Bendigo Senior Secondary College in Bendigo, Victoria | Public & government service
Bendigo Senior Secondary College
Locality: Bendigo, Victoria
Phone: +61 3 5443 1222
Address: 40 Gaol Rd 3550 Bendigo, VIC, Australia
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24.01.2022 JOBS GALORE Are you looking for work? The Careers & Pathways Job Board has lots of opportunities at the moment: Casual jobs - suitable for year 11/12 students and high school completers. Apprenticeships - various trades available.... Traineeships - in business, legal, dental, and other areas. Great way to gain full-time employment whilst completing a qualification. To view these: check the BSSC Job Board regularly: If you require any assistance in applying, drop in and see the Careers & Pathways team or email: [email protected] See more
24.01.2022 BURSARY IMPROVES ARTISTS WORK BSSC Alumna (Class of 2019) and Mason Trust recipient, Jaclyn Rees, had always been interested in art, but to be able to in subjects like Studio Arts, Media, and Art General at BSSC was something she found really exciting. Photography in particular inspired her to pursue art beyond Year 12 and has led her to study Filmmaking and Photography at LCI Art and Design school in Melbourne. Jaclyn discovered the Mason Trust Bursary in her final year at BSSC and was a successful candidate in 2020. She says the bursary has provided her with so many more options both academically and personally. It was a relief not to worry about the cost of the Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, she says. And having a wider range of camera lenses has improved my work a lot. Jaclyn believes studying Visual Arts at BSSC was a great preparation for meeting the deadlines of tertiary studies and tracking her own progress as an artist. Its really wonderful to see yourself improving, she says. Even when work gets hard, especially right now during lockdown, what really drives me is finishing a project and being proud of what Ive made. LCI gives first year students the unique opportunity to explore different facets of art and design through lectures, hands-on workshops and creative labs. Im still figuring out what areas of my course really grab me and feel perfect for me, so Im not too certain on what my future holds, Jaclyn says. I hope one day I can have a career in the arts, even if its not as a photographer Im pretty open. While 2020 has been an unprecedented year for Visual Art students at BSSC, Jaclyn encourages anyone planning tertiary study to consider applying for the Mason Trust Bursary. Its been a lot harder for the 2020 Year 12s to think about further education options because of COVID-19, especially in the arts, she says. The Mason Bursary is definitely something that makes a positive difference and takes removes some of the financial stress. See more
24.01.2022 BSSC MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR 2020 LAST CHANCE TO VOTE FOR AUDIENCE CHOICE AWARD!! Tomorrow, BSSC's Musician of the Year will be announced. Make sure you get your votes in NOW for the Audience Choice Award!! ... Click on the link below to view the student performances and read performers' bios. Make sure you cast your vote for the Audience Choice Award. See more
22.01.2022 KAI DANIELS - CLASS OF 2019 BSSC Alumnus, Kai Daniels, will fulfill a lifelong dream this week as he heads to Regis University in Colorado to begin his college basketball career. Good luck, Kai! Read the full story in the Bendigo Advertiser...
22.01.2022 BSSC STUDENTS MAKING CONNECTIONS Last nights WIN News featured interviews with BSSC students, Ruby Norman and Annalise Varker who are just about to complete successful work placements through a joint project with the North Central Catchment Management Authority and Parks Victoria. Ruby has already secured ongoing employment through this program and is really looking forward to getting into a role she already knows she loves.
22.01.2022 POWERFUL ARTWORK CONNECTS TO DREAMING Year 11 student Gabby Heaney is a proud, young Worimi woman from the eastern Port Stephens and Great Lakes regions of coastal New South Wales. Shes also an emerging artist and has created this amazing artwork that speaks of her strengthof being a young Aboriginal woman in todays society. In collaboration with Elder and Woka Woka man, Uncle Paul Chapman, Gabby has also created an artists statement that explores the Songline of her piec...e. It is a powerful exploration that gives context to Gabbys work and connects it to the Dreaming (nin-an-gur-u). Here is a small taste: Because our woman are from the shadows, they are grounded by the earth colours of this land and waters: gold (creator), black (veil of darkness), silver (wisdom), white (water), brown (earth), green (nature), blue (salt) and yellow (sun). These colours represent the Elements of Life and Creation of this country. So many Aboriginal people in this country will tell you, that for each afternoon, when the sun is going down and reflects itself back, it means that the sun is taking the Spirit of the ones who have passed from this land and waters Our women are giving those last blessings to the Spirit that is going home and its only right that they (the women) are facing towards the west, always from the brightness of the day, to see Spirit going home. Thank you so much for sharing your work and your culture with us, Gabby.
