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Zonta Bendigo in Bendigo, Victoria | Non-profit organisation

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Zonta Bendigo

Locality: Bendigo, Victoria

Address: Zonta Bendigo 3550 Bendigo, VIC, Australia


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23.01.2022 Nominations for our 2020 Gwen Symons scholarship now open. More information and application forms can be found on our website.

22.01.2022 2020 has been challenging for every-one.... So inspired by National Science Week -

20.01.2022 The Conservatory Gardens are coming to life! Thank you to the City of Greater Bendigo for creating this amazing orange ribbon in marigolds. More will be added to this site next week.

19.01.2022 A great way for zontians to show support for the 16 days of activism.

18.01.2022 More than 30,000 women per year, or 82 per day, are killed by an intimate partner. We recognize and mourn all the women and girls lost to intimate partner violence and commit to eliminating gender-based violence. #ZontaSaysNO #16Days #RedDressProject

18.01.2022 Members who missed it may like to watch today’s outstanding presentation to the National Press Club by our District 23 Centennial Anniversary Awardee, Natasha S...tott-Despoja. It will soon be on iView however some members have picked it up on Freeview as well. So fortunate to have such a great advocate.... See more

18.01.2022 BIRTHING KITS - 40,000 IN OUR 40TH YEAR

18.01.2022 ZONTAINS SUPPORT GBAFV COMMUNITY EVENT Four Bendigo Club Zontains were able to accept an invitation to attend the traditional smoking ceremony in the Conservato...ry gardens today to mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. A very small, socially distanced crowd gathered to acknowledge the beginning of 16 days of activism to eliminate violence against women. See more

18.01.2022 Zonta International is not only dedicated to securing equal rights for all, we are also committed to a peaceful world. President Sharon Langenbeck Read the rest of our International #DayofPeace statement: #DayofPeace2020 #PeaceDay #PeaceDay2020

17.01.2022 Congratulations Zonta Club of Bendigo on 40 wonderful years of service to our community. The Doxa School Community appreciates the support you have provided us over the past decade or more. We wish you all the best for a great (albeit a little different) celebration of a wonderful organisation and a fantastic group of people. Your ability to supply the emergency toiletry bags through your TOTE project for our students makes a real difference. ... Well done and our thanks, The Staff, Students and Families of Doxa School Bendigo.

17.01.2022 At our monthly meeting last night we had Cathie from Bendigo Food Share give us an update as to how our $2500 donation has assisted during the pandemic. Bendigo Food Share do an amazing job and continue to pivot / plan and respond to the needs of our community during these unprecedented times. THANK YOU !!!

16.01.2022 We hope to pack our 40,000th Kit for our 40th Birthday in November

15.01.2022 Great coverage of the launch of 16 days of activism to eliminate violence against women. Bendigo Zontians front and centre!

14.01.2022 As Zontians, we envision a world where no woman or girl lives in fear of violence. Together, we take a stand and say NO to gender-based violence. Learn more abo...ut how our leaders and members are taking action to end gender-based violence. Join us these next #16days to learn more about this violation of human rights and how you too can say NO! #ZontaSaysNO #OrangeDay See more

13.01.2022 STEM .... Science can be relaxing too! Try these two Restriction friendly activities. Get your STEM on ladies!!!

12.01.2022 Have you found a Donation Dollar in your change? The Royal Australian Mint has released 3 million $1 Coins in circulation across Australia, with more to come over the years - one for every Australian. These cool looking coins with a distinctive green centre and wording are designed to be donated. According to new research, three in five (57%) Australians say they would be likely to donate this coin if found in their change.... So if you receive one, think about a charity or organisation (please pick us) you’d like to donate it to. And if you can’t give in person you can give online. Haven’t found a coin yet, don’t worry you can always donate too. We’re asking our supporters, can you help us to raise $10,000 to support women and young girls through our local and international projects for 2021? Donate to our appeal today:

12.01.2022 Today's National Science Week suggestions -

11.01.2022 ZONTA BENDIGO TURNS 40 A SNAPSHOT ACHIEVEMENTS & PARTICIPATION OVER 4 DECADES Over 1800 Breast Cushions have be made and distributed. 5000 Toiletry Bags assembled and distributed to women who are at risk, affected by violence, homelessness, or financially insecurity. ... 700 Tote Bags (emergency toiletries for young people at risk), or community members who have been admitted to hospital expectantly, including mental health patients. 40,000 Birthing Kits funded & assembled over 4 decades, distributed international through the Birthing Kit Foundation of Australia to 3rd World countries. Zonta Says No to Violence - a founding member of Greater Bendigo Against Family Violence Committee, financial support for community projects, including the Centre for Non Violence & Annie North Refuge Annual IWD Dinner celebrating with 230 women each year and raising $85,000 for Zonta Scholarships and Awards Scholarships and Awards presented over the decades to 119 candidates, some awarded for a second year, including Young Women in Public Affairs Award, Gwen Symons Memorial Scholarship, Heather Winderlich Award, Jane M Klausman Women in Business, Ann Horrocks STEM, Women of Achievement Award Scholarships valued at $3600 for girls who are in primary school to be supported by Bendigo Discovery Centre to participate in STEM activities. Zontian Volunteering countless hours each year in our community, including more recently with refugee women. $379,000 funds raised and distributed, within our community and Zonta International to support projects that advance the status of women. See more

