Benefiting Birth and Beyond in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia | Education
Benefiting Birth and Beyond
Locality: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Phone: +61 428 799 898
Address: Birkin Road 4070 Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Likes: 769
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25.01.2022 Who am I? What is Benefiting Birth and Beyond to me? How can my passion empower you to a better birth? My Services include:... * HypnoBirthing Education * Birth Preparation Consults * 1 Day Gentle Birth Prep (also Cesarean option available) * PostBirth Classes * Private individulised classes and support * Essential Oil education for Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond See more
25.01.2022 HypnoBirthing is not airy fairy chat about birth case that what you were thinking. HypnoBirthing is evidence based, comprehensive pregnancy, birth and beyond prep for you and your supports.... It is tools to help you become informed and empowered. It is understanding your body, your baby and where you are birthing. It is understanding how to help yourself and your body to do its primal task efficiently and effectively. Want to know more? FREE Info webinar 23rd Sept 7pm Bris time. Sign up link @ bio Or
24.01.2022 Playing around with canva means being able to show you 5 images at once Thanks to @littlelovelanephotography for these amazing images
24.01.2022 It is officially finished! The first round of the online program is ready and available and it is only $99... For the first 5 sign ups. 5 x booklets to assist your prep Create your own Birth Preferences 12hours of video footage for you to access at your own pace in your own time. 2 x cheet sheets 4 x relaxation audios Available for life. Grab it at
22.01.2022 Have you included kids in your birth prep? Have you had your big kids at their siblings birth? This is such an amazing opportunity to show them your strength and beauty as a mother and a woman.... It is also a wonderful opportunity to show them how normal birth is. Having big kids present for birth does mean a few additional considerations though, so make sure this is part of your birth prep. Posted @withregram @bxcsmxth Tracey & Levi
22.01.2022 This month, my blog is a little different. I decided to discuss perinatal mental health and the widespread impacts of mothers living with mental health concerns. Whether temporary, ongoing, major or minor.... This is important to start opening up and discussing. It is common, it is manageable. Check out the blog here. This is a photo, the day I had my third baby.
21.01.2022 #love #lovemyjob #lovemywork #liveyourbestlife #midwife #yoga #pregnancy #birth
20.01.2022 It may be socially distanced. But it was still amazing. Thank you to beautiful @mindfulmikeala for being the best workshop buddy! Thank you the amazing Suz for taking photos.... Thank you mostly though to the beauitful couples who came along even with restrictions. You were so fun to teach and talk to. You got involved, gave everything a go and asked a million questions and we LOVED every minute of it!!! Mindful Birthing has some exciting news coming soon.... But for now the next date will be end of Oct at Ipswich if you are wanting a fun, comprehensive 1 day program to prep you for birth mentally and physically!
20.01.2022 Who's excited for 2021?? Who's just a bit over 2020??? ... Who else believes a bit of breastmilk fixes everything???
19.01.2022 So I have a number of Calming tea boxes that expire end of this year. As much as I would LOVE to drink them all, I have a few boxes too many so I am offerring 50% off ALL CALMING Tea... Want a pack for postpartum? Grab 30% off this amazing 3 pack. While stocks last.
18.01.2022 I really enjoyed your webinar last night. I definitely related to the approaches you discussed and have utilised pretty much all of the tips and am very much on that same page with them all =) they can all be used however your pregnancy and birth looks and plays out as it is different for everyone and that's the beauty of it =) Last weeks webinar was so amazing and when women take the time to provide feedback it makes the nerves about putting myself 'out there' totally worth! Next webinar is all about HypnoBirthing so sign up at bio OR
17.01.2022 Posted @withregram @hypnobirthinginternational Hows your mindset serving you as you move toward your birthing day? Our lives are moving in the direction of our strongest thoughts, and most of our life battles are won and lost in our mind. This law of the mind is particularly important for birth. In the HypnoBirthing classes, you will learn how to define and replace those stronghold thoughts that could hold you back from achieving your birth goals. These techniques are a g...ame changer for birth and life! Dm for details
16.01.2022 Do you want a class with a softly spoken teacher, who is going to massage your back and tell you as long as you prepare you can birth wherever and however you like? Yes?...sorry definitely not me then Want a teacher who is fun, passionate, swears a bit, relates a lot of birth to sex and is going to help you understand the system, your body, your rights and how you can control and make the choices for your birth every step of the way?... I would LOVE to chat! Birth classes can be so boring but NOT with me.
16.01.2022 Acupressure Its NOT massage. Its NOT gentle. Its NOT (generally) particularly lovely feeling.... It does Distract Calm Relieve Let down Build Bring Boost Have you used acupressure? Want to know how to make this work for your pregnancy, birth and beyond?
