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Berwick Psychology & Hypnosis in Berwick, Victoria | Alternative & holistic health service

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Berwick Psychology & Hypnosis

Locality: Berwick, Victoria

Phone: +61 477 516 777

Address: Suite 3/6-8 Lyall Rd 3806 Berwick, VIC, Australia


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25.01.2022 Great little tips to spark the gratitude rather than the self-criticism

24.01.2022 A beautiful rainbow to brighten your day

22.01.2022 As we open our doors to more clients requiring face-to-face sessions, we politely ask our clients to respect the guidelines below and help keep us all safe. It is still recommended that sessions are held ONLINE or via PHONE if possible. If you do require face-to-face, then please email us at [email protected] Please note that some clinicians are only offering telehealth until further notice.

21.01.2022 Today is "R U OK? day". A day to encourage everyone to reach out to others, check in and connect. Whilst EVERYDAY should be R U OK? day, this particular day is to raise awareness and teach people how to ask the question confidently and to learn what to do next. If you suspect someone you know is struggling emotionally, have a gut feeling that something "is just not quite right", or have had issues in the past, we encourage you to ask them "R U OK?". ... BUT, what do you do if they say "NO!?". This can be confronting for some and leave us tongue tied. Start with these steps: 1) Ask 2) Listen 3) Encourage Action 4) Check in Allow the conversation to unfold as you go. You don't need to have answers. You don't need to find solutions. Sometimes just being there and listening is enough. We've attached a brochure that explores this more deeply and can help you to help others' when needed. In addition the organisations website hosts many valuable pieces of information and tools

21.01.2022 As of 18th January, clients are not required to wear masks in the clinic As of 18th January, clients are not required to wear masks in the clinic

20.01.2022 Well our new recruit, Blair, has hit the ground running and she fits in like she’s been here forever!! We are so happy to have her onboard and look forward to seeing her continue to develop her role here at Berwick Psychology. Blair will complete her induction period over the next few weeks which has given her a great understanding of how the clinic runs. It’s so important to support our clinicians with great systems and processes so they can support YOU.

19.01.2022 As of 1st January, clients and team members are required to wear masks in the clinic again. We apologise for the inconvenience.As of 1st January, clients and team members are required to wear masks in the clinic again. We apologise for the inconvenience.

18.01.2022 Happy birthday Priya!!! We wish you a fab day and hope you get spoiled rotten. ... From your work buddies xx

17.01.2022 Happy new year to our wonderful community and team We look forward to serving you in the new year and helping you with your health Happy new year to our wonderful community and team We look forward to serving you in the new year and helping you with your health

16.01.2022 Our clinic director and psychologist, Rebecca Pearce has been busy creating an internal website for our team. This site collates the resources needed for our practitioners to better serve our clients and community. We are very excited and plan to launch it by December. Stay tuned

16.01.2022 A big shout out and THANK YOU to our team members - Amanda, Steve, Alison, Priya and Aphrodite. These wonderful souls have seamlessly transitioned their therapeutical skills during this COVID-19 crisis, to deliver psychological help online. They have continued to learn, grow and challenge themselves whilst supporting their clients. ... I am so proud to have them in our team and feel grateful every day they are. We can’t wait to be together again so, for now, we gather over zoom and look forward to times when we can gather in-person once again.

15.01.2022 We thank you all for your ongoing support and patience with the dramatic changes to our service delivery during this pandemic. It hasn’t been easy for you to transition to Telehealth, wear masks during appointments, and have your therapy altered in such ways. Here we provide an update from Rebecca Pearce, practice owner and psychologist, about the current COVID-19 restrictions and how this applies to your appointments. As recommended by the department of health, Telehealth c...ontinues to be the PREFERRED option for appointments. Face-to-face is allowed if necessary although some clinicians have not yet returned to face-to-face appointments. If you require a face-to-face appointment, please let us know via email and we will advise you if possible. Thankyou once again and if you have any queries email through [email protected]

14.01.2022 We are so excited to announce the appointment of our newest team member, Blair Raatjes!!! Blair is a psychologist with provisional registration and has a special interest helping adolescents, young people and adults with anxiety, depression, low self-esteem & confidence, school and university concerns, eating disorders and emotional distress. Blair was hand-picked for her passion, enthusiasm, warmth and experience and we look forward to developing her position here at Psychology & Hypnosis. Welcome aboard Blair

14.01.2022 We have a multidisciplinary team at Berwick Psychology because we know how important it is to look after the whole self and, in the spirit of holistic health and wellbeing, we have a dietitian on our team who is well trained in mental health and providing dietetic guidance to our community. Alison, our resident dietitian, is currently offering Telehealth appointments and she can help with IBS, gut health, PCOS, mental health through nutrition, eating disorders, improve your relationship with food, and assess your dietary requirements. If you’d like to get your dietary issues sorted, get in touch

13.01.2022 We are currently accepting new applications to join our team!! 2021 will be a FANTASTIC year for us and we have lots planned to improve our clinic, reward our team, and make sure we continue to offer great clinical services. If you are looking for a change in 2021, we would love to hear from you so get in touch

13.01.2022 Our clinic will be closing from the 24th December 2020 and reopening 4th January 2021. If you require assistance during this time, the following numbers can help: Lifeline 13 11 14 Beyond blue 1800 512 348 ... Crisis Assessment Team (CAT) 1300 369 012 Visit your local Emergency department See more

11.01.2022 Our team has done such an amazing job throughout Melbourne restrictions, (that seem to be going forever!!). So to thank them, we sent them a little care pack of deliciousness #vinkascakes #covidlockdown #Mentalhealth #therapistsdoingamazingthings

10.01.2022 Not the normal work attire for admin, but when you are THE BEST client service extraordinaire in Melbourne, you can get away with it

09.01.2022 Second day in a row of 0 covid cases in Victoria. One step closer to spending time with loved ones, connecting and camping again!!!! What are you looking forward to with easing restrictions?