10.01.2022 Walk Against Family Violence is this coming Wednesday! We can't wait to see community members across Victoria take a collective stand against family violence b...y joining a 'walk from home' event in their local area on Wednesday 25 November. By wearing something orange a facemask, hat or t-shirt and joining others using #WAFV2020 on social media, you can show your support for victim-survivors and help send a message across Victoria that family and domestic violence is never okay. It's not too late to register - Join us along with the Greater Bendigo Against Family Violence

09.01.2022 NEW SCHOLARSHIPS IN THE 2010s Zonta is dedicated to advancing the status and empowering women, and the club is very concerned that half of all students, our girls, are forgoing science and technology courses and careers in droves. The Anne Horrocks STEM scholarship was conceived in 2015 to improve participation of female students in STEM training with financial assistance to assist the winner complete her first two years of tertiary study in the male-dominated fields of scien...Continue reading

09.01.2022 Our 2021 Young Women in Public Affairs scholarship is now open. Go the scholarship page at for all the information you need. Closing 3rd February 2021

09.01.2022 "Education is the key to success," said International President Sharon Langenbeck. "We must educate women and girls so they have opportunities to be self-relian...t and financially independent." On #LiteracyDay, Zonta International recognizes the importance of literacy for individuals, communities and societies, and the need for intensified efforts towards more literate societies. Read more in our statement:

09.01.2022 Today is International Day of Peace......................... "It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it."- Eleanor Roosevelt

08.01.2022 Justice Ginsburg worked tirelessly to ensure women’s equal rights under the law. As advocates for gender equality and human rights, our members in the United S...tates and around the world share Justice Ginsburg’s commitment to ensuring equal opportunities for women and girls. We will continue to fight for equal rights for all as we remember Justice Ginsburg and celebrate her legacy. - Zonta International President Sharon Langenbeck Zonta International remembers Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a champion for gender equality:

07.01.2022 To end violence against women and girls, we need men and boys to join us in our efforts. The UN Women HeForShe campaign is engaging men and boys in a year of ma...le allyship. Learn more about the campaign and ideas for how you can invite men and boys in your community to become allies at #ZontaSaysNO #16Days See more

07.01.2022 We must end the silence around domestic violence, sexual assault and other forms of gender-based violence. Listen to these six courageous talks that highlight the importance of speaking out against abuse: #ZontaSaysNO #16Days

06.01.2022 Looking for a science themed face mask, look no further! Jess owns and runs My Mini Scientist and when she isn’t in lockdown in Melbourne runs science themed birthday parties for kids. What an awesome job! With National Science Week ending tomorrow what things have you learnt? Or was there an activity you or your family enjoyed the most? Nothing beats getting hands on with STEM but we are connected more than ever thanks to technology created for you by STEM game changers .

06.01.2022 Victoria has enforced new gag laws preventing survivors of sexual assault, rape and family violence from using their own identity while speaking out about and telling their stories. Sign the petition to revoke this! If you or someone you know has been impacted by sexual assault in Victoria, you can call the Sexual Assault Crisis Line Victoria 24/7 for free, on 1800 806 292.... #LetUsSpeak See more

06.01.2022 IT’S OUR BIRTHDAY 40 today! Thank you to everyone for your support over the past 40 years, we look forward to the next 40 and more.... The team have done an amazing job piecing together the history of our club and we shared with you some favourite memories from each decade this month in the lead up to our big birthday. There’s so much more we want to share with you and we will be releasing a book based on our 40 year history in March 2021 - watch this space!

05.01.2022 25 years ago, activists & governments came together at the Fourth World Conference on Women to adopt the Beijing Platform for Action, a blueprint to build a gender-equal world. Here are the voices of activists who were there for this historic moment:

