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25.01.2022 This fab bunch joined me at Evolve Events in Subiaco for Decision Making & Problem Solving. We covered everything from dead ants to deliverables, jobs to jump starting business. Great atmosphere and awesome participation and engagement - congratulations team!

24.01.2022 It had to be done - the red pen came out to fix this. I see this quote often about self-reliance and being independent, in life and in business. Truth is, you're never alone. You CAN'T do it alone. Whether your team is your partner, your friends, your family, your business buddies, your clients, your instafam, your babysitter, your kids, your venue, your business coach, your mentors... the list is HUGE! Whatever you do in life, there's very little you truly do alone (even go... to the loo if you have little people ) I'm feeling enormously grateful for messages and support as I've been getting things ready for tomorrow's first face to face workshop for aaages. And feeling very fortunate to even be able to share space with people! Life is about the journey, not the destination, and there's always people by our side Who is on your team?

24.01.2022 A few happy and focussed snaps from yesterday's workshop - what a fantastic bunch! They all want to keep in touch and hear how they go with the decisions and problems we worked on - heart-warming!

24.01.2022 What standardised tests are doing to our kids' thinking (vid 1 of 2)

23.01.2022 August 2020 at the Alex Hotel

23.01.2022 **New dates!** . Excited to share a new online mini mastermind session next Thursday at 12pm AWST and upcoming dates at the Alex hotel! . If they don't work for you, get in touch about in-house, tailored delivery. This is going all over from WA to the UAE to the UK! @ Perth, Western Australia

22.01.2022 Are you boxing in your thinking as an adult? (Video 2 of 2)

21.01.2022 A little throwback to a workshop at Riff in February with some great photos by Clayton Moulynox :)

21.01.2022 Definitely not afraid to pull a funny face to raise a smile in my workshops! Paying homage to my friend Shil's many "speaker faces" @chatterboxps Turns out more photos = a lot more out-takes ... Thanks @livbydesignconsulting for capturing my best angles

21.01.2022 Once upon a time, I was struggling with some big decisions. I found myself asking a magic 8 ball, listing pros and cons, or asking my mum for advice, because what else do you do? "Should I change careers?" - Ask again later... "Should I move closer to home?" - It is decidedly so "Should I do this task first?" - Very doubtful. Hmm - I wasn't so keen on the answers, so I went on a quest to find something better. In fact, I got a bit obsessed. I totally geeked out on critical thinking, decision making, habit formation, mental models... I felt more confident in my decision making and had clarity on why I was making my professional and personal choices. If you've had someone show you how to make good decisions *for you* - hurrah! You're in a minority. It's not on any school curriculum and there's very few professional development courses, but it's such a fundamental thing we do *all the time*. Now, I get to share them with other people and see how these models and frameworks can help them gain confidence, challenge their thinking or ask some big, tough questions and I feel very privileged to be in a position to share. If you are interested to see what decision making can look like, there's a few early bird spots left for Decision Making: Fast and Slow, next Thursday 8am... Limited spots at our new secret CBD location and they're filling fast - link in\ the events page

20.01.2022 What saves you money, saves waste, builds community, teaches you new skills and makes you feel great? Repair Lab! Join co-founder Wilma and I at 11.30 for a chat with NENA about the what, why and how of setting up Repair Lab events. A great project for a community, school, local government or anywhere!

18.01.2022 This time last year I was waiting for biopsy results. I'd spent a few days drinking lots... eating lots.... crying lots. Stuffing my face with cheese sandwiches and chocolate, trying to numb how scared I was feeling. I've got two little kids - I was worried about what would happen to them; how it would impact my husband; what the outcome would be. Knowing that recovery rates are good for breast cancer, but you never know. ... I'd lost my dad when I was 18. He was only 52. And lost a school friend six years ago. So the fear wasn't completely unfounded It makes you reassess everything. Makes you reframe and rethink everything. It was probably the longest few days of my life. In that time I decided it was time to take a break from my teaching job. It had been a really stressful year and knowing the stress from work was one of the things that I believe got my dad in the end, I needed a bit less room juggle short term. I'm one of the lucky ones. It came back negative. But those few days... I wish I could bottle the feelings from those few days, 'cos it makes you radically reassess your whole life. Others aren't so lucky and my heart goes out to them and to anyone else who has been through that kind of a scare. We think it will never happen to us. It's useful to look at the bigger picture and think about what really matters. What's really important. What's important to me is probably very different from what's important for you. But if you are acting in line with YOUR priorities, and YOUR values, then you know that you're living the best life that you can. So if you have read this far, please check your boobs. If you don't have your own, volunteer to check someone else's (haha, no don't if you'll get a slap!) but maybe remind a friend or loved one to check theirs. No matter our values and priorities, make sure that that which matters most, doesn't give way to that which matters least. I hope your are ok too

