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25.01.2022 Shopping For The Best Home Loan Finding the perfect home is a task, but shopping for the best home loan can be even more tedious. With so many lenders promising low rates, closing costs and little or no down payment requirements, it's often difficult to know which way to turn. Luckily, there are several steps that you can take to find the right lender for your individual needs. Assess Your Situation ... Do you know what your credit score is? If not, you should. Most lenders rely on this triple digit number to determine both your creditworthiness and interest rates. If you have excellent credit, you can probably work with almost any lender. If you have severe blemishes in your financial past, however, finding the right lender may require a little more footwork. How much money do you have for a down payment? If you are on a budget, you will need to choose a lender that can help to get you into a home with a minimal down payment. Knowing where you stand will give you a good idea as to which lender you need to work with. Compare Rates As is the case with anything in life, it pays to shop wisely. Because a home is the largest investment that most people will ever make, it stands to reason that comparison shopping is a must. As you speak with various lenders, ask about their rates, loan terms, qualification process and down payment requirements. Interest rates change often, which means locking in your rates when they are low can save you a bundle of money. Because there are so many lenders competing for your business, you will be greeted with plenty of appealing offers, including low rates, closing costs and down payment requirements. Demand The Best You are the one buying the home, so you should be the one to choose the length of your loan term. With the exception of a situation where payments are simply unaffordable, it's up to you to decide how long you want to pay for a house. Many homebuyers prefer a longer loan term to keep the payments low, while others want to get the home paid for as quickly as possible with a shorter term. It's important to keep in mind that the longer you pay for a home, the more money you will end up spending in interest. It's a good idea to talk to your lender about their willingness to accommodate your needs. If you're in doubt about which lender to choose or are new to the area and need a little guidance, Call Maila Lund on 0406459843 for a referral. She knows the business and will be more than happy to assist you in making your dream of home ownership become a reality.
23.01.2022 Start eating these 7 foods the moment you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer The 7 Foods: Green Tea... Resveratrol Supplements Tomatoes Turmeric Blueberries Curry Raw Cacao
22.01.2022 Project Update August 2015 Meridian Corner Bourke & Charles Street, North Perth... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wall and ceiling linings to ground and first floor are complete with the first coat of paint applied to ground and first floors All roof trusses are complete with sheeting to be completed this month Doors to ground floor apartments have been installed, first floor installs are underway Cabinets to 16 units on ground and first floors have been installed with the stone tops to commence this month All wet areas on ground and first floor have been waterproofed and screeded for tiling Main floor tiling has commenced for ground and first floors Window frames and glazing is being installed to floors 2 and 3
21.01.2022 Pie recipes! Click each photo to see cooking instructions. #mamasguide #happycooking #ilovemamasguide
16.01.2022 BUYING VERSES RENTING A HOME When it comes to a home, you have two options: buy or rent. What is right for one person may not be right for another, which is why it's important to know which the best option for your individual situation is. WHY PEOPLE RENT ... There are a number of reasons why someone may either choose or be forced to rent, including sporadic or unpredictable income, a high debt-to-income ratio, a bankruptcy or foreclosure within the last six months, unpaid collection accounts or judgments, frequent relocating for employment or the inability to save enough money for a required down payment on the purchase of a home. MAINTENANCE MATTERS As a homeowner, you will be responsible for any maintenance or repair issues that arise. This is a big consideration when choosing whether to rent or buy. When you rent, the property owner is responsible for repairs and it may not always be obvious that these issues can be very costly. HOW TO KNOW WHEN IT'S TIME TO BUY If you have steady income with a good employment history, can provide a down payment of at least 5-10 percent of the purchase price and are current with all debts, it may be time to consider buying a home instead of renting. In some cases, the cost of rent may even exceed that of a typical mortgage payment. When deciding to buy, job stability is a big factor. If your job does not require frequent relocation and you plan to live in the home for at least 5-10 years, you may want to consider making the purchase. If you need to relocate after that, you may have enough equity from the sale to use as a down payment on another home. HOME BUYER'S CHECKLIST If you can answer yes to the following questions, you may be ready for home ownership. We can help you to find the perfect home based on your individual needs. Have you been steadily employed for at least one year, but preferably two years? Do you plan to live in the home long enough to build equity? Can you provide a down payment and still have enough money left to pay for closing costs, utilities and home furnishings? Are you current on all debts, including auto loans, credit cards, etc.? In addition to any current debts that you may have, can you afford a monthly mortgage payment which will likely include property taxes and insurance? Do you have the time to devote to shopping for a home and comparing interest rates from various lenders? Have you checked your credit reports for inaccuracies and disputed anything that needs correction with each of the three major credit reporting agencies? The decision to buy or rent is a very personal one that can only be determined after a careful evaluation of your situation. A Real Estate Agent can show you the perfect home and a lender can tell you whether or not you can afford it, but it's up to you to make the choice as to whether or not you are ready to make the move.
