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BetterMe Yoga in Matraville, New South Wales | Personal blog

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BetterMe Yoga

Locality: Matraville, New South Wales


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25.01.2022 #selfcare is something is moms are not too good at. We spend all our time and energy taking care of others and we come last on the list. Our idea of self care is go full speed I til you’re cup is totally dry, refill the cup as quickly as you can and go again. I am now working on a different strategy. What if, instead of emptying the cup and refilling, I could give others from an overflowing cup? What if, I stead of stuffing my calendar like a thanksgiving turkey, I blocked time for myself a few times a week? My cup would NEVER be empty. And instead of feeling resentful and exhausted, I feel full and satisfied, and I can take care of others from a place of serenity and abundance instead of stress and scarcity. Who’s in? #youcomefirst #loveyourself #momsrock

25.01.2022 Happy Monday everyone!! It turn out... everyone (or a lot of people) would like to improve their sleep. Over the next 3 weeks I will be sharing practices and routines you can put in place to improve your rest and digest of body mind and spirit. Questions? Ask away!!

24.01.2022 That's all we need to be present. Practice, practice, and practice, so that the day you desperately need to be fully present and not overwhelmed by sadness, anger, or who-knows-what, you can do this, and be fully present without the drama our monkey mind produces.

21.01.2022 Anyone has songs to add to this? I’m working on a happy playlist! #happysomgs #liftyourmood #meuroscience #yogamood

20.01.2022 Doing planks can be extremely beneficial... but ONLY if you do it with the right alignment. The benefits are: - A properly done plank engages all of your muscles: you need to push the floor away (arms, shoulders and pecs) keep your tailbone long (pelvic floor and deep core muscles) keep your neck long and in line with the rest of your spine (muscles of the back of the neck) legs must be engaged (try doing it with wobbly legs and you'll know right away what I'm talking about!)..., heels pressing against an imaginary wall (or a real wall). They should only be done for as long as you can maintain proper alignment (no 5 minute plank if you've never done it...) and also only of you haven't had any recent abdominal surgery. But the magic of plank does not happen in the static plank. It happens when you add movement to it. But hey one thing at a time, let's get our foundation strong first. The main physical benefit of core work in general is an incredible improvement of my stability in ALL yoga postures, especially balancing poses... Practicing a balancing pose over and over if you're wobbly will not get you more balance. Strengthening your core does. And when you are stronger and more stable in those balancing poses, somehow your emotions and mind follow... because we are not just the sums of our parts. Every single part of ourselves influences all the other parts in ways we have yet to comprehend. Anyone interested in exploring core work variations? (My fave I think). Post an emoji if you are!

16.01.2022 Meditation as an act of Love. That's a nice shift in perspective, and worth a thought.

16.01.2022 I woke up at 4am today, feeling anxiety in my body. Very annoying. So I focused on my breath, washing away the anxious sensations with my exhales, and when I came back to my senses, I wondered, where is this anxiety coming from? Why, and especially why now? Because I was relaxed and my mind was pretty clear, the answer came soon. The anxiety came to let me know I was out of line, not in synch with my values. And it came in the middle of the night, because that's what happens ...when we go to bed with unsolved/unprocessed emotions. They'll resurface when we are not busy... and that's the middle of the night. What is happening is that Christmas is coming, I want to now devote more time with my family, and instead I have been working. My anxiety was telling me that I don't have forever to spend with my girls because they are growing, and I need to enjoy them while they're here. My anxiety was a reminder of my highest value (my family). I soon as I realised this I felt huge relief. I even felt grateful to have had this anxious episode to put me back on track. I could breathe in and out freely again, my belly and heart feel light again. This is what we ALL need to remember: when we don't live in synch with our highest values, anxiety and overwhelm creep in. It's ok to get out of line sometimes, we all do... but we need to know what our direction is so we don't get lost in our heads. This is something we look at in depth in my program. So today I looked at all the tasks I had planned, and decided to prioritise, and only do the ones that absolutely need to be done today. The rest can wait, the world will keep spinning. And the rest of the time? What is YOUR priority today? Stick to that. Namaste Mamas#liveyourvalues #followyourgut #mindbodyconnection