22.01.2022 STUDENT PROFILE Despite the challenges of 2020, Year 12 student, Jack Jeffrey, is a young man on a mission. Read about his aspirations for 2021 and beyond in this week's Student Profile...
21.01.2022 OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN A YOUTH MENTORING PROGRAM 10/10 is a 10-month capacity building initiative, mentoring young people to grow their talents, skills and develop leadership qualities for themselves and their community. If you are a young person between the ages of 16 and 25 and are looking for opportunities to learn, connect and gain support from the Bendigo community, apply now to be a participant. If you are you an expert, specialist, or competent business support ...provider who wants to contribute to young people as emerging and future leaders, apply now to be a mentor. Applications close 30th November 2020. For more information and to apply visit: This program is initiatied by Make a Change Australia, a division of Jumpleads NFP, in partnership with the FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants Program, Strategem, Beck Legal, BLR Provincial Construction and Y Service Club of Bendigo.
21.01.2022 BURSARY EASES THE PRESSURE OF A TOUGH YEAR Moving to a new school at the beginning of your final year of secondary schooling would be a challenge for any student. For Chelsea Dillon, it was a chance to realise her potential in the Visual Arts. Ive always wanted to further my studies in visual communication and graphic design and I loved how I was able to immerse myself in a wide variety of art subjects, Chelsea says. Bendigo Senior gave me the chance to achieve my highest... potential in Visual Communication Design and Studio Art: Photography. One of the opportunities that came her way was the Margaret Standen Bursary, allowing her to buy the materials she needed to produce folios she hopes will take her to further study in the Arts beyond Year 12. The Standen Bursary honours much-admired art teacher, Margaret Standen, whose untimely death in 2017 was a tragic loss, not only for her family, but for the many staff and students who were inspired by her. Her husband, Peter, generously established the bursary in her honour, and all Year 12 students studying Studio Arts or Art General at BSSC are eligible to apply. Ive used the bursary to purchase printer cartridges, lino printing blocks, black and white markers and different types of tape to help continue the creation of artworks throughout remote learning, Chelsea says. She has also used the bursary to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables, but these were for the studio rather than the kitchen. I decided to dedicate my Photography folio to the theme of food, she says. Ive been able to learn new skills in photography, extend my creative ideas further, and trial techniques that I hadnt heard of before I came to BSSC. Chelsea says its been a particularly challenging year for students studying Visual Arts. The Standen Bursary has eased the pressure and allowed me to create an artistic environment at home, she says. All my teachers have been really supportive too and helped me overcome the challenges weve all faced this year. See more
21.01.2022 DRAFT COMBINE BECKONS FOR ANABEL BSSC Year 12 student, Annabel Strahan, is looking to impress recruiters at the AFL draft combine. Congratulations on your invitation, Anabel... a great achievement.
21.01.2022 BUILDING WORKS It's already hard to picture the old staff carpark and VCAL portables. Things are really taking shape!
20.01.2022 MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR 2020 THE RESULTS ARE IN! BSSC Musician of the Year for 2020 is David Stockwell for his performance of Alexander Tcherepnins Timpani Sonatina, as adjudicated by Stephen Briggs Music Coordinator at BSE. It was a close finish for the top four performers and two extra Honourable Mentions have been awarded as a result.... The top four performers are: Musician of the Year: David Stockwell Honourable Mention: Tara Muscatello Honourable Mention: Seth Bish Honourable Mention: Charlie Clark There were also 203 votes counted for this years Audience Choice Award and the winner was: Charlie Davis-Tope - for his performance of Over the Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'Ole (Arrangement by George Shearing) Congratulations to all the students who entered in 2020 under such challenging circumstances.
19.01.2022 YEAR 12s - HAVE YOU SUBMITTED YOUR PREP PHOTO? We are putting together a special presentation for Graduation this year - all graduating Year 12 students school photos will be shown, next to their Prep photo. Now that we're all spending a lot more time at home, it's the perfect chance to have a look through those old photo albums and search for your Prep photo... or a photo of yourself at around that age. Students can email their photo to Danielle at [email protected] by the end of term. If you do not give permission for your school photo to be included in the visual, email Danielle as soon as possible. We can't wait to see your photos!
