Better Surf Marketplace in Manly, New South Wales | Sport & recreation
Better Surf Marketplace
Locality: Manly, New South Wales
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25.01.2022 Its on! We got a last minute invite to the Resuscitative TEE workshop at the Northern Beaches Hospital tomorrow. Wont translate well to the remote hospital but cool to see what the future of ivory tower resuscitation has to offer. @surfingdoctors hit us up if theres any questions youd like me to ask, Ill be preparing a little overview to share with you guys when our conference in GLand rolls around. Big thanks to the world famous Dr Cliff Reid for the invite! #resuscitativetee #resuscitation #bels #calmness #toefetish #joyos
24.01.2022 Sometimes it’s good to have a world-class first aid kit with you, like the #calmasfirstaid - but other times it’s prudent to just not go. #pullbackincase #nogo #calmas photographer unknown, pls tag if it’s yours
24.01.2022 Legitimately blue sky in Sydney! First weve seen in months. Moderate southerly today, hope this means the rains provided some reprieve down south #bushfire #bluesky #manlybeach
24.01.2022 This is our @bettersurfoz #calmasfirstaidkit for surfers. A comprehensive first aid kit if shit goes down. Travel is opening up, people are heading for Indo, so be prepared. Link in bio or hit us up for more details...
23.01.2022 Very impressive lecture from Dr Megan King, emergency doc specialising in paediatric trauma (injured kids) at todays PEMcourse in Brisbane. Dr Jon Cohen was in attendance and got some pearls that will be making their way into his upcoming contributions to the BWRAG summit in Torquay, Surfing doctors conference in GLand, and ALS courses at HMAS Penguin #BWRAG#Surfingdoctors#stopthebleed#calmas#surfersfirstaid#paediatrictrauma
23.01.2022 Hats off to Dr Josh Holden for putting together his CoVId specific critical care lung / cardiac ECHO module together and sharing it for FREE with the Surfong Doctors and Northern Beaches hospital crew. Good on ya Josh #covidultrasound #viralpneumonitis #ards #northernbeachessydney #manlysurf #calmasfirstaid #pocus
23.01.2022 !!!!!!Glory!!!!!! #rain
22.01.2022 Instructions for the unthinkable: Dr Jon Cohen and the Shark Bite First Aid Kit
21.01.2022 Sometimes all you need is a quick session and a few waves under the belt. #surftravel #surftravels #girlsurfersrip #bettersurfmarketplace #calmas
21.01.2022 Famous in Kal! On the back of the super successful shark bite night in Esperance earlier this year, Calm As First Aid, the Ocean Support Group and the Surfing Doctors got a nod in the Kalgoorlie Miner. Biggest print media weve had yet! Yeeew!!! #Calmasfirstaid #surfersfirstaid #yachtclub #stopthebleed #narescue #cattourniquet #greatwhiteattacks #australiasharks #sharkattack #hemcon #esperancesurfers
20.01.2022 Quikclot combat gauze, another vital element to #stopthebleed
19.01.2022 New equipment, new kits, and a whole lot of information going to be released soon. Watch this space #bettersurf
19.01.2022 Full house at the shark bite management night down in Esperance this evening...thanks to Dr Jon Cohen for sharing his knowledge, Mitch Capelli for organising, David Swan and the Esperance Yacht Club for hosting on short notice, West wetsuits for supporting, and most of all the Ocean Safety Group and everyone who attended for sharing their questions, stories and contributing to a beautiful community event #greatwhiteshark #australiana #sharkattack #stopthebleed... #tourniquet #surfingwa #westernaustralia #wa #northamericanrescue #swatt #communityevents #resilient #esperance See more
19.01.2022 If you're in any way sketched about a certain surf spot, take a Calm As... Shark Bite First Aid Slam Pack with you, just for peace of mind. The Slam Pack has been designed with one thing in mind, and that's to Stop The Bleed #stopthebleed #calmas #firstaidforsurfers
19.01.2022 Sometimes the lip can hit you hard and send you down towards the coral. Coral cuts can be gnarly. Best to travel with a #calmasfirstaid kit, just in case of emergencies. Especially if you like to charge #surfinjuriessuck #calmasfirstaidkits #calmas #surfingdoctors
18.01.2022 Nature finding a way...regrowth on the south coast after the devastating fires just a few months back. Amazing to see the resilience of the people and the forest on our east coast. Lets hope this devastation serves to wake us all up and do a bit more for this beautiful world weve lucked into #southcoast #bushfiresaustralia #regrowth #nswfires #calmacalma #surfcoast
17.01.2022 The North American Rescue Combat Application Tourniquet (CAT) Available on the website for AUD$60 $60.00
17.01.2022 Empty perfection yesterday morning #surfingwa #westernaustralia #wa #pumpingsurf... #cleanwater #esperancefans See more
16.01.2022 A nice little high speed trim line is sometimes all you need. #keepitreal #calmas #calmasfirstaidkits
16.01.2022 Who said you cant get a bank to yourself in Sydney? An empty stretch on the northern beaches last week #australiana #sharkattack #curlcurl ... #beachesandcream #concalma #calmasfirstaidkits #stopthebleeding #tourniquet #manlysurf See more
