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Better Families Brighter Futures
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24.01.2022 Journalist Kasey Edwards discussed grandparents and grandchildren in this article with me and the law as it relates to non parents
23.01.2022 LIV and LCA will work with the government in relation to this review. It is a huge review they are conducting and whilst there have been previous reviews of the system, the breadth of this review is greater. What we have been asking for is more support for the court system rather than have families languish in lists waiting for hearings. It is the gap between hearings which leads to more disputes between separating couples. We know that disputes harm children. So for the 3-5% of those who need final hearings - get them the support they need to end their dispute faster.
23.01.2022 Why you should get advice before you take holidays after youve separated
22.01.2022 Thanks Robyn Wheeler for posting this!
20.01.2022 We need strong family courts that are properly resourced and understand specialisation of family law such as family violence. Laws are changing to prevent perpetrators and victims of family violence being allowed to question each other in Court.
20.01.2022 Launch of 10 year industry capability framework in relation to delivery of services in Family Violence. Thousands of hours of contribution by many in the area (including Caroline Counsel of BF BF)
19.01.2022 We need a comprehensive system whereby children do not fall through the gaps and family violence is addressed properly. Federal v State is politics. Looking after families is essential.
19.01.2022 When a client asks me - why can't we run down every rabbit down every rabbit hole?: the best advice I can give is to stop and consider the net benefit to the client and not to my bottom line.
18.01.2022 Why you should get advice before you take holidays after you’ve separated
18.01.2022 Take the stress out of Christmas for separated families
16.01.2022 61.6% of Australians have said YES to Same Sex Marriage. The highest percentage was from ACT 74%
15.01.2022 Eagerly awaited decision of Re: Kelvin handed down. Gender dysphoria examined
10.01.2022 Families are complex units and some of the members are motivated by greed and self interest. The elderly are amongst society's most vulnerable so we must refer people whom we suspect are being abused to get legal and financial advice.
07.01.2022 As a society, we are still grappling with the fall out of acts of family violence. We have not solved this diabolic problem so we need to keep working until women stop dying at the hands of their partners/former partners. We have a zero tolerance ad campaign in relation to road fatalities. Why can't we aim for zero tolerance in family violence situations?
07.01.2022 Having a choice about which report writer and reaching agreement with your former partner is vital. The right writer for the given family's issues can prove extremely useful in forging a negotiated outcome. Contact Caroline Counsel Family Lawyers if you want to end conflict with the other parent and need a report to give you both insights to your family's situation. (03) 9320 3900
04.01.2022 For most separating couples, it works well to negotiate and mediate outside the court system. For the few that need judges to help them, resources need to be applied towards limiting the "fight" time by resourcing the courts and getting those matters dealt with expeditiously. Families need to buy into alternative dispute resolution like Collaborative Practice or mediation. The problem? Due to being hijacked by the emotions which plague some separating couples, they are neither fit nor ready to resolve their dispute. The answer - early intervention by professionals - counsellors and lawyers working together to help such couples move past anger, hurt, pain, grief, disillusionment. The other problem? Families that have experienced family violence should not be left under-resourced and without legal representation.
03.01.2022 If you are interested in musical theatre, or just up for a great night out, think about joining Caroline Counsel Family Lawyers for a pre theatre drink at The Vincent 111 Victoria Avenue Albert Park 6:00 pm and then to Gas Works Art Park Albert Park at 7:30 pm
03.01.2022 Court, whilst the place of last resort, needs to be efficient and well run to ensure that families get to an outcome sooner rather than later. The longer the dispute, the worse it is for children and their parents.
03.01.2022 We need law reform to ensure young, vulnerable men and women do not end up homeless or without hope.
03.01.2022 Caroline Counsel appeared on the Jon Faine program today on ABC 774 discussing the High Court decision of Thorne v Kennedy (handed down 8 November 2017) and the implications of Financial Agreements not entered into in good faith, unconscionable conduct and using undue influence when these agreements are negotiated and signed. Listen to the interview on ABC radio podcast
01.01.2022 #folau #divorce #familylawyer #litigationfunding