Better Rehab | Occupational therapist
Better Rehab
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25.01.2022 Meet Joy Joy cannot speak, however this doesnt stop her from communicating! Joy uses her eyes to type words and phrases into a computer, and here we can see our Speech Pathologist, Anna using the device with Joy to communicate. We are so proud of Joy who is redefining what is possible, and showing us that communication is more than just words #SPWeek #SpeechPathologyWeek #BetterRehab #RedefinePossible
25.01.2022 Adrian LOVES cooking. With the help of his Occupational Therapist, Adrian has gone from rookie cook to chef extraordinaire and he doesnt want to stop there! So, what has Adrian mastered? Making a pizza Whipping up a delicious spaghetti bolognese... Making those perfect fluffy pancakes Throwing together a stir fry Baking a quiche (from scratch). Whats his review? I really enjoy them (cooking sessions with OT). I dont want to give it up". 5 stars, its seems. Well done Chef Adrian. We cant wait to see your 2 hats in the future.
25.01.2022 What a big achievement! When our Physiotherapist, Adina first met Anne, Anne was walking with a four wheeled walker and had significant pain in her lower back and hip, as well as decreased balance. However, Anne has recently started Hydrotherapy and has gone from strength to strength! Anne didnt even let the pool closures stop her from exercising over the past few months, she has adopted an active lifestyle and has started up a land based program! Anne recently had her 1 yea...r Physiotherapy reassessment and showed great improvements in her muscle strength, balance and mobility, plus she no longer needs her four wheeled walker! Anne has set herself a new goal to go bush walking around Springbrook and Mt Tambourine! We cant wait to see photos of your adventures Anne and well done on your incredible progress! #BetterRehab #NDIS #hydrotherapy #rehabilitation #NDISprovider #redefinepossible See more
24.01.2022 Well done to Ian, our amazing Occupational Therapist in WA who managed to get Linas new recliner granted within two days! Previously, Lina was sitting in a chair that was too big for her and it didnt allow her pressure sore to heal properly. Since being in the new recliner, Linas pressure sore has now completely healed! Plus, the new chair is a lot comfier than the old one It looks like Linas puppy, Charlie also approves of the new chair! #BetterRehab #OccupationalTherapist #OT #redefinepossible #successstory #NDIS #rehabilitation
24.01.2022 Did you know that the World Health Organisation differentiates 'physical activity' from 'exercise'? Exercise is planned, structured and repetitive with the goal to improve or maintain physical fitness, while physical activity is any movement done while going about your day! Our Exercise Physiologists say even simple physical activity has health benefits, especially if you increase the intensity and frequency. So let's get moving! #BetterRehab #Exercise #PhysicalActivity #ExercisePhysiology
23.01.2022 ConGRADulations to all of our graduates!! Last week we held a graduation ceremony for all of our team members who didnt get to have their University graduations due to COVID. We were so proud to see our graduates celebrate with each other and their families #BetterRehab #Graduation #NDISprovider #AlliedHealth #GraduationCeremony
23.01.2022 At Better Rehab, we are people people, and your health is important to us. We want to ensure that all of our participants are able to continue receiving the same top-quality care from our experienced and highly trained therapists that they always have. What can Telehealth help with? Lets Talk Benefits! We want to keep you on track progressing towards your goals, we dont want you to lose that momentum you worked hard for. Lets Talk Who! With health specialists in our including Behaviour Support Practitioners, Speech Pathologists, Physiotherapists, Occupational Therapists and Exercise Physiologists, youre in excellent hands. Lets Talk Results! Almost all of our services can be delivered through Telehealth, delivering the results you are looking for. Contact us now to book in your next appointment and let us show you how easy Telehealth treatment can be for you. #BRthewayforward
23.01.2022 Say hi to Grant and his brand new scooter! His previous scooter was privately purchased and broke last year, leaving him unable to move around on his own. With Occupational Therapist Ashmita’s help, he was able to have a new scooter approved and delivered! It’s the best, Grant tells us. I can see my mate again and go for a coffee, I can do it on my own. We’re so happy to see you zipping around the community again, Grant! #OccupationalTherapy #OT #BetterRehab #NDIS #RedefinePossible