15.01.2022 Stock for our next round of kits has started arriving...some exciting news coming soon!!! #sich #swatt #stopthebleed #traumafirstaid #sharkattack
15.01.2022 Soon time for Hawaii. The North Shore lifeguards are some of the best in the world, and usually have a busy time over the winter #surfinjuriessuck #calmasfirstaidkits
14.01.2022 Back in the water - Kelpies was super fun this morning, our soon to be released Shark Bite Pack on the beach for backup, SWAT in the wettie. Rolling with the never need it when its there vibe. So many fun little waves down here... #esperance_lovers #pumpingsurf #surfwax ... greatwhiteshark #australiana #sharkattack #stopthebleeding #tourniquet #surfingwa #westernaustralia #wa See more
13.01.2022 The view from the surfing apocylypse...morning spot check in a smoked out Manly beach #australiabushfires #instasurf #manlysurf #bushfiresun #apocalypseart #sydney_insta surf
13.01.2022 Ok so it’s not the most sensitive Christmas gift going, but it’s something that is really great to buy, for yourself, for your partner or for a friend. The #calmasfirstaidkits are crammed with all the medical gear that you will need for any first aid dramas, surf-related or otherwise. For a full review of what’s inside the kit, check out the website - link in bio #bettersurfmarketplace #calmasfirstaid
11.01.2022 No takers at Kelpies today #esperance #surfwa #greatwhiteshark #australiana... #sharkattack #stopthebleeding #tourniquet See more
11.01.2022 The Calm As... Surfers First Aid Kit and the Calm As...Shark Bite First Aid Slam Pack are both vital and essential for any surfer travelling, or even surfing off the beaten track. Better to be safe... #surfersfirstaid #surfingdoctors #calmasfirstaidkits
11.01.2022 Spice for sure. Got to surf with Drigo and his other super-grom mate Ryan Kainalo for a couple weeks in the Ments last year - 2 of the nicest groms Ive ever surfed with. Super stoked in the lineup bringing the right kind of froth, super polite and not at all hassling. Great on an open face but they both have a good nose sniffing out the barrels as well. Rodrigo rips and brings great vibes along with him - these guys both deserve all the success coming their way.
11.01.2022 Exciting new project with giving us a quick break from the studies. This brand new vascular doppler system will be used to give participants in our courses real-time feedback on their tourniquet application technique. Covid may have crushed the courses we planned to teach with @b.w.r.a.g , @surfingdoctors , @macaronis_resort , @gland_joyos and @westsurfing_official this year, but were still plugging away at our goal of zero preventable shark-related fatalities. More@exciting news coming soon! #stopthebleed #hemcon #haemorrhagecontrol #marinetourniquet #calmate #manlysurf #sharkattacksurvivor
11.01.2022 Dawn and dusk sessions are often the best times ever. Just take precautions, have a #calmas first aid kit or a shark bite slam pack, to be safe. #rathersafethansorry #calmasfirstaidkits #calmasfirstaid
10.01.2022 The Calm As... First Aid Kit For Surfers. Don't go surfing without one. #bettersurf #calmas #firstaidkitsforsurfers
10.01.2022 Another surfer taken before his time today on the east coast. Our thoughts are with his friends and family. Knowledge of tourniquet application could be the X-factor that saves a mates life. The SWAT-T fits into your chest zip so its on hand if tragedy strikes far from shore, while the CAT is the gold standard to stop the bleed when back on land. Both available at #stopthebleed #surferstourniquet #surfersfirstaid #calmas #surfingdoctors #greatwhiteattack #greatwhitesharks #sharkattacksurvivor #sharkattack
10.01.2022 Its official - well be a retailer for the gold standard military tourniquet in addition to the SWAT-T and Omna watermens tourniquets. Weve just received stock and will be ready to begin shipping soon! The CAT is a great addition to your on the beach or in the car first aid kit. Look out for demo videos and an update to our FREE Surfers First Aid Book #CAT#NARescue#SWATT#firstaid#surfwa#manlysurf#stopthebleed
10.01.2022 Our first batch of the #calmassharkattackslampack kits, that have proven to be pretty popular in these unusual times #slampack #sharkattackslampack
10.01.2022 Live update on Covid 19 streaming from EmRap - hope to get the lowdown on whether our Indo plans for this year will be shot!!! Tune in! #corona #surfingdoctors #calmas
10.01.2022 Borders are opening, international travel is around the corner. Do you have your #calmas First Aid Kit for Surfers? Get them on the @bettersurfoz marketplace #calmasfirstaidkits #calmasfirstaid
10.01.2022 Big thanks to Derek @beach_grit for helping us spread the word about tourniquets for surfers today. Really hoping we can line up a demonstration night when were down in Esperance next month! #swat #stopthebleed #preventabledeath... #australiansharks #combattourniquet #instasurf #sharkattack #kelpies #esperance #greatwhiteshark See more