17.01.2022 The post that everyone has been saving! Updated with 5 more fallacies. A logical fallacy is a flaw or 'trick' in reasoning, which is often persuasive but can lead to invalid conclusions and poor decisions. If you find yourself convinced by something that looks like these, take a moment to consider if the premise is valid and if it really supports your conclusion or final decision.... These are some of the most common, but there are hundreds of fallacies - the Ikea fallacy is one of my favourites! One of the reasons I love Critical Thinking is how much I've got out of it in terms of reflecting on my own choices, living to my values and confidence in my own decisions. I want others to benefit from this as it's so, so valuable! This stuff is 'classic' critical thinking and tricky to convey in a bite size post. If you're keen to learn more I have upcoming one day workshops at Evolve Events and Training in Subiaco at accessible rates - covering Problem Solving, Decision Making and Critical Thinking in the workplace. Check out the events page or register now for September 18th -

17.01.2022 Shout out to "the nicest guy in Perth", Rhys Pearce for sharing his experience of Decision Making: Fast and Slow last month! "Incredible... refreshing... It was great" And I didn't even pay him to say it ... If you'd like to know what all the fuss is about, grab one of 8 remaining tickets for the last public workshop of 2020 on November 19th - check out the events page to get your tickets

15.01.2022 We all have our talents, sometimes we're just not in the right situation to shine. "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid". I hope you've found your place to shine ... Repost from @wawawiwacomics @ Perth, Western Australia

15.01.2022 Life lessons #56: You never know who is watching! Although 'spotlight bias' makes us think people are paying more attention to us than they are - we also never know who is watching! Being someone who loves a chat, exploring ideas and meeting new people, when I got a request out of the blue on Linkedin from Jeremiah from @beardncurls to join him and @vintagevania on their podcast, it was "Hell Yeah!" Jeremiah had seen me chatting on instagram live to the lovely @katvellos_aut...hor and the rest is history! We had such fun recording a couple of weeks ago, covering #decisionmaking, #criticalthinking, #values, #curiosity, #community and black lives matter in an Aussie context. Check out their YouTube channel or the audio for lots of great shares! They're doing great work and have amazing past guests, so I'm honoured to be part of it Go check out their feed and follow @beardncurls to find out more. And one day, after *all this* is over we'll catching up face to face somewhere in the world! So, keep showing up, you never know who is watching!

14.01.2022 Can't wait to deliver so much value in this session on Thursday at 11am - free to any small business, just have your ABN ready!

12.01.2022 Pro tip: Collect names with testimonials! I didn't last time I ran my decision making workshop face to face so I don't know who said what! But these are all real quotes from my awesome attendees! There's just 5 spots left for the next one @alexhotelperth on August 4th - check the event page if you'd like some of what these folks had! @ Perth, Western Australia

11.01.2022 What builds community, reduces waste, teaches new skills and is lots of fun? Repair Lab ticks so many boxes, and founder Wilma and I are looking forward to sharing the what, how and why of Repair Lab in tomorrow's zoom chat with New economies network Australia!

09.01.2022 Don't be a flat squirrel! Looking for a sign to take action? Here it is. The opportunity cost of indecision is huge - for your personal or professional life. Better to face the fear, act imperfectly and own it, than wait to get squashed. ... If you struggle with decisions, as an individual or as a group, and need some fresh frameworks, come to Decision making: Fast and Slow on September 3rd or drop me a message about in-house workshops.

07.01.2022 Don't miss out - just 4 spots left! If you do miss the boat, check all the other upcoming events online and in-person :)

07.01.2022 Moving from the classroom and lecture hall to adult education, I initially thought you had to be serious (aka boring). But I've since seen that people are people, and making it fun works for everyone. This comment by Derek Sivers during a recent interview summed it up nicely (from The Knowledge Project by @farnamstreet - highly recommend it!). Fun experiences increase levels of dopamine, endorphins, and oxygen all things that promote learning. Combine that with memorable e...xamples and activities and you're on to a winner! With over 15 years in education, I've seen time again how gamification, use of humour, interactive and physical activities, throwing things around and silly examples have paid off in successful application of new knowledge, at any age. "Fun" may also be being playful with ideas, thought experiments, following our curiosity - fun can look very different to different people. What's the most fun, memorable and effective learning activities that you've seen used as an adult?