19.01.2022 WOMENS HEALTH WEEK Even though weve all been isolating, its as important as always not to neglect your regular health checks. Womens Health Loddon Mallee and Bendigo Community Health Services both have free health clinics for women. You can contact a friendly and caring female nurse at WHLMs Well Womens Clinic by calling 5443 0233 or make an appointment at the BCHS Womens Health Clinic on 5406 1200.
19.01.2022 2021 BOOKLIST The 2021 booklist is temporarily closed. We will let you know as soon as it's up and running again.
18.01.2022 NETSCHOOL LEARNERS SHARE THE DIGNITY Over the past two week students at NETschool have run a collection drive for essential items for the 'Share the Dignity: It’s in the Bag' drive. These bags are distributed to organisations supporting women and girls escaping domestic violence, experiencing poverty or homelessness. Students decided to focus on assembling the ‘teen’ bags as they could relate to what it might be like to be a teen in need at this time of year. At the end of the two weeks they had collected 100’s of items from donations within the school community and were able to make up 16 really full bags of essential and luxury items. Thank you to all those who donated to this great cause.
17.01.2022 FEDERATION YEAR 12 REGIONAL AND RURAL SCHOLARSHIP Federation University is offering scholarships to the value of $5,000 to Year 12 students across regional and rural Victoria who enrol in a Federation University Australia course on campus. The scholarships are awarded on the basis of community involvement and contribution, residing in a regional or rural area, and a supporting statement from school. Applications close on Friday 23 October.... To apply go to: See more
17.01.2022 R U OK? DAY - THURSDAY 10 SEPTEMBER 2020 has been a challenging year for everyone and circumstances have made it even more important for us all to stay connected and support those around us. R U OK? Day is this Thursday. The focus this year is on: "There's more to say, after R U OK?". There are heaps of resources on the official website to help you to start conversations with those in your life. If you have concerns about a friend, you can reach out to our Wellbeing Team at [email protected], contact Headspace or talk to a trusted adult. Check out this video for more info on R U OK? Day.
15.01.2022 FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS FOR STUDENTS AND FAMILIES Answers to frequently asked questions such as VCE and ATARs results and general queries for 2021 can be found here at...
15.01.2022 THE ROUGH AND TUMBLE OF ELITE GYMNASTICS Year 12 student, Amelia Boyle, completed a family sporting circle when she started tumbling at Bendigos Palmers Gym at the age of seven. While 2020 has brought plenty of challenges to her sport, Amelia has her sights set on the 2021 Australian Gymnastics Championships. Read the full story in eNews...
14.01.2022 A MESSAGE OF RESILIENCE Results time can often be stressful for some students, as they face the nervous wait to see what their ATAR will be. Whilst for some it can be an exciting time, for others it can mean managing disappointment when things haven’t gone quite to plan. Skye Kinder (Class of 2008) knows all too well the feeling of getting a different result to the one she was hoping for but Skye didn’t let that stop her from chasing her dreams. In her own words, When one door closes, a window opens and you just climb through and see what’s there. Check out Skye’s thoughts on resilience and making your own opportunities.
13.01.2022 PRINCIPAL'S END OF TERM MESSAGE Please see this important message from BSSC Principal, Dale Pearce, including information about the beginning of Term 4 and the GAT on Wednesday 7 October.
13.01.2022 BRAINY BEHAVIOUR HOT TIP EXERCISEits one of your brains favourite activities and comes in so many varieties theres bound to be one that fits you. Running, walking, cycling, jogging on the spot, netball, basketball, weight training, dancing, tennis, martial arts, swimming, gym work-outs, tai chi, yoga, footy the list goes on. It doesnt need to be organised sport you dont need to join a team or a club just move your body. Check out the simple facts:
12.01.2022 HOSPITALITY STUDENTS BACK IN THE KITCHEN Its been a challenging term for all BSSC students and staff, including our VET Hospitality students who are working extra-long hours to try and complete all their practical sessions after missing so many days in the kitchen. Todays double session saw the students make more than 50 pies to fulfil the producing food for functions requirement of the course. The students showed off their skills and efficiency, working as a team to cre...ate Chunky Beef & Bacon, as well as Chicken, Mushroom & Leek pies much to the appreciation of staff who placed orders in advance. Well done everyoneand good luck with the rest of your prac sessions. See more
12.01.2022 WHO CAN SUPPORT YOU WHEN SCHOOL IS OUT? If you or someone you know needs wellbeing support after hours or during holidays, these contacts may be of use...
12.01.2022 TAHLIA ELDRIDGE - CLASS OF 2020 BSSC Alumna, Tahlia Eldridge, was asked by La Trobe University, Bendigo to share some words of encouragement for Year 12 students feeling unsure about the future.
