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25.01.2022 Take some time to rest and recover. You don't always have to be so busy, pushing yourself hard day in day out... Step back and take time to take care of yourself. This is the perfect time of year. These moments will add value, energy and creativity to everything you do!

25.01.2022 The ATO have been very vocal about cryptocurrency being on their radar this year - more so than ever! Tax agents have been advised that the ATO have increased their data collection from designated cryptocurrency service providers as part of their data matching program. It's important to keep good records of all your crypto transactions so that any relevant capital gains can be determined and reported on your tax return. ... #crypto #capitalgainstax #30June #taxtime #taxreturn #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting See more

22.01.2022 Remember this is YOUR mountain. Don’t lose sight of your purpose and what matters to you! Stop worrying about judgement and let go of the should be mentality. Focus on the reason why you started and build from there . #keepfocused #ignorejudgement #why #yourmountain #purpose #womeninbusiness #smallbusiness #sme #charteredaccountant #taxagent #brisbaneaccountants #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax

21.01.2022 What a year it's been - I'm glad it's nearly over! It's been tough for everyone and a lot of us are different people compared to this time last year. I'm so proud of all my clients and the way they have adjusted to overcome such intense challenges this year. I truly hope 2021 is better for everyone. Rest up, enjoy some downtime, and here's to a happy and healthy 2021 for all.

21.01.2022 One of my main goals is consistency. . . Consistent brand Consistent effort... Consistent messaging Consistent standards Consistent management And the biggest outcome of all of this... consistent results! . . #consistencyiskey #womeninbusiness #businessjourney #taxtipsandtricks #humpdaymotivation #smallbusinessowner #sme #dowhatyoulove #grangeaccountant #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax

20.01.2022 It’s nearly tax year-end again, time to start thinking about those pre 30 June jobs on the to-do list. . . Are you topping up your super this year? .... . If you have a rental property, is your property depreciation report in place so as to maximise your building write-off deductions? . . Are you gathering your receipts for donations, work related expenditure and home office claims now to help ensure your tax agent can claim the maximum allowable deductions for you? . . . . #womeninbusiness #taxtime #taxreturns #taxpreparationservice #grangeaccountant #taxtipsandtricks #smallbusinesssupport #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax See more

20.01.2022 Anyone else feel like this? . Document management solutions are here to stay. Hubdoc is fantastic software which captures data from financial documents and converts it into transactions in Xero. No need to keep all those paper records anymore! . Best of all it’s free if you are on a Xero business edition plan. ... . #documentmanagementsolutions #hubdoc #xero #paperless #integration #streamlineprocesses #taxtime #charteredaccountant #savetime #30june #taxagent #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax See more

19.01.2022 We all have the power to create our own happiness with a positive mindset. It’s Monday, time to create some new goals and achieve something amazing this week! . . #mondaymotivation #ilovemondays #newstart #lovewhatyoudo #newgoals #newweek #brisbaneaccountants #charterdaccountant #taxagents #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax

18.01.2022 Do you find yourself endlessly tweaking your projects and never quite getting finished? The key to moving ahead is following through. Being a perfectionist can be your worst enemy and honestly, it's boring. It keeps us from ever being done! I'm not saying you shouldn't strive to be your best and achieve great results, but learning to follow through and finish things is a hugely important skill that should be one of your top priorities i...n business. It definitely is for me! #getitdone #motivation #followthrough #lovewhatyoudo #doneisbetterthanperfect #taxtime #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting See more

17.01.2022 Happy End of Financial Year! Let the craziness of tax season begin... #taxtime #30june #eofy #taxseason #loveyouraccountant #brisbaneaccountants #celebration #newstarts #1july #lovewhatyoudo #womensupportingwomen #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax

17.01.2022 Do you need to prepare and lodge a tax return this year? There could be a number of things you should consider as a direct result of the world we are living in right now. - Have you done any work from home and are entitled to extra deductions for your home office running costs?... - Have you received any other Government benefits that need to be taken into consideration for tax purposes (for example, JobSeeker and JobKeeper payments?) If you need assistance, we can help! #Jobkeeper #jobseeker #taxreturnpreparation #taxlodgements #taxtime #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting See more

16.01.2022 It's Friday and that means cute puppy dogs and champagne! Have a wonderful weekend everyone. #TGIF #ItsFriday #Fridayfun #popthechampagne #weekendvibes #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting

16.01.2022 Homeschooling over? () . If you are anything like me, productivity has increased ten fold this week! Don’t forget the basics to help you stay focused and on track. . Some of my rituals include:... . ~ Starting the day with a good breakfast (and coffee!) . ~ Exercising daily (even a 15 minute session does the trick) . ~ Making to-do lists () . ~ Giving myself deadlines (stuck or stale?..move on and come back). . ~ Keeping a tidy desk (I always pack my desk away at the end of each day so I can start afresh in the morning) . ~ One thing at a time (I try to resist multitasking and complete 1 job at a time) . #backtowork #homeschoolisover #focusedworking #motivation #productive #smallbusiness #sme #taxtime #brisbaneaccountants #taxagent #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax See more

15.01.2022 Wise words from the legend himself @simonsinek! I love seeing the community come together during these difficult times. Neighboring cafes offering to help each other out (WOW!!), loads of coffee and takeaways consumed from local cafes and restaurants, words of support on socials in abundance. It's so very heartwarming to see. Beyond excited for the Brisbane lockdown to end at 6pm tonight. Extra special shout out to my hair and beauty cli...ents who have literally been stopped in their tracks the last few days. Nearly there guys xx @bohobeautybrisbane @tribe_hair @maneroom__ @hairbychloealyce @anyasullivan_hair @bellabeautyprofessional @prettyinthecity15 @colourme.stacey @jess_tribe_hair #endlockdowns #COVID-19 #hairandbeautybrisbane #30June #taxtime #taxreturn #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting See more

15.01.2022 It’s important to remember that every decision and action you take should contribute to accomplishing a greater purpose for your business. . . Your business operates like a machine, and whether it works efficiently or not depends on the stability and smooth function of all its parts. .... #mondaymotivation #womeninbusiness #taxtipsforentrepreneurs #consistencyiskey #smallbusiness #sme #charteredaccountant #taxagent #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax See more

13.01.2022 Wishing all the amazing mothers out there a wonderful Mother’s Day 2020 full of sleep ins, cups of tea, breakfasts in bed and general all day pampering! . . #mothersday #pamperyourmum #relaxation #selfcare #love #giftsformum #

12.01.2022 Life and work can get pretty darn exhausting. It takes a lot of discipline to get the balance right without constantly approaching burn out point. Trying to be 100% hustle all the time can be overwhelming, but guess what? It's totally okay to take 2 steps forward, 1 step back. It's so much better than taking no steps at all. Don't misinterpret resting for laziness. It's called resting so you don't quit - and it's super important! #balance #rest #worklifebalance #lovewhatyoudo #taxreturnpreparation #taxlodgements #taxtime #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting

11.01.2022 So many Australians have lost their jobs over the past couple of months. Not only is it a job for many, but an identity. This horrific situation has left a lot of people wondering, what now? An opportunity to pause can be a great time to take stock of what you want your future to look like. Try not to let a situation like this stop you from doing what you love. . . I know I’m always looking for any excuse to follow my dreams! .... . . #womeninbusiness #businessowner #followyourdreams #dontgiveup #backtobusniess #dreamjob #makeithappen #taxagent #smallbusinesssupport #sme #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax

10.01.2022 Do you use checklists? I am super old-school with my love of pen and paper and I'm proud of it! Without a checklist, I would be lost. It's my own personalised to-do list, refined daily to ensure I hit my goals and meet deadlines. It keeps me on track and efficient, plus I love the thrill of checking off the jobs as the week goes on. ... #checklist #prioritiseyourwork #efficiency #taxlodgements #taxtime #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting See more

10.01.2022 Finding fulfilment at work can be challenging at times (especially lately!). . . It’s important to try not to fall into the trap of believing you need to be in your absolute dream job to be professionally fulfilled. .... . I consciously remind myself daily of the power I have to shape my own work purpose, the connection my job has to my bigger personal goals, and the positive impact I can have on others. . . #mondaymotivation #workpurpose #goals #businessgoals #smallbusiness #sme #lovewhatyoudo #accountant #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax See more

10.01.2022 What’s your business break-even point? To be profitable in business, it is important to know what your break-even point is. Your break-even point is the point at which total revenue equals total costs.... At this point there is no profit or loss, in other words, you 'break even'. A business could be turning over a lot of money, but still be making a loss. Knowing the break-even point is helpful in deciding prices, setting sales budgets and preparing a business plan. Working this out is imperative to analyse the critical profit drivers of your business including sales volume, average production costs and average sales price. . #breakevenanalysis #accountingisfun #charteredaccountant #brisbaneaccountants #businessanalytics #sme #smallbusinessowner #taxagent #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax

