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Wing Chun Kung Fu Bendigo in Bendigo, Victoria | Sport & recreation

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Wing Chun Kung Fu Bendigo

Locality: Bendigo, Victoria

Phone: +61 405 025 977

Address: 35 Solomon St 3550 Bendigo, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Last night's grading was a real highlight with James earning his Level 9B stripe. James performed Biu Jee form, Butterfly Sword form and the 50-108 moves from the Wooden Dummy Form on a Person (me) James did exceptionally well last night and it's a credit to his persistence, tenacity and commitment. Congratulations James!

24.01.2022 On our last trip to China we were honoured to meet King Fung in Gulao Village. It was a highlight of the trip to see Dr Leung Jan’s Wing Chun in its birthplace practised by a Master. Sigong Garry and Sigong Linda are authorised to teach Gulao Wing Chun by the late Grandmaster Fung Chun. This is a key part of our curriculum for senior students.

19.01.2022 WING CHUN Conditioning #2 Conditioning the hands using a sand bag ..

17.01.2022 Toughening the forearms, body and shins. Using the wing Chun dummy for toughening the forearms when time is lacking. The bamboo bundle makes a great beater!

16.01.2022 Wing Chun classes resume tomorrow night, Monday 18th January at the usual times 5:45pm for children’s class and 6:45 for Adults class. I hope to see you there ... Sifu Paul

15.01.2022 Late afternoon training today .. Priotities on AFL Grand Final day.

12.01.2022 Jee Shin children doing Wing Chun forms at the Greensborough branch.

10.01.2022 For those who are curious, Wing Chun has no religious element or teachings in its curriculum. Older forms of Kung Fu were often associated with Taoism or Buddhism, but the physical work of the martial art was to instil self discipline and defence training, consistent with the teaching in all religions to do no harm to others. For those who are Christian, it should be noted that although Jesus preached using a parable about turning the other cheek, his disciples also carried swords for self defence. In terms of your spiritual beliefs, that is your own personal journey. Wing Chun is a great tool for developing self defence skills, self discipline and the confidence to protect yourself and others when the need arises.

10.01.2022 UPDATE 26-10-2020: No changes in regional Victoria. Contact sports are still BANNED by the Premier until there have been ZERO new cases in the community for more than 14 days. That is ridiculous - particularly since there will be no restrictions on travel between metro and regional Victoria. UPDATE 25-10-2020:... The LOCKDOWN continues .. The GASLIGHTING of Victoria continues .. Despite only 2 active cases in all of Regional Victoria NO changes to martial arts practise .. still only non-contact indoors for up to 10 people in regional Victoria. UPDATE 18-10-2020: Despite ZERO new Cases of COVID-19 in central Victoria, and only 1 to 2 new cases in Melbourne, Dan Andrews has today given us very little relief. Indoor sport is allowed from November 1st, but with NO contact for either children or adults. That is ridiculous. We are better off training outdoors where contact is allowed. We have Covid safe plans in place to protect all our members, but there is no logic/science/medical advice behind Dan's rules. He just makes it up as he goes. So, on a positive note, until further notice - our outdoor classes will continue on the weekends ‘with contact’ for children - no contact for adults. See you soon Sifu Paul

09.01.2022 Merry Christmas to all our students and your families. Wishing you all a safe and happy time over Christmas and the New Year. We train again on January 18th ... Hai!!

08.01.2022 Toughening the forearms using a Wing Chun Jong. Using a bamboo bundle to toughen the shins and body. 600 or more strikes should take about 5-6 minutes. Then it’s on to the wrist roller, grab bag, sand bag and weights. All up your conditioning workout will take from 30-45 minutes.

08.01.2022 Our last week at training for 2020! Sparring for kids and adults was great. There’s nothing like testing your techniques and strategies against classmates! Here are a few photos from the kids class ... Awesome fun!

05.01.2022 Srija and Jackson achieved their Green Sashes last night with a richly deserved performance. My congratulations to two of our most dedicated and committed students. Special thanks to Sigongs Linda and Gary Baniecki for officiating ... Sifu Paul

01.01.2022 Congratulations to Paige and Manny on the birth of their son Archie Allan Minh Cao. Apparently, Archie's first move on entry into the world was a swift Pak Sao, followed by a Bui Jee> Archie is a natural - just like his Dad! Welcome to Wing Chun Kung Fu Bendigo, Archie! We all look forward to seeing you on the mat! Sifu Paul

01.01.2022 An open letter to Dan Andrews from the CEO of Fitness Australia. Feel free to SHARE ..

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