12.01.2022 BRAINY BEHAVIOUR - SLEEP Think you’re doing yourself a favour by studying into the night? Think again. Research is now clear that sleep is one of the most important ways we get knowledge stored in our brains. A series of short, fully-focused sessions during the day, followed by a good night’s sleep allow our brains to store the information so it’s on tap when we need itlike in an exam.... Basically, without at least 8 hours sleep a night, most brains have trouble doing the filing.
12.01.2022 National U18 pole vaulting champion James Woods is training to reach new heights in the new year. After an impressive 2019 and a covid restricted 2020, his sigh...ts are now set on next years World Junior Championships. To understand the issues and find out how you can help the future of your local media, visit #WINNews6pm #SaveOurVoices
11.01.2022 BSSC MUSICIAN OF THE YEAR 2020 Welcome to BSSC Musician of the Year 2020. Click on the link below to view the student performances and read performers' bios. Make sure you cast your vote for the Audience Choice Award. ... Simply tick the box for your favourite performance. Please remember that voting is strictly limited to one vote per person. Please support our students with positive and encouraging comments. Winners will be announced on Friday 18th September. See more
11.01.2022 LUNCHTIME KAHOOT! Looking for a bit of lunchtime fun? Sick of just staring at a sandwich or talking to the budgie? Join the Student Leadership Team for Kahoot! this Friday. You could even win a Grill'd voucher! Click on the link to join the fun...
10.01.2022 BRAINY BEHAVIOUR: LOCKDOWNS LEGACY Have you found the coronavirus lockdown arduous or stressful? While some people are thriving, many feel theyre not on top of their game. Fascinating research about the impact of the lockdown on the human brain have turned up some interesting findings.... Not only are there some common issues, but results explain why people are trending towards irritability, poorer quality sleep, trouble concentrating and difficulty with decision-makingto name just a few. Its all about brain chemicals. Essentially most of us are missing out on experiences that stimulate the Im feeling contented chemicaldopamineand having too big a dose of adrenaline and cortisolstress chemicals that have to be deactivated while we sleep. Basically were too hyped up while our sense of satisfaction is, well, in the toilet. The best news in the articles (which you can read below) is that there are things you can easily do to make the most of a very challenging situation. Maybe you wont be surprised to learn that what constitutes Brainy Behaviourdaily exercise, good food, adequate sleep, positive experiences, getting outside every day and keeping connected to those you loveare also the antidotes that can support our brain and mental health through these unprecedented times. Ms Christine Morgan, CEO of the National Mental Health Commission, has this to say: "Do things you enjoy every day. It's not only okay to take time out to do something that brings you pleasure, it's actually a really important way to help us rebalance and re-energise."
10.01.2022 RMIT MOVING TO MELBOURNE SESSION Are you considering moving to Melbourne to study at RMIT University? Then join the online session "RMIT Moving to Melbourne" offered to BSSC students. RMIT staff will provide you with all the information you need to feel confident about relocating to Melbourne to study. You will hear about how to get around, what employment opportunities there are for you while studying, different accommodation options, support services, and key considerations... for making your budget work for you. When: Tuesday 15 September Time: 5pm to 6pm Link to watch: See more
08.01.2022 YOUTHRIVE RURAL CHANCES VOCATIONAL SCHOLARSHIP Rural Chances scholarships are for young rural Victorians who are facing significant financial or social challenges, who have career aspirations and want to/or are studying at TAFE or undertaking an apprenticeship. There are ten scholarships of $5000 to assist young people to move away from their home town or to assist with extensive travel to complete training qualificationsincluding extra support from a mentor, and leadership ...and networking opportunities. Additionally, smaller scholarships of up to $2000 are available for specific items such as equipment, course fees, tools of trade, travel costs, materials etc. Students wishing to apply can do so via the Youthrive website. Applications close on Sunday 18 October 2020 Click on the link to find out if you're eligible: And see how other applicants have thrived..! See more
07.01.2022 COVID-19 VACCINATION CLINIC FRIDAY 5TH & MONDAY 8TH NOVEMBER We are pleased to announce that Bendigo Senior Secondary College will be hosting a COVID-19 vaccination clinic at Ulumbarra Theatre on Friday 5th and Monday 8th November. This service will be available to our staff, students and their family members. CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW FOR FULL DETAILS...
