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Bendigo Greens | Community

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Bendigo Greens


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25.01.2022 Strength, love and solidarity to our non-binary and gender diverse friends, colleagues and community

19.01.2022 The #Jobseeker supplement has been extended until December but reduced to $250 a fortnight. The Government recognises the ongoing impacts of #COVID19 by taking #Jobkeeper through to March, why haven't they done the same for #Jobseeker. We will keep campaigning for a long term increase to #Jobseeker so that our community has certainty.

17.01.2022 They say a picture paints 1000 words, This picture paints over 40,000 years of history.

17.01.2022 Sharing from Kylie Ruxton Handcuffed. Face Down. Knee on his neck.... They did nothing. He called the officer "Sir." They did nothing. He begged for his life. He begged for water. He begged for mercy. They did nothing. His nose bled. His body trembled. He lost control of his bladder. They did nothing. He cried out, "I can't breathe." They did nothing. Twelve more times. "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." "I can't breathe." They did nothing. One last time, he gasped, "I can't breathe." They did nothing. He lost consciousness. They did nothing. A firefighter demanded they check his pulse. They did nothing. Off duty medical personnel begged them to stop. They did nothing. Deprived of oxygen. His organs screaming. His brain frantic. They did nothing. They watched George Floyd die. His life fading. A slow death. They did nothing. A lynching on the ground. They did nothing. For eight agonizing minutes. Four officers watched. He cried out for his Mom... A grown man... Crying out for the woman who gave him life.... As he feared joining her in death. And still they did nothing. A black man. A gentle giant. Murdered because he was black. And still, they've done nothing. Probable Cause exists. A Double Standard exists. The officers should be arrested. And still they've done nothing. Rest In Peace GEORGE May justice be served.

16.01.2022 Want to know what's part of our Next Gen Guarantee? (It's our plan that responds to the crises we face and sets young people up for the future): A free place at uni or TAFE, or an apprenticeship or traineeship, to get you back on track and pursue your passion. ... A guaranteed income you can actually live on, so you can afford rent and food at the same time (imagine that). A guaranteed job, if you want one, working on one of our exciting, planet-saving, nation-building programs in industries that will tackle the climate emergency and build a more creative, and caring society. But we won't stop there. Our COVID-19 economic recovery plan sets us up to tackle the climate crisis. Are you ready?

15.01.2022 Public primary schools are an essential service early childhood education and care is no different. It should be available to anyone who needs it, not just those who can afford it. The government’s new semi-subsidy risks the viability of many centres that can’t return to normal operations or collect full income if parents keep their kids at home. At minimum, Scott Morrison should extend free childcare after 12 July with a guaranteed relief payment and extend JobKeeper to al...l early childhood education workers. Or, they can go one better - and treat early childhood education like the essential service it is and make it universal and free.

15.01.2022 Fantastic news! This judgement shows Regional Forest Agreements are putting Australia’s threatened species in danger. All native forest logging across the country is now on notice. This is a major warning to federal and state governments: if you keep logging, you will face significant legal challenges.... It’s time to end native forest logging - now!

15.01.2022 Congratulations Lidia Thorpe! Lidia Thorpe, First Nations leader, activist and Gunnai-Kurnai/Gunditjmara woman will be sworn into Parliament in the coming months to fill the casual vacancy soon to be left by Senator Richard Di Natale. "I'm ready to fight for the issues we all believe in - climate, injustice, inequality. Now more than ever, we need to not accept the old ways - this is our chance to build back better, and I'm ready to bring us together to get it done."... We can't wait.

13.01.2022 In the middle of a pandemic, no-one should be forced to come to work sick because they are worried about losing their income. The Greens have a bill before Parliament to give all workers 14 days paid COVID-19 sick leave, it's up to Morrison if he wants to ensure no worker feels forced to choose between putting food on the table or going to work with symptoms.

13.01.2022 There can be no environmental or social justice without racial justice. Solidarity with everyone protesting racism and systematic oppression in the United States. Let’s not forget that in Australia, more than 400 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have died in custody since the 1991 Royal Commission into deaths in custody.... The incarceration rate of First Nations Australians is the highest in the world. We need to support and listen to our First Nations communities so we can dismantle the systemic racism in our society. We have a lot of work to do in our own backyard.

11.01.2022 Politicians got uni for free. Why shouldn't you? The Liberals are (once again) attacking higher education cutting millions in funding and doubling the cost of arts and communication degrees. #NoFeeHikes #StudentFightback #FreeEducation

09.01.2022 Today is National Sorry Day. There is still so much unfinished business that must be addressed. From all of us in the Bendigo Greens we say Sorry

08.01.2022 In an act of complete cruelty, the Liberal Government has conducted a sneak attack on the people of Melbourne giving just over 24 hours' notice that people will be left without a local service. Can you sign our petition today and help us force the government to reinstate a physical Centrelink service for our community? Closing a major Centrelink office with just over a day's notice while the country suffers Depression-era joblessness is utter incompetence and a savage attack on people in need of help. Join the campaign and help us pressure the government to #SaveCentrelink

08.01.2022 Please have a read of the Greens Covid-19 economic recovery plan. We would love to hear what you think

07.01.2022 Our plan vs theirs. There's one job for every 13 people looking right now. Who's on your side?

06.01.2022 We love our local shopping strips. They are the social and economic hearts of our communities and a huge part of what makes our neighbourhoods such great places to live. That's why the Victorian Greens have launched our plan to revive our local shopping strips, which will support local traders and create jobs for people in retail, hospitality, the service sector and the arts.... Our plan is to: Support for artist studios and pop-up shops in vacant premises Make our high streets great public spaces Decrease vacancy rates, lower rents, lower bills Support for more events and festivals Join the campaign today:


02.01.2022 A Green New Deal for Housing will make sure every Victorian has a home whilst creating thousands of new jobs. That's why we've got a plan for a big build of public housing across the state. Victoria needs a big build of 100,000 new public housing homes over the next 15 years which would create 10,000 new jobs and 1,000 apprenticeships.

02.01.2022 We’re proud to welcome Lidia Thorpe to the Australian Greens Senate team Parliament is due for a shake up, and Lidia’s fearless advocacy for economic and soc...ial justice will strengthen the case for a Green New Deal and provide a voice for so many people that have been let down by politics. See more

02.01.2022 Postal Ballots come out between Tuesday 6th October and Thursday 8th October They are posted randomly by the VEC, so voters who live in the same household may ...not receive their ballots in the same mailing Your ballot pack will contain instructions and a statement from each candidate. Sit down with a cuppa and consider your vote For your vote to be valid, you must number each box on the ballot. Rank the 13 candidates from 1 to 13, according to your preference Preferences count! Remember you are electing 3 councillors, not just 1 Vote [1] Michelle Goldsmith in Whipstick Ward for Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Action on Climate Change:

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