09.01.2022 Reading this great book culture is everything by Tristan White. My main focus in the clinic is to build a great team, a great culture and an atmosphere that makes everyone want to be at work. Highly recommend this book, lots of pearls of wisdom.

08.01.2022 Did you know that Alison, our resident dietitian, is offering Telehealth appointments? Because Alison is a registered dietitian, she has a Medicare provider number and is a recognised health care professional. So, if you have a referral or private health you will be eligible for a rebate. ... If you’d like to get your dietary issues, give a call and we’ll book you in.

07.01.2022 Great little tips to spark the gratitude instead of the self-criticism.

07.01.2022 We hope you are well and we look forward to slowly returning to a "COVID normal" community. Here is an update regarding COVIDsafe procedures and health recommendations at this time. For those clients who are unable to do telehealth and require face-to-face appointments, we ask that you please adhere to our COVIDsafe guidelines when you enter the clinic. - If are unwell in any way, have ANY symptoms of illness, are awaiting COVID test results or have had close contact with s...omeone who is unwell or waiting COVID test results, PLEASE DO NOT enter the clinic. We will transition your appointment to telehealth - Two people ONLY allowed in ANY room in the clinic (including clinician) - Please wait outside until your practitioner calls you - Sanitise your hands upon entry - A mask is to worn at all times in the clinic We thank you for your patience, understanding and support, From the team at Berwick Psychology & Hypnosis

04.01.2022 We are currently accepting new applications to join our team!! 2021 will be a FANTASTIC year for us and we have lots planned to improve our clinic, reward our team, and make sure we continue to offer great clinical services. If you are looking for a change in 2021, we would love to hear from you so get in touch

03.01.2022 We like to say thanks to our referrers for thinking of us and recommending our clinic. We usually try to catch up with them once or twice a year but for this year, a card will suffice!

03.01.2022 The power of Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Strong feelings and emotions tend to store themselves in our body. Experiencing anxiety, nervousness, stress, and anger can leave us feeling so tense that we are forget what it feels like to be relaxed. ... If we sit on these feelings, the experience of tension usually becomes our normal. Stress, fear, and anxiety like to reside in the neck, shoulders, stomach, and jaw. Anger and frustration may present in the lower back. Burnout and fatigue may present in areas all over the body, the head in the form of headaches and migraines, the chest in the form of tightness, and general aches, pains and muscle tension. People turn to many methods to help relieve stress; massage, yoga, friends. Tuning into the body enables us create a positive toolbox of strategies to aid in the release of tension. A strategy that may be learned is Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR). PMR involves progressively scanning the body by tensing, holding, and releasing one muscle group at a time. The technique builds on the theory that when you are physically relaxed, it’s difficult to feel anxious, fostering the cultivation of deep physical and mental relaxation. PMR has proven highly effective at relieving symptoms that arise from several conditions, including anxiety, insomnia, stress, headaches, and high blood pressure. PMR is best done lying down with an ability to scan the entirety of our body. Each muscle should be slowly tensed, but not to the point of pain or strain. While PMR can provide an immediate feeling of relaxation, it is best to practice frequently. Learning to relax the body is a skill, requiring practice and relaxation. This technique can be used as a preventative (listening in the morning when you wake) or as treatment (when you are experiencing heightened feelings like anxiety and stress). Our therapists can help you learn and practice these skills, so give us a call if you would like to start relaxing more. Post written by Blair Raatjes, Provisional Psychologist

01.01.2022 The team at Berwick Psych celebrated last night over dinner and drinks We celebrated our health, our friendships, our team, and our work. We celebrated nearing the end of this year and the hope, renewal and potential the new one brings. ... We celebrated the year that was 2020, with its ups and downs and myriad learning opportunities We celebrated the resilience, strength, support, and consistency demonstrated by our team; despite being in the midst of a global pandemic. We spoke of our wonderful client community, how lucky we are to do the work we do, and to welcome the people who come in every day We celebrated the fact that 3 out of our 8 team members (two were unable to join us last night ) joined us AFTER the pandemic began. And we celebrated having the FREEDOM to finally share a meal together again, laugh and reconnect As 2020 draws to a close, we sincerely hope you all find reason to celebrate. We wish you all a safe Christmas/Holiday/New Year period and may 2021 be filled with light and love. From Rebecca, Priya, Lisa, Aphrodite, Amanda, Blair, Steve & Alison

01.01.2022 "Now I have anxiety about anxiety". Can anyone relate to this? Many of our clients have anxiety. In fact it is one of our most treated, and treatable areas of practice. ... It can be soooo hard to suffer from anxiety and feel like there's nothing you can do. Instinctively, our reactions can be to try to fight, struggle, suppress and avoid it; in other words activate the "struggle switch". As explained in this short educational video by Dr. Russ Harris, the "struggle switch" can sometimes make the anxiety bigger, louder and harder to manage. Watch below for some tips to help understand and learn to control the "struggle switch".

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