14.01.2022 Products that linked to Cancer
14.01.2022 Have you made your New Years Resolution yet ? How about living a clean and green lifestyle in your own home ? Get in touch to see your option and Order one or two of our HomeMade All natural products - Please read this link to see why its a Must to change your lifestyle Now !
14.01.2022 A Homebuyers Tip As the old adage goes, home is where the heart is, and choosing a family home that is right for your family can really make all the difference in having a happy, fulfilling, and safe family life. Buying A Home That Can Grow With Your Family... If you are a first time homeowner, or are purchasing a home after a major life change such as marriage or having children, what should you consider to be sure your new home can grow with your changing family? The time and effort that go into purchasing and decorating a new home, not to mention finding it in the first place, means that you'll want to ensure that your home will be right for you and your family for years to come. So what should you look for in your new home so that it will give you enjoyment and be functional both now and in the future? Size Though a cute two-bedroom home may be right for a newlywed couple, this type of space will likely soon be outgrown if there are any children in your future or if you and your spouse like to entertain. You will also want to consider the number of bathrooms and the facilities in them. Having only one toilet or shower can certainly put stress on a growing family. Features Special features of a home, such as a finished basement, central air, and a large yard can make your home a more functional and enjoyable space, especially if you have or are considering starting a family in the near future. You may also want to consider the age of the home you purchase and its features or appliances, as this may lead to future costs that may put stress on your financial situation at a time when one spouse may be at home caring for the children. Location Location is also an important consideration when choosing a home that can grow with your family. Choosing a safe neighbourhood is always an important point when selecting a family home, but you will also want to consider the proximity of good schools, community centres, and shopping. Also, facilities such as parks and libraries can make a neighbourhood truly a great place for families. You may also want to consider the demographics of the area in which you are purchasing in order to be sure it is a match with your values.
14.01.2022 A great a idea on sorting , tossing and organising your home to make your life more comfortable on the new year - 2017 !
13.01.2022 Questions and Answer on running Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF)
13.01.2022 Avoid the Most Common Mistakes When Selling Your Home Here are the most common mistakes people make when selling their property. Home Is Priced Too High... This will certainly turn buyers off, and you may have to make several contingencies or offer incentives in order to get buyers even interested in making an offer. While you may feel your home is special, asking more than the fair market value will usually get you nowhere. Home Is In Bad Condition While your home in its current condition may work for you and your family, if there are obvious repairs that need to be made, or it is terribly outdated, fixing these problems will not only make it easier to market your home, but will also increase its value. In most cases this increase will be considerably greater than the money you put into making the changes. Home Is Being Marketed Incorrectly When selling your home, there are no guarantees that the ultimate buyer will simply walk through the front door. In many cases you may have to bring your home to the buyer. Effective marketing will help ensure that your property receives maximum exposure to attract a ready, willing, and able buyer in the shortest period of time. By adhering to the advice in these simple tips, you can avoid the biggest mistakes homeowners make when selling their homes, and the process will be smoother and more profitable in the long run.
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12.01.2022 The new Art of living Clean and Green foot / bath fizzies products personalised souvenirs - baptismal / wedding /give aways We make our own home made organic and chemical free products for our home - ... dishwasher detergent liquid dish soap All purpose cleaner Fabric softener Natural Carpet cleaner Natural fridge cleaner Lets start looking after our families and children's health and start using an eco friendly , natural products to keep them away from all harmful products on our daily use at home - Order now !!!