22.01.2022 Many of our participants receive care and support from friends or family members who help them in so many ways. They are often the Better Rehab team’s first point of contact as they make arrangements for the person in their care and ensure their happiness and comfort. This National Carers Week, we give thanks and recognition to our participants’ carers, whose compassion, empathy and hard work inspire us every day! #BetterRehab #WhyWeCare #Carers2020 #NDISProvider #AlliedHealth
22.01.2022 Say hello to Aravind, one of our amazing IT consultants who has been part of the Better Rehab team since 2018! Visit the News & Events section of our website to find out why Aravind loves working at Better Rehab #NDIS #BetterRehab #rehabilitation #IT #ndisprovider
21.01.2022 As we gear up for #OTWeek2020, let's reflect on the many ways an Occupational Therapist can help you rebuild, recover and reengage in nearly all areas of life. In Occupational Therapy, "occupation" refers to the activities or tasks that "occupies" a person: taking a shower, getting dressed, cooking a meal, driving to the shops, meeting with friends. This year, as we faced bushfires, droughts and the global pandemic, support becomes all the more necessary. We can help each other slowly re-engage with the occupations that matter most to us.#ThisIsOT #OccupationalTherapy #OT #BetterRehab #NDISRegistered #NDIS
21.01.2022 Our Maroubra team enjoying lunch in our sunny courtyard! Can you guess what were all having? #BetterRehab #lunch #teamwork #teamlunch
20.01.2022 Congratulations to Better Rehabbers Aravind, Abhi and Jess for winning third place at the Remarkable Design-athon competition! They were part of a team of engineers and clinicians that took on the competition’s Tech for Those In Care challenge, and developed a prototype for Drishti, smart glasses designed for people with visual impairment. Drishti, Sanskrit for "vision", uses a high definition camera and image processing to help the visually impaired locate and reach for objects, read texts, identify friends and more. Now that’s what we call good design! #BetterRehab #NDIS #OccupationalTherapy #Teamwork #Inclusion #DisabilityTech
20.01.2022 What an incredible outcome! Dean was able to get out of bed for the first time in 20 years, with the dedication and help of his wonderful OTs Emily and Danielle and equipment suppliers Andrew and Alex from Austech Medical. Dean obtained a spinal cord injury and experienced a decline in function over the years. Emily and Danielle have worked extremely hard to help Dean redefine possible and to ensure that he receives a greater quality of life. Dean now has a Permobil Power Wh...eelchair that he can independently control using switches on his head, elbow and wrist. Dean was so excited to drive out of his home, feel the sunshine on his face, see a rainbow and visit his neighbours independently. We cant wait to see what else you achieve Dean, you are such an inspiration! Also sending a big thank you to the wonderful support coordinators, Carolyn and Andrew who have been committed to Deans success #austechmedical #permobil #thinkmobility #betterrehab #ndis #rehabilitation #occupationaltherapy #redefinepossible See more
20.01.2022 A cool and comfortable home environment can improve your healthjust ask Kerry! Kerry’s Multiple Sclerosis (MS) symptoms flare up when it’s hot, and this affects her safety and independence. With Occupational Therapist Breanne’s help, Kerry was able to have an air conditioning unit approved and installed! We’re so happy to hear this news, Kerry! That’s summer all sorted. #BetterRehab #OccupationalTherapist #OT #redefinepossible #airconditioning #MultipleSclerosis #NDIS #rehabilitation
19.01.2022 Happy Monday! At Better Rehab, we're all about goals: discussing them, setting them, reaching them. Some of our participants' goals may not seem as grand compared to others--it can be as simple as being able to put on a shirt without any help! But achieving that moment of independence can boost a person's confidence, and change them for the better. #BetterRehab #RedefinePossible #MondayMotivation
19.01.2022 Happy World Heart Day! Today we remind ourselves to take charge of our heart health through fun physical activities. Watch some of our Maroubra team members show off their dancing skills! #WorldHeartDay #BetterRehab #AlliedHealth #Teamwork
19.01.2022 Meet Chris and his impressive boxing setup! Chris has been working hard on being active and independent and has chosen this set-up himself in order to keep up with his health goals. We hear he has been making such great progress with our Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy teams, and it definitely shows! We are so inspired by your determination Chris, and we can’t wait to see you knock out more goals in the future. #BetterRehab #RedefinePossible #Physiotherapy #OccupationalTherapy #AlliedHealth #NDIS #NDISProvider #boxing
19.01.2022 Say hello to our Speech Pathologist, Grace who is describing different types of communication methods! #NDIS #BetterRehab #Auslan #RedefinePossible #Communication