06.01.2022 PGA TOUR WIN FOR LUCAS HERBERT BSSC Alumnus, Lucas Herbert (Class of 2014), has secured his first win on the prestigious US PGA Golf Tour, winning the Bermuda C...hampionship. He shot rounds of 70, 65, 65, and 69 to finish at 15-under par and win by one stroke. His win moves him into the top 50 in the world golf rankings and qualifies him to compete in the US Masters next year. Lucas was BSSC Sport Star of the Year back in 2014. See more
06.01.2022 STUDENT PROFILE Year 11 student, Laura Hipwell, is working hard towards her dream of becoming an Occupational Therapist but she also understands the importance of keeping a balance between study and the rest of life. I’m restoring a 1964 XM Falcon with my Dad and it gives my mind a complete reset, she says. "Obviously your studies are the priority and you do have to keep a balance! Read more in this week’s Student profile
06.01.2022 2020 VCE RESULTS & ATAR RELEASE A reminder to all students that results will be released from 7am tomorrow, Wednesday 30 December. The BSSC Careers Advisors will be available on Wednesday 30th December (9am-4pm) and Thursday 31st December (9am-12pm) in the Careers and Pathways office or via phone (4408 6366, 4408 6151 or 4408 6120) if you need any support. Results time can be one of mixed emotions for many students keep an eye out on our Facebook page for a video message from Alumna Skye Kinder (Class of 2008) who shares some fantastic tips for managing expectations and continuing to stay focussed on your goals, no matter the circumstances.
06.01.2022 LIKE BREATHING Year 11 student Sascha Muller may have only arrived at BSSC for the start of second semester, but she has already made the most of her time and is enjoying an array of subjects that include English, Psychology Units 3-4, Outdoor Ed Units 3-4, Further Maths, Art General and Studio Art Painting & Drawing. It was the range of Visual Art subjects and the freedom to create that enticed her to move to Bendigo Senior midway through the year. I grew up in a very cre...ative, art-loving family which helped cultivate my love of art, Sascha explains. Art is like breathingits such a big part of my everyday I couldnt imagine life without it. While saddened that she cant utilise the schools art facilities because of remote learning, Sascha is seeing the time as a positive. Its giving me a chance to really develop my skills in life drawing and painting, which is something I love doing, she says. Its been a pretty tough road for everyone. Im finding it really difficult to stay focused on the computer all day, especially in my theory-based classes not to spend all day drawing and reading. While not one to plan too far ahead, Sacha knows she wants to have a future in the visual arts and would love to study in Berlin after she graduates from BSSC, for the creativity and thriving art communities there. For now, Im just really looking forward to 2021, having only a few subjects and really focusing on developing my folio and personal art creativity, Sascha says. Im also looking forward to hopefully being back on campus and able to utilise the schools resources and great art program. See more
05.01.2022 VIRTUAL MARKET DAY SPARKS CREATIVITY VCAL Market Day is always one of the highlights of the college calendar. But with Covid restrictions making it impossible to stage the usual bumper event in the Ulumbarra Plaza, Intermediate VCAL students and staff had to get creative and think outside the square. Students still sought donations from local businesses and used their creative skills to produce handmade goods to raise money for a range of local charities including Bendigo Foo...dshare, Headspace Bendigo, Centre for Non Violence, RSPCA Victoria and The Salvation Army Bendigo. Year 11 student Olivia Logan was one of those students who went above and beyond to make Virtual Market Day a success, and this afternoon she received a VCAL Recognition Award for her dedication. VCAL Assistant, Judy Stewart, explained how Olivia had really stepped up to the plate as the number of orders for tie-dyed masks grew. Olivia spent four lessons of her own time to make sure all the masks were completed in time to fulfil the orders, Judy said. She learnt the skills required as she went, and grew in confidence as a result. It’s a great example of the skill-building that occurs as a result of Market Day, even though this year’s couldn’t happen in the manner we would have liked. This year, purchasers donated their money directly to the charities online. A big thank you to Bunnings Warehouse Epsom for donating products for the silent auction, and to Faye Frewin, Noela Datson and Helen Trewhalla, who all donated succulents to raise money for Headspace. See more
05.01.2022 JACK SET FOR AFL COMBINE Year 12 student, Jack Ginnivan, is one of six Bendigo Pioneers to be invited to the AFL draft combine. Congratulations, Jack!