09.01.2022 A couple on offer at Chapmans Point yesterday before all beaches in town got closed in light of the recent events. Felt a bit better with a SWAT in my wetsuit and our custom Surfers Stop the Bleed kit on the beach. Cant seem to get away from the bushfire smoke no matter where we head these days... #esperance #greatwhiteshark #australiana #sharkattack ... #stopthebleeding #tourniquet #surfingwa #westernaustralia #wa #pumpingsurf #cleanwater #bushfiresaustralia #swatt See more
09.01.2022 Beachgrit with some proactive media coverage, helping us get the tourniquet message out there. Thanks guys! #stopthebleed #surfersfirstaid #tourniquetssavelives #margaretriverpro #greatwhitesharks
07.01.2022 At least its surfable again! Curl curl making the most of a small south swell and gentle winds. SWAT in the wettie, CAT in the ute #greatwhiteshark #australiana... #sharkattack #curlcurl #mushburger #stopthebleeding #tourniquet #manlysurf See more
07.01.2022 Rock jumps can get gnarly, and at worst can result in a few cuts and scrapes. It's a good idea to have a Calm As... First Aid Kit For Surfers on hand, just in case... #calmasfirstaidkits #firstaidkitsforsurfers
05.01.2022 The SWAT-T is still the best tourniquet to take with in the water while youre surfing. Still, you need to get your head around how to use it. #bettersurfmarketplace #calmas #calmasfirstaidkits #calmasfirstaid
05.01.2022 First batch of custom bags for the shark bite management packs have arrived! A few more custom goodies on their way and well be ready to start packing them up and getting them over to Esperance! #calmas #stopthebleed #surferstyle #surfersfirstaid #stopthebleed #australiasharkcull #oceansafety
05.01.2022 Always good to have a plan B - great summary from the legendary teacher and thought leader Dr Mike Schertz on what to do when your commercial tourniquet fails, there are multiple limbs involved or multiple injured people. The Calm As First Aid Kits have everything you need to quickly craft such a backup, and were now selling a carefully selected set of tourniquets we think best suit the surfing community at Thanks Mike! #stopthebleed #crisimed #firstaid #calmas #surfdocs #omna #narescue #softt #sharkattack #hemcon #manlysurfschool
04.01.2022 If the waves get a bit more serious, and the bottom is sharp, make sure that you have some First Aid gear with you and the knowledge of how to use it. There is the Calm AsCoastal Cruiser Surfer’s First Aid Kit that retails for $160.00 at that has everything you need to confidently manage all of the major injuries you’ll encounter in the water, on the trail or on the road. All contents selected by a panel of expert Surfing Doctors after decades of experience in the Emergency room, on the road and in the jungle.
03.01.2022 Were on - public forum and medical management of shark bites tonight st the yacht club. If any other docs, nurses or paramedics are around and want to lend a hand overseeing tourniquet application and sharing story get in touch or simply come on down. #greatwhiteshark #australiana #sharkattack ... #tourniquet #surfingwa #westernaustralia #esperance_lovers #stjohnsambulance #stopthebleed See more
03.01.2022 Wild wind swings on the east coast - northerly overnight bringing a fun but smoky offshore morning in Sydney, followed by a strong southerly clearing the smoke this evening. Hope it dies before getting to the fires up north #bushfiresunset #australiafires #bushfire ... #manlysurf #sydneysmoke #instasurfing #instafire See more
03.01.2022 It official - Better Surf is the first and only place for surfers to get the industry standard CAT military tourniquets to stop life threatening bleeds. Alongside our other surfer-specific tourniquets by Omna and the SWAT-T, BEtter Surf truly is the one stop shop for the safety conscious chargers out there #Calmas#stopthebleed#northamericanrescue#omna#swatt#combattourniquet#greatwhiteshark#surfinjuries#surfaidkit#surfersfirstaid#surfwa
03.01.2022 It's a simple barrel, but a bad wipe-out might become a drama. Always be prepared with a Calm As... First Aid Kit For Surfers from Better Surf -
02.01.2022 Esperance yesterday morning - as beautiful as beaches get! Our condolences to everyone affected by yesterdays shark-related tragedy that happened at pretty much the same time this photo was taken. Our hearts are with you #esperance #luckybay #cullisland #whitepointers
02.01.2022 Small and Junky Curly last week - not too small for the White that was spotted around the corner an hour earlier. Felt good to get wet knowing we had the tourniquet on the beach in the off chance it was needed #greatwhiteshark #australiana #sharkattack #curlcurl ... #mushburger #stopthebleeding #tourniquet #manlysurf #concalma #calmasfirstaidkits #surfersfirstaid See more
02.01.2022 If you're travelling, it's always a good idea to have some sort of First Aid Kit. There are a few variations on the website
01.01.2022 Torquay next on the list! Froth is building as we prepare to do some teaching at the first big wave summit of the year down under @bwrag @surfingdoctors @patagonia_surf #bigwaves#stopthebleed#surfersfirstaid#firstaidtraining
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