19.01.2022 This World Mental Health Day, Better Rehab joins the call to "Look after your mental health, Australia!" 2020 has been a challenging year for many of us, but it helps to remind ourselves that we are all in this together. At Better Rehab, we remember to take breaks, eat good food, act silly from time to time and laugh! This is how we look after ourselves and each other. Make the promise today to look after your wellbeing! #LookAfterYourMentalHealthAustralia #InThisTogether #BetterRehab #Teamwork #WorldMentalHealthDay
19.01.2022 Thank you to everyone who attended our Occupational Therapy event in person and via Zoom! Together with our guest speaker Nicholas Flynn, we talked about the Role of Robotics, Virtual Reality and Technology in OT, and everyone who attended earned 1 hour of CPD. Keep an eye out for the next Better Rehab event! #BetterRehab #RedefinePossible #OccupationalTherapy #Robotics #VirtualReality #Technology
18.01.2022 One of the ways we support our participants is through helping them gain access to assistive technology. These are products, software or home modifications--anything from wheelchairs to grab bars--that give our participants greater independence to do the things that matter most to them. It is not an exaggeration when we say that the right assistive technology can transform a life! #BetterRehab #NDIS #NDISRegistered #AssistiveTech
18.01.2022 This week its Speech Pathology week! Did you know that 1.2 million Australians have a communication disability? At Better Rehab, our Speech Pathologists work to ensure that everyone can communicate with confidence and achieve their communication goals #BetterRehab #RedefinePossible #SpeechPathologyWeek #SPWeek #AssistiveTechnology
18.01.2022 Even though the boys are home from Day Care and School, it doesnt stop them from learning! Speech Pathologist, Arabella, loves teaching Adrian how to play games with brother Dom, practicing with his Eye Gaze Communication Device . Teamwork at its finest! Adrian and Dom especially love the game where Dilbert the Dog eats up dozens of sausagesand shows off his ball-balancing skills! We cant wait to see what else this #dreamteam can achieve, watch this space!
18.01.2022 Meet Keely! Keely loves going on new adventures with her carer, which often involve long distances! In her previous wheelchair, Keely was restricted in how far she could travel, as both she and her carer found it really tiring to push the wheelchair around all day. Thanks to the help of her OT Tiff, Keely received a sparkly new pink wheelchair that has two modes, a manual mode to allow her to get around herself and a power assist mode to allow her carer to help with navigating those longer distances. This means that Keely and her carer can visit more places and spend more time doing the things they love. We were so pleased to see the smile on Keelys face, and we cant wait to see where Keely and her carer visit next! #BetterRehab #rehabilitation #NDISProvider #redefinepossible #wheelchair #NDIS
17.01.2022 Look at that smile! Adam and his mum have been searching in vain for the best communication device to help him better express himself. With our Speech Pathologist Catherine’s help, Adam was finally able to find one that suited him best! He has been carrying this device with him at all timesyou can see him here proudly showing it off for us! As Catherine tells us, It has been very rewarding to see what can be achieved when all involved see the value of supporting an individual to communicate in a method that suits him. #BetterRehab #SpeechPathology #RedefinePossible #CommunicationDevice #Communication #NDISProvider
16.01.2022 Who said Telehealth means you cant still do cooking sessions? Not us! One of our amazing participants Jasmine has been working with her OT Emma via Telehealth using recipe cards to make meals! So far Jasmine has mastered being able to make: Toasted sandwiches Hamburgers Pasta and today; Chicken wraps! ... Yum! We cant wait to see what you make next session! See more
16.01.2022 Meet Jerry! Jerry and his Speech Pathologist Nathan have been working together to enhance Jerry’s active communication at home. With the help of Intensive Interactions techniques and single message buttons, Jerry is now able to express his own choices about which radio station he’d like to listen to or where he’d like to eat! What a great moment to see Jerry express himself and his preferences! #BetterRehab #SpeechPathology #RedefinePossible #Communication #IntensiveInteractions #SingleMessageButtons
16.01.2022 Andrew has recently discovered the joys of exercise with the help of his Exercise Physiologist Chris! Andrew now does various workoutsfrom walking on the treadmill to tennis ball throwsas a way to regulate his mood, improve his physical endurance and simply have fun! He is now planning to return to a local gym to maintain his active lifestyle. Great job, Andrew! #BetterRehab #ExercisePhysiology #RedefinePossible #Exercise #NDISProvider
