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The Belubula Headwaters Protection Group in Kings Plains, New South Wales, Australia | Non-profit organisation

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The Belubula Headwaters Protection Group

Locality: Kings Plains, New South Wales, Australia

Phone: +61 423 936 019

Address: Mid Western Highway 2799 Kings Plains, NSW, Australia


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24.01.2022 A company with far more policies, personnel and experience than Regis admits to all of these wrong doings and 'failures in their systems'. These companies don't care about us or their employees, just their profits.

23.01.2022 Come along to our General Meeting next week to get an update on the McPhillamys proposal.

22.01.2022 Another great outcome this week for the residents of Bylong and the neighbouring communities with the Court of Appeal upholding the original rejections. Well done the the whole community, Lock the Gate Alliance and the Environmental Defenders Office. A job well done by all.

22.01.2022 The DPIE has confirmed that even though Regis' amendment reports are more than half the size of the original proposal, it's not enough to justify further public submissions... However the DPIE have confirmed they will be visiting the area in mid October so we intend to take the opportunity to help them see exactly what will be destroyed for this useless resource. More to come.

21.01.2022 A sensible decision by the IPC and yet another article on the issues around the lack of government legislation assessing cumulative environmental impacts from mines.

20.01.2022 This is direct from #RegisResources' Amended Appendix Q at: showing they propose to remove the only dedicated Westbound overtaking lane between Fitzgeralds Mt and Blayney, and significantly reduce the dedicated Eastbound overtaking lane, being the last overtaking opportunity before the descent down Fitzgeralds Mt. This is a known black ice and high fog area. What could go wrong putting this intersection here on a downhill decent for Westbound traffic?

20.01.2022 Just another significant misstatement (at the very least) by a mining company in their proposal to the NSW DPIE. Well done on the Nature Conservation Council picking this up. As usual, it's left to third party groups to identify genuine, material and significant flaws in proposals whilst the DPIE sits in the background and puts the approved stamp on them.

20.01.2022 Further evidence that just because it's legal, doesn't mean it's right. Words cannot describe the level of disgust in these actions and in the Government legislation that actually allows this to happen. Anyone that believes the government will protect heritage, culture or the environment needs a reality check.

19.01.2022 These #mining companies have no back bone... Doesn't take them long to get back to putting money above all else.

19.01.2022 The state Government are now assessing the proposal and the 23 amendment reports submitted by Regis following the submissions made. Well done to everyone who made a submission and made the changes happen. There's more work to do though with several issues still not being addressed and the Independent Planning Commission being the consent authority. Have a read of the amendments and their submission responses here:

18.01.2022 The burn off of the Vittoria forest has provided an excellent example of what to expect with the McPhillamys mine. The burn off is occurring just over the fence from where the admin building ROM pad and processing plant are proposed for the mine. So if you can see the glow of the burn off, you're getting a sample of what the next 10 years will have in store for you, 24 hours a day, every day, not to mention the direction of dust movement.

17.01.2022 This map shows the proposed brine pipeline route through Bathurst with a pumping station next to waste management facility. This is direct from #regisresources' Amendment Report Appendix V at: With it traversing Portland and Yetholme before getting to Bathurst, not to mention numerous waterways, including the Macquarie River, many in the community who will be impacted aren't even aware that this is proposed. It's not too late to get involved and stop this proposal. Get in touch with us today.

15.01.2022 This says it all. No time for the DPIE or the IPC to make a genuine assessment. All for the sake of less than 90 jobs for less than 10 years in the case of McPhillamys.

14.01.2022 "Little to no research on the impacts of mine blasting to human health". This one is 8km from the nearest town (sound familiar Blayney?), and 4km from the highway (not mere metres like Regis' proposed). The Plume was a result of nitrogen dioxide caused by the blast... Something for residents of Blayney and users of the Mid Western Hwy to look forward to. Its not too late to stop the Regis proposal. Reach out and we can help you have your say on your future. ...

14.01.2022 For anyone keeping track, Regis' Response to Submissions was due today (after being previously extended). We contacted the DPIE to find out if they were expecting the RTS today, and they replied stating that Regis has now received a further extension to August 31st to submit their RTS. Meanwhile the IPC has confirmed they have been given only 12 weeks to make their assessment.

14.01.2022 This happened back in Feb after Adani received approval for it's mine up in Queensland but again goes to show the power these mining companies have our politicians and systems. More 'misstatements' that should have had a penalty of $3,000,000, but instead the prosecutors took $25,000. For enterprises that claim to know exactly how far and what type of noise, vibration, water and air quality impacts they're going to have on the land and their surroundings, they claim 'administrative errors' when they touch land that isn't theirs.