15.01.2022 Yea, amazing, @academyballet managed to organise an end of year concert for their students and families. It was so good to watch the girls in 3D finally! And very emotional also as this was Zoe’s last concert. Seeing the girls dance together on stage brought tears to my eyes.... Thank you Sinead for your perseverance in this messy year. I sure am very grateful #lovelovelove

14.01.2022 What are you doing this weekend to take care of yourself? Lately, and more than ever, I have been needing to MOVE. Movement with breath ALWAYS grounds me and calms me down. It never fails. And the great thing is, you can make it stronger, softer, slower or faster, depending on your energy levels and stamina. That's the beauty of yoga friends. You can adapt it endllessly to where you are at at any given time!

13.01.2022 Over the last few years, my yoga practice has completely shifted. After years of pulling and stretching, I had come to a plateau, and there was a voice inside of me that told me insisting on that path was not the answer. My physical practice no longer felt right, or good. By chance (really?) I ended up at the gym... simply because my daughter was taking martial arts classes there. So instead of doing nothing, I started playing around a bit, had a couple of sessions with a And magic happened. As I became stronger, my body was gaining in mobility. The poses that where not accessible to me became accessible, without even trying. I realised that my body has an INCREDIBLE intelligence: as long as I remained flexible but weak, my body was creating tension to prevent me from going further so I would not injure myself. Of course I could have been insistent and force it... but that's not my style. When I became stronger in those areas, the joints were now protected, and my body naturally let go of the tension. I gained mobility without stretching. So today my physical practice is mostly at the gym. I keep the yogic framework: I start with centering, breathing, gentle warm up, then move on to the more challenging sets. I marry movement with breath, I let the breath support the weights. I finish with cooling down and savasana. My purely asana practice is then focused on rest and digest, slow and mindful movements, and meditation. All this to say... this is why I am not posting elaborate, or really strong poses on my feed, nor do I teach them. I have realised most people's bodies are not ready or conditioned for them, and the last thing I want is for someone to injure themselves trying something at home that they are not ready for. As for my own body, I respect it. While I love arm balances and inversions, I am looking out for my wrists, shoulders, and the longevity of my practice. So naturally there are less of those now. This is also why I will be including more weights and bands in my classes. Because frankly, when you add resistance or load to postures, they take on a whole other dimension, and activates so many more muscles than the weightless version.... without taking away any of the spiritual aspect of yoga. This version of triangle pose is a great example. Anyone ready for a class with weights?

11.01.2022 Downward facing dog! One of my favourite poses! It has at least 5 benefits: - Strengthens the shoulders and arms - Lengthens the hamstrings and calves, plus back of the ankles - Brings the spine in a more neutral position, - Lightens up the load on your lower back.... - and, once you are strong enough, it can be a delicious resting pose... but not before! #downwarddog - -

10.01.2022 As your body practices asana on the mat, your mind practices asana off the mat. Bend. Don't break.

08.01.2022 Happy New Year everyone! It’s kind of weird to say this considering the Hapoy New Year messages I received this year were not so happy... It really feels like the general vibe is not so upbeat. And I get it. This year has been very tough for a lot of people. ... However, even if the morale is not at its best, we can go into the year with the intention to get our minds clearer and decrease our anxiety... which is useful in ALL situations, and even more so when the global state of things is chaotic to say the least. This is why I came up The Life hack series: how to be more focused and productive. In January in the private group only. Join anytime!

07.01.2022 Meditate as an act of love. Not to fix yourself.

06.01.2022 How are we all doing with our New Year's resolutions?

05.01.2022 ... and sometimes both are stiff. And that's why we need the practice of yoga. You use the poses to get in the body, and somehow the poses will shed light on what is going on in the mind. It's nothing short of transformative!

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