06.01.2022 Six months ago I saw this room at the Alex hotel and thought "wow, I want to run my workshops here". Ones that people enjoy, get value from, reflect on and take away a remarkable experience. This morning we did just that. Took a while to get there (thanks COVID-19!) but it delivered all that and more. It doesn't happen alone and I'm so grateful to all who attended for bringing such good energy, and special mention to Kauri at @alexhotelperth , Olivia @livbydesignconsulting ...for photos, Cat @cuttikins for brilliant ideas, Mr Winn for behind the scenes and COUNTLESS other people I can't wait to do it all again on September 3rd! @ Perth, Western Australia

04.01.2022 So... I had to go back to the drawing board. Some of you geek out on philosophy and logic, but for others its interesting, but intimidating or too unfamiliar. One of the reasons I got in to training in Critical thinking was because I could see how useful it was to me in my daily life, and I wanted to take it out of academia and bring in to people to help with daily work and life situations. ... In my workshops and courses I take a lot longer to scaffold this stuff - relatable examples, games to practice application, using them in our own arguments. So when I got a few comments and messages earlier about the logical fallacies post being off-putting, I knew I could do better. Here's attempt #2 - same format as the previous one but using some more normal language and typical phrases. Let me know what you think!

04.01.2022 "I feel like she gave me a bunch of $50 notes!" An elderly neighbour we often see at the local coffee shop was so touched that my daughter remembered his name and showed an interest in him. She's usually too shy to say much but today she ran in with a smile: ... "Hi Pete! What are you doing? Remembering a personal detail Smiling Showing a genuine interest Listening enthusiastically So often we're so focussed on ourselves and our perspective, we forget about the other person and how they might feel. But little things like this go a long way. By shining the light of her attention on Pete, she made his day and it cost nothing When have you made someone smile recently?

03.01.2022 Interested in the "behind the scenes" at Repair Lab Perth? Founder Wilma and I will be talking about the what, why and how of Repair Lab with enkel and the New Economies Network Australia - pop in and bring any questions!

03.01.2022 A little sneak peek in to August's 'Decision Making: Fast and Slow': "I thoroughly enjoyed the session we had. I loved the tools we were introduced to and am using them in my business and personal life now" "Really informative and playful - it really helped the new information sink in"... A couple of earlybird spots left for September - click the event page for more information and a very limited number of spots for an online version this coming Thursday: Don't miss out!

02.01.2022 Struggle to decide? Procastinating on a choice? You need one of these in your life! The decision dice can be used alone, with a journal, in coaching or in a fun chat to access different options and perspectives on a choice you face. My subscribers are getting a pdf version today - let me know if you'd like one too!

02.01.2022 Need a fresh approach to a decision or problem? Try this: Change your state, to change your story, to improve your strategy. State: Your current physical or mental state. What are you focusing on? Change your state through breathing, meditation, movement, nature, nap, cold shower, upbeat music, time in nature, change of scenery.... Story: What you think / talk / believe about yourself and the situation: Notice your self-talk, tell the story in positive language. Be curious about your fears and excuses. Check what evidence shows. Strategy: Take inspired action NOW, one step. Ask better questions to get better ideas; ask "what if?" with curiosity, return to first principles with 'Why?' I found this via @timferriss, who credits @tonyrobbins - great structure For a range of fast and slow techniques for better decisions, sign up for my next workshop in Perth on September 3rd - tickets via the events page

01.01.2022 "What do you mean 'dd' is a letter?" "You say it HOW??" "There's a language called Welsh?!" I've had lots of random conversations about Welsh language recently so I've put some random facts together for you - not Critical Thinking, but nice for the curious and language geeks ... Tag any Perth based Welsh folks you know and pop any questions in the comments!

01.01.2022 Some last minute prep of the activities and gift bags (including some custom treats from Sue Lewis chocolatier!) for Tuesday's workshop. Here's some of the books which have inspired the practical tools you'll be taking away, immediately applicable for decisions at work or in life! Hop on for a last minute chance to join in, and don't forget your ticket includes a one to one chat about any aspect of critical thinking you want to learn more about!

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