15.01.2022 Only 5 places remaining for Pregnancy Yoga Term 4 Block 1 Term 4 Block 1 begins Monday 5th October 7-8:15PM, running for 5 weeks. Your investment only $99.... Classes capped at a maximum of 10. How to book: To book head to scroll to Prenatal Yoga and click on see when prenatal yoga is offered from there you can select Sign up for Monday 5th October. Youll then be prompted to sign in and buy your pass for the 5 week block. There is only one pre arranged make-up class permitted per block. Please note we are not currently offering this as a casual class or on the unlimited yoga pass. Limited spaces available, bookings essential. If you have any problems please feel free to message me or call Ipswich Massage & Herbal Spa on 32816007 during office hours
15.01.2022 Did you know that tea can be an amazing tool to assist with pregnancy, birth and beyond? For example...Raspberry Leaf Tea Heard of it?... Great! Know what its use is? It is used to tone your uterus. Decreasing the length of labour. Decreasing your risk of a bleed postnatally. Can be drunk from the third trimester increasing as your due time approaches. Is also a fantastic alternative to water for hydration and nutrients in labour either hot or cold.
15.01.2022 All online, available Australia wide. Postage of materials included. Every saturday morning for 5 weeks. Done in time for lunch.... Bring your cuppa, sit in your loungeroom your pjs, and get ready to have an amazing birth Is there any other way of doing it???
14.01.2022 Posted @withregram @birthstorypodcast Photo by @maggieshackelford Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear. . . . . #homegrownbabies #homegrownfamilies #birth #womenarestrong #doulasbenefiteveryone #doulasupport #normalizebirth #birthwithoutfear #birthphotography #birthphotographer #ashevilleborn #ashevillebirthphotographer #homebirth #birth_photography #birthphoto #2ndstphotography #birthdoula #ashevillefamilyphotographer #ashevillephotography #ashevillephotographer #ashevillemamas #ashevillenc #uniteinmotherhood #motherhoodsimplified #shootandshare #birthbecomesher #familystorytelling
14.01.2022 Women are amazing! Posted @withregram @badassmotherbirther . ... The plan was for her midwife to be present. But when things progressed very quickly, no one impeded on the birth. No one told her to stop pushing. No one told her to go against her bodys work until her provider got to her. No one told her to stop birthing her baby. She did what her body asked her to do. She caught her baby. She birthed. Mama: @underthewomanhood VideoCred: @erinbethbirth , you can watch the full video at Doula: @righthanddoulaservices
13.01.2022 What are the benefits of HypnoBirthing? What makes HypnoBirthing different? Webinar last night to go through everything you need to know with replay still available.... Last class for the year starslts this weekend.
13.01.2022 Posted @withregram @rewildherbirth This time last year - watching, waiting, and beckoning baby Billie into the world. Happy very first trip around the sun for tomorrow, beautiful girl @leilaelizabethkate
12.01.2022 I love supporting partners to advocate, to understand and to be there for their family. Most partners want to be there. Want to be involved. Want to support.... Want to speak up. But how do they? If all they have seen and heard is negativity, scare mongering and jokes? How do they know that staying away isn't helpful? How do they know what to say, what not to say and what to do when you tell them to fuck off? They need to prepare as much as you so what is available to prepare you both?
12.01.2022 Breech birth of twin 2, born in caul You can just see the other twins cord has been clamped and cut as the placenta/s are still inside. Video credit unkno...wn. Repost @queroserparteira @magiadonascer_ See more
10.01.2022 Posted @withregram @first_glance_photography Connection, support, love, all key ingredients in a beautiful birthing journey . #birthbecomesher #newborn #babygirl #motherhood #beautiful #brisbanemum #birthwithoutfear #badassmotherbirther #empoweredbirthproject #postpartum #ig_motherhood #pregnancy #breastfeeding #thebump #becomingamum #love #photographyislife #thebirthhour #doula #baby #birthdoula #birthphotographer #brisbanebirthphotographer #birth #birthstories #babyboy #birthphotographerbrisbane #soulfulstorytellers
