Belle Mitchell | Arts and entertainment
Belle Mitchell
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25.01.2022 Some very exciting news!
24.01.2022 The Artist Market, Maritime Museum, Port Macquarie... We here and ready to say hi! . #theartistmarket #portmacquarie #artwalk #artwalkfestival #artistandillustrator #originalart #fineartprints #artprints #stickers #cards #bookmarks #totes
24.01.2022 I love seeing pics from happy customers - and I think this deer print definitely found a happy new home! . #happycustomers #deerprint #fineartprints #animalartist #graphiteonpaper #realism #deerlovers
23.01.2022 A little snapshot of how I draw in many, many layers. Each pic shows the different coloured pencils I used on each layer to create the fur. The final piece is hanging in my current exhibition and is called Wild. Zoology is on show at cafe on the main St of Picton, NSW if you would like to see it in person. Prints available soon too! . #tigerdrawing #tigerillustration #zoology #animalartist #wildlifeartist #illustrator #zoologyexhibition #colourpencils #polychromos #pictonsocial #great food #picton #wollondilly
22.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who came to the markets yesterday to see us - you really made our day! And if you missed out, I have some more good news...We will be at the Artist markets part 2 TOMORROW!!!! Come see us at Longworth Park, Laurieton. Corner of Bold and Laurie Streets. I’ll have original artworks, stickers, bookmarks, cards and prints - including this little fairy wren - available for sale. Hope to see you there! . #theartistsmarkets #laurietonmarkets #longworthpark #bellemitchell #originalartworks #fineartprints #stickers #bookmarks #cards #totebags
20.01.2022 We had a special visitor in our backyard today! The lady next door saw this not so little wallaby jump into our yard after dodging traffic out on the busy road. These were the best photos I could get without scaring it off whilst we waited for @wireswildliferescue to come. Unfortunately she was too clever and quick for the fabulous Wires ladies, as she found a sneaky passage behind the garage and ran off, darted across the busy road once again and disappeared off through the neighbourhood. She did head back in the direction she originally came from, so hopefully has made it back home safely. @ Camden, New South Wales, Australia
20.01.2022 Lisianthus bookmark. So I went with adding ribbon to my bookmarks (to be added to the website soon). Thanks to everyone for the suggestions of what to top them with! I might go with tassels for the next lot... . #illustratedbookmark #lisianthus #lisianthusbookmark #botanicalart #botanicalillustration #floralbookmark #ribbon #colourpencilart #booklovers #janeausten #vintagebooks #artonpaper #stationery
20.01.2022 Finally all the neighbours have stopped mowing their lawns, so now I can draw in peace and enjoy the chirping birds in the trees outside (I’ve learnt to tune out the traffic noise!). Here is a little progress shot of the first Lemur. Hope your weekend isn’t as noisy as mine! . #lemurdrawing #zoology #wildlifeartist #wildlifeillustration #colourpencil #polychromos #fabercastellaustralia #zooanimals #animalillustration #noisyneighbours
19.01.2022 Just framed some little originals to bring to the markets this weekend. You can find us at the Luddenham markets on the following dates from 10am until 2pm each Sunday: 22nd November 6th December 20th December... AND...A very special Christmas twilight market on Saturday the 12th of December from 5pm! See you there!!! . #originalartworks #framedoriginals #freesiaillustration #botanicalart #luddenhammarkets #artistandillustrator #christmas2020 #christmasgift #handmadegiftideas See more
18.01.2022 I’ve been making some bookmarks to add to my market stall when I return to @luddenhamcountrymarkets on Sunday the 27th. What do you think? I keep them plain or do I add a tassel, ribbon or charm??? . #bookmark #meerkat #luddenhamcountrymarkets #marketstall #booklover #readaholic #papercraft #animalartist #wildlifeartist #artprints #bellemitchell
17.01.2022 Look at this good boi ! Working on a little time lapse pet portrait at the moment. And yes - I’ll be opening up some spaces for pet portraits very soon! . #goodboi #doggo #petportrait #dogdrawing #colourpencilartist #animalart #animalartist #realism #polychromos #petlovers #drawingfur
17.01.2022 Ulysses ButterflyWorking on a few pretty little things so I can make some new stickers and stationery. Have you ever seen one of these beautiful butterflies in real life? Their wings are irredescent and are so spectacular that they almost look as if they can’t possibly be real! . #ulyssesbutterfly #butterflyillustrations #irredescent #australianwildlife #pencilillustrations #papillionsofinstagram #makingstationery #stickerscomingsoon
16.01.2022 Well, we are all set up and ready for our first market at @luddenhamcountrymarkets ! Gates open at 10am with loads of beautiful stalls to see and delicious food to eat. See you soon!