10.01.2022 The Downside To A Sale By Owner In tough economic times, saving the money that you would have to pay a real estate agent to help you sell your home can be a tempting idea. Sale by owner has become a fairly common practice in many locations, and in some cases it can be successful. But before you consider trying to sell your home without any professional help, there are a few things you should keep in mind-the downside to a sale by owner. Legal Details ... Selling a home is a complex legal process, and there is a lot of paperwork that needs to be filled out, signed, and filed properly. While showing the home and hosting an open house by yourself are relatively easy to do, some of the more legal aspects of the home selling process might be a bit complicated for the uninitiated. When you let a real estate agent help you sell your home, you can be confident that all of the paperwork is in order and everything is filed properly. Tricks Of The Trade A real estate agent has the experience to know the right thing to say to a potential buyer in order to pique their interest, and how to get more people into your home for an open house. It's that practical knowledge and inside expertise that makes it possible for a real estate agent to sell your house a lot faster than you might be able to on your own. A Matter Of Time Selling a home is time consuming. Can you leave work to show it during the day? Can you accommodate people who want to see the house on weekends or other odd hours? Can you spend a whole day hosting an open house? Think about the time commitment that is involved in being your own agent, and be realistic about your abilities. Your real estate agent can do all those things and more, because it is his or her job to do them. Sale by owner sounds like a good idea on the surface but be sure you consider all of the details involved before you decide to go it alone. Having a professional by your side through all of the ins and outs of selling a home can make things a lot easier on you, and you can sell your house more quickly and more profitably.
09.01.2022 I have an infuser and it has made a huge difference. You can get one here...
09.01.2022 Bridge Financing: What Is It? When it comes time to finance your new home and you still have a loan on another home you own but plan to sell, you are likely to run into the term bridge financing. This is a special type of financing that can help solve the cash flow problems created by the need to complete the purchase of one home before you complete the sale of the other. Filling In The Gap ... It can be difficult to get the sale of your current home to coincide perfectly with the purchase of the new one in order to avoid a problem with cash flow. If you have a sale closing in 90 days on the old home, but find that you need a short escrow to close the deal on the new home, this can create a gap in cash flow. Bridge financing allows you to close that gap and provides for the time period between the new purchase and the sale that will eventually provide the needed cash for that purchase. Down Payments And More Most people don't have enough cash on hand to pay the down payment on a new home prior to closing on the sale of the previous home. This can make it difficult to buy the home you want when you haven't yet sold your current home or are still in escrow. Bridge financing allows you to make the purchase by covering down payments or other costs involved as part of the loan process. It will cover the difference on the expectation of payment in the near future. Qualifying For Bridge Financing Not every purchase transaction will qualify for bridge financing. In addition to credit requirements, you will need to have a strong expectation of the cash coming in to fund the new loan. Bridge financing doesn't guarantee that either loan will go through, and a problem with one loan can usually mean a problem with both. It is rare to obtain open bridge financing where there is no certain date for the assets to become liquid, since this comes at a high risk In most cases bridge financing is only used for a very short period of time. Your mortgage expert can explain the details to you and let you know if bridge financing is an option for your situation. For many people, this type of financing can make all the difference in the ability to purchase the home they really want while still waiting on the sale of a previous home.
08.01.2022 Selling Your Home In A Buyer's Market: How To Maximize Your Profit There are a number of reasons why you may need to sell your home in a buyer's market, and though getting the most for your home in that situation may seem impossible, there are several strategies you can use to get the best offer for your home. Here are a few tips to getting the most for your house in a buyer's market! Know Your Local Real Estate Market... A real estate agent can give you the information you need to determine how your local housing market is doing, and whether it is a good time to consider selling. Get A Home Inspection Knowing the condition of your home, and the strengths and weaknesses of your property, can help you make an accurate evaluation of what your home is worth and how best to market it. A home inspection can also point out any repairs that may be required, and you can even use the covered cost of a home inspection as a perk to potential buyers. Make Necessary Repairs Making repairs may seem like an unnecessary expense when selling your home, but these repairs, especially to rooms like the kitchen and bathrooms can really increase the asking price of your home and maximize your profits. Also, having your home in move-in condition will increase interest in your home and ultimately get you a better price. Find Out The Competitive Price For Your Home Knowing the accurate market price for your home based on its size, condition, and location will mean that you are in a power position in getting the best price possible. Contacting a real estate agent can help you determine the fair market value of your home. Have A Marketing Strategy Like any business, marketing is an important part of success; having a good marketing strategy means more people will know your home is for sale and it will be presented in the best way possible. A professional real estate agent can help you market your home in the most effective way. Call me now on 0406459843
06.01.2022 Finding Your Perfect Home
06.01.2022 Only In Australia would someone release this awesome Aussie anthem free for all Aussies to enjoy. Thanks Coach Bombay.
