, because we would love to pray for you. With affection, Pastor Neil.

15.01.2022 Can I ask you today? What is your reaction to the term used within Christian churches as The gospel of Jesus Christ? Do you know that this message is a message of hope, a message that can lead you into the greatest friendship that you could ever know? Do you have a deep uneasiness that you are no result of a random evolutionary process, but someone who has meaning and purpose in life? Are you deeply desiring to be loved unconditionally? As per the words of Wayne Jacobsen;... The friendship Jesus shared with His disciples was the model for the relationship He extends to you. He wants to be the voice that steers you through every situation, the peace that sets your troubled hearts at rest, and the power that holds you up in the storm. He wants to be closer than your dearest friend and more faithful than any other person you’ve ever known. Today, do not hastily reject the message and promise that Jesus offers you in the Bible, be informed before you make your choice. ‘An informed decision is the best decision’ - don’t reject the message of Jesus without first being informed as to its message, because it has the power to change your life. If you want to find out more about who Jesus was and what the Bible say’s about you, and how much God loves you, then please contact B.D.B.C via messenger. We would love to enter into this conversation with you, ‘unconditionally and without pressure,’ to share with you this very important message of ‘the gospel of Jesus Christ’. See more

14.01.2022 We had a lovely time yesterday at church. The singing was uplifting. We had a lot of fun. People arrived early and there was much fellowship and talking going on before service. There was a great prayer time. Plus Peter brought a powerful message on the Holy Spirit. He unpacked Romans 8:15-16: "... the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children." has to be one of the most profound, powerful, and liberating facts to discover about ourselves and our relationship with our Creator. It relates to the universe, its purpose, and our place in it. This video below gives a beautiful insight into the father son relationship. Our heavenly father enjoys his relationship with us, and we with Him. What do you think? Did you have a relationship with your father like that? Tell us in the comments below. [posted by Tas] See more

13.01.2022 I'm not sure if you have heard the latest situation in California where the government is trying to shut down John MacArthur's church. they keep dragging him into court and threatening him with huge fines. Here is a recent interview about the situation. It's interesting. [Posted by Tas]

12.01.2022 As we look toward all that the Lord has for us in 2020.

12.01.2022 Have you ever entertained thoughts about Jesus’s call to obedience as being a little authoritarian, or a little oppressive or restrictive? Have you ever considered that God is in some way a kill-joy? Could this be because you have not yet been convinced that God has your best at heart when He calls you to obedience? What would we do if we not only knew God’s will for us, but were deeply convinced with our heart, that due to His immense love for us, this call to obedience is ...the best for us? Would this conviction change the way we understand His will for us, and how we act toward it? How wonderful would it be to have, not just a knowledge of the truth, but such a driving conviction of the truth, that we don’t want to do anything else but obey Christ. This Sunday I will be preaching on the Convincing Role of the Holy Spirit in Salvation. Come this Sunday to hear this message: 9:30am Moggill State School look for the signs. If you continue to follow my teaching, you are really my disciples and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:31b-32), (NET Translation).

08.01.2022 Our church service this Sunday (6 September) will be at Moggill State School at 9:30am. We met there last Sunday and it went really well. The seating arrangements were different but it worked great. We had a wonderful time. We hope to see you on Sunday.

07.01.2022 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT! (yes it is!!) ANEW CONFERENCE 2020 - MAPLETON 27th - 29th NOVEMBER EXPRESSIONS OF INTEREST We are considering running a conference at QC...CC Mapleton in November and need to know how many would be interested in attending. Cost is $165, it will be a full Covid safe conference and it will be an awesome time of catching up and spending some special time with God. Before we make a final decision we need to know how many will come so just click on the link below and fill out the form if you're interested. We would so love to see you there! Cathyx

07.01.2022 The Lord’s Perfect Timing. Have you ever found yourself reflecting on what it may have been like to have been around at the time of Jesus? Maybe you have also wondered what it may have been like to be one of His disciples, to sit with Him and talk with Him. It is possible you have considered that life may have been so different if you had walked with Jesus during those times, and maybe you have considered what it may have been like being numbered as one of those dynamic early... Christians, and wondered if you can have this now. Looking back can leave us feeling a sense of dissatisfaction of the present, and not fully appreciating what God has called you to now, and what He has equipped you to do. Jesus wants each believer today, to be empowered by His Spirit, the same Holy Spirit who filled His disciples. His Spirit lives in us today, and fellowships with us - God’s best time for us to be alive is now! Being too preoccupied with the past, or too focused on the future will only distract us from the present. God has much work for us now, and He has provided all we need to carry that work out now! Come this Sunday to learn how God works in us, and in this world through transformation. Pastor, Neil. See more

05.01.2022 Looking toward 2020, the question needs to be asked; what will be the source of your strength? Take time to read this article before you answer this question.

04.01.2022 This Sunday again we 'met' together for our worship service. It was so good catching up with everyone and being able to say hello. We also joined together at the Lord's table but each in our own home, which was a very special occasion. Plus, we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ on this Easter Sunday. If anyone would like to join in Zoom church with us next week please send a message and we can let you know the connection details.

04.01.2022 "Sealed with a seal" Have you seen in movies how a letter or document is sealed with a wax seal? Often this was carried out with a stamp that depicted a crest or royal insignia. The purpose of such a seal was to authenticate and guarantee the contents of the letter or document. It was also employed to reveal by who’s authority the letter was written by, and to ensure safe passage to its destination. Within Scripture we are portrayed as a letter that has been sealed by the Holy Spirit. Please come this Sunday to Bellbowrie District Baptist Church to hear the message of The Sealing Role of the Holy Spirit. We meet at the Mogill State School at 9:30am Sunday look out for the signs, all are welcome.

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