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24.01.2022 Medical myths: All about aging
24.01.2022 COVID-19 treatment: New findings may bring researchers a step closer
23.01.2022 Confiding in others may protect against depression
22.01.2022 Keto diet may reduce Alzheimer's risk by altering gut fungi #health #cognition #nutrition #ketolife #ketogenic
22.01.2022 Mindfulness could help us unlearn fear Throughout evolutionary history, fear has helped humans stay safe and thrive. But in the modern world, many fear responses such as phobias are, at best, unhelpful and, at worst, debilitating. Yet, accumulating evidence shows that mindfulness practice could help us unlearn these responses. #phobias #biofeedback #neuroscience #anxiety #brain #stress #fear #psychology #mindfulness #bettercells
22.01.2022 How can we reduce our exposure to potentially harmful aluminum? A new report carried out by German officials suggests that even though exposure to dangerous aluminum compounds in foods has been decreasing, we are still ingesting more of this substance than experts deem safe. What can we do to minimize our exposure to aluminum compounds? #aluminum #foodpackaging #foods #health #harmful #bettercells
20.01.2022 As coronavirus continues to make the news, a host of untruths has surrounded the topic. These myths and conspiracy theories are explored. #covid19 #conspiracytheories #myths
18.01.2022 Dr Axe - did you know emotions have an impact on your organs and health?
18.01.2022 I love Dr. Gabor!!!!!!
18.01.2022 OIL EDUCATION Myth # 1: Margarine is a healthier option than butter This is an important myth to debunk because margarine is marketed as the cholesterol free op...tion, being low in saturated fats and high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats from the vegetables it is produced from. All of these facts are true of margarine but what they dont tell you is that margarine is actually a trans-fatty acid (TFA). TFAs are made when the natural structure of the fat molecule is altered. This is why margarine, which is made from liquid oils, is solidified as it undergoes a hydrogenation process. TFA are not used in the body the same as their natural form and studies have shown that they actually increase LDL (Bad) cholesterol and decrease HDL (good) cholesterol in the body. In addition to this they cause inflammation, which can have a detrimental effect on health. Margarine includes Proactive, Nuttlex and olive oil spreads, which are particularly high in trans fats. Good organic butter contains vitamins A, E and D, as well as butyric acid which is good for gut health. Include some in your diet in small amounts. Myth # 2 : Fats make you fat The truth of the matter is that your body rarely makes fat directly from dietary fats, it actually makes fat from carbohydrates (sugars). This is why many people who undertake in low fat diet programs have trouble keeping off the weight, as they are often high in carbohydrates such as sugar. It is better to include beneficial fats in the diet as these will help your body to regulate metabolism. This and reducing sugar and simple carbohydrates in the diet will aid weight loss as you body will start to use up its fat reserves. Myth # 3 : Saturated fat is bad Saturated fat is needed in the body but in comparison to other fats intake should be lower. Saturated fats are needed in the diet for your cellular membranes to remain soft and supple. A diet which is high in polyunsaturated fat and devoid of saturated fats leads to rigid cell membranes, which can even cause hardening of the arteries. Saturated fat from non-organic animal sources should however be avoided as this is where excess hormones and toxins are stored. Some saturated fats are beneficial such as coconut oil and organic meat fats, so refer to the table below for good fat choices. Myth # 4: oils aint oils Not all oils are manufactured the same way. If oils are heat extracted it creates high amounts of trans-fats and even make the oil rancid. Always make sure that you use cold-pressed oils, organic if possible. Canola oil should be avoided as the processing method of extraction, which involves chemical solvents means that the oil remaining is not very healthy at all. Try not to to eat these oils at all Margarine, Nuttlex, olive oil and plant oil based spreads Non-organic excess animal fat Non-organic chicken skin Canola oil Deep fried foods Lard Copha Sunflower oil Cooking spray oil Hydrogenated oils Vegetable oil The following oils should be consumed sometimes Organic animal fats Organic chicken skin Butter Palm oil Ghee Mustard seed oil Peanut oil Grape seed oil Emu oil These oils should be consumed often, on an everyday basis to maintain good health Avocado Avocado oil* Extra-virgin olive oil Rice bran oil Sesame oil Macadamia oil Flaxseed oil (unheated)* Linseed oil (unheated)* Almond oil* Coconut oil Fish oils * Hemp seed oil* Pumpkin seed oil* *these oils should never be used for cooking, use cold only THANK YOU Joe Keto for this article. #ketosis #fat #detox #keto #
17.01.2022 Millions of asbestos fibres found in children's makeup. Talc is a naturally occurring mineral that is mined from rock (that more often than not, also contains asbestos). It is used in various products from talcum powder for nappy rash to crayons, and makeup (foundation and eye shadows).