08.01.2022 ¿Por qué nadie le dice a las embarazadas que se masturben para facilitar la labor de parto? Que el orgasmo es un dispositivo de apertura del útero. ¿Por qué cuenta que el parto es sexual? Que están implicados los mismos órganos, las mismas hormonas. Que igual que para hacer el amor, se requiere intimidad. Que hay sudor, gemidos, jadeos, ojos en blanco, caderas en movimiento... ¿Cómo se ha vuelto el nacimiento/sexo algo tan rígido y controlado? Llegar al orgasmo requiere poner el cerebro en reposo y bajar al cuerpo. Dar a luz lo mismo. El tema es que muchas mujeres viven fingiendo orgasmos, para encajar en el modelo patriarcal. El tema es que no puedes fingir un parto. La #oxitocina es la principal hormona responsable de las contracciones uterinas, y es muy sensible; necesita tranquilidad, luz tenue y confianza. Da igual lo cerca que estes de correrte, si alguien irrumpe en la habitación sin avisar, o enciende luces fuertes o te habla de algo muy técnico; se corta. Son todas estimulaciones del neocortex, que generan adrenalina, e inhiben el proceso. Lo llaman fallo en el progreso del parto. No creo que se trate de un fallo, nadie falla al dar a luz. Es más bien siglos de represión #sexual unidas a una información deficiente basada en el miedo lo que provoca todas estas intervenciones y sufrimiento innecesario. . En definitiva, el nacimiento es un acto sexual que se realizaría con la máxima gratificación del #placer para las criaturas humanas, si la sexualidad de la mujer que pare no estuviese destruida. Wilhelm Reich . Lo decimos en serio e invocando repetidas experiencias, y no en nombre de teorías, de filosofías, de creencias, el trabajo del #parto puede ser una sucesión de contracciones verdaderamente adecuadas, buenas, porque son generadoras de placer. Frédérick Leboyer . Incluso la maldición divina parirás con dolor trae implícito que no siempre fue así. Autor : desconocido
07.01.2022 Looking for a doula? Have a chat to Andrea
06.01.2022 This is me... Pregnant with my first baby. The beginning of my journey. The end of it just being me. The end of an era.... The end of who I was. This was the beginning of an amazing journey...
05.01.2022 ...and now lets try the awesome new online program link with dashes not underscores Grab it at
04.01.2022 Posted @withregram @amyphilpphotography This was exactly 12 months ago! Pippas birth 12 whole months! Shes 1! I have felt really passionately about every type of birth Ive photographed, but this home birth will always hold a special place in my heart. . I will never forget what Jess said moments after this image was taken...I dont deserve this were her words, spoken through tears... I simply cannot articulate all the things I was thinking... home birth is simply ...a gift, a unique and spiritual experience, and it has changed me for the better! . . I have left mine and Jess blog on the website because there are just far too many things I think and feel and cannot put it all in a post. . . To celebrate, Im offering 20% off home birth bookings!! I only book 1-2 births max per month so get in quick. This offer will be for a limited time only. . . . #toowoombabirthphotographer #birthphotography #birthphotographer #birthphotographertoowoomba #godisgoodallthetime #birthphotogs #amazinghomebirth #rockstarbirthmag #clicklovegrow #motherhoodrising #exposingbirth #birthwithoutfear #birthphotographer #mymidwives #birthphotography #birthstory #empoweredbirthproject #badassmotherbirther #breastfeedingmums #birthchoices #birthisbeautiful #oxytocinvibes #thebirthfemmes #birthandbeyond #carriagehousebirth #gentlebirthofficial #toowoombaphotographer #superpregnant7 #exposingbirth
04.01.2022 I love the Mindful Birthing Program. A whole day to teach parents to approach their pregnancy with questions and instinct. To prepare for birth together as a team.... To look at their postpartum gently, preparing for a leap into the unknown. I am so excited this program is expanding into even more locations so we can be there for parents across Brisbane and Ipswich. Check out the website for class dates and our new location.
03.01.2022 Posted @withregram @rewildherbirth There is work to be done. If you do the work, you can safeguard yourself so that birth doesnt just happen to you - you happen to birth. . Escaping your head for your body to fade into the universe and collect your little being from the stars - this requires work. . Regardless of your babys mode of entry into the world, this requires work.... . Birthing in our society now truly requires commitment and discipline, is aided by practice and a tonne of preparation, and needs to be executed with confidence, trust and inward focus. . I will forever believe and promote that education and preparation is a HUGE (if not the biggest!) factor in not only birthing YOUR way, but subsequently influences the way in which you process and reflect on your birth and ultimately, your rite of passage into motherhood. . Empowered birth is not an unmedicated vaginal birth (though of course it may be!). It is the result of arming yourself with the knowledge so that you can own your body, your baby and your birth all at once, at any point in time, at any location. . There is undeniable work to be done. . #birthyourway #birtheducation #birthpreparation #empoweredbirth #labouroflove #trustinbirth #trustinyourbirthingbody #birthwithoutfear #birthtraumaawareness #birthtraumaprevention #rewildherbirth #goldcoastbirth #goldcoastbirthphotographer #goldcoastbirthphotography See more
01.01.2022 You may not know... But I stock many helpful products and additions for pregnancy, birth and beyond, including: essential oils loose leaf and bag tea cloth nappies... webinars research articles books to borrow Do you want a one stop shop for your pregnancy to beyond? Chat to me today!
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