16.01.2022 It’s market day today! The wind is dying down and the sun is shining. Luddenham market is on from 10am til 2pm today, so come along for a nice day out and make sure you stop by and say hi! . #luddenhammarkets #luddenham #bellemitchell #artistandillustrator #finearteprints #originalart #stickers #cards #bookmarks #totebags #fundayout
16.01.2022 Framed my original of Remembrance Poppies up to take to @luddenhamcountrymarkets on Sunday, along with some other originals, prints, stickers, totes and some new bookmarks and gift cards. Come say hi if you come along! . #poppyillustration #luddenhammarkets #marketstall #artprintsforsale #artistandillustrator #supportsmallbusiness #originalartwork #illustration #botanicalillustration
14.01.2022 Nearly done with this one! Just a few more little extras to add... . #elephantdrawing #elephantillustration #workinprogress #graphiteandcolourpencil #illustration #zooanimals #dubbozoo #monochrome #wildlifeartist
13.01.2022 I’ve been keeping busy making some new prints to sell on my online store. I’ll be restocking everything over the next few weeks as I am (slowly but surely ) revamping my website. I thought these ones might be good for Father’s Day which is coming up very soon! What else would you like to see for all the Dads out there??? . #graphitedeerdrawing #fineartprint #deerprint #handsigned #archivalquality #fathersday #fathersdaygifts #wildlifeartist #blackandwhiteprint
12.01.2022 First layer of many to attempt the fur . #illustration #cheetah #colourpencildrawing #wildlifeart #animalart #naturalhistoryillustration
11.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who visited us yesterday at @glenbrookrotarymarkets We had a great day and loved meeting so many new friendly faces! I am so happy to tell you that we will be doing it all again on Saturday the 20th of March! Hope to see you then xx . #glenbrookrotarymarkets #artistandillustrator #marketstall #originalartworks #artprints #notebooks #stickers #totes
11.01.2022 Yellow Eucalypt Commonly known as yellow box or yellow ironbark and is found in the south-east of Australia. I thought we all might need some cheery yellow to brighten up the day, so I’ve added this one as a print to my store. It is taken from a drawing of a little branch that a bird literally dropped at my feet, so I took it as a sign that I had to draw it! I’ll also bringing this and some other new prints to the markets with me too. Hope you all have a happy weekend. ... . #yelloweucalypt #yelloweucalyptusdrawing #australiannative #australianbotanicalart #botanicalart #botanicalillustrations #australianflora #colourpencilartist #fineartprint #botanicalprint #wallart See more
10.01.2022 PORT MACQUARIE... Here we come! Very excited to announce that we will be at @theartistmarketportmacquarie TOMORROW from 10am until 3pm as part of the Artwalk festival. See you there! . #theartistmarketportmacquarie #portmacquarie #artwalkportmacquarie #bellemitchell #artistmarket #fineartprints #originalart #stickers #bookmarks #totes #artistandillustrator
10.01.2022 HELLO LAURIETON! We are all set up at the artist markets at the corner of bold and Laurie streets. It’s a lovely day to come and see some amazingly creative people! . #laurietonmarkets #theartistmarkets #laurieton #portmacquarie #artistmarkets #bellemitchell #petportraits #originalartworks #prints stickers #bookmarks
09.01.2022 Nice weather for ducks!! Unfortunately we will not be at Glenbrook markets this weekend due to the weather so instead, I am offering free shipping on all my prints for the whole weekend - so it will be just like you picked one up at the markets, but without getting wet! Stay safe and dry my NSW friends! . #Free shipping #fineartprints #niceweatherforducks #rainyweather #illustrator #nurserydecor #nurserywallart