04.01.2022 APPRENTICESHIPS AND TRAINEESHIPS Year 12 students - are you interested in an apprenticeship or traineeship? Over the past couple of years we have been fortunate to work with CVGT in Bendigo who recruit for apprenticeships and traineeships. Many of our students have been successful in gaining opportunities through this process. While this has been a challenging year, there are still many opportunities available. NOW IS THE TIME TO START THE PROCESS. DON'T WAIT UNTIL YOU HAVE COMPLETED YOUR STUDIES. If you are interested in setting up a phone appointment with CVGT, please email Trish at the Pathways Office: [email protected]
04.01.2022 RU OK? DAY 2020 It can be confronting and hard to know what to say when someone says theyre not OK. You dont have to be an expert to keep the conversation going when someone says theyre not OK. By knowing what to say you can help someone feel supported and access appropriate help long before theyre in crisis, which can make a really positive difference to their life.
03.01.2022 VET ENGINEERING STUDENTS ON THE CUTTING EDGE Certificate II VET Engineering students are working hard to complete their final assessments, in a year that has seen the practical components of their course disrupted by long periods of remote learning. BSSC Engineering teacher, Stuart Hamilton, said students were happy to be back in the Trade Training Centre and particularly keen to be using the newest piece of cutting-edge equipment in the workshopa CNC Plasma cutter. For thei...r final assessment, students have designed, costed and planned the construction of a steel fire pit. The students created their design on computer software called AutoCAD, before transferring it to the Swift-Cut program that drives the plasma cutter Year 12 student, Billy Goudie, said it was amazing to have access to state of the art equipment. When we get out into the industry, we wont be cutting anything by hand, Billy said. Well be using equipment like this, so its fantastic to have this sort of experience at school. Blair McCormick, who was busy today welding the pieces of the fire pit he designed, said it was great to work in an environment where everything is industry standard. Im not sure yet what Ill do beyond Year 12, he said. Im leaning towards outdoor work, rather than being in a factory or workshop, but I know everything were learning here is going to be really valuable out in the real world. See more
03.01.2022 WELLBEING WEEK KEEPS ON GIVING While Wellbeing Week might 'officially' be over, it's nice to see the kindness still being shared. Some of the mini gift hampers that didn't find their recipients last week, are being delivered today. For Liloma and Ashton that was reason to smile (and they ARE smiling behind those masks) .
03.01.2022 THE DAVID BURGESS FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP BSSC is calling for students who would like to nominate for the David Burgess Foundation Scholarship 2020. The Foundation assists young people from State Secondary Schools who have had to struggle to overcome adversity, who have shown commitment to their goals and who, with some help, have the opportunity to succeed in their studies and future life. Each award-winner receives over$5,200 each year towards the cost of their tertiary c...ourse. To apply for this scholarship you must complete the application form on Compass and submit it in person to the Careers and Pathways Office, or electronically to [email protected] Applications close at 4pm on Tuesday 13 October 2020. See more
03.01.2022 YOUNG CARERS CONNECT ONLINE EVENT - NOVEMBER 18 Young Carers Connect (YCC) is a safe online space for young carers to engage with each other and find support. Join them for a series of fortnightly sessions facilitated by the Young Carers Team at Carers Australia and Relationships Australia.... Young Carers Connect is all about having a laugh, playing games and meeting other young carers. The space has been created especially for you, so join us to share ideas, topics and activities you would like to participate in. When: 18th November, 2020 Times: AEDT - 4.30 pm (for ACT, NSW, VIC or TAS) AEST - 3.30 pm (for QLD) ACST - 3.00 pm (for NT) ACDT - 4.00 pm (for SA, Broken hill in NSW) AWST - 1.30 pm (for WA) Where: Online via Zoom (link to join will be emailed* to you after you register) See more
02.01.2022 LAST DAY OF CLASSES FOR YEAR 11 STUDENTS Year 11 students had their final day of classes for 2020 yesterday and bid farewell to a school year none of them could have envisaged when they arrived for Blast Off in January. You did it, everyone! Your resilience this year and the way you adapted to remote learning will stand you in good stead for Year 12. Good luck with your exams, and let's hope for a great 2021.
01.01.2022 STUDENT PROFILE If Year 12 student, Audrey Andrews, could have a conversation with anyone alive or dead, she would choose her namesake, Audrey Hepburn. I admire her so much, Audrey says. I’d ask her about the experiences she had in the Second World War and how they came to inspire her lifelong concern for children’s welfare. Read more about both Audreys in this week's Student Profile.
01.01.2022 A group of Bendigo principals is calling for on-site learning to return a week earlier than scheduled in term 4. #9News | Weeknights from 5.30pm
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