16.01.2022 Check out our QLD Manager, Jess delivering a lecture for the University of Queensland! Jess spoke to 4th year cohort about client-centred practice within the NDIS, and provided some tips and tricks on how to be a passionate OT when entering this exciting clinical area #BetterRehab #NDISProvider #NDIS #rehabilitation #UniversityofQueensland #OccupationalTherapy #OT The University of Queensland
16.01.2022 Welcome to the team, Christina!! This week is going to be extra sweet for Christina as she has landed on the chocolate prize! At Better Rehab, all of our staff get a chance to spin the Birthday Wheel when its their birthday and there are lots of fun and interesting prizes to be won! #BetterRehab #birthdaywheel #teamfun
15.01.2022 Did you know that the use of water for therapeutic purposes has a history that extends back to the ancient Romans and Greeks? From the ancient Roman baths to the modern heated pool, hydrotherapy can help you do exercises and movements that may be too difficult to do on land. Our Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists are trained to guide you through this! #Physiotherapy #ExercisePhysiology #BetterRehab #NDISRegistered #Hydrotherapy
15.01.2022 Check out our superstar basketball player, Amy Amys goal is to pursue her passions in playing sport and she would love to join a womens basketball team! Our OT, Kelsey has been working with Brett (pictured) from MOGO to script Amy a basketball wheelchair so that she can join a team and play competitively. This will be very special for Amy as she has not been able to play team sports before! #BetterRehab #RedefinePossible #NDISProvider #basketball #wheelchairsports
15.01.2022 Meet Tom! Tom is our Principal Clinician for Physiotherapy in New South Wales and has been working with #BetterRehab for 4 months. We caught up with Tom to learn more about his passion for physiotherapy and helping other people. What made you interested to study #Physiotherapy? Im from a rugby background and have played rugby since I was 6 years old. I had a lot of involvement with physiotherapists in my career and after a few big injuries I was spending more time in the phy...siotherapy room than outside of it. At school I was really interested in both human biology and physical education / exercise subjects, so I thought Id combine the two and become a physiotherapist. What is your favourite part about working with people living with disability and neurological disorders? Why I like this specific part of physiotherapy is that you can make a big difference with seemingly small adjustments to someones life, and people really appreciate what you can do for them. The smallest change can make the biggest difference to a participant, so its exciting when you see big changes that make an enormous impact on someones life. Can you think of a time recently that made you feel really proud to be working with Better Rehab and #NDIS participants? We worked with a participant to teach her the necessary skills to get on and off the floor if she were ever to fall, and this was put to good use the other day when unfortunately she did fall but was able to get up off the floor with minimal assistance and no injury sustained. What is something unique or interesting about you? Ive been on 3 world travel trips and engaged in some extreme sports around the world, including 3 skydives, bungee jumping and white-water rafting. #Disability #AlliedHealth #Neuro
14.01.2022 If you didnt get a chance to watch yesterdays presentation on Exercise and MND then click on the link below to view the recording. Well done Nikki and Adina on a great presentation!
14.01.2022 From all the Better Rehab team, we wish you a safe and happy Easter this long weekend! Please note we are closed for Good Friday and Easter Monday but will return to our wonderful participants on Tuesday 14th April 2020. #Easter #HappyEaster #BetterRehab
14.01.2022 At Better Rehab, we crave and celebrate collaboration. We work closely with our participants and their families to set the goals they want to achieve, and we put our heads together to work through challenging problems and make exciting plans for the future. Collaboration knows no distancewe can get valuable ideas both from an interaction in the office kitchen or a morning chat online! What great idea resulted from your collaboration today? #BetterRehab #RedefinePossible #NDISProvider #AlliedHealth #collaboration #teamwork
12.01.2022 A success story for the ages! Mohameds family were shaken by the events of his sudden stroke he sustained 12 months ago. After months of recovery, he finally transitioned home in August 2019. As Mohammed was now requiring home modifications and assistive technology to live safely at home, our fabulous OT Jess worked hard alongside the NDIS to obtain the following much-needed supports: - Major bathroom modifications - Ramp installation... - A manual wheelchair - Scripted Commode - Highlow bed, AND - A companion bed for his wife and carers ALL WERE APPPROVED! Thanks to Jesss help, Mohamed is now able to happily navigate the home with the help of his wife and carers.