05.01.2022 BENDIGO ZONTA’S NEWEST MEMBERS. In the late 2010s Bendigo Zonta welcomed a group of young vibrant women into our club. In 2018 Ashleigh, Sarah C and Sarah G all joined and our two newest young professional members Jess and Lucy joined this year. Ashleigh Colquhoun now a member of Zonta for 2 years, is a passionate advocate for women. With strong leadership skills, she is making a difference; see her story below:... I joined Zonta in 2018 with the goal of making a difference to the lives of women in Bendigo. My current role with Zonta is sitting on the service and advocacy committee and the Area 4 Advocacy Network. With 16 Days of Activism beginning in November, Zonta has collaboratively worked with communities to participate in activities for the prevention of violence against women. Maintaining a presence in networks and action groups provides Zonta with the information necessary to actively contribute. Through my employment, I aim to look for opportunities for Zonta to participate in the gender equality work that is taking place in Bendigo. The Area 4 Advocacy Network is still evolving as a relatively new network; however, I am excited to see what opportunities arise for advocacy and collective action. I believe that gender inequality negatively impacts everyone and that we all have a role in creating a gender equal world. Not all women experience inequality in the same ways, and it is vital to remember intersecting levels of privilege and power. As a Zontian, I hope that efforts in advocacy will have positive impacts for all members of the community and that no one is left behind. I am the youngest member of the Zonta Club of Bendigo, and I hope that I don't hold that title for much longer! Zonta is not age exclusive, and the life of this club will be sustained by new and young members.

05.01.2022 Wine Fundraiser! You heard right, our special Zonta Bendigo labeled wines are ready to order! Arranged through Personalise Your Wine who were very excited to share our latest fundraiser a bit sooner than we had scheduled. Check out the website to order your half dozen or more. Order soon for guaranteed delivery before Christmas. Free delivery to Bendigo & Metro Melbourne but a very reasonable cost if you need to freight to regional Vic or interstate, just flick them an email to sort out costs. Every bottle you open is a cheer for Zonta Bendigo, and to our 40 years.

04.01.2022 What a legacy . Vale Ruth Baden Ginsburg

03.01.2022 Today's STEM vibes....

02.01.2022 Meet Zonta International president and see a summary of where some of our ZI donations end up.

02.01.2022 Anti-sexist educator and activist Jackson Katz wants people to look at: that whole range of issues that are referred to in shorthand as gender violence issues... in a new way: they’ve been seen as women’s issues that some good men help out with, but I have a problem with that frame and I don’t accept it. Instead, he says in his excellent TED talk, I’m going to argue that these are men’s issues first and foremost. He argues that calling gender violence a women’s issue is part of the problem. Katz uses an analysis by feminist linguist Julia Penelope to show how changing the description changes the tone of the discussion: Start with ‘John beat Mary’.... the second sentence says the same thing in a passive voice, ‘Mary was beaten by John,’ and now a whole lot has happened in one sentence... We’ve shifted our focus in one sentence from John to Mary. And when the focus shifts further, you get ‘Mary was beaten’, and now it’s all about Mary; we’re not even thinking about John... and the final sentence in the sequence, flowing from the others, is ‘Mary is a battered woman’... [and] John has long ago left the conversation. Katz, who is the creator of Mentors in Violence Prevention, a leadership program focused on preventing all forms of men’s violence against women, says, those of us who work in the domestic and sexual violence field know that victim blaming is pervasive in this realm... but in terms of preventing violence, we have to ask a different set of questions... like why does John beat Mary, why is domestic violence still a big problem in the United States and all over the world. Once we’re thinking in this way, then we can ask about... how can we do something differently, how can we change the practices, how can we change the socialization of boys and the definitions of manhood that lead to these current outcomes. Katz asserts that there are powerful roles that men can play in this work" and he calls on his fellow men to put aside the notion of a gender war and stand side-by-side with women: We live in the world together... [we need] to get people to speak up and to create a peer culture where the abusive behavior will be unacceptable not because it’s illegal, but because it’s wrong and unacceptable in the peer culture. He says, there’s been an awful lot of silence in male culture about this ongoing tragedy... we need to break that silence, and we need more men to do that. And so Katz concludes, I hope that, going forward, men and women working together can begin the change and the transformation that will happen so that future generations won’t have the level of tragedy that we deal with on a daily basis... I know we can do it. We can do better. You can watch his excellent TED talk "Violence against women it's a men's issue," at To read more from Jackson Katz, check out his book "The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women and and How All Men Can Help" at For an exceptional book for older teens and adults about the early warning signs of abusive relationships, myths about abusive personalities, and how to get help, we highly recommend "Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men" at For two excellent new books about a tween girls' experience with sexual harassment - both for 10 and up - check out "Maybe He Just Likes You" ( and "That's What Friends Do" ( To help your Mighty Girl learn how to build supportive, mutually respectful relationships, there is a wonderful guide that provides foundational advice on approaching relationships in a healthy manner, "A Smart Girl's Guide to Boys," for girls 9 to 13 And, if you’re a parent concerned that your daughter may be in an unhealthy relationship, check out the books But I Love Him: Protecting Your Teen Daughter from Controlling, Abusive Relationships ( and Saving Beauty From The Beast: How to Protect Your Daughter from an Unhealthy Relationship (

01.01.2022 The Bendigo club continues to make a difference in our global community, helping Beirut. Our donation assisting the local Zonta club re-build homes.

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