Bellingen Equine Assisted Counselling in Bellingen, New South Wales | Mental health service
Bellingen Equine Assisted Counselling
Locality: Bellingen, New South Wales
Phone: +61 438 287 114
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24.01.2022 Ahh its Friday evening... Happy horses Flowers Our ducklings are all grown up.. Gratitude for home
23.01.2022 Good morning stretch on a rainy day #horsesaremylife
21.01.2022 These arrived today!! Thank you @equinepsychotherapy @grace.dart @canva #informationispower
20.01.2022 Hello, I would like to appologise to those who have sent PM or DM to me in regards to the groups. Due to an issue with fb I am unable to access and reply to them. I have a tech person looking into this.... Please feel free to sms 0438287114 or email [email protected] Many thanks and again my appologies Samantha
20.01.2022 My apologies if you have recieved multiple requests to like my business fb page. Weird things happening with internet and social media connections. Blaming it on the crazy wind and snail pace coverage?? Take care everyone.
18.01.2022 Lots of exciting learnings await. #bellingenequineassitedcounselling
17.01.2022 This little lady sadly left us on Friday. After stealing our hearts and gifting us her beautiful Body, my heart broke as I was faced with the impossible decision. I am so very grateful for the incredible support of my neighbours and Erin. To Emma and Toby and urunga vets. Hoping the soft clouds you are walking on now have eased your pain. We will miss you beautiful lady.
17.01.2022 No sessions today, thankful for the blessing of rain. #bellingenequineassitedcounselling #storms#rain
16.01.2022 The ocean...self care Sunday with my hung over young adult and my energentic little bouncy child. Blessed to live here #selfcaresunday
12.01.2022 Hello from our farm. It has been a quiet time for the herd and I which has been a blessing. For the rest of our animals it has been busy. Happy dogs, ducklings hatched and pythons busy filling bellies ready for our brief winter. I am feeling grateful that the shut down has occured in our best session in our valley Autumn. The light, the glorious days. As life has slowed and our situation is changing daily I am hearing so many positive stories. However I can also feel the rest...lessness stiring. On my brief trips into town I am being asked when can we came back?? Message inquiring am I doing online work? So my reponse is as follows. In the next 2 weeks I will make a call about opening dates. As this is a family farm I need to consider how this will work. My concern is I feel the shift in energy however I am not going to rush, we have to be patient, if we move forward to quickly we may undo all our hard work as a community, as a country. I am so grateful for my clients in adhereing to our new reality, but I am cautious. I am also excited to hear about how people have adjusted to this time. Please stay safe, look out for your loved ones, neighbours, friends. We are stronger together. Warm regards Sam and the animals
11.01.2022 Hi I am Bowie, yes yes after David Bowie!! Apparently he was pretty big deal. Let me tell you a story... My beautiful human family brought me to an incredible farm. Little did I know there was soo much love here...BUT no sheep!! I do my best at keeping the chickens in check, the ducks boss me around and the horses just accept me. My secret is I have become an amazing therapy dog. You see my Human Mum is an Equine Therapist...pretty cool hey! I have found amazing friends in a...mazing humans. My energy is not always welcome...Mum calls this Boundaries?? Anyway life as a working dog may have shifted from sheep to humans but I am still a very happy Bowie. @bellingenequinecounselling@counselling@bellingen See more
11.01.2022 When dinner offers you a smile #bellingenequineassitedcounselling #smile
10.01.2022 As part of my work it is super important to keep updating my own skills and knowledge. Yesterday we were so grateful to Erin who is now providing Stella the herd and I with ongoing training. I may live with my herd however it was incredible to watch, observe and be guided by Erin. Most importantly Erin shares the same values that we adhere to as EPI trained practioners. Keeping the herd happy and playful in their down time allows them to show up for clients who often have big feelings to share. Looking forward to the journey and reaching our goals. Happy birthday to all the beautiful horses on our planet.