03.01.2022 Host A Chinese New Year's Party! The traditional Chinese New Year is becoming more and more a celebrated festival around the world, and it is a really great way to celebrate Chinese culture or just have fun with friends and family. Usually falling in late January or February, it is a great time of year to add a little cheer to cold winter nights. If you are hosting a Chinese New Year's party this year, here are a few ideas for creating a fun, traditional, and inexpensive n...ight! Prepare Your Home For Your Guests The New Year in Chinese culture is a very important time of year, and is a time of new beginnings and a clean start. Here are a few traditional ways the Chinese prepare their homes for the New Year. Clean your home in the days preceding the New Year to sweep away the bad luck of the year that's ending. Actually sweeping the dirt from your home is very symbolic. Try to see as many of your family and friends as possible over the first few days of the New Year to fill your home with loved ones, laughter, and good fortune for the coming year. Don't argue, cry, or raise your voice, to avoid setting a negative tone for the coming year. Avoid white, as it represents death and mourning in Chinese culture. Don't serve anything white, as it is considered bad luck. Decorating Ideas The color red is very important in Chinese culture and for the Chinese New Year, and it represents good fortune and luck for the coming year. Coins are also traditional symbols of the day. Here are a few great decorating ideas for your Chinese New Year's party. Decorate your table using red and gold. It will create a stunning look and symbolize good fortune as well. Peonies are an auspicious flower in Chinese culture and would make a great centerpiece. Place a gold coin in an envelope on each plate. It is a tradition that adds an authentic touch and is inexpensive to create. Hang paper lanterns throughout your home and in your yard. These are just a few of the ways you can celebrate this fun and important Chinese festival, and it is a great excuse to get together with friends and Family .
02.01.2022 Challenge yourself !
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01.01.2022 The Benefits Of Home Ownership The decision to purchase a home is exciting and a major investment for your future. Because there is only so much of it to go around, real estate is the top choice for many investors and the desire for most families. This article is designed to highlight some of the many benefits of home ownership and how buying a home can often turn everyone's Dream into a reality. One of the most profitable markets in real estate is rentals, which means many families are paying to live in a home that isn't their own. In some cases, renting a home is necessary. For all others, the money that would be spent on rent could instead be used to pay a mortgage. In fact, monthly rent payments often exceed that of a typical mortgage payment. One of the greatest benefits of home ownership is putting money into something that you can call your own and knowing that the monthly payments are going toward your home's equity. Speaking of equity, many properties experience a growth in value as more development moves into the area or the economy strengthens through an increase in job opportunities. If this happens, home values soar and owners can bask in the glory of their newfound profit. When you purchase a new car, it depreciates the moment that you drive off of the lot. When you buy a home, however, it has the potential to appreciate year after year. There are few things in life that can offer you a return above and beyond your original purchase price, but a home can. When you own a home, you will enjoy the freedom of decorating and making any changes that you choose without needing the permission of a landlord or property owner. In addition, you may even be able to use your home's equity to finance some needed improvements and/or repairs. In some cases, these changes may even increase the value of your home. An upgraded kitchen or bathroom, hardwood flooring or an additional room are examples of changes that could result in added value. Another advantage of home ownership is the tax benefits that are available. For additional information on deducting mortgage interest and property tax, consult a tax professional. In addition to providing yourself and your family with a feeling of stability and permanence, home ownership can also help strengthen your credit profile through timely mortgage payments and a steady financial history.