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Bethany Lutheran Church in Sunbury, Victoria | Community

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Bethany Lutheran Church

Locality: Sunbury, Victoria

Phone: +61 457 721 435

Address: 57 Brook Street 3429 Sunbury, VIC, Australia


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24.01.2022 Sunbury Prayer Gathering The combined churches of Sunbury invite everyone to join in prayer online on Sunday 23rd August at 5pm. For more details contact Sunbury Salvos at or their Facebook page at

24.01.2022 Wise words from ACL's Martyn Iles.

23.01.2022 Martyn Iles speaks about the connection between God and the Coronavirus.

23.01.2022 Here's THIS EVENING'S Live at the Chapel Sunbury guest artist John Red and band with backing singers on the deeply moving original song 'Stuck in Cages'. Doors open from 5.30 pm. Event starts at 6 pm. Hope to see you there!

23.01.2022 Televised Easter Sunday Lutheran Services on Community Television Stations

21.01.2022 Thanks to Oz rock duo Rosanna & Dave Palmer for being our guest artists at last Sunday's Live at the Chapel Sunbury. Get your hands on the So Many Voices album!

21.01.2022 Here's the title track of indie-folk duo Mayfair Lane's great debut album. You can catch Rhys & Esther's set THIS SUNDAY, from 6 pm. Doors open from 5.30 pm.

19.01.2022 I stood at the kitchen sink washing a bottle, listening to my baby cry from the living room. He was safe in his crib, his diaper had just been changed, but he hungry. I hated hearing my baby cry, but I knew he was okay. And though he couldn’t understand it, I was preparing exactly what he needed, what he was crying for. In just a few minutes, with a full bottle in hand, I would pick him up and his cries would stop. Standing over that kitchen sink, my heart realized how many times I have been in his place. I’ve been crying, safe and loved, but crying out to my God. My prayers shouting to Him exactly what I wanted, what I needed, but they were met with silence. I couldn’t see Him. I didn’t recognize the work He was doing. And though I couldn’t understand it, He was preparing exactly what I needed, what I was crying for. If you have found yourself in a season of crying out to God, wondering where He is or what He’s doing, remember that your Father in Heaven loves you more than you can imagine. He’s standing in the next room, listening to your cries, preparing what you need. You have not been abandoned. You are not alone. Your God is at work. He hears your cries. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. (2 Corinthians 4:18, NIV) Credit: Loving Our Lord

18.01.2022 What is your relationship to the cross of Jesus Christ? There is no greater question. Wishing you a blessed Easter from all of us at ACL.

18.01.2022 It's not too late to register for Empower....but get in quickly. Click this link to register

18.01.2022 We would love to have you celebrate Easter with us! Our Good Friday and Easter Sunday services will be streamed live on our YouTube page. The links are there r...eady to go now! Click on the link to launch the page. You can watch it on your laptop, mobile, desktop or you might even be able to watch it on your smart TV!

18.01.2022 The Sunbury Winter Shelter is now accepting registrations of interest from volunteers who would like to be involved in 2021. You'll need to 18+ and have a Wor...king with Children card. Fill out an online application form and we'll be in touch with details about our upcoming training session.

17.01.2022 Here's the opening track and my favourite song from Rosanna Palmer's recently-released 'So Many Voices' album. Dave & Rosanna are our guest duo THIS SUNDAY at Live at the Chapel Sunbury. Event starts at 6 pm. Doors open from 5.30 pm.

14.01.2022 Today is the day of the Christian "blasphemy". I once gave a talk at a university in Sydney on the theme of the divinity of Christ. I focused on the crucifixio...n narrative and underlined for the audience the striking nature of historic Christianity’s claim that the Creator of the universe would condescend to take on flesh and suffer at the hands, and for the sake, of his creatures. After the talk the chairperson opened the floor for questions. A man in his mid-30s stood up and proceeded to tell the audience how preposterous was the idea that the King of the universe could be subservient to the forces of his own creation. God is all-powerful and all-knowing, he declared: how could the Almighty experience frailty and suffering! It turned out that the man was a Muslim leader at the university and an academic. His monologue was probably the longest five minutes of my speaking career. He was very civil, but was adamant that what I had said was illogical: the Creator and Sustainer of all things could not possibly be dependent on earthly sustenance. In his mind, Jesus’ need for earthly food was a knockdown argument against his divinity. More seriously, he insisted that what I had said was ‘blasphemy’ because I had associated infinite majesty with human weakness and servitude. Only later did I realise these were traditional Islamic arguments against the Christian understanding of Jesus. They come straight out of the Quran itself: They do blaspheme who say, ‘God is Christ, the son of Mary’. If they desist not from their word of blasphemy, verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers. Christ the son of Mary was no more than an apostle. His mother was a woman of truth. They both had to eat their daily food. See how God makes his signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded. (Quran Sura 5:75-78) When the chairperson invited me to respond, I did my best to address his main concerns. But it soon became obvious there would be no ‘winner’ in this debate. Our premises were miles apart. His vision of a majestic God excluded, by definition, any notion of weakness and servanthood. My vision of God’s majesty consisted precisely in the Creator’s willingness to serve his creation. I ended simply by thanking my Muslim friend for drawing to the audience’s attention a profound difference between Islam and Christianity. What is blasphemous to the Muslim is glorious for the Christian: God entered his creation to serve his creatures.

12.01.2022 Such an appropriate song for Palm Sunday!

12.01.2022 Today is the March for the Babies! Join us online at 1pm

10.01.2022 Here's a great Lutheran parody of Smash Mouth's 'All Star'.

10.01.2022 Christian discipleship is not about mastering God, but being mastered by God - not as an act of craven intellectual submission to someone we fear, but as an act... of joyful intellectual enrichment arising from the expansion of our rational and imaginative capacities in response to a captivating vision of God, which ends up setting us free. "Eternal God, you are the light of the minds who know you, the life of the souls who love you, the strength of the souls who serve you. Help us to know you that we may truly love you, so to love you that we may fully serve you, whose service is perfect freedom." - Augustine of Hippo

09.01.2022 Come and join us for our first event following the Winter recess!

08.01.2022 In the lead up to Franklin Graham's Melbourne visit, Grow Church (St. Albans campus) is running this great course on Tuesday 15th January @ 6.30 pm.

06.01.2022 Bishop John Henderson's message to the LCA/NZ Response to COVID-19

04.01.2022 09 September District eNews including a message of encouragement from Bishop Lester, information on CLW@Home (registrations now open), St Paul's Shepparton Leon Tepper receives LCA Servant of Christ award, the annual LLL survey now open, and links to recent LCA eNews plus much more See more

03.01.2022 This is always a great event!

01.01.2022 Regular Electronic Giving (REG) is a simple way of making your offering every Sunday without cash. Your offering can come from your bank, credit union or LLL account directly into our congregation's LLL REG account. Visit the LCA REG page

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