09.01.2022 Love my new sign!! #equineassistedcounselling
09.01.2022 My last logo was based around this candle's colour and name awakening. Lime & Tangerine. Last week I craved the smell so treated myself before the vet bill arrives. #selfcare#aromas #candles
07.01.2022 Another day exploring the beach. My favourite place when I leave the farm, burnt trees from the bushfires are a reminder of what a massive 12 months our valley has been thru.
06.01.2022 Get many exciting new opportunities are coming this year. Stay tuned. The herd and I along with all our farm animals will be lauching group sessions in March 2020. Womens circle held weekly Mens circle held fortnightly... Teens held fornightly Teens/ LGBTIQ held fornightly Grief and Loss held fornightly Maximum numbers 5 per session Cost $50 per session, flexible attendance as life happens. Groups will run all year weather permitting. PM with expressions of interest. Topics to be explored with be determined by the group. No prior horse or animal knowledge required Stepping out of the therapy room into nature, the perfect setting to re connect with all your senses and enter into a new relationship with the animals and yourself. All you need to bring is solid foot ware, water, hat, an open heart and mind. Looking forward to sharing my farm and animals. Samantha and the herd
06.01.2022 Today was so special, floods, rain, relief.. then 99% humidity..hmm! Lessons from a beautiful soul. Mindfullness is not sold in a 24hr package, mindfullness is not for profiting from others. Mindfullness is to explore and witness in our horses, our animals and I cant recall a monk paying $5000 for seeking this experience. When we have the space to be still in nature, allowing the space to drop in...this is what mindfullness is. No cost, no pressure, no shame, just... being horse. I love my work..this is real, this is authentic. This is observing 4000 yrs of evalution. Bless our creatures great and small. See more
03.01.2022 At this stage the recommendation is for Allied Health Professionals to keep working, now more than ever our services are needed. My plan was for group work to commence this is now on hold I will be working from Alchemy on Tuesday mornings when the clinic re opens. I am available for phone and video appointments. The farm is closed for Equine Therapy until the current situation eases. ... Given the financial strain we are all experiencing please reach out I am happy to discuss all options. In the mean time please reach out and support everyone. If you experience any kind of mental illness or are feeling anxious, scared, overwhelmed please know you can access support. You are not alone. Together is the only way through this. If you have concerns about someone you know please reach out. It is as simple as asking "Are you ok?" Please take care of yourselves, family, friends, neighbours. See more
03.01.2022 Horse Obs for Covid 19. Seems when we explore boundaires we are also exploring social distancing, tonight I rated my horses chance of contracting convid 19 based on their ability to demonstrate social distancing/ healthy boundary setting.... They would all have either been infected or fined by police for holding gatherings. ... What I no is on the other side of this humans will be wired differently...more causious, more risk averse...horses will live as they have for over 4000yrs. Present moment awerness. Setting boundaries...and wondering why the humans are showing up ALL the time....boundaries humans...stick to the routine. Take care ever one. Feeling blessed to have my farm, animal and human family...really enjoying having no option but to just be here. Ahhh out breathe
02.01.2022 On this rainy winters day, the fire is keeping us cosy and asian chicken soup is nourishing our bellies. I feel this is the perfect time to share my reflections from the past 3 months. Firstly I have changed my business name. I have been sitting with this for a while. Having had time to sit a reflect with my herd and animals I feel like the time is right for renewal BELLINGEN EQUINE ASSISTED COUNSELLING.... Bellingen is where I live, my community and my home, Equine Assisted Counselling is my love, my profession and my business this is what I do. Every day I feel grateful to my family, friends, herd, animals and my clients for allowing me to work in this incredible field. My office is my farm...with this comes a deep richness of connection to mother nature, allowing space for healing, reflection, joy, saddness, laughter and bliss. We are open again wohoo, with new additions and deeply profound losses to our animal family. The cycle of life always at play. At this time group work is still on hold and we are operating in a Covid safe way. Some herd members have a clearier understand of social distancing than others If like many people there have been challenges, rewards, new ways of looking at your internal and external worlds, or if unresolved mental health concerns have resurfaced and NOW feels like the right time to explore these areas, in a safe and natural setting, please reach out. Many thanks Samantha and the herd/animals.
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