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Astarte Spirit Art | Public figure

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Astarte Spirit Art

Phone: +61 411 234 826


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24.01.2022 GALACTIC SYMPHONY This painting came through as pure sound. Acrylic on Board, BenitaDavis 2018

18.01.2022 Andromeda Star System This is the full collection of sketches done in acrylic of beings from Andromeda. There are actually a multitude of different species on this planet this is just one 'type'. The images include; The Ambassador, The Pilot, The Nurse Maid, Reproduction, and The Collective. Please note these are benevolent race they are not involved with any sort of abductions or other such atrocities they are more technologically advanced and in Higher state of Conscious...ness than we are. They come from a star a long way from here to observe, learn, and protect this planet and assist humanity at this time of great change.

17.01.2022 ASPECT OF HIGHER SELF This is an impression of the over soul. We all have Higher Aspect or Higher Self and we hope through meditation and focused will and effort to build pathways to Higher Consciousness so we can be governed by God Self rather than led deeper into the illusions of the lower personality.

16.01.2022 Crow Clever Man This is a mystical ancient Indigenous spirit being dwelling in the mountains where I live. He has the gift of inner site. The crow’s call to me when its time to paint.

14.01.2022 THE AMBASSADOR-ANDROMEDA STAR SYSTEM This extraterrestrial being is an ambassador from the Andromeda star system. These Beings come at this time through channels like myself to introduce themselves to humanity. They are an advanced humanoid race ignited in God Consciousness. They have shown me that they interact with the earth plane that we inhabit. They are here to guide us, expand our conscious awareness, protect the planet from destruction, protect an preserve biodiver...sity and for the great transition and crisis phase we are entering on this planet. There ships appear as Orbs of light. There are likely many thousands of them around the planet. I witnessed these Orbs as a child so i believe they have been around me as i was growing up. When channeling these Beings they create total calm and peace there is no distortions or lower emotions. They emanate unconditional Love of God and there is total clarity, no fear exists. They wish for us to know of there presence, the great love and commitment they have toward our evolution and the expansion of Consciousness. You can see in this image all the many star ships that surround this Ambassador of the Light member of a greater collective of Inter-stella Beings here to assist our evolution on this planet and beyond.

13.01.2022 Introducing Astarte Art. Spiritual paintings of visionary artist Benita Davis. Impressions of higher realms; inter-dimensional beings of light, Ancient Indigenous Clever Men and Ancestral spirits, Extraterrestrial Ambassadors and Guardians of the Earth, Elemental and Angelic streams of consciousness, esoteric symbolic art. This artwork is offered for the expansion of Consciousness and upliftment of humanity in times of Great Change. Benita offers herself as a conduit for Higher streams of Consciousness and inter dimensional and Extraterrestrial Inter stella Beings of Light who wish to introduce themselves to humanity.

06.01.2022 This weekend look out for Astarte Spirit Art!

05.01.2022 Soul out of Body-Series This is a symbolic depiction of the souls existence outside of body. We are part of the universe, the cosmos. large painting Arylic on canvas, 2018

05.01.2022 TEH SECRETES OF FIRE- ANCESTRAL SPIRIT-CALDERA NSW AUSTRALIA This being resides in the Caldera Mountain Range of the place where i am living. He stands about 8 foot tall, I refer to him as an Indigenous Ancestral Spirit. He is the keeper of the secretes of fire. He is a great powerful teacher and has a lot of knowledge to share.

03.01.2022 MONAD This is an esoteric image with layed meanings The sun at the top represents God or Monad, the winged disk is the individualised Soul with 7 paths -7 Rays of learning and levels of consciousness through which we evolve on the earth planes. The large triangle with red circle and flame: is the incarnated Soul still with eternal flame in the heart, It is Ascending back to Creator. The up reaching arms are reaching to heaven for salvation from God. The golden flames show ...that we are Creators. The downward triangle is the descending triangle the God self incarnating into matter, and the scales representing Karmic Law by which the heart is measured of its merit through out the many incarnations on its way back to Creator... The mountains and waves are the many traversities and challenges the soul undergoes in the Maya of this world, the illusion and duality of this creation. See more

01.01.2022 Arcturius This is an older painting/sketch from 2015 i did of being from Arctirius. It is my understanding that Arcturius Beings are highly advanced and the planet acts as a gateway to our planet and training place to prepare Beings for entrance in to Earth. These Beings are my personal guides/guardians teachers. They are exquisite with very light crystal energy fields. They don't interact with the earth plane physically they are of much higher dimension and would only be experienced as light or pure consciousness.

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