11.01.2022 A thumb’s up to Adrian, who has been redefining possible with our Speech Pathologist Savannah! Adrian's goal is to improve his speech clarity and communication skills. Adrian has been using new techniques learned in his Speech Pathology sessions, and is now able to consistently break up words to assist with speech clarity, identify non-verbal social cues such as body language and facial expressions in conversations, and confidently tell stories about his day! Keep up the good work, Adrian! #BetterRehab #SpeechPathology #RedefinePossible #CommunicationSkills #SpeechClarity
10.01.2022 We're nearly halfway through the last month of the year! How are your holiday plans coming along? We're still working very hard to support our participants! However, please be reminded that the Better Rehab offices will be closed from December 25th to January 3rd. Feel free to reach out to our Admin team for any appointment questions! #BetterRehab #HolidayShutdown #Holidays #Appointments #NDIS
10.01.2022 Meet Bronte! Bronte is one of our NSW Speech Pathologists and has been working with Better Rehab for 14 months. Click on the link to learn why Bronte is proud to be a Better Rehab Speech Pathologist! #SpeechPathologist #NDIS #SpeechTherapy #BetterRehab #MDT #Proud
09.01.2022 You know you have an amazing workplace when the employees are excited to refer their friends here. Congratulations to our Macquarie Park office for referring the highest number of new Better Rehab employees last month and becoming the first winners of the Better Referrers trophy! They will celebrate with a party and a pat on the back for being incredible Better Rehab ambassadors. #BetterRehab #Teamwork #Referrals
08.01.2022 Did you know it is World Autism Day? We are celebrating today at Better Rehab . What is Autism? Autism is a lifelong neurological condition that manifests during early childhood. At Better Rehab we celebrate our participants every day, however today more so we celebrate and appreciate our participants on the Autism Spectrum. #AutismAwareness #Wearblue #Celebrate
08.01.2022 This may be a belated post, but our cake and well-wishes were definitely on time! Happy birthday to Chris, who celebrated his special day on Monday! Wishing you a fun week and year ahead, Chris! #BetterRehab #Teamwork #RedefinePossible #Birthday
06.01.2022 Happy Easter! From all of our wonderful staff to you, we hope you are having a fantastic break and look forward to being back on deck to help with any needs on Tuesday. #Easter #HappyEaster #BetterRehab
06.01.2022 While the holidays should be a time to relax, it can become a stressful time for those dealing with difficulties with regards to their personal independence or mental health. During this season of giving, we remind our participants, carers and staff to make sure to also give themselves plenty of time to rest, breathe and recharge! #BetterRehab #Holidays #StressRelief
06.01.2022 Chocolate for lunch? Yes please! Our wonderful Speech Pathologist, Bronte has been working with Tori to use her recently approved eye gaze system. Here, Tori & Bronte are discussing what they should have for lunch and it looks like chocolate is the winner! Tori also loves to share jokes with Bronte, and they are always sure to be hilarious . We cant wait for the next update from Bronte and perhaps a joke to share from Tori!
06.01.2022 Proud Company Moment! Although Cristiano has had to relocate to Cairns temporarily, our Occupational Therapist, Sarah has been able to maintain Cristianos momentum by using Telehealth. Cristiano highly rated the experience and noted that, with the virtual beach background, he felt calm and cool after the session . #LetsTalkBenefits! #OccupationalTherapy #Regional #Telehealth
05.01.2022 Are you graduating this year, or have you graduated within the last 12 months? Applications are now open for our 2021 MDT Graduate Program! Please click on the link for more information #BetterRehab #MDTGraduateProgram #GradProgram #OccupationalTherapy #SpeechPathology #Physiotherapy
04.01.2022 We are so excited to see Ali scooting around the community on his brand new mobility scooter! Previously, Ali was using a manual wheelchair that he has had for the past 12 years. Ali was only able to travel short distances in his manual wheelchair and he required a support worker when he was out and about. However, things are looking up for Ali as our OT Emma has successfully managed to get a brand new mobility scooter approved for him, and its one that he has had his eye on... for a while! With his new scooter, Ali can now redefine what is possible and he can enjoy going out independently within the community. Plus, the best part is that he can now go to the park with his grandchildren! We hope you continue to enjoy your new scooter, Ali and we cant wait to hear about all the adventures you go on. #BetterRehab #NDIS #redefinepossible #mobilityscooter #NDISprovider #rehabilitation See more