07.01.2022 If you and your employees meet the eligibility criteria for the JobKeeper payment, you can enrol for the JobKeeper payment through: . 1. ATO online services for individuals and sole traders accessed through your myGov account (sole traders only) . 2. Your business Portal using your myGov ID... . 3. your registered tax agent. . If you have employees you need to: . ~ ask them to complete the JobKeeper employee nomination notice and return it to you . ~ continue to pay at least $1,500 to each eligible employee per JobKeeper fortnight . JobKeeper payment enrolments are open until 31 May 2020. . #jobkeeper #taxagentservices #charteredaccountant #cashflow #ato #governmentassistance #grangeaccountant #smallbusiness #smebrisbane #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax See more

06.01.2022 I would personally like to thank each and every one of you for your support throughout the year. Wishing everyone a safe, enjoyable Christmas and a very Happy New Year! My office will close today and will re-open at 8:30am on Monday 11 January 2021.

06.01.2022 End of financial year is here! . The last few months have brought devastation and heartbreak to many. . . ... Change of course brings new beginnings and growth. A time to reflect on what you want to achieve over the coming year. . What action are you taking to kickstart your new financial year with a bang? . . #newfinancialyear #30june #newstart #smallbusinessowners #brisbaneaccountants #taxagent #dayone #lovewhatyoudo #womeninbizness #womenempowerment #businessowner #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax See more

06.01.2022 What car expenses can you claim when you are an employee? You can only claim a deduction for the cost of using a car you own, lease or hire when you drive: - between separate jobs on the same day;... - to and from an alternative workplace for the same employer on the same day; - from home directly to an alternate workplace. #carexpenses #keepyourrecords #30June #taxtime #taxreturn #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting See more

05.01.2022 I love this quote and stand by it daily! How do you define success? My values and beliefs underpin everything I do, at work, and at home! Starting my own business meant I could prioritise my values without question. I rarely doubt my decisions because they are based on my true authentic values.... #MayaAngelou #authenticvalues #beliefs #success #prioritiseyourvalues #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting See more

03.01.2022 The number of times I get new clients who tell me they don't get email responses from their accountants is insane! Your accountant should listen and support you. They should be on hand to help you reset your journey and keep your head in the game. If you are reading this and thinking "I can totally relate to this" then it's time to think about a change! #taxtime #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #loveyouraccountant #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting

03.01.2022 Under the instant asset rules, eligible businesses can: 1. immediately write off the cost of EACH asset that costs less than the threshold 2. claim a tax deduction for the business portion of the purchase cost in the year the asset is first used or installed ready for use. ... This applies to new or second-assets. The eligibility criteria and thresholds have changed over time, so it’s important to check the rules that apply to your specific situation. From 12 March 2020 to 30 June 2020 the instant asset write-off threshold amount is $150,000 and eligibility has been expanded to cover businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $500 million. From 1 July 2020 the instant asset write-off will only be available for small businesses with an aggregated turnover of less than $10 million and the threshold will be $1,000. It’s time to start planning for 30 June! #taxplanning #taxagent #charteredaccountant #30june #endoffinancialyear #brisbaneaccountants #taxtime #instantassetwriteoff #grangeaccountant #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax

01.01.2022 If you employed staff during FY21, you need to make a Single Touch Payroll (STP) finalisation declaration to the ATO by 14 July (the ATO has allowed for an extension to 31 July if you need extra time due to the latest lockdowns). It is important to get this data finalised ASAP so that your staff can lodge their income tax returns! (NB. these rules are slightly different if you have closely held payees). ... Reach out if you need help! #STP #STPfinalisation #COVID-19 #30June #taxtime #taxreturn #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting See more

01.01.2022 Brisbane, lockdown is over! Anyone else partaking in a little celebration drink (or two) this evening?! #endlockdowns #wearyourmask #COVID-19 #30June #taxtime #taxreturn #taxagent #brisbaneaccountant #listenandsupport #smallbusiness #sme #womeninbusiness #bellandco #bellcoaccounting

01.01.2022 Is anyone else happy it’s Friday? . Remember to practice some self-care over the weekend... It’s so important for our mental, emotional and physical well-being. . I can’t wait to roll out the pilates mat this afternoon!... . #selfcare #selflove #mentalhealth #friday #itstheweekend #timeout #autumndays #brisbaneaccountants #bellandco #bellcoaccountingtax See more

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