16.01.2022 Processed meat and cancer link depends on nitrite content. At last - a glimpse into the association between red meat and cancer - its the added Nitrites (reddening agent) - not the meat. We were taught this in second year university industrial chemistry in the 1980's...... #health #nitrites #additives #foodcolours #cancer #bettercells
16.01.2022 Gut Feelingsthe "Second Brain" in Our Gastrointestinal Systems - Scientific American #gutbrainaxis #gutbacteria #health #gut #microbiome #foods #eat #anxiety #depression #treatment #cognition #fear #neuroscience #bettercells #feelings
12.01.2022 Review says MMR vaccine is effective, does not cause autism # #health #mmr #autismawareness #BetterCells
12.01.2022 What to know about alcohol and the keto diet. #healthyeating #ketodiet #alcohol #nutrition #weightloss #fitness #diet #wellness #bettercells
11.01.2022 Common pesticide linked to increased mortality risk #health #mortality #pesticide #risk #bettercells
07.01.2022 After using a new method for assessing levels of bisphenol A (BPA) in the body, scientists suggest that human exposure to the industrial chemical is much higher than previous estimates have suggested. #gutbrainaxis #foods #exercise #gut #microbiome #cancer #pancreaticcancer #bettercells
07.01.2022 Back to the iceberg???
05.01.2022 Anti-inflammatory diet: What to know
03.01.2022 Depression: 35 extra minutes of exercise daily slashes risk #anxiety #depression #health #treatment #exercise #bettercells
03.01.2022 Study reveals what causes type 2 diabetes and how to reverse it #type2diabetes #health #metabolism #type1diabetes #diabetes #wellness #reverse #healthcare #bettercells
03.01.2022 Top 15 Reasons You Are Not Losing Weight on a Low-Carb Diet Low-carb diets are very effective. That is a scientific fact. However, as with any diet, people some...times stop losing before they reach their desired weight. Here are the top 15 reasons why you're not losing weight on a low-carb diet. 1. You Are Losing Fat, You Just Don't Realize It Weight loss isn't a linear process. If you weigh yourself every day, there will be days when the scale goes down and other days when it goes up. It doesn't mean that the diet isn't working, as long as the general trend is going downwards. Many people lose a lot of weight in the first week on a low-carb diet, but it is mostly water weight. Weight loss will slow down significantly after this initial phase. Of course, losing weight is not the same as losing fat. It is possible, especially if you're new to weight lifting, that you are gaining muscle at the same time as you're losing fat. To make sure that you're losing, use something other than just the scale. Use a measuring tape to measure your waist circumference and have your body fat percentage measured every month or so. Also, take pictures. Take note of how your clothes fit. If you're looking thinner and your clothes are looser, you are losing fat no matter what the scale says. 2. You're Not Cutting Back on Carbohydrates Enough Some people are more carb sensitive than others. If you're eating low-carb and your weight starts to plateau, you may want to cut back on carbs even further. In that case, go under 50 grams of carbs per day. When you go under 50 grams per day, you're going to have to eliminate most fruits from your diet, although you can have berries in small amounts. If that doesn't work either, going under 20 grams temporarily can work. Then you are eating just protein, healthy fats and leafy green vegetables. To make sure that you're really eating low-carb, get yourself a free online nutrition tracker and log your food intake for a while. 3. You're Stressed All the Time Unfortunately, it isn't always enough to just eat healthy and exercise. You need to make sure that your body is functioning optimally and that your hormonal environment is favorable. Being stressed all the time keeps the body in a constant state of "fight or flight" with elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol. Having chronically elevated cortisol levels can increase your hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods (1Trusted Source). If you want to cut back on stress, try meditation and deep breathing exercises. Cut back on distractions like online news, and read more books instead. 