03.01.2022 Happy September! Last week the Better Rehab teams across Australia celebrated #EOFY with a day of fun activities. The day started with some exercises to get us thinking, followed by lunch (with a side of dress ups!) and painting in the afternoon! What a colourful way to end the financial year #BetterRehab #Teamwork #NDISProvider #EOFYCelebration
03.01.2022 Telehealth Success! Our amazing Physiotherapist Nikki has captured some great moments with her participants on the Gold Coast. We are so excited that our Telehealth services have received wonderful client feedback! With our team of expert clinicians, we can help you stay on track to reach your goals, with the same quality of service you have come to expect from Better Rehab. All you need is a computer, tablet or smart phone (which you can also purchase through your NDIS core funding!!) and our therapists will help you with the rest! To find out more call 1300 0 REHAB (1300 073 422) or send an email enquiry to [email protected]
03.01.2022 Look at this delicious salmon and vegetable dish prepared by Adrian! Adrian has been working with our Occupational Therapist Georgia to enhance his confidence and independence in meal preparation. He wants to achieve this goal so he need not rely on family for support or assistance. Now he feels more confident in preparing a meal himself! His future goals include taking on other household tasks, including laundry and cleaning. #OccupationalTherapy #BetterRehab #NDIS #NDISRegistered
02.01.2022 Meet Shaun! Shaun is an avid gamer and a lover of all things technology! Shaun booked an assessment with OT Tiffany at Better Rehab to trial Virtual Reality (VR), with the aim of improving upper limb function in a way that is meaningful to him. It was great to see both Shaun and Tiffany having fun with VR! #BetterRehab #VirtualReality #OccupationalTherapy #VR #OT #Rehabilitation
02.01.2022 At Better Rehab we are always looking for innovative ways to improve our participants therapy and care. Accessing and utilising the latest world class technology is part of our core strengths as a Premier Allied Health Provider. One of these technologies is the Philips CoughAssist which simulates a natural cough for people with respiratory conditions! Contact us to speak with our Physiotherapy team about how the Philips CoughAssist could help you, and together, lets redefine possible! #Philips #BetterRehab #PhilipsCoughAssist #RedefinePossible #Physiotherapy #AlliedHealth #NDIS #NDISProvider
02.01.2022 One of the ways our Positive Behaviour Support practitioners encourage positive behaviour is by helping our participants establish routines. Consistent and predictable routines bring structure and order to a person's day, allowing them to relax and feel safe. #PositiveBehaviourSupport #Routines #BetterRehab #NDIS #NDISRegistered
02.01.2022 Tune in tomorrow at 11am to see our Physiotherapists, Nikki and Adina talk about exercise and MND! Please refer to the details below to see how you can access the presentation.
02.01.2022 Would you like use your NDIS Core Funding to purchase much needed Telehealth devices? Well now you can! With the help of our OTs, we can provide advice on which device is the best for you and write a letter in support of this to help you stay connected!
01.01.2022 We have an update on Super Sue! You may recall Sue independently took her first steps by herself in Dec last year. Now look at her! Sue has increased her stride length, her posture and can walk so much further without assistance! She is much more confident with her walking since working with her physio Adina, and is definitely taking steps in the direction to achieve her goals!
01.01.2022 What a great week! Our Physiotherapist, Andy helped get this wheelchair approved for Thelma who had some pretty complex seating needs. Before Andys input, Thelma couldnt sit in her other chair for long because it didnt support her properly, so she was spending most of her time in bed. With her swanky new wheelchair in place, Thelma can now sit in the common room with everyone else! We are so pleased to be part of improving her quality of life and its great to see Thelma and her family so happy #proudaspunch #BetterRehab #rehabilitation #NDIS #NDISProvider #wheelchairapproval
01.01.2022 Did you know that 1 in 2 adults with diabetes remain undiagnosed? This World Diabetes Day, we join the call to raise awareness about the crucial role of nurses in diabetes diagnosis and care. As Allied Health practitioners, we work alongside nurses and other members of the healthcare community in supporting our participants living with disability and diabetes. #WorldDiabetesDay #NursesMakeTheDifference #BetterRehab #NDIS #AlliedHealth
01.01.2022 Our Speech Pathologist, Matt shared some great information at the Online MND Support Group Meeting. Click below to view the webinar!
01.01.2022 Happy International Day of Friendship! At Better Rehab we are proud of all the friendships that we have with each other and our participants. We are lucky to have a team of people who genuinely care about one another and work hard to achieve the best results for our participants #BetterRehab #NDIS #rehabilitation #internationaldayoffriendship #redefinepossible
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