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24.01.2022 THE CURE IN GRIEF so I felt in that modal harmony of stone and grass and mountain sky and the clear view across the blue lake ... below as if I stood alone and entire with a world held in place, as if memory could be true, and horizons still hold their hidden, unspoken promise, and that grief, after all, might be its own cure; and then, in the last held moment before the music stopped and left the mountain to itself, and the final, un-final note slurred into the raptured air, as if the deepest pain could be a long way to somewhere after all, and of all things, this faithful, beating, only half-broken, and still listening heart, the only one to serve me best. Adapted from GLENTRASNA In PILGRIM. Poems by David Whyte Many Rivers Press. David Whyte Mountain Lake Photo David Whyte July 5th 2017 Cumbria.

20.01.2022 19.08.2020 Diary entry; Rock bottom is the very best foundation bar none. Sometimes in life we can feel powerless or overwhelmed by what is ahead. Worse still... is often not knowing which path to choose or how to move forward towards wherever it is that we want to be, or what we would like to achieve. The Buddhists believe that Desire is the root cause of all suffering. I subscribe to this. By that I am not just taking about desire in a sense that many in today's world think of when they hear that word. For me that means desiring anything other than where we are right now, doing whatever it is that we are doing with the tools that we have. Sometimes we have no tools. Other times we just can't see them and the tasks ahead may seem overwhelming, like we have no control over our own path or destiny. In these cases, as hard as it might seem we still have power over one incredibly important thing; "Our own state of being" Today I reminded myself of the lessons that I learnt in my short stay in the Bastille thanks mostly to an awesome Maori Fella (Spiderman) He would see my cogs turning, grinding away at myself over things that I wanted to change on the outside, pain, grief and heartache or anger over injustice.. he would set my inner turmoil and say "Hey Bro ("he brew") with the accent) . . Where are you man? click his fingers and say "let that shit go bro" And just like that I would realise that the deep yet simple wisdom in his words. It was futile to grind away on the inside with a head full of bullshit about things that I was most certainly powerless to change. In prison it was easier to understand that when we cant change anything else in life, when our thoughts are causing most of our suffering we still have power over just one thing; Our own state of being. Sometimes that comes easier than others, for me that was only weeks prior to meeting my Maori brother in Middleton, when I was teaching Qi Gong to other brothers in police lockups. . but in just three weeks I had lost my way. Admittedly they were spent in the MAP and Port Phillip Prison, but I had lost my presence and my Freedom nonetheless. Today, I found myself in a similar situation. After wallowing in my own head full of bullshit for weeks about how tough I'd had it or how shit life was.. feeling almost powerless to change any of it I had created my own prison. Then I remembered two things: 1. Rock bottom is the very best foundation 2. That no matter where you are Or what you are up against you still have power over one thing; "Your own state of being" Sometimes you have to dig deep to find the power and the truth in that. It's hard to trust in that at times. To understand that happiness is a choice and true freedom is within you, but when you hit rock bottom the keys will always still be there waiting. Today, I don't have much in life But I am happy and free. Almost as free as I was in prison.. but not quite yet. Shout out to you BJW. Thanks again for sharing your Wisdom. Hoping that all is good in your world today Brother yeah yeah.. I know.. it's never any orher way See more

19.01.2022 #mentalhealth #wellbeing

18.01.2022 It's only ever a matter of time before what goes around comes around Or the truth rises. That's just how life goes

18.01.2022 Never Forget Who’s Always There For You!

15.01.2022 Stop #enabling people who lie to or about other human beings. Machiavelli used to call them "fickle". We call them Transactional Thinkers. Never enable anyone who is socially or physically violent. Why? Ask an old Lion Tamer.

15.01.2022 As scientific understanding has grown, so our world has become dehumanized. Man feels himself isolated in the cosmos, because he is no longer involved in natur...e and has lost his emotional unconscious identity with natural phenomena. These have slowly lost their symbolic implications. Thunder is no longer the voice of an angry god, nor is lightning his avenging missile. No river contains a spirit, no tree is the life principle of a man, no snake the embodiment of wisdom, no mountain cave the home of a great demon. No voices now speak to man from stones, plants, and animals, nor does he speak to them believing they can hear. His contact with nature has gone, and with it has gone the profound emotional energy that this symbolic connection supplied. C.G. Jung, Man and His Symbols Art: Edward Hopper

14.01.2022 Interesting expansions & explanations of a much used word in the modern world

10.01.2022 Work on yourself!

08.01.2022 Conflict isn’t the adversary of connection. Fear of confrontation is... (-an excerpt from my book, ‘Hearticulations’)

08.01.2022 Be Proud Of Yourself

06.01.2022 Stuck between here and there You’re really not getting anywhere The fields and meadows call your name Butterflies and daisy chains... Yet there you are in your abyss Not really sure how to lift The burdens way you down instead As birds of prey circle ahead The road you see is often long To find out where you belong But what you thought about yourself was wrong Because you were always just so strong So Turn around and face the sun You know you’re not really done Take a step And you will see Shadows fall behind Eventually And what you thought was the end Was really just a dark bend The light will always find a way Even on your darkest day. Just don’t forget that you can fall The throne one day and then the moor And at these times remember this You’ve climbed before from the abyss A warrior without a sword Don’t need your armour anymore Just turn around and face the sun No more need for you to run Take a step And you will see Shadows fall behind Eventually And what you thought was the end Was really just a dark bend The light will always find a way Even on your darkest day. Just turn around and face the sun.

04.01.2022 It's sometimes hard to accept that unfortunately they dont get it, because they actually dont give a $hit in any real meaningful way.

01.01.2022 Strength through adversity in life. Life is such an individual process, especially when as humans most of us are living in our heads. What is hard for one human being is often seen as a piece of cake for another. This can be seen accross the full spectrum of human life experiences. A seasoned soldier may be less challenged by violence or threat to life and limb, a cancer survivor less concerned about covid, a long term homeless person less worried about their now leaking ...roof, someone who has lost their family less impacted when their budgie dies, someone who has had good hidings or survived torture of some sort not so phased about losing their finger or their eye.. that said, the absolute opposite can be true, meaning that any of those things can also be enough to push a person over the edge regardless of what they have been through. Relative to the above: "The straw that broke the camel's back" is an interesting saying. To me, it is an indicator that the camel is still carrying the load. Human beings can be beasts of burden too, be it physically and/ or mentally and emotionally. Most of us know that if we have a broken bone what we need to do in order to heal and if we don't, the doctors or a healer will have advice. Mental and emotional healing is equally important, if not more so, yet the process is most often less understood (or harder to see than the necessary path for physical healing, especially when that healing is still needed) Just like with healing broken bones, there are recognized processes that can improve both the outcome and the timeline. Also like broken bones, broken minds and spirits heal best with dedication to the that procees Vs a quick fix. With dedication and the right help the results can bring Strength through Adversity. Neglecting that process or "soldiering on" for too long can work, just like the camel can get physically stronger with each straw added.. until one day that one straw unexpectedly grinds the journey and all progress to a halt. If you are feeling burdened by life in these uncertain times, remind yourself that your healing is important right now and can greatly improve your future strength. See more

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