Ben Pakula | Public figure
Ben Pakula
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24.01.2022 Does anyone own, or have access to, a grand piano I can use for recording? This Wednesday 8am-11am.
22.01.2022 Want 'Songs In Hard Places' on actual CD? Place your order by 11pm tonight (Thursday) and get 'Songs in Hard Places' delivered by Christmas (in NSW, Australia). Want to try before you buy? Listen now! ... Get your Digital Mp3s, CD delivery & Sheet Music Big shout out to Michael Clisdell who mixed and mastered the album. Did a superb job. And to Jarryd Kearns who did all the artwork and design. Looks super crisp.
22.01.2022 I'm thinking this warrants a caption competition.
21.01.2022 Something is happening...
20.01.2022 ***EDIT: Thanks so much everyone who shared/responded. I'm pleased to say I've got a drummer, AND a few contacts that I daresay will come in handy in the future :) Need a Christian drummer for a paid gig. MUST be able to use a double-kick. PM me if that’s you and you’re interested. Share this with someone who might fit the bill. To get an idea of the kind of music we’ll be playing, listen to this:
20.01.2022 I think I'm finally ready to offer my thoughts and critique of The Astonishing - it's now 'safe' to do so :)
19.01.2022 Want to know what Quiz Worx is all about? Check this out!
19.01.2022 What a guy.
18.01.2022 Neil Peart :( What a sad loss.
16.01.2022 Sad to hear of Vinnie Paul’s death. He was a big influence on my drumming.
16.01.2022 Attention guitarists/musicians. If you're ever thinking about purchasing a guitar from Jay Buckey (Harp Guitars/Bluegrass Music), DO NOT! Here's a summary of the disappointing experience I had. On 20th January, 2018, I ordered a 7-string fanned fret acoustic guitar from Jay Buckey (Bluegrass Music/Harp Guitars). The total cost would be $1500 USD (approx. $2,200 AUD). I made an initial deposit ($500 USD on 20th Jan, 2018), then two subsequent payments ($250 USD on 7th Feb 2018..., then $250 on 18th April, 2018). Earlier this year I made the final payment ($500 USD on 15th Feb 2019). Communication with Mr Buckey was good, but as of August 8th, 2019 I've heard absolutely nothing, despite sending multiple emails and Facebook messages to the seller. I sought to lodge an official dispute through PayPal, but, on account of the last transaction having occurred over 180 days ago, they directed me to my linked account provider (ING/Visa). Visa lodged a dispute claim, but so far, to no avail. I suspect I'll not see my money nor the guitar :(
15.01.2022 2 updates on Ben Pakula music: 1. I've recorded drums for a new kid's album. The tracking for this album is going to be done by yours truly - I'm learning how to record as I go (it's the only realistic way to do it as I'm working as a full-time assistant minister). I'm collaborating on this album with a very gifted children's song writer: Patrick O'Keefe. The working title (subject to change) is 'Big Ideas for Little Ears', and the majority of the songs will be congregational... friendly (i.e., not too hard to play on an acoustic guitar or piano using simple chords). 2. Slowly getting together a home tracking studio means I'll be able to work on recording congregational music and other 'hobby music' (i.e. indulgent prog metal!) There's a great female vocalist, Georgia, who I'll hopefully collaborate with for some of the more ad hoc music I'm keen to do over the next couple of years (and perhaps on the kids stuff too).
14.01.2022 Down-stroke glory!
13.01.2022 My good mate Matt Dodd and I have produced a Christian congregational album called 'Songs in Hard Places'. If you're a fellow Christian we'd love for you to check it out for personal enjoyment and/or congregational use if you see fit. If you're not a Christian you may still enjoy listening to stuff we think is worth singing about :)... Digital download is currently available (only $9.99), as is sheet music. CD's will be available in January. Also, I really, really, really, really, really, intend to have the next Ben Pakula album (with special guest collaborator Patrick O'Keefe) out in 2020!!!!
11.01.2022 Such a happy metal drummer. Kinda reminds me of Animal too :)
10.01.2022 I reckon this is way better than the original. Sabbath + Prog is a great combo.
03.01.2022 Like any new Christian, Kanye West would benefit from learning biblical theology- especially in a language he’s familiar with. What are the chances he could somehow end up with a copy of Masterplan in his hands? It would be my shout if it could happen.
01.01.2022 Having a great time playing and teaching at Winterfest in Perth. Northcoast Church have done an incredible job in putting it all together.
01.01.2022 Using the Halo Guitar custom designer, here's what I'd love in a fixed-bridge multi-scale 8-string. My mate Matthew Payne put me onto the idea of gold hardware against red body (transparent). Active pickups, 25.5 - 27 scale, no inlays (but Luminlays), and all black gloss on the back, including neck. Construction is neck-through hopefully for greater access on 24th. #fortodayhaloguitars