4. You're Not Eating Real Food A low-carb diet is about more than just lowering your intake of carbs. You have to replace those carbohydrates with real, nutritious foods. Throw away all processed low-carb products like Atkins bars, as they are not real food and not good for your health. Stick to meats, fish, eggs, vegetables and healthy fats if you need to lose weight. Also, "treats" like paleo cookies and brownies can cause problems even though they're made with healthy ingredients. They should be considered occasional treats, not something you eat every day. It is also important to eat enough fat. If you try to cut back on carbs and fat at the same time, you will end up ravenously hungry and feel bad. Eating a diet with nothing but protein is a very bad idea. Low-carb, high-fat and moderate protein is the way to go if you want to get into ketosis, which is the optimal hormonal environment to burn body fat. 5. You're Eating Too Many Nuts Nuts are real foods, no doubt about that. They are also very high in fat. For example, about 70% of the calories in almonds come from fat. However, nuts are very easy to overeat. Their crunchiness and high energy density give you the ability to eat large amounts of them without feeling full. I personally can eat a bag of nuts and still not feel satisfied, even though that one bag contains more calories than a meal. If you're snacking on nuts every day (or worse, nut butters), chances are you're just eating way too many calories. 6. You're Not Sleeping Enough Sleep is incredibly important for overall health, and studies show that a lack of sleep correlates with weight gain and obesity (2Trusted Source, 3Trusted Source). A lack of sleep can make you feel hungrier (4). It will also make you tired and less motivated to exercise and eat healthy. Sleep is one of the pillars of health. If you're doing everything right but still not getting proper sleep, you won't see the results you might expect. If you have a sleeping disorder, see a doctor. They are often easily treatable. Some tips to improve sleep: Avoid caffeine after 2 pm Sleep in complete darkness Avoid alcohol and physical exercise in the last few hours before sleep Do something relaxing before sleep, like reading Try to go to bed at a similar time each night 7. You're Eating Too Much Dairy Another low-carb food that can cause problems for some people is dairy. Some dairy products, despite being low in carbs, are still pretty high in protein. Protein, like carbs, can raise insulin levels, which drives energy into storage. The amino acid composition of dairy protein makes it very potent at spiking insulin. In fact, dairy proteins can spike insulin as much as white bread (5Trusted Source, 6Trusted Source). Even though you may seem to tolerate dairy products just fine, eating them often and spiking insulin can be detrimental to the metabolic adaptation that needs to take place in order to reap the full benefits of low-carb diets. In this case, avoid milk and cut back on the cheese, yogurt and cream. Butter is fine, as it is very low in protein and lactose and therefore won't spike insulin. 8. You're Not Exercising Right (or at all) You shouldnt exercise with the goal of burning calories. The calories burned during exercise are usually insignificant and can easily be negated by eating a few extra bites of food at the next meal. However, exercise is critical for both physical and mental health. Exercise can help you lose weight by improving your metabolic health, increasing your muscle mass and making you feel awesome. But it's important to do the right kind of exercise. Nothing but cardio on the treadmill is unlikely to give you good results and doing too much may even be detrimental. Weight lifting: This will greatly improve your hormonal environment and increase your muscle mass, which will help you lose weight over the long term. Interval training: Doing high-intensity intervals is an excellent form of cardio that boosts your metabolism and raises your levels of human growth hormone. Low intensity: Being active and doing some low-intensity work like walking is a great idea. The human body was designed to move around, not sit in a chair all day. 9. You're Eating Too Many Healthy Sugars If youre on a low-carb or ketogenic diet, healthy sugars like coconut sugar or raw cane sugar are just as bad as plain sugar. They are high in carbs and can completely prevent your body from adapting to the diet. This also applies to honey, agave nectar and others. Zero-calorie sweeteners are fine for most people, but you may want to consider limiting them if you have trouble losing weight. They also often contain digestible carbs as fillers. 