09.01.2022 Lemurs! This is a little behind the scenes of how I get started after the initial sketch... . #lemurs #lemurdrawing #zoology #zooanimals #behindthescenes #polychromos #albrechtdurer #fabrianoartistico #wildlifeartist #animalartist
09.01.2022 Tomorrow is the day! So excited to be joining this market on Sunday. Make sure to pop by and say hello if you visit too! . Luddenham Country Market Sunday 30th August, 10am till 2pm... Luddenham Showgrounds . #luddenhamcountrymarket #fineartoriginalsandprints #artistandillustrator #marketstall #bellemitchell See more
08.01.2022 Made some more prints today! They will be available in my store soon and also at the markets. This Saturday we will be a Glenbrook Rotary Markets from 8am til 1pm. . #tigerprint #tigerillustration #tigerdrawing #tigerartprint #colourpencilonpaper #zooanimals #wildanimals #animalartist
07.01.2022 #faceyourart challenge. No new drawings today as I’m too busy trying to get my laptop to speak nicely to my printer. Also - it’s so cold I can’t feel my fingers!!! How is your Friday arvo going? .... #faceyourart #faceyourartchallenge #animalartist #animalillustration #wildlifeartist #australianartist #colourpencil #colorpencil #graphitepencildrawing #australianartist #collageart #itsallintheeyes #coldandrainyday See more
05.01.2022 Bookmarks are nearly ready for @Luddenham countrymarkets on Sunday! Now to decide what colour ribbons to attach! . #bookmarks #fineartprints #illustratedbookmarks #rainbowbookmarks #booklovers #luddenham #luddenhammarkets #readaholics #papercraft #stationeryaddict #stationeryporn #paperproducts
04.01.2022 Zoo animals! Plotting out what I am going to draw from all my photos from western plains zoo. What are your favourite creatures to see at the zoo??? . #zoology #westernplainszoo #zooanimals #wildlifeartist #wildlifeillustration #wildanimals #illustration #dubbozoo #sketching
04.01.2022 Doggo Portrait timelapse. Just a little insight into how many layers I do...Enjoy! . #Petportrait #dogportrait #timelapse #colourpencil #animallovers #dogsofaustralia #animalartist #petlovers #illustration #animalart #bellemitchell
04.01.2022 A little mini timelapse of all the tiny details I’m working on before this crimson turkey bush comes together...hopefully... . #timelapse #polychromospencils #fabrianowhitewhite #crimsonturkeybush #botanicalillustration #australiannativeplants #australiannativeflowers
02.01.2022 Green tree frog. I’ve made some prints of this one and I’ll be bringing some to Luddenham markets on Sunday. You can also see the original at as part of my Zoology exhibition for the rest of November! . About to leap - polychromospencils on fabriano artistic paper. .... #greentreefrog #frogillustration #naturalhistoryillustration #reptiledrawing #animalartist #zoologyexhibition #fineartprints #bellemitchell See more
02.01.2022 Roxy - Pet Portrait. Illustration by me, and swipe to see the great reference pic taken by my nephew Mitch. @msteep.53 Want one? (A pet portrait that is!) A limited amount are now available on my in bio. .... #roxy #kelpie #australiandogsofinstagram #petportrait #petillustration #animalartist #doglovers #colourpencilillustration #doggo #dogportrait #animalillustration #commisionwork #christmaspresent See more
02.01.2022 Testing out some fur colours and patterns... . #Cheetah #wildlife #illustration #colourpencilart #westernplainszoo #animalartist #drawingfur