14.01.2022 We can't trust the Government authority charged with making a recommendation on the McPhillamys proposal when they have other agendas with mining companies... Cadia, McPhillamys and soon to be Discovery Ridge are the main targets for this, there is no doubt for anyone in the know. #DPIE #MCPHILLAMYS #WATER

13.01.2022 Do you think the Tahmoor mine proposal included an admission that "we will pollute the Bargo and Nepean Rivers", or "Our modelling shows there will be no impact on any waterways around our site". Carbon copy of Regis' statements with the Belubula River which leads into the Murray River.

11.01.2022 The sales pitches are coming! The DPIE have requested additional information around some of #regisresources' baseless claims and assertions in their Social Impact Assessment. Do not be mistaken, they are simply patching holes that our Group's activities and the public have exposed in their proposal. The entire request from DPIE can be found here:

10.01.2022 Our General Meeting that was scheduled for Sunday will now go ahead from the comfort of your own home! Feel free to join us at this link with the passcode 2799: Meeting ID: 861 6375 0681... Passcode: 2799 See more

10.01.2022 With Regis' proposed pipeline coming from the brine at the Centennial coal mine at Lithgow, this could very easily be our Central West farms and properties. Don't give Regis the chance to destroy our region for a useless resource.

08.01.2022 A write up in the SMH, very lightly touching on some of the issues we've raised. We're building ourselves for the fight with Regis at the IPC which is still being delayed due to Regis being given further and further time to deal with issues the government agencies keep finding.

06.01.2022 It'll be interesting see how popular this activity remains to be once Tailings Dam seepage begins feeding the headwaters of the river...

06.01.2022 Anyone that honestly thinks these companies that are making billions of dollars for their overseas shareholders and directors, put the interest of the communities and people they destroy in any of their priorities, is fooling themselves. Why risk losing a few dollars just because some people might die right? This is absolutely disgusting that so many people lost their lives because this company wanted to make some money.

05.01.2022 The local rags promoted the Mineral Council's publication claiming that current proposals will add 2,500 jobs to the area. Funny the Mineral council is using job numbers quoted as being 'in the peak year of construction'... Regis goes from 136, to just 89 jobs after peak construction.

05.01.2022 All of these proposals guaranteed the same things as Regis is doing - that the dams won't fail. Regis' won't leak into the Belubula River we're told. The Tailings Dam won't fail we're told. Cadia assured the same, as did this one and the one by Vale in Brazil. Is it worth the risk for a handful of short term jobs to mine an unnecessary resource for profits that will go to their directors and overseas shareholders?

05.01.2022 These mining companies have all the reports to support their false claims (easy to do when you're instructing the report writer), and yet they all seem to fail when it comes to predicting water...

04.01.2022 Regis has FINALLY completed their response to submissions (after being due back on Feb 28th) and the reports can be found here, under Response to Submissions: There are also several proposal amendment reports which we are trawling through at the moment.

04.01.2022 Further evidence that independent reports support the fact that ground and water movements can't be predicted as these mining companies like to claim. Regis' reports are based on information stated by the company. It's easy to tell your consultant that you will only pump X amount of tailings per year. But how much will you actually use, and who enforces your claim? #water #contamination...

04.01.2022 The McPhillamys proposal is set to gross well over $5,000,000,000 just on the gold they dig up... The Government is set to get $80,000,000 (just over 1.5% at best) in royalties... Seems fair considering our taxes will be paying for the never ending maintenance and protection of the open pit and deal with the ecosystem remediation - right?

03.01.2022 142 scientists and groups found that "Current industry standards, including the draft of the Global Tailings Standard released in 2019, do not adequately protect communities and ecosystems from failures. Their research found that "The trend in tailings dam tragedies are a consequence of allowing mining companies to sacrifice safety to cut costs, control auditors and silence dissent among workers". Don't let Blayney, Carcoar Dam and the Murray-Darling Basin suffer from inadequate controls and regulations by the Government. Make a submission to the IPC, or register to speak at the IPC hearing when they announce it:

03.01.2022 ABC Landline (12.30pm tomorrow) is running an investigative story on Mining and the impacts on water supplies. McPhillamy's proposal is looked at and ABC have spoken to scientists and industry specialists to shed some light on what #regisresources continues to keep in the dark. Be sure to tune in, or watch after the broadcast at:

01.01.2022 This all sounds very familiar. The excuses, the practices, the misleading statements and the lies. As we have argued, it's not just the proponents, this is all evidence of inadequate state and federal regulations.

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