10. You Have a Medical Condition Getting in Your Way Certain medications are known to stimulate weight gain. If you look at the list of side effects of the medications you are taking and see "weight gain" on the list, make an appointment with your doctor. Perhaps there is another drug available that doesn't cause weight gain. If you're doing everything right and still aren't getting results, perhaps you have an underlying medical problem. Many hormonal disorders can cause problems losing weight, particularly hypothyroidism. In that case, make an appointment with your doctor. Explain that you're having problems losing weight and that you want to rule out any medical issues. 11. You're Always Eating It is a persistent myth in health and fitness circles that everyone should be eating many, small meals throughout the day. This has actually been studied thoroughly. No advantage has been found to eating more frequent and smaller meals (7Trusted Source, 8Trusted Source). It is natural for humans to eat fewer meals per day and sometimes go long periods without food. Some people do something called intermittent fasting, eating in an 8-hour window each day or doing 24-hour fasts 12 times per week. This can be very useful to break through a plateau. 12. You're Cheating Too Often For people who are able to control themselves, having cheat meals or days every now and then may be fine. For others, especially those who are prone to food addiction, having cheat meals is likely to do more harm than good. If you're cheating often, either with "small cheats" here and there or entire days where you eat nothing but junk food, it can easily ruin your progress. Having more than 12 cheat meals per week (or one cheat day) is going to be excessive. If you just can't seem to control yourself around unhealthy foods no matter what you try, perhaps you have food addiction. In that case, completely removing the junk foods from your life could be a good idea. 13. You're Eating Too Many Calories At the end of the day, calories do matter. One of the main reasons low-carb and ketogenic diets are so effective is that they reduce appetite and make people eat fewer overall calories without trying. If you're not losing weight but are doing all the right things, try counting calories for a while. Again, create a free account with an online nutrition tracker and track your intake for a few days. Aim for a deficit of 500 calories per day, which theoretically should make you lose 1 pound of weight per week (although it doesn't always work in practice). 14. You Don't Have Realistic Expectations At the end of the day, weight loss takes time. It is a marathon not a sprint. Losing 12 pounds per week is a realistic goal. Some people will lose weight faster than that, while others will lose weight more slowly. But it's also important to keep in mind that not everyone can look like a fitness model. At some point, you will reach a healthy set point weight, which may be above what you initially hoped for. 15. You've Been "Cutting" for Too Long Note : You may need a plateau breaker...consider intermittent fasting or the 60 Hour Keto Reboot I don't think it's a good idea to be in a calorie deficit for too long at a time. The leanest people on earth (bodybuilders and fitness models) never do this. They do cycles of "bulking" and "cutting." If you eat at a calorie deficit for many months (or years), eventually your metabolic rate may slow down. If you've been dieting for a long time, a two-month period where you aim to "maintain" and gain a bit of muscle may be what you need to get things started again. Of course, this doesn't mean eating bad foods, just more of the good stuff. After these two months are over, you can start "dieting" again. ( Had to share this..!)#diet #fatloss #insulinresistance #keto #health #maintainresults #maintainmuscle
02.01.2022 Your body wants to heal itself and be healthy!
01.01.2022 What are the benefits of cold and hot showers? Improved circulation Reduced pain... Reduced sports-related muscle soreness and fatigue Improved cardiovascular health Improved muscle and joint health Improved brain health Improved sleep #health #fatigue #pain #muscle #circulation #jointhealth #painmanagement #cardiovascularhealth #sleep #wellness #bettercells
01.01.2022 Ok they got me with Pistachios, Saffron !!!
01.01.